The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, May 05, 2017

ISIS Tells French Muslims To Launch Election Day Attacks

ISIS has issued a 'fat arse' or whatever they call it, to Muslims in France to "kill candidates" and "burn down polling stations" as the country gets ready to vote in the second round of the presidential election on Sunday.

An article published in the French edition of the terrorist organisation's monthly propaganda sheet “Rumiyah” calls on all Muslims in France to play their part in disrupting the democratic process, stating: “Don't forget your duty as a Muslim. Choose a candidate to kill & polling station to burn.”

Comparing Western societies to '?âghût' or idol worship, Islamic State tells supporters not to vote   runoff between Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and his rival, Right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen but instead put their faith in Allah over a ‘false deity’.

Addressing the question of tactical voting, voting for one candidate over the other as the ‘lesser of the two evils’ (presumably favouring Macron who supports mass immigration and says French culture must change to integrate with the Muslim culture of immigrants), the shitsheet rejects the argument, because both candidates are '?âghût' or idolaters.

Instead, the article advises supporters to not stand idly by but to destroy ‘idolatrous’ voting booths, calling them “places of shirk” or sin.

Drawing inspiration from the bible's Book of Genesis, the writer references the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who destroyed the idols of his father’s household.
“Our father Ibrâhîm was thrown into the fire by his people after having destroyed and denigrated their idols,” notes the author, before concluding with a chilling message “Burn these places of shirk (sin), kill the candidates, the voters and the polling station staff. Spare no disbelievers.”
Although attempting to encourage Muslim migration to its caliphate and continuing with its reign of global terror, ISIS seems uninterested in influencing the outcome of an election by endorsing a pro-Muslim candidate who would implement policies to facilitate the process of Islamification.

Marine Le Pen, the candidate of much anti-Islam rhetoric, has vowed to oppose Islamist fundamentalism and has been critical of Muslim women wearing headscarves.


So London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Loves Integration And Tolerance Does He?

London Mayors links to terrorism and Islamic extremism exposed. When The Labour Party put up Sadiq Khan as their candidate for Mayor of London it was seen as a cynical ploy, it is well known that Labour voters will vote for a dog turd if it has a red rosette stuck on it, so obviously feeling confident enough to take around 40% of the vote for granted it was a politically smart move to pitch for the votes of London's large and growing Muslim population ...

German Opposition Party Warns, Nation Is "At The Edge Of Anarchy, Civil War Is Coming"
As the stituation in German society deteriorates each day due to the vast swarm of lawless, uneducated, infidel hating illegal immigrants that Housfrau Volksfuhrer invited to travel to Germany and replace the established population, social commentators are predicting the country will slide into civil unrest and possibly full scale conflict between supporters of immigration and patriotic Germans

The EU Just Forced Members to Accept Migrants Through Qualified Majority Voting,

The European Union’s (EU) own interior ministers today forced through a plan to allocate at least 120,000 migrants across EU member states, regardless as to whether or not the countries own populations, or their governments agreed. The new rule will see migrants redistributed across EU member states despite objections from Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, because QMV gives greater weight to the votes of the big EU member states than it does to those with smaller economies and populations ...

Stephen Nolan’s Pro-Migrant Stance - Boggart Blog Pays Tribute With Fat Bastard by The Macc Lads

The BBC will not accept any criticism when it comes to anything of a political nature. They would never back down.There is, it seems, no one in the entire institution who is not radically left wing and they are waging ideological war against the general population and against British culture and values.

Sham Marriages To Beat Immigration Laws Are Out Of Control

With main immigration news on being dominated by the Mediterranean boat people crisis and the masses at Calais hoping to stow away in a freight container, we forget that another way of getting somebody into the country is the sham marriage. Numbers involved may be small, but it is another indication of our governments' failure to address the immigration problem.

The Charge Of The Anti-enlightenment Brigade
I don’t know if many of you remember London's Atheist Bus a few years ago. It toured the city bearing adverts that read: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’ and was a great success[ ... ] this demonstrates the Sheeple - like tendencies of those who claim they have reason on their side: the religious propagandist with the sandwich board saying ‘repent, the end is nigh' was always the subject of jokes. Why do the opposing side now feel the need to parade high tech sandwich boards saying, "no need to repent, the end isn't nigh'?

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.

We've had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Electoral Reform in Britain - Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?

After every British election, when around a quarter of voters find the party they voted for is hardly represented in the House Of Commons (In 2015, 8 per cent of the votes equals just 8 of the 650 members, while a party with 13% has just one), people who believe in democracy try to start a debate about reforming the voting system. And as ever, supporters of the two main parties, which benefit most from the current undemocratic system, try to stifle debate.

Elderly face NHS discrimination as new United Nations plan defines death targets for nations

Leaders of the western powers, anxious it seems to divest themselves of responsibility while extending and tightening their grip on power, are happy to promote the United Nations as a de facto World Government. The problem is the United Nations employs as advisers and bureaucrats many people whose authoritarian and racist political position makes Herr Hitler look positively liberal.

EU Refugee Quota Scheme Unravels

The European Union (EU) faces many battles, from the one to stop the sigle currency system falling apart as nations like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal find the costs ofr membership outweigh the benefits, to it's latest, the Mediterranean boat people crisis as more and more people try to cross from North African to Europe illegally, with the help of human tafficking racketeers.

Mediterranean Immigrant Crisis - EU plays politics with lives

The story of the migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of north Africa to Italy is a humanitarian crisis. But when the British government offered Royal Navy ships to help with rescue operations and in bringing to justice the ruthless criminals who take exhorbitant feees then put hundreds of lives at risk by herding their clients onto unseaworthy, overloaded boats, European Union officials started to attach political conditions to UK help

Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School

Western civilization at the present day is in a crisis different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies have changed their social or cultural values under the influence of external forces or by gradual development. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests being imposed ...

Index of posts on France

A Song Of Servitude


Champagne Socialists

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