Donald Trump may have failed in his bid to take on the Military - Industrial Complex, The Pentagon, The CIA and The State Department, which would have been a formidable task for any US president, even one with the whole of his party and a solid majority of the country behind him, but his bid to challenge the stranglehold of globalists (aka progressive liberals) on the media and in particular the left leaning near - monopolies of digital media, amoral, power crazed organisations like Google, Facebook ans Twitter, look likely to have better outcomes for lovers of free speech and individual liberty.
President Trump yesterday reiterated threats against Facebook, Twitter and Google with new comments from the Oval Office, saying the social media platforms are "treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful."
"I think Google has really taken advantage of a lot of people and I think that's a very serious thing and it's a very serious charge," Trump told reporters following a meeting with the president of FIFA. "They better be careful because they can't do that to people."
Meanwhile, free speech activists have petitioned the White House to encourage Trump to "request that Congress pass legislation prohibiting social media platforms from banning users for First Amendment-protected speech."
The petition, stating that "The power to block lawful content should be in the hands of individual users – not Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey." can be fopund at
Earlier in the day, Google responded to an accusation by Trump over Twitter that they're "rigging" search results against him, providing as evidence a "Trump News" search which showed predominantly "left" media publications popping up in the search results.
Google replied "Search is not used to set a political agenda and we don’t bias our results toward any political ideology" As sombody who has always been considered slighty left of centre on most issues (a classical libera,) Google replied "Search is not used to set a political agenda and we don’t bias our results toward any political ideology"I would say from my experience of comparing Google results which those of independent search operators and metasearch tools anybody who believes that also believes in Santa claus and The Tooth Fairy.
Perhaps Google can salvage a little credibility by explaining why Trump's picture is just about the only thing that appears when one does a Google image search for the word "idiot"? And while Google had visited the Obama White House over 230 times in seven years, we wonder how many times they've visited since Trump took office?
A comparison of results from an image search on "idiot" from Google and DuckDuckGo Bear in mind that search results can vary from user to user and according to what's 'trending'.

Report reveals Google’s manipulation of search results to influence outcomes.
After years of being called 'conspiracy theorists' the wise people who noticed how Google were manipulating search result listings to server the corporation's business and political ambitions have been proved right ...
EU consumer groups accuse Google og breaking privacy law
SJWs infiltrate Google, highlight corporate hypocrisy"
Lay Off Cambridge Analytica, Facebook Are The Evil Doers
Information Technology firm Cambridge Analytica are being attacked by the hysterical mainstream media mob for their alleged role in the alleged collusion between The Kremlin and Donald Trump to steal the US Presidency in 2016, and similar abuse of private date to influence the result of the Brexit vote. It should be Facebook under attack, Cambridge Analytica only took advantage of a deal Facebook offers on the open market ...
Trump blocks Sale Of US Tech Company To China
President Trump has reportedly blocked the attempted acquisitions of a US technology company by a Chinese firm. while his opponents accuse him of breaking election promises and betraying votes, although they offer little evidence to support their claims, the increasingly tough policy against China's acquisition of US companies continues, despite the firing of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who supported Trmp's "economic nationalism."Trump blocks Sale Of US Tech Company To China
Fan Bois Mad For Apple's New "FaceID" But Is It A Powerful New Mass Surveillance Tool
On Tuesday, Apple revealed their newest phone. The new line was anticipated by Apple users and is another cult favorite. But many are rightly skeptical of the “FaceID” feature.
FaceID, is a tool that would use facial recognition to identify individuals and unlock their phones for use. Unsurprisingly, this has generated some major anxiety about mass spying and privacy concerns. Retailers already have a desire for facial recognition technology.
Welcome to the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Technological Deceit
Pretty soon, computer wizardry and artificial intelligence will allow video footage to be created that is practically indiscernible from the real deal. Add holographic technology, and soon a person apparently be speaking live on screen and you’d never know it was fake. The ethical ramifications of AI and technology are simply mind-boggling.
WikiLeaks have today released documents from the Vault 7 cache, a group of leaked information which contains details on the CIA Angelfire spyware tool which was developed to facilitate loading and execution of implants targeting computers using Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Electrosensitivity - the Wi - Fi disease.
So you thought people who wear tinfoil hats are crazy conspiracy theorists? Not so fast there, some of them might actually be onto something.While these people are not tinfoil hat wearers either literally or in a metaphorical sense, the measures they take to avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation (radio - activity) can seem rather paranoid until you know more about them.
Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?)
They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.
Shock, Horror! Millennials Safe Space Violated As Facebook Algo Accident Exposes Them To Diverse Ideas
Late last month (August 2016,) the Zuckerbugger's zoons put an algorithm in charge of the Facebook “trending” feature, to select the most popular topics, articles and keywords on the web in a narrow timeframe and with due respect for the 'safe space' of millenials who can be traumatised if they encounter microaggrrrrressions in the form of controversial ideas or unorthodox opinions ...
Government Paid Trolls Are Using 'Psychology-Based Influence Techniques' in Social Media
Have you ever come across someone on the Internet that you suspected was a paid government troll? Well, there is a very good chance that you were not imagining things. Thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have solid proof that paid government trolls are using “psychology-based influence techniques” on social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
Zuckerberg reveals Facebook Working On Apps 'Smarter Than Humans'
In an online Question and Answer session this week Facebook supremo and founding megalomaniacal sociopath Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company is engaged in building AI systems "that are better than humans at our primary senses."
War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide
More on the global war on cash being waged by ruling elites in parallel with their war on privacy as they try to exert total control over everything.
Obama Crowns Himself Emperor Of The Internet
Barack Obama's seizing control of the internet by executive fiat is a serious breach of The US Consitution but for the rest of the world is perhaps the clearest idication yet of what the man is all about. Comparisons with Hitler can no longer be dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
Online shills paid to control your perception by spreading propaganda using up to 10 online personas
Libertarian and freethinking bloggers and new media writers are having a great time. For years our efforts to warn people about the opush towards global fascism earned us hate attacks and accusations that we were conspiracy theorists. And now, almost daily, another of those conspiracy theories is being proved true
War On Cash Begins, It Is Not About Keeping You Or Your Money Safe From Muggers
Government and big busin.ess has been nudging us towards abandoning cash for electronic money for a long time. Now the Frech government has become the first to move towards making cash illegal (because government can't keep tabs on what you do with your money when cash passes from hand to hand ...
Being Evil? Just Another Day At The Office For Google Boss.
Google boss Eric Schmidt has defended Google's barely legal tax avoidance practices saying Googl;e's contribution to UK national life is more important than the money they owe us. boycott Google, Bing is a good search engine, so is DuckDuckGo.