Thursday, March 31, 2016
Assad Accuses Erdogan Of Putting Combat Troops In Syria
Edrogan - The new Ottoman Sultan (as he is depicted by his opponents)(Image source)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent troops to join ant - Assad forces currently fighting in Syria, but the country is ready to respond to the aggression, Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an exclusive interview with Sputnik. Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia, have "crossed all possible red lines, possibly from the first weeks of the Syrian war," Assad said.
"Today, the war against Erdogan and against Saudi Arabia is a war against terrorists. The Turkish army, which is not even Turkish, is Erdogan's army that is fighting today in Syria," he added.
"Everything that Ankara and Riyadh have done from the very beginning can be considered aggression. Aggression in a political sense or in a military sense – providing terrorists with arms – or direct aggression with the use of artillery, and other military violations," the Syrian President stressed.
Assad accused Erdogan of directly supporting the terrorists: "He allows them to move into Turkish territory, to carry out maneuvers with tanks,” the Syrian president said.
“This concerns not only individuals, the Turkish government finances ISIS through Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and through Turkey itself, of course,” he said.
According to Assad and other evidence reported by Boggart Abroad HERE, HERE and HERE, his Turkish counterpart "trades oil that has been stolen by IS (Islamic State, Daesh), at the same time carrying out artillery attacks against the Syrian army - when it moves close - in order to help the terrorists."
According to the President, countermeasures to Turkey's aggressive actions must first of all take place within Syrian territory.
Successful strikes against terrorists in the country will lead to the failure of policies pursued by Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he added.
"They are terrorists and when we attack these terrorists in Syria, this leads to Erdogan's direct defeat," Assad said.
However, Assad stressed that there was no dispute between the peoples of Syria and Turkey.
The relations between the two countries will be “good” if Erdogan stops interfering in Syrian affairs, he explained.
During the interview, Assad also expressed readiness to call an early presidential election in Syria if the people desire one.
USA Has Told Assad He Needs To Commene Handover Of Power In Syria by August Or Face Consequences
Turkey, EU Exploit Syrian Refugee Crisis: Create New ‘Slave Trade’
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So Was What Trump Said On Abortion REALLY So Bad?
Mainstream media in the USA have been getting their knickers in a twist about Donald Trump again. This time it is The Donald's comments on abortion that are causing excitement.
Trump calls for abortion to be bannned, the headlines read.
"Trump said women should be punished for having abortions," screeched the screeching feminists who think being caught in possession of testicles should be a capital offence.
The opinions of our three main contributors are mixed. My general feeling is against except in special circumstances, probably something to do with my Catholic upbringing; Phil T Looker who posts on Finance and will be back from his winter sojourn in warmer climes soon, thinks the law in the UK, abortion available up to 24 weeks, after that only for medical reasons, and the founder Ian confesses he used to be very liberal on the topic until first he had a long conversation with a nurse of his intimate acquaintance who described the psychological effects of late term abortion on many women, and secondly after he was exposed through online activity to the psychotic obsession of many American feminists and 'liberals' with the idea that abortion should be promoted as the contraceptive method of choice because 'woman's right to choose'.
But it is a very emotive subject and not one people should talk about in public without carefully organising their thoughts.
So what did Donald Trump say, is it a case, as with previous Trump related controversies, of him simply giving a straight answer to a question and then being taken out of context? Let's have a vada:
Here are the relevant parts of an interview with Obama worshipper Chris Matthews (the one who in 2008 admitted he comes in his pants every time he hears Obama speak) compiled by Bloomberg.
