The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Russia Revealed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade

After loading up with oil, a truck convoy in east Syria heads toward Turkey in direction Al-Qamishli: (Image source)

The situation in the middle east continues to deteriorate, with at least some western leaders having woken up to the fact that NATO member and European Union applicant Turkey has been playing a double game, sucking up to western leaders and particularly Barack Obama, the former Chicago Bath House Blo Ho who now sells his office as cheaply as he formerly sold his orifice, while at the same time, illegally and in violation of every international treaty and United Nations resolution prohibiting nations financially supporting, trading with or giving aid to terrorists, has been buying oil from ISIS, thus funding their operation.

Turkey is also alleged to have been acting as a conduit for the supply of arms and ammunition from the USA to ISIS, but that's another story.

SultanPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan said something funny this week. It wasn't very funny, but hey, a tyrant with anything resembling a sense o humour is to be treasured. In response Russia's claim, made by foreign affairs chief, Sergei Lavrov,that Russia has indisputable proof of the direct involvement of Turkey, and specifically President Edrogan's family, in Islamic State’s illicit crude trade, Erdogan said he would resign if anyone could prove the accusations.

Now obviously, conclusive evidence, the smoking gun, that Ankara is knowingly laundering ISIS crude into western spot markets will probably quite elusive, at least in the short-term, but the comical aspect of Erdogan’s pronouncement is that it was made by a man willing to trigger a civil war over a few lost seats in the national assembly that would have enabled his opponents to force his resignation. The idea of him ever willingly stepping down is farcical.

More important that rigiculing a tyrant (although that is alway an important task) is that the world will learn the truth of who has been financing ISIS and facilitating "Raqqa’s Rockefellers." If a NATO member is supporting this, and if the US has turned a blind eye to the vast convoys of tanker truck rolling across Syria from ISIS oil wells to Turkey's oil terminals on the Mediterranean for 14 months as part of an understanding with Erdogan, well then we have a problem. And while not conclusive the evidence strongly suggests we have a big problem.

First, here’s the bullet point summary via Reuters:


in the Drer-ez-zor region a satellite imagte reveals 1772 oil trucks: Image source

Unfortunately for Edrogan et fils, The Kremlin has lined up its big guns and is on a mission to blow tear the NATO / US / EU hypocrisy on Syria apart. The USA was never really interested in defeating ISIS, an organisation formed, if convincing but not quite conclusive evidence is accepted,) by the USA with the aim of completing a plan made by the bush Administration to overthow the Assad regime, the last obstacle to a direct pipeline from the Persian Gulf oil and gas fields to the Mediterranean and into Europe. Washington and their allies would have got away with it too, had those pesky Russians not interfered, but then the plan was about undermining Russia's oil and gas trade with Europe. Din anyone expect them to sit back and say, "Fair ply to you, you beat us this time."

Now that Edrogan's Turkey has decided it can shoot down Russian fighter planes that do not violate Turkish airspace but Russia cannot shoot down Turkish planes that DO violate Syrian airspace, it's game on. The latest from Russia, where the Defense Ministry has just issued a briefing on the Islamic State oil trade (shown here with English voice over). To put it bluntly, Turkey is in trouble.

A transcript of the full statement from Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoly Antonov is below. Let us be the first to tell you, Antonov did not hold back.

At a briefing for the media, "the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the fight against international terrorism. The new data" Anatoly Anatov delivered this address:

"International terrorism - is the main threat of our time. This threat is not illusory but real, and many countries, primarily Russia, knows this firsthand. The notorious "Is Islamic state" - the absolute leader of the terrorist international. This is a rearing monster of international terrorism can be countered. And you can win. Over the past two months, Aerospace Russian forces is clearly demonstrated.

We are firmly convinced that victory over LIH need to deliver a powerful and devastating blow to the sources of its funding, as repeatedly mentioned by President Vladimir Putin. Terrorism has no money - is a beast without teeth. Oil revenues are a major source of terrorist activity in Syria. They earn about $ 2 billion. Dollars annually, spending this money on hiring fighters around the world, providing them with weapons, equipment and weapons. That's why so LIH protects thieves oil infrastructure in Syria and Iraq.

The main consumer of stolen from legitimate owners - Syria and Iraq - the oil is Turkey. According to the data entered in this criminal business involved the highest political leadership of the country - President Erdogan and his family.

We have repeatedly talked about the dangers of flirting with terrorists. It's like that stokes. The fire from one country can spill over to others. This situation we are seeing in the Middle East. Today, we present only part of the facts, confirming that the region has a team of bandits and Turkish elites stealing oil from the neighbors.

This oil in large numbers on an industrial scale, for the living pipelines from thousands of oil tankers entering the territory of Turkey. We are absolutely convinced today present you the hard facts about what the final destination of the stolen oil - Turkey. There is a large number of media representatives, and Our briefing will see more of your colleagues. In this regard, I would like to say the following. We know and appreciate the work of journalists. We know that in the journalistic community, many courageous, fearless people honestly do its job.Today, we have clearly shown you how the illegal trade in oil, the result of which - the financing of terrorism. Provided concrete evidence that, in our opinion, may be the subject of investigative journalism.

