The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’

Thousands of Africans every month are crowding onto flimsy boats like this one to make the three hundred mile journey from Libya to Sicily and the refuge of European territory*. (Image source - Malta Star)

It is well reported that western intervention in Libya, for the purpose of overthrowing Gaddafi resulted in the North African nation going from the most prosperous and modern nation in Africa to a lawless failed state in the space of three years. Now we learn that ISIS aka Islamic State, the terrorist army that plans to establish a caliphate, has gained a hold on the country. And it gets worse ...

An ISIS report obtained by Libyan media in January, reveals that the Islamic State are planning to use Libya "to get to Europe," and overrun it with illegal migrants to "turn it into hell." According to the report, ISIS considers "illegal immigration" to be a privileged channel of access to the Old Continent.

This of course is due to lax rules established by the elitists and out of touch rulers of the EU, unelected bureaucrats whose grip on reality is made tenuous by the insanity of politically correct insanity with which they have all been indoctrinated during higher education.

Libya has become a huge assembly point for Africans fleeing poverty, civil war, political corruption and hunger in that continents many failed states, desperate to get to Italy and claim refugee status, before taking advantage of the lack of border controls and heading deeper into Europe. Italy, drowning in debt and teetering on the edge of defaulting on its obligations, fears the wave of immigrants landing on its shores, will plunge the country into chaos and civil conflict.

Even prior to last Saturday’s murder of 21 Coptic Christians in Egypt by terrorists who crossed from Libya, warning signs that Libya was becoming the latest and deadliest outpost of the Islamic State were apparent. Libya’s institutional vacuum due to the failure to establish a ruling authority following the overthrow of Gaddafi by US, UK and French military forces (the FUKUS axis) has created an ideal environment for terrorists.

Former Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has said the Islamic State will control a territory on the Mediterranean coast "within two months" if the West does not intervene.

Thousands of people have been arriving in Libya in recent months, having been offered the prospect of getting out of North Africa. They are now crammed into refugee camps, creating a situation of chaos. In such a situation it is easy for terrorists trained to shoot or bomb to merge into the crowds.

According to one report, analysts now believe that the risk of a major terror attack on Italian territory is more concrete than ever before. The hypothesis considered most likely is that a mass exodus of at least two hundred thousand foreigners has crowded onto barges bound for Europe.

*The picture (top) may be posed, we do not know, but the people on the boat look clean and happy. There have been cases however of such boats being towed by small fishing vessels having been cut free when Italian coastguards were sighted, so that the human traffickers might try to escape arrest.


How to stop Google tracking your every move

Do you ever get the feeling you are being watched or followed? OK, it could possibly be because you are paranoid but more likely you’ve noticed a few things that are just beyond creepy when you are using the web and particularly Google services. For example, has an advertisement for a product or service ever popped up on your screen just after you were talking to someone about it?

Lawless Libya (omnibus page)
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Turning Libya into a lawless hellhole ‘was the right thing to do’, says Rothschild Zionist David Cameron Why Libya is ringing alarm bells in Italy
We have followed the deterioration of Libya since the Obama led FUKUS axis decided to overthrow Gaddafi because he was no longer doing what America wanted. It has not been a pretty story. Now, as Rome rings alarm bells over the deteriorating situation in Libya, The Daily Stirrer looks at the likely consequences in mainland Europe of a failed state across the Mediterranean.