- Host Chris Matthews presses Trump on anti-abortion position, repeatedly asking him, “Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge”
- “Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump answers
- “How about you?” Matthews asks
- “I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” Trump says
- “I’m asking you,” Matthews says
- “I am pro-life,” Trump says
- “How do you actually ban abortion?” Matthews asks
- “Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places but we have to ban it,” Trump says
- Matthews then presses Trump on if he believes there should be punishment for abortion if it were illegal
- “There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump says
- “For the woman?” Matthews says; “Yeah,” Trump says, nodding
- Trump says punishment would “have to be determined”
- “They’ve set the law and frankly the judges, you’re going to have a very big election coming up for that reason because you have judges where it’s a real tipping point and with the loss of Scalia, who was a very strong conservative, this presidential election is going to be very important,” Trump says
- “When you say what’s the law, nobody knows what the law is going to be. It depends on who gets elected,” Trump says
So really, in the correct context , Donald Trump, in answering a question about ILLEGAL abortion has not said anything truly controversial. Womens' rights do not include the right to break the law. What Matthews did was comparable to asking people who drive powerful cars if drivers who break speed limits should go to jail.
What Did Donald Trump Say To Earn a Liberal Lynch Mob On His Case
American ‘progressive liberals’ are getting their knickers in a right old twist about alleged ‘racist’ remarks made by the presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump who said something unforgivable about a Hispanic US federal judge. So what exactly was it he said about this bean – bandit judge that led intellectuals and academics to call for his murder?
Trump, Sanders: The Anti-Globalists
While most candidates for the US Presidency are political hacks guaranteed to follow the party line, the success of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump reflects how angry American voters are with the ruling elite, and how dangerous a situation the USA is in.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroscepticism
Eurosceptic MEPs demonstrate after EU bureaucrats decide to Ignore the Irish refrendum vote to veto The Lisbon Treaty which stripped member states of sovereign rights and transferred power to the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels
Asked whether the EU has more advantages than disadvantages, only 26 percent of French and Italians and 25 percent of the Dutch and Belgians surveyed said EU membership was positive, in a further sign of growing Euroscepticism within the EU.
The stark results of the poll by Elabe, carried out for French news site Atlantico, show a massive rise in Euroskepticism within the EU — with all four studies showing greater dissatisfaction with the EU than Britain, which is holding an In-Out referendum on its EU membership in June. Read more >>>
There it is, Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay. Today we have seen those alternative media pundits, myself included, who showed that the collapse of the British steel industry is the fault of the EU, contradicted. The EU tried to impose tariffs to stop the Chinese dumping steel and it was the British government who stopped them, the leftist media, politicians and economics academic whores said.
That's a less-than-half-truth, a great example of the way bureaucrats work, the statement contains just enough truth to prevent people demonstrating it is a blatant lie, but omits far more information than it gives us. Yes, under pressure from member states with steel making industries the EU did offer a sort of solution, but no it would not have saved European steel makers. The case is you see, steel producers in Europe are not uncompetitive because we can't produce steel as well as the far east, we are uncompetitive because the EU's crazy green energy policy and restrictive employment regulations would, were far east steel imports made more expensive by tariffs, would simply prompt global manufacturers to move not only steel making but motor manufacturing and other industries that use steel offshore.
Trade wars are not good, but the people who support free trade and open borders are also the ones who, with no sense of irony, are screeching about climate change. Forget globalisation, think about over - consumption. If we contract the major economies, make our stuff last longer, focus on building things to last rather than planned obsolescence, Carbon Dioxide emissions (which are irrelevant) will automatically reduce so the climate Nazis can STF up, but better, we will magincally reduce the amount of toxic shire we dump into the environment (and that is relevant).
So rather than importing steel to build cars and stuff in the EU, we would import cars and things built outside the EU for the benefit of the few people who still had jobs and could afford such luxuries as a small tin of soup to feed the whole family.
Tariffs worked before globalisation only because tariffs applied across the board and it was not easy to relocate an industry. Start applying tariffs selectively when businesses have plenty of options to circumvent them, and it is the middle and working classes who are hit. The rich of course simply move themselves offshore. Now the only way protectionism could work is if we leave the EU and regain control of our lawmaking. So off we go to Brussels lads. Or you could just summon up your testicular fortitude, ignore the scaremongering and vote OUT.