We are confident that the truth with your help will, will find its way. We know the price to Erdogan. He has already been caught in a lie again Turkish journalists who opened Turkey delivery of arms and ammunition to militants under the guise of humanitarian convoys. For this imprisoned journalists.

Do not resign Turkish leaders, particularly Mr. Erdogan, and did not recognize, even if their faces will be smeared by oil thieves. I might be too harsh, but at the hands of the Turkish military killed our comrades. The cynicism of the Turkish leadership is unlimited. Look what they're doing ?! Climbed to a foreign country, it shamelessly robbed. And if the owners interfere, then they have to be addressed.

I stress that Erdogan's resignation is not our goal. It is - it is the people of Turkey. Our goal and the goal to which we urge you, ladies and gentlemen, - joint action to block the sources of funding for terrorism. We will continue to provide evidence of robbery by Turkey of its neighbors. Maybe I'll be too straightforward, but the control of these thieves in business can be entrusted only to the most close people.

No one in the West, I wonder, does not cause the issue that the son of the President of Turkey is the leader of one of the largest energy companies, and son-in-appointed Minister of Energy? What a brilliant family business!

This, in general, may elsewhere? Well, once again, of course, such cases can not be charging anyone, only the closest people. Votes this fact in the Western media we do not see much, but it sure can not hide the truth. Yes, of course, dirty petrodollars will work. I am sure that there are now discussions about the fact that everything you see here, - falsification. Well. If it did not - let be allowed in those places that we showed journalists.

It is obvious that today the publicity was devoted only part of the information about the monstrous crimes of the Turkish elites who directly finance international terrorism. We believe that any sane journalist should fight this plague of the XXI century. The world experience has repeatedly argued that the objective journalism is able to be an effective and formidable tool in the fight against various financial corruption schemes. We invite colleagues to investigative journalism on the disclosure of financial schemes and supplies oil from the terrorists to the consumers. Especially since the oil produced in the controlled militants territories in transit through Turkish ports shipped to other regions. For its part, the Ministry of Defense of Russia will continue to disclose new evidence on the supply of terrorists oil to foreign countries and to talk about the conduct of aerospace forces of Russia operations in Syria.Let's unite our efforts. We will destroy the sources of financing of terrorism in Syria, as you get involved in the kind of work abroad."

READ MORE ON: Turkey >> ISIS >> Syria >> Oil >> Corruption
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USA Has Told Assad He Needs To Commene Handover Of Power In Syria by August Or Face Consequences

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds.

Assad Accuses Erdogan Of Putting Combat Troops In Syria

As we suspected, the US / Russian / EU brokered ceasefire in Syria is not going to stop Turkey's Recep Erdogan (wannabe Sultan of a new Ottoman Empire?) from pursuing his territorial ambitions in Syria. So long as Erdogan has Nanny NATO's apron to hide behind he will keep provoking Russia.?

USA, EU and Turkey are not going to like this Greece /Russia deal
“We indeed need access to the Mediterranean Sea bypassing Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, [the narrow straits that separate mainland Turkey from the Turkish enclave in Europe in which Istanbul is situated.] There is another alternative – a channel through Iran. This project, first conceived approximately a century ago, is now also on the agenda,”

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More Middle east Madness: Western Powers Prepare To Escalate Military Operations In Syria

by Ed Butt

London next to face terrorist attack? (Image source)

As the UK Parliament debates the case for joining the combined effort to bomb ISIS aka Islamic State, aka Daesh into oblivion in Syria (and what a farcical craptangle that debate is turning into), we learn that yesterday (Dec 1) US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said the US Government was preparing to expand the role of special operations troops fighting Islamic State jihadists in Syria.

"American special operators bring a unique suite of capabilities that make them force multipliers," Carter told the House Armed Services Committee. "Where we find further opportunity to leverage such capability, we are prepared to expand it."

The United States has already announced it is sending about 50 special operations troops into Syria.
In an interview shown on UK Television yesterday, Syria's leader Bashar Al Assad said the efforts of the US lead coalition against ISIS had been totally ineffectual over eighteen months and only intervention by Russia had stopped the advance of the Islamic State guerillas.

So as for US forces being 'a multiplier, if you multiply anything by zero the product is zero.

The conflict in Syria, which started in 2011, as a knock on effect of 'The Arab Spring', the upsurge of Islamic fanaticism that grew in the wake of an idiotic speech made in Cairo by Barack Hussein Obama in which he somehow managed to give the impression that his administration would support every gang of insaniacs, nuttters, malcontents and opportunists that took up arms against tyrannical legitimate governments.

