The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, March 02, 2018

Woman Interrogated & Imprisoned For Posting Joke Meme About Islam

We have reported many times on the neo-fascist insanity of Sweden's liberal left, who seem determined to take virtue signalling to such extremes they will destroy Swedish culture and nationhood in order to 'make muslims feel welcome'. In the latest example of this insanity, we learn a 32-year-old woman from Gothenburg in Sweden has been arrested, interrogated, had her DNA taken and now faces trial and imprisonment for the "crime" of sharing a humourous meme about Islam on Facebook.

She drew the attention of authorities after 'sharing' on her timeline the image below, which depicts a Muslim man having his brain removed and then being wrapped in Islamic head dress. She was not even the originator of the cartoon.

The captions read: How to Make a Muslim. Remove the brain. Replace with shit. Apply a bandage. Done.

While the meme is certainly in bad taste and may be offensive to some, what happened next conforms our allegation that the left will, if given absolute power, create an equivalent of the 'Thought Police' described in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. .

A buch of Swedish left wing activists who police facebook for 'hate speech' posted by Swedish nationals alerted police to the post, claiming that the woman had behaved "in a threatening manner" towards a protected group. They passed on details of the woman’s identity and the town where she lives. The woman was then asked to visit a police station in Gothenburg, where her DNA was taken and her details entered into a criminal database.

The woman profusely apologized for the post, claiming she thought it was aimed at members of ISIS. OK, but when did being stupid become a crime.

The Swedish authorities who can't catch rapists, murderers, arsonists or muggers are implacable in their pursuit of 'Though Crime' offenders, and proceeded to interrogate her on her attitude to Sweden’s "multicultural society" and whether she had "something against Muslims". The woman insisted she was against the Islamic State, not individual Muslims.

Gothenburg prosecutor Sara Toreskog was unimpressed and proceeded with charges of hate speech, and the woman now faces two years in prison. As we have exhaustively documented in this page and elsewhere, Sweden is an authoritarian, neo - fascist country that prosecutes people for satire, telling the truth and thinking for themselves. Let it be known that you have throughts and opinions that differ from the government diktat nd you are in big trouble.

Last year, a 70-year-old Swedish woman was prosecuted for hate speech for saying she saw migrants setting fire to cars, something that happens all the time in Sweden.

Swedish police officer Peter Springare is also under investigation for merely observing that “foreign-born offenders” are largely responsible for the country’s gang rape problem.


Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.

We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next

Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.

“Never Seen Anything Like This Before” – Sweden Stunned At “Unreal” Surge In Refugee Sex Attacks
As a direct result of Europe’s refugee crisis, new and very unpleasant social fractures have started to emerge. One particularly troubling issue is the extent to which officials have tended to “blame the victim” in the ever more frequent sex attacks resulting from Europe’s refugee surge, something we first touched upon earlier this week.

Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigrant Hostel?

Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...

German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years
... a leading German feminist, Alice Schwarzer, has said the politically correct “bubble has burst” and Germans should speak out against Islamic extremism and refusal to respect German and European traditions. She claimed German police have been covering up the rape culture of Muslim males for 20 years, and said that sexual violence was now being used as a weapon of war in Germany.

Thousands Flood The Streets In Germany As Fury Over Refugee Sex Assaults Reaches Boiling Point

What mostly news reports in English speaking countries initially believed was isolated riot by newly arrived migrants in Cologne’s city center now appears not to have been confined to the German city but was a bloc-wide phenomenon as women in Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, France and other places have come forward to report being molested

Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?

As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing.

WTF Is Going On In Sweden?

Street wars, crime gangs, grenade attacks on police stations? What has happened to the Sweden I know and love? “Sweden, that’s where they commit suicide and the king rides a bicycle,” a character in an Alan Bennet play famously said back in the 1980s, a reference to Sweden’s reputation as the most boring country in …

Sweden Rivals Mexico for Grenade Attacks, Shooting Fatalities Five Times Higher Than Neighbouring Countries

A new report has shown that the number of fatal shootings in Sweden is up to four to five times that in Germany and the number of hand grenade attacks is on par with Mexico. We have reported many times on how the ‘open doors’ immigration policy operated by the Swedish government for over a … Continue reading

German Anger Boils Over: Shots Fired At German Refugee Home; One Asylum Seeker Hit
Many may have forgotten because of all this - if only temporarily - about Europe's biggest crisis at the moment: the onslaught by over one million refugees, who are desperate to escape from the political disaster that are the result of western interference in the domestic politics of middle eastern countries like broken states of Syria and Iraq.