Teresa (the Appeaser) May facing Tory revolt amid signs she’s pushing for softest Brexit possible
Theresa May is facing yet another cabinet revolt, as hardline Brexiteers in the Conservative Party are reportedly furious at her apparent desire for the UK to stick to EU regulation and have our courts answerable to EU Judges post-Brexit.
Turkey, EU Exploit Syrian Refugee Crisis: Create New ‘Slave Trade’
So how is that deal between the EU and Turkey to control the flow of illegal immigrants into europe playing out. Well as expected Tutkeys gangster president is doing little to slow the tide, but like all blackmailers is making more demands. And the EU look like giving in; well what do the bureaucrats care, it's only taxpayers money.
Brexit - Britain leaving Europe
Brexit: could Scotland keep the rest of Britain in EU?
Europe: Dave's worthless deal
Europe: Democracy of bureaucratic dictatorship
Europe: Cameron and the brexit
Turkey blackmailing EU over migrants
Eurogeddon: Europes killer debts
Europe's voters are anti integration
Europe is coming unglued
EU Membership Vote in UK to Paralyze Decision Making
Why Should Obama Be Given A Platform From Which To Lecture Britian
Castrating Project Fear: Former-UK Army Chief Shoots Down Claims of Brexit Impact on NATO
Merkel Braced For Disaster As Polls Conflict On Election Prospects
Turkey 'Blackmailing Europe Over Migrant Crisis'
David Cameron denies migrant crisis is a 'giant David Icke conspiracy' to keep us in the EU.
Spain Faces Constitutional Crisis: Podemos Spurns Coalition Deal With Pro - EU Parties
Support For EU / US Sanctions On Russia Declining In Central Europe
Ignorance Is Strength: European Parliament Ready To clamp Down On Free Speech
Politician Blasts Conviction For Speaking The Truth On Anti-Semitism In Europe
Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism
Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan
EU Immigration: The People's Pushback - Immigants are now being asked to sign pledges to uphold host nation's values.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016
With Hillary Clinton’s Email Lies Unravelling, 147 FBI Agents Are On Her Heels
A lot rests on whether Mrs. Clinton was just stupid or was so arrogant she had no trouble believing she is above the law. At this stage we do not know, but (back to Tyler >>)
Well the FBI intends to find out, because as a new Washington Post piece (which you're encouraged to read in its entirety) details, the Bureau now has 147 agents on the case. "One hundred forty-seven FBI agents have been deployed to run down leads" WaPo writes, adding that "the FBI has accelerated the investigation because officials want to avoid the possibility of announcing any action too close to the election."
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Monday, March 28, 2016
The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream
The city of Homs in Syria, showing the Hillary Clinton effect. And much the same happened in Libya after she sold the idea of regime change to Obama. Americans, can you really consider voting for this woman to be your President?
The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed.
The document, case number F-2014-20439, number C05794498, is part of a mass publishing by Wikileaks of all the emails released by the Justice Department probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server during her time as Secretary of State from 2009 – 2013.
Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."
Secretary Clinton then admits that negotiations with Iran would not prevent the Islamic Republic from enriching uranium, the key ingredient for building a nuclear weapon:
"Negotiations to limit Iran’s nuclear program will not solve Israel’s security dilemma. Nor will they stop Iran from improving the crucial part of any nuclear weapons program — the capability to enrich uranium. At best, the talks between the world’s major powers and Iran that began in Istanbul, Turkey, this April and will continue in Baghdad in May will enable Israel to postpone by a few months a decision whether to launch an attack on Iran that could provoke a major Mideast war."
Secretary Clinton goes on to admit that the real concern over Iran’s atomic advancement is that it will end Israel’s nuclear monopoly in Middle East:
"Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of both countries. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.
“An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today. If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself."
Secretary Clinton then draws the axis between Iran and Syria, and their combined threat to Israel. Toppling the Assad government, Secretary Clinton proposes, would solve this problem.