As things turned out, Obama's support was only forthcoming in support of those fighting against tyrants Washington did not like or who had obstructed US moves to further it's geoplitical ambitions.

And so we lurch towards global war, the west's leaders having proved they are just as insane as the tyrants their doomed middle east wars have ben waged against (some might say the Libya conflict succeeded in overthrowing Gadaffi, but killing a man who for all his faults kept a brutal kind of order, to leave a chaotic failed state with three governments fighting over their claims for legitimacy is hardly success.

The joint presser hosted by France's President Hollande and Barack Obama at the White House (Nov. 24), apart from an Vaudeville worthy melodramatic denunciation of ISIS, was notable only the French president’s sudden obsession with overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This was made even more bizarre because immediately after the Paris terrorist atrocity the french President concluded a Washinton off-pissing cooperation deal with Russia's Vladimir Putin who, while ruthlessly attacking IS is adamant that Russia's ally Assad must stay in power.

We should be quite clear, all the bluster from Western leaders about a Syrian political “transition” to a pluralist democracy or demands that Assad must go, indicate that far from uniting with Russia and Iran against Sunni fanaticism in Iraq, Syria and Kurdistan, the west's priority is Washington's priority: to depose Assad thus clearing the way for an overland pipeline from The Gulf to oil terminals in that panhandle of Turkish territory that dangles down the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea.

Hollande in Washington entered the same cloud cuckoo land inhabited by Bush and Blair when the US/UK alliance the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington (and as we now know, 'sexed up' dossiers on saddam Hussein's military capabilities to justify invading Iraq, claiming the only way to defeat the religious fanatics of Al Qaeda was to invade the secular state of Iraq. In the same way, deposing the secular regime of Assad, the main military opponent facing ISIS, would be as monumentally idiotic as pretending that bombing Saddam's crazy but secular regime in Iraq would neutralise the religious fantatics of Al Qaeda.

That a political solution in syria can only be achieved following the overthrow of Assad is the official policy of the United States, France, the UK, the European Union's unelected bureaucrats, NATO and the other Western powers. Having hyped the threat of jihadist terrorism (a which itself resulted from the West’s earlier military interventions), the great and good of western politics and NATO governments now plan to resurgent Islamic fanaticism by overthrowing one of the last three secular regimes in the Middle East (the others, Jordan and Kuwait, being hardly relevant), where Christians and other religious minorities have been protected. Overthowing Assad we must remember, would leave Syria's Shia Muslims and Syriac Christians to the tender mercies of the Allah loving head amputators.

Bashar al-Assad is likely a gangster, (as our recent reports here have shown Turkey's Recep Edrogan, feted by the west, to be). But when has that ever been a characteristic disqualifying one to be a partner of the United States government? Sisi of Egypt, Erdogan (sic), and the bloodstained tyrants who run Saudi Arabia , Qatar and Nazarbayev of Khazakstan are all members in good standing of the Washington Global Government Consensus. If Assad has signed his death warrant, it is because of his failure to join that consensus, rather than because of the way he runs Syria. After all, he isn't as bad as other US suppored tyrants such as President Nazarbayev of Khazakstan, or Avazov of Uzbekistan who is in good stead with Washington despite being said to have his opponents boiled alive for the entertainment of his supporters and a warning to those thinking og speaking against him. Obviously it is not a country's actual human rights record that incurs the wrath of western leaders, but refusal to bow to Washington / UN dictum.

READ MORE ON: Human Rights >> Russia >> Syria >> Tyrant >> Turkey >> USA

USA Has Told Assad He Needs To Commene Handover Of Power In Syria by August Or Face Consequences

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.

Hypocrite David Cameron defends selling arms to outrageous Saudi regime

Not only have Hypocrite David Cameron's government been caught out giving technical support to the appalling Saudi Arabian regime of head amputators, The House Of Saud, they are very eager to sell armaments to the regimes which violates human rights in ways even Pol Pot could not imagine.

US Drones Attack Headquarters of Iraqi Popular Forces in Tikrit.

Reports have reached us that the USA is turning on its supposed allies in the Syria conflict. The Fars News Agency (FNA) reports: "In an incident similar to several we have reported in the past, unmanned US drones attacked the Jund al-Imam Battalion popular forces' headquarters at Speicher base in Tikrit," Spokesman for Asaeb Ahl Al-Haq Battalion (one of the popular groups fighting alongside the Iraqi army against the ISIL) Naeim al-Aboudi said on Sunday

The US Helped Overthrow Gadaffi And Create A Liberal Democracy. Now It Is A Failed State.

“We are helpless and not being able to do anything against this deliberate destruction to the oil installations. NOC urges all faithful and honorable people of this homeland to hurry to rescue what is left from our resources before it is too late.”
The above statement from Libya’s National Oil Corp references the seizure of state oil assets by Islamic State extremists, whose influence in the country is growing ...

Is The World Turning Against The New World Order Elitists
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