Thursday, October 17, 2024

19 Arrested At Moldovan Border AsYoung And Not So Young Men Flee To Evade Conscription

 by Egbhert Nohbakkon, 17 October 2024

Desertion is rampant in Ukraine, and attempts to escape military service continue to be a major issue for Ukraine’s armed forces. While young Ukrainians are being rounded up by military recuiters as they leave nightclubs or music and sports venues, othrs between the ages of 16 and 60 who do not want to go to war are finding other ways to avoid conscription. Border guards near the border with Moldova  this week detained two groups of men who tried to escape from Ukraine. They received administrative notices of having committed a crime,” the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported.

Border Officers detained two groups, consisting of 8 and 11 men at the border. In order to flee the country, they had paid $3,000 to $5,000 for online instructions from an organizer via the Telegram channel, which had them split into two groups to be more mobile and less conspicuous. 

Desertion is rampant in Ukraine, and attempts to escape military service continue to be a major issue for Ukraine’s armed forces, reports Do Rzeczy

“Ukrainians who do not want to go to war are looking for various ways to avoid conscription. Border guards near the border with Moldova detained two groups of men who tried to escape from Ukraine. They received administrative notices of having committed a crime,” the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported.

Officers detained two groups, consisting of eight and 11 men. In order to flee the country, they had paid $3,000 to $5,000 for online instructions from an organizer via the Telegram channel, which had them split into two groups to be more mobile and less conspicuous. 

The men have been charged with attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine and of evading conscription into military service..

On Sept. 6, border guards from the Volyn detachment detained two men who intended to illegally cross the state border, and on Sept. 7, four fugitives were detained in Zakarpattia who had been hiking in the mountains for five days and wanted to cross the Tisza River. Meanwhile, in the Rivne Region, fugitives who tried to get to Belarus almost ran into mines. Doubtless many more are crossing undetected every day.

Ukraine is now trying to implement a new law whuch willl ban the mobilization of men under the age of 25. Support for the change was high, and the law is now on President Zelensky’s desk to be signed, although The President-with-the-pisno-playing-penis is likely to veto  the legislation as he now rules as an autocrat, his legitimate term of office having expired in the first half of this year. The coke snorting, cross dressing clown only remains in office because he cancelled elections, fearing defeat even though he had bnned all opposition candidates.

The act would prevent the mobilization of people aged 18-25 who have not completed military service or studied at military universities but fall under the status of so-called “limited usefulness.” This means a person who is not suitable for military service in times of peace due to their health condition but can be called up for service during war.

Another law, however, was passed back in April, whereby a soldier can no longer decide to end his service after 36 months, as had previously been allowed.

Meanwhile the always deluded and now clearly insane Zelensky addressed the Ukrainian parliament on Wednesday and unveiled his latest so-called "victory plan," although there is little hope tha any of Ukraine’s Western backers will support his proposals.

Zelensky’s plan includes five points and three classified sections that he did not make public. The plan is essentially a list of demands that Zelensky has been making of the US and NATO for months. He claimed that if the plan was implemented, Ukraine "may be able to end the war no later than next year."

Most people in the west are aware the only way Ukraine can end this war is by surrendering, which they could do tomorrow, and probably would if NATO leaders told the neo Nazi cabal in Kiev, "No more money for you to stash in your Swiss bank accounts."

Zelensky addressing Ukrainian parliament (photo released by Zelensky’s office)

One of the points in this victory plan is for Ukraine to receive a formal invitation to join NATO, but  that is not going to happen in the near or distant future as it would, by brining NATO into direct conflict with Russia, make cities like Berlin, Rome, Paris and London legitimate targets for Moscows inter - continental ballistic missiles. Ukrainian neutrality has always been a key Russian demand for any peace deal. NATO membership is the red line which if crossed would trigger nuclear war.

The plan also calls for more air defense systems and for NATO countries to help shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine, which  again would mean direct NATO involvement in the war. NATO countries have previously rejected Ukrainian requests to intercept Russian missiles and drones.

Another point in the plan calls for support for Ukraine to use NATO-provided missiles to launch long-range strikes inside Russia, an escalation that would risk nuclear war. So far, the US and the UK have rejected Zelensky’s repeated request for help with long-range strikes.

Ukrainian MP Oleksii Honcharenko, a member of the European Solidarity party, criticized Zelensky’s plan. "First of all, it’s not a plan. Plan means something with concrete steps," he said, according to The Associated Press. "It’s kind of a wish list from Ukraine for our partners, how they can and should support us. And it doesn’t look realistic. We were waiting for some real serious conversation about the situation and the strategy, and this is not that."

Zelensky unveiled the plan as Russia continues to make advances in eastern Ukraine, a reality Honcharenko called "contradictory." Russia's foreign ministry responded by saying: "They need to sober up in Kiev."



There Is Only One Way Ukraine Can End The War
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Talk of Sending Fighter Planes to Ukraine Is Madness
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Ukraine End Game: As Bakhmut Falls Real Reporting Vies With Propaganda In Western Media
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Status Report On That War Thing In Ukraine: Nordstream to Bakhmut, electricity and water - December 2022

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Who Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline
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Russia Ukraine Dirty Bomb Claim - Some Reality
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Who Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline
So whodunnit? Sabotage of undersea gas pipe will escalate tension and move the world closer to nuclear war, but who is behind it, Russia in a bid to put more presure on Europe, Ukraine in an attempt to drag NATO into direct action, or the USA using a CIA false flag event to advance its own agenda.

An Energy Crisis In Tandem With A Food Crisis On Top Of An Economic Crisis And A War. This Cannot End Well
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Continue reading >>>

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Jingoistic Western Triumphalism Will Not End The War In Ukraine Or Cripple Putin, But It Is Crippling Western Nations

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