Read full article
Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.
The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes - sadly this article was an April Fool
Unfortunately its only an April fool joke but this article provides are rare chance to see all that despicable, arrogant, spoiled bitch Hillary Clintons recent ethical violations catalogued so people can see she really thinks she is above the law. The USA is on the road to tyranny, thankfully we have Vladimir Putin to defend freedom.
Trump, Sanders: The Anti-Globalists
While most candidates for the US Presidency are political hacks guaranteed to follow the party line, the success of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump reflects how angry American voters are with the ruling elite, and how dangerous a situation the USA is in.
'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
Academy Award-winning movie director Oliver Stone criticized former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for contributing to almost every major conflict of recent decades and for refusing to accept the fact that “the Cold War” era is over
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
Hillary Should Be Terrified After Judge Grants Staffer Immunity On Email Scandal
More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA
Political Analyst: Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted
Former House Majority Leader Claims FBI is ‘Ready to Indict’ Hillary Clinton
Is This The End Of Hillary Clinton's Political Ambitions
Is Hillarygate coming? The e - mail scandal keeps getting bigger.
Syria holocaust
Cameron's syria folly
Syria and Turkey all out war
Syria Is biggest US foreign policy blunder ever
US fighting proxy war with Russia in Syria
US - UK hypocrisy on Syria
The disastrous western interbention in Libya
Libya military chaose
Lawless Libya
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US Provides Additional $20million in Response to Refugee Crisis in Europe
The United States has allocated additional $20 million in response to the current migrant crisis in Europe, the US State Department announced in a press release on Monday.
“The United States announces $20 million to support efforts by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent (IFRC) to respond to increased protection, shelter, and other lifesaving assistance throughout Europe, including in Greece, Western Turkey, and the Balkans,” the release said.
This latest injection of cash brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance for the refugee and migrant crisis to nearly $44 million since the start of the crisis last year. It's certain US taxpayers are not going to like this news and we can imaging Mr. Trump making political capital out of it soon, but to Europeans it seems like justice as the crisis is to some extend due to the Obama Administration's meddling in the domestic politics of middle eastern and north African nations.
Today’s announcement includes $17.5 million for UNHCR’s Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Europe, $2 million for IFRC’s revised Emergency Appeal for Greece, and $500,000 for UNFPA’s Initial Response Plan for Refugee and Migrant Women and Girls in South-Eastern Europe.
The new funding will allow UNHCR to provide emergency and life-saving assistance for refugees and migrants, support the creation of adequate reception arrangements and management, enhance protection monitoring, assist authorities with registration and identification of new arrivals, enhance counseling to new arrivals and persons on the move, strengthen public information and advocacy strategies, and enhance communication efforts to inform communities of origin of existing and legal ways to enter Europe, according to the US government press release.
The contribution from the United States also fund work with the Hellenic Red Cross to respond to the needs of some 200,000 people, with a focus on providing basic food and non-food items, first aid, water and sanitation.
Money allocated to UNFPA will be used in helping prevent gender-based violence (GBV) and address sexual and reproductive health needs for refugees and migrants in Greece by providing rape kits and bolstering the technical skills of providers to respond to GBV.
The USA says it will continue to support those affected by this crisis while working closely with humanitarian organizations and with countries in the region.
EU / Tukey Migrant Crisis Deal One Veto Away From Being Wrecked
EU-Turkey Refugee Plan Puts Women, Children in Concentration Camps
EU Sacrifices Kurds To Turkey's Imperial Ambition For Erdogan Help With Migrants
Migrants Mass At Greek Border Waiting To Cross Into Europe
Germans Cheer As Refugee Center Burns
Islamic State Using Dead Syrians And Left Wing Media Islamist Propaganda?
Now Even The Immigrants Are Against Immigration
Death In The Desert - The Fate Of A Group Of Africans Who Tried To Get To Europe
If You Want To Help Refugees Stop Helping To Kill Them
Europe's Open Door Policy Condemning Poor Africans To Death
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Sunday, March 27, 2016
Will There Be A Coup In Turkey?