Sweden's Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe

As we have reported many times over the past year, Sweden has been more hard hit by the crimes and lawlessness of illegal immigrants from primitive third world societies than anywhere else in Europe. Even the Sweden hating socialists cannot ignore the epidemic of rape crimes, assaults and the general contempt for Swedish society, law, culture and traditions that illegal immigrants from Africa and the middle east have expressed through their actions.

A Week Of 'Islamic Multiculturalism' In Sweden - Rapes, Acquittals, & Severed Heads

(This all happened in Sweden, that beacon of multiculturalism and human rights.) Some 30 Muslim men thought that the woman was in violation of Islamic sharia law, by being in Sweden unaccompanied by a man. They thought that she should therefore be raped and her teenage son killed. Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq."

Convert Or Be Beheaded’ – Chilling Message Posted Through Doors Across Sweden

The notes, which are signed “ISIS”, say that any non-believers will be decapitated unless they convert or pay a “jizya” (religious tax). They have been posted through letterboxes in several cities including the capital Stockholm. They carry the Islamic State banner and claim the police “will not save you from being murdered”.

European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East

While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos

Following a warning last night of an "imminent" terror threat in Brussels security services raised the country's terror alert to the highest level, plunging Europe, still reeling from last weeks carnage in Paris and gripped by fear and panic due to the honest reporting (at last) that the EU's politically correct 'open doors' immigration policy has allowed extremists hostile to European culture and our way of life to infiltrate European societies ...

Black Racists Slam Lack of ‘Diversity’ in Dictionary of People who Shaped Britain

Will somebody please tell these stupid, race obsessed, left – wing paskudniaks to shut the fuck up, whether you’re white or black it’s a privilege to live in Britain and if they don’t like our history or culture they can fuck the fucking fuck off Smiley Culture: Did he really shape Britain? (see below)

Group of Teenage North Africans Sentenced for Gang Rape Carried Out In Central Stockholm
A group of teenager immigrants from north Africa, living in Stockholm as refugees, have been found guilty of the horrific gang rape of a 23-year-old Swedish woman on the Södermalm island, a fashionable residential area in the Stockholm archpelago.

Syrian Doctor Makes More Trafficking Migrants to Greece Than He Can Doctoring
A former doctor from Syria has described how he now makes £60,000 a month trafficking people from Turkey to Europe. He has warned European Union (EU) member states that the refugees will continue to come even if all the borders are shut, saying “They will dig tunnels if necessary.”

How Neo - Con and Neo - liberal Globalism Freaks Are Destabilizing Europe According To Plan

A study by our owner/ editor of how the USA led global markets project has destsbilised the middle easdt and why that outcome looks as if it was the long term plan all along. Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Europe ... all are strategically important and all were potential obstacles to Washington's world domination ambitions.

Muslim Only No Go Areas For Police And Emergency Services In Our Cities? - It Already Happened In Sweden.

Sweden continues to lead the way in surrendering its nation, culture and self respect to exremist Muslim dickheads, reasoning that the violent rapists and murderers of the relion of peace will thank them rather than kill them all. but the people all over Europe are waking to the betrayal of their elites.

Syrian Girl's Video exposes western Politicians and Media Lies About Refugees

This girl makes more sense than Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and all other western criminals and corporate hirelings put together, Maybe one day they will realize that their subservience to zionism only leads ruin of their individual characters!

Multiculturalism Today: Child Marriage, Honour Killings, Sharia Law Zones, & ‘Punishment’ Gang Rapes

Submitted by Sieren Kern via The Gatestone Institute, Residents of Essen complained that police often refuse to respond to calls for help and begged city officials to restore order. One resident said: “I was born here and I do not feel safe anymore.” City officials flatly rejected the complaints. The Sarah Nußbaum Haus, a kindergarten …

Christianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden

Immigration omnibus

Immigrant tide increases rapes in northern Europe

Immigration: The Mediterranean Boat People

Immigration and how it degrades hospitals and schools

Immigration is marginalising Europe's white working classes

Sweden's national suicide by immigration

Europe's Immigration crisis omnibus

Italian Elections: It is the EU, Not Russia, Who is the Meddler

The harder the EU tries to impose its globalist agenda on people in some of its member states, the less willing they will be to toe Brussels’ line, Italian journalist Marco Fontana commented on Sunday's election.

“There is a great deal of outside meddling in Italian politics, but it is coming from EU leaders, like Jean-Claude Juncker, rather than the imaginary “troll factory” in St. Petersburg,” Fontana remarked.

