Wednesday, October 16, 2024

When We Told You Plastic Recycling Was Bollocks We Were Callled Anti - science Conspiracy Theorists

 by The Boggart Bloggers, 16 October 2024

Pollution of our environment by industrial activity has been recognised as a growing problem since the 1950s. For years the political and business establishments aided and abetted by mainstream media have been diverting public public attention from the stuff  that is really messing up the world we live in by demonising Carbon Dioxide, a trace atmospheric gas made up of one Carbon atom bonded to two Oxygen atoms, that far from being a pollutant is actually essential to the continuation of life on this planet (if you're wondering why, all life forms, bacteria, insects, worms, vegetation of all kinds, fish, birds, mammals (including us,) are carbon based life forms. Think it through.

The problem for Carbon Dioxide is that it is released by the processes involved in many of the dirtiest, smelliest, noisiest industrial and agricultural activities. This makes it an easy target for the green loons of the environment lobby and not-very-bright denizens of our great universities to blame for pollution problems when they have been paid by global corporations to shift blame from the real culprits, one of which is plastics.

 It's easy to understand why the corporate Godfathers want to protect the plastics industry, the world is burying itself in plastic, mostly single use plastic packaging. The stuff is everywhere, it is even, as you read, insinuating itself in the form of micro-particles into your vital organs. And as it decomposes it releases the toxic shite it is made from. But as everybody knows, toxic shite is the stuff money is made from.

Consumers rightly want something to be done about plastic pollution. Recycling is something, we're told by the politicians, establishment types, media mendicants and corporate Godfathers. Therefore oil companies, manufacturers and retailers are doing it. The trouble is there are many types of plastic, quite a lot of which are either impossible or very difficult to recycle.

This inconvenient fact does not trouble the not-very-bright denizens of our great universities, they have no interest in things like cost - benefit analysis because their revenue stream comes from research grant phishing, thus many of these initiatives are ill conceived and counter productive, some fall way short of their intended purpose, some would cost $£€100 times more than they would save and others actively cause more environmental damage than they are preventing. 

For example, in 2021, the UK supermarket chain Tesco set up bins in its stores in which customers could leave their difficult-to-recycle “soft plastics”, like the low density polyethylene from shopping bags and film lids. At the time the company boldly forecast it would “collect more than 1,000 tonnes a year” and planned to “recycle as much of this material as possible back into products and packaging sold in Tesco stores”.

However, according to a recent investigation by the Environment Agency and the pressure group Everyday Plastic, the vast majority of this waste ended up being incinerated rather than being recycled. ClientEarth, a non-government organisation that specialises in environmental law, says the results of the investigation shows this and othee supermarket soft plastic take-back schemes are misleading customers.

The problem appears to be widespread and certainly not limited to soft plastics. According to Greenpeace and Everyday Plastic, 58 per cent of all plastic waste in the UK is incinerated, 14 per cent is exported to other countries and 11 per cent is sent to landfill. Just 17 per cent is actually recycled.

Another initiative to encourage consumers to sent plastic waste for recycling, The Big Plastic Count was run across a week in May and its results show that the average household threw away 66 pieces of plastic per week. Based on those figures the organisers, Greenpeace and Everyday Plastic, estimate that the UK throws out nearly 100 billion pieces of plastic a year.

The survey involved nearly 100,000 households each recording the type and amount of plastic they dispose of for seven days. Organisers say the results prove that recycling alone is not a solution for reducing how much plastic ends up either as landfill or being burned..

"This is a jaw-dropping amount of plastic waste," Greenpeace UK's plastics campaigner Chris Thorne said. "Pretending we can sort this with recycling is just industry green-wash. We're creating a hundred billion bits of waste plastic a year, and recycling is hardly making a dent."

These statistics might surprise the gullible, Greta -worshipping green loons but they will not shock anybody who knows anything about either plastic or recycling.

The UK government publishes data, external about the amount of plastic waste being collected from households and the latest statistics (2021) show that more than 2.5 million tonnes of plastic packaging waste was created. The paltry amount actually recycled is shown above.

"We are going further to tackle single use plastics through our landmark Environment Act," a spokesperson for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural affairs said. They highlighted measures that had already been taken to restrict the supply of plastic straws and cotton buds and said proposals were being finalising for a deposit return scheme for plastic bottles.

The vast majority of plastic that people use, and in many cases put into their blue recycling bins, is headed to landfills, or worse, according to a report from Greenpeace on the state of plastic recycling in the U.S.A. so in spite of the virtue signalling they are no better at recycling than we Europeans.

The Greenpeace report cites separate data published in May this year which revealed that the amount of plastic actually turned into new things (presumably the old coke bottles into fleece jackets thing,) has fallen to new lows of around 5%. I guess everybody who wanted a fleece jacket has one now.)That number is expected to drop even further as more plastic is being produced every year.

Greenpeace found that no plastic — not even soda bottles, one of the most prolific items thrown into recycling bins — meets the threshold to be called "recyclable" according to standards set by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation New Plastic Economy Initiative. Plastic must have a recycling rate of 30% to reach that standard; no plastic has ever been recycled and reused close to that rate.

"More plastic is being produced, and an even smaller percentage of it is being recycled," Lisa Ramsden, senior plastic campaigner for Greenpeace U.S.A. observed. "The crisis just gets worse and worse, and without drastic change will continue to worsen as the industry plans to triple plastic production by 2050."

Waste management experts say the problem with plastic is that it is expensive to collect and sort. There are now thousands of different types of plastic, and none of them can be melted down together. Persuading consumers to sort their plastic waste is impossible as training is needed to be able to differentiate the various kinds and paying people to sort it would only add a further cost to an already unviable business model.

Plastic also degrades after one or two uses. Greenpeace found the more plastic is reused the more toxic it becomes. What did we old 'conspiracy theorists tell you up at the top of the article?

New plastic, on the other hand, is cheap and easy to produce. The result is that plastic trash has few markets — a reality the green lobby has not wanted to hear and does not want the public to hear.

The problem with reducing plastic pollution now is the need to re-educate individuals that a great deal of the material they have been told is sent for recycling into useful stuff is ending up in a landfill, or an incinerator. A Greenpeace official said. "It's not going to a recycling facility and being recycled. It's going to a recycling facility and being landfilled somewhere else because industry can't do anything with that material."

That message has been difficult for the public to absorb with so many different bins in public spaces, and their own communities telling them to put their plastic in recycling containers. 




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Governments and Corporations Using Bad Science To Rob Us
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(N.B. The Greenteeth Labyrinth is not a reference to a commitment to political organisations like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the WWF or to the neo Nazi of climate scirnce. Our company is named after nether-weorld creature Jenny Greenteeth, a Boggart and our CEO (Chief Ectoplasmic Officer)

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