Angela my little shish - kebab, when you are the autocrat of a mighty Islamic Caliphate as I am you will be able to sit in fuck off chairs like these and look down on the filthy masses. (Image source)
We have chronicled the progress of Turkey's President Erdogan as he moved to make himself Sultan of the new Ottoman Empire, the way he acted as a courier, ordering his military forces to supply the ISIS terrorists in Syrian and Iraq with armaments, while he and his family profited from illicit oil trade, buying crude oil stolen from well id Syria and Iraq and selling it in western markets.
In fact we even reported how witnesses said everybody in Turkey was aware of Erdogan's criminaly. In spite of all this, and Turkey's appalling record on human rights, European Union and NATO leaders courted courted the dictator, Europe offering cash and EU membership in return for help slowing the tide of illegal immigrants flowing into Europe, the US led NATO military alliance for Erdogan's support in the effort to depose Syria's President Assad, whose Shia Muslim regime presented the last obstacle to a US / Saudi Arabian plan to push a pipe line from oil and gas fields on the Persian Gulf to the oil terminals on the eastern Mediterranean coast.
Now we hear that, somewhat belatedly, there are signs of a movement to overthrow the Erdogan regime in Turkey. While such a move would have the support of Russia, the USA and NATO would not be happy to lose such an easily bribed ally as the corrupt Turkish regime. So the would could be about to move yet another step closer to World War Three.
The situation in Turkey is bad and getting worse. It’s not just the deterioration in security amidst a wave of terrorism. Public debt might be stable, but private debt is out-of-control, the tourism sector is in free-fall, and the decline in the currency has impacted every citizen’s buying power. There is a broad sense, election results notwithstanding, that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is out-of-control. He is imprisoning opponents, seizing newspapers left and right, and building palaces at the rate of a mad sultan or aspiring caliph. In recent weeks, he has once again threatened to dissolve the constitutional court. Corruption is rife. His son Bilal reportedly fled Italy on a forged Saudi diplomatic passport as the Italian police closed in on him in an alleged money laundering scandal. His outbursts are raising eyebrows both in Turkey and abroad. Even members of his ruling party whisper about his increasing paranoia which, according to some Turkish officials, has gotten so bad that he seeks to install anti-aircraft missiles at his palace to prevent airborne men-in-black from targeting him in a snatch-and-grab operation.
Turks — and the Turkish military — increasingly recognize that Erdogan is taking Turkey to the precipice. By first bestowing legitimacy upon imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan with renewed negotiations and then precipitating renewed conflict, he has taken Turkey down a path in which there is no chance of victory and a high chance of de facto partition. After all, if civil war renews as in the 1980s and early 1990s, Turkey’s Kurds will be hard-pressed to settle for anything less, all the more so given the precedent now established by their brethren in Iraq and Syria.Erdogan long ago sought to kneecap the Turkish military. For the first decade of his rule, both the US government and European Union cheered him on. But that was before even Erdogan’s most ardent foreign apologists recognized the depth of his descent into madness and autocracy. So if the Turkish military moves to oust Erdogan and place his inner circle behind bars, could they get away with it?
Turkey is blackmailing the EU over the migrant crisis, Vojtech Filip, leader of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia province of the Czech Republic commented on the EU-Turkey summit in Brussels. "It is necessary to strictly reject an attempt by Turkey to blackmail the European Union," the Filip said.
The opinion is not held only by political leaders of the left in Czech politics, prominent figures in parties of the right right shared his opinion, including the Civic Democratic Party, the website Ceske Noviny reported.
According to him, like a stereotypical blackmailer The Turkish government in Ankara is not implementing the agreements it reached earlier with Brussels, and will not say what happened to the money it was given 'for help in reducing the flow of illegal immigrants', in fact the numbers of illegal immigrants increased. Instead of acting to