Juncker recently told the media "early March is very important for the EU. There will be referendums in Germany and Italy and I’m particularly worried about the outcome of the Italian elections. We need to be prepared to see the Italians failing to form a working government and, instead, having a provisional one."

Fontana slammed Juncker, saying such statements, made ahead of Sunday’s elections, as direct meddling and an attempt to influence the election outcome in a sovereign member of the European Union.

"Italian media worries more about ‘fake news’ from Russia than about statements by EU politicians, which can impact the outcome of the Italian elections," Fontana noted. The same is true of mainstream media in britain, Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria and in the USA where newspapers and broadcast news channels that were once respected around the world are still pushing the story of collaboration between President Trump and Russia swung the election when all the evidence to date shows if any collaboration took place it was between The Democrat Party and certain Russian oligarchs who contibuted to The Clinton Foundation in return for political favours.

Fontana, like many independent media commentators, believes that Brussels has failed to learn from Brexit, and the more they try to tell Europeans what to do the stronger the backlash could be. In spite of growing opposition to the Brussels agenda, the controlling bureaucracy becomes more authoritarian and more intransigent in response to every challenge.

"Let’s hope that this is exactly what is going to happen again, because the interests of the EU’s technocratic elite are starkly at variance with the interests of the Italian people!" Fontana continued.

"We have already seen the main achievements by the governments of Mario Monti (2011-2013) and Enrico Letta (2013-2014), which bled the Italian economy white, destroyed the social sphere, sent the value of Made in Italy goods down, forced the closure of many construction companies and drove dozens of business people to suicide," he emphasized.

He said that Juncker had probably tried to forestall the outcome of Sunday’s vote: if the winner fails to garner enough votes to form a Cabinet, the EU could try to persuade Italy to have a grand ruling coalition whose inability to govern will ruin the economy once again. He added that Germany had taken months to form a a new government and no one dared say that the absence of a government was weakening Europe. Italy is another matter, especially with Eurosceptic parties now leading in polls.

Juncker’s statement invited a joint chorus of condemnation from all of Italy’s political parties, save only for President Mattarella, who was the only Italian politician who refused to comment on it.


Quitaly Back On As Salvini Prepares To Take On The EU
While the bureaucraps of Brussels were still congratuating themselves on forcing Matteo Salvini’s Lega party out of Italy’s governernment, mainstream media barely bothered to cover the news that Lega won the state elections in Umbria towards the end of October 2019. Thus the story that should have had Europhiles like Emmanuel Macron and Guy Verhofshit crapping themselves was barely noticed.

Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EUMatteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats

The EU can go and F*** itself!’ Italian Politician’s Outburst Rallies Support In Italy

The leader of the Lega party, formerly known as Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini claimed the European Union should stop interfering with Italian politics as the measures taken by the bloc have crippled the Italian economy for the past 15 years. Mr Salvini is the frontrunner in the upcoming Italian general election as Italy’s next Prime …

European sovereign debt crisis could cause Eurozone implosion – ex-BoE chief

Are government economists and mainstream media finally catching up with what The Daily Stirrer and Boggart Blog’s finance expert Phil T Looker has said since we started publishing? Former Bank of England chief Mervyn King has written an article warning that Eurozone deabt problems pose a bigger threat to the EU than a British OUT vote in the referendum
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine
As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes Nothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.
Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk

David Cameron’s hopes of winning serious concessions on sovereignty, border controls, contributions, trade agreements, human rights and labour laws so he could claim to have won a better deal for Britain by the time the in / out referendum starts next year European Union suffered an early blow when European Council President Donald Tusk warned that reaching a deal would be “very tough” ...

Italian Town ‘Taken Over’ By Nigerian Migrant Gangs
The former seaside resort town of Castel Volturno, to the north of Naples, has reportedly been taken over by Nigerian gangs who run drug and prostitution rings. The town has a total population of around 30,000 people, of which an estimated 20,000 are migrants, many of them in Italy illegallly, French news magazine L’Obs reports.

De-Dollarization Accelerates As More Washington "Allies" Follow Australia To China-Led Bank

For many years the dollar has been the currency in which the world's nations settled cross-border transactions and the so called petrodollar became the only currency in which oil could be traded. In recent years however, as other nations, particularly the BRICS group, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the leading nations outside the dominant US / European group, have been making moves to end the domination of the US dollar.
Why Iceland Recovery Is Being Ignored In Mainstream News
Iceland is a small country with less that half a million people so is not a good comparison with Britain. It's recovery from near bankruptcy in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis however is due to the rejection of politically correct, globalist politics so in that light it serves to illustrate that to suggest Britain (60 million people) cannot survive outside the EU is just globalist scaremongering.
It's Staring To Dawn On Economists That The Developed World's Economic Problems Are Structural.

When we look back from 2025, it will be painfully obvious that central bank policies exacerbated the systemic crises that brought down the global financialization machine. After all, "saving" the world from financial collapse 0f 2008 was relatively quick work; so what problems beyond imminent implosion have the central banks policies solved in the past 6 years

New World Order IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Deferring Redemption of Gov’t Debt.

Global Capitalism my arse, the dominant economic system is Naziism pure and simple. Who but Nazis or Communists (and they are truly different faces of George Orwell's Oligarchic Collectivism) whould propose stealing the pension funds we poor punters have worked all our lives to accumilate to pay for the stupidity, selfishness and irresponsibility of our masters?

Financial Crisis? The Dow Has Already Fallen More Than 1000 Points From The Peak Of The Market

The dramatic falls in world wide stock markets over the past week hows that the Daily Stirrer finance expert was correct in predicting this, such recovery in the global economy as has happened since 2008 has been the result of printing money and manipulating the markets. This latest action is part of a massive heist by the bankers to drain the value from our savings and pensions

Europe's Liberal Snowflakes In Meltdown As Renzi Says "Italy Has No Moral Duty To Take In Migrants"
The liberal mask behind which Europe's political elite hide their grand plan to undermine the working classes by flooding the continent with immigrants took a massive hit on Friday, when Italy's Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, said his country has "no moral duty to take in migrants", sharply toughening his stance over surging numbers of asylum seekers being ferried to Italian shores by by political action groups

Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel

Debt, how much of a threat to ordinary people is it? The truth might frighten you which is why bank bosses, government leaders and media pundits are not eager to tell the truth. What can we do? Not much in the short term, in the long term, reclaim the sovereignty of our nations and our individual sovereignty and tell the world view thinkers their crazy ideas have maxed out their credit

War On Cash Begins, It Is Not About Keeping You Or Your Money Safe From Muggers

Government and big busin.ess has been nudging us towards abandoning cash for electronic money for a long time. Now the Frech government has become the first to move towards making cash illegal (because government can't keep tabs on what you do with your money when cash passes from hand to hand ...

Ex-Scottish National Party Leader Says Democracy Requires Mainstream Brexit Case

As it becomes clear the Cameron Clowns and Euronazis of Brussels between them can only offer lifes, misrepresentations and scaremongering to support their emotional desire to keep Britain in the EU and then make us part of a Federal European Superstate esxtending into Africa and the middle east, a spilt appears to be developing in the Sottish National Party as many senior figures think an 'in' vote would see Scotland regegated to irrelevance in Greater Germany.
Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?

Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.
EU Officials Say Europe Is "Going Down The Drain
Common sense could not slow the charge of politically correct globalist politiciand towards merging the 28 member states of the European Union into a single federal entity, but their attempt to destroy democracy by flooding the continent with illiterate third world peasants has finally awoken the spirits of Europe's ancient nations.
Backslider Cameron Pays £1.7 billion He Promised He Would Not Pay

Remember about this time last year, the EU demanded the UK pay an additional £1.7 billion to the Euronazi project, to prop up the Euro single currency system after the debacle of Greece's economic collapse and ensure the Bankers and Corporate businesses did not lose a penny on their bad loans to the Greek government because the whole debt could be transferred to British, German, Dutch and Austrian taxpayers (all the other EU member states are effectively bankrupt).
U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia

Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”
Financial Coup in Greece

From day to day mainstean and alternative media commentators speculate about when Greece will finally admit is is bankrupt and will have to leave the European Single Currency system, abandon the Euro and return to the Drachman, and the Euronazis of brussels admite they were wrong to bend the rules in order to get Greece to adopt the Euro, and stop piling more agony on the long suffering Greek people and help organize a painless exit.
Europe and the EU's bureaucratic democracy

Are the bureaucrats of Brissels trying to build an Empire

Euro, Euro, Uber Alles

Is Germany Ready to rebel against Euro expansionism?

European Federal Superstate - More national socialist than progressive liberal
German Anti-Islamisation Marches: What the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know

Europe being extended into Africa and middle east
Brussels Euronazis Message to the New Greek Government: We Don't Care About Humanitarian Issues

A Eurozone Nation Reports Record Poverty Levels

Cameron’s EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament?

Catalogue of Greenteth posts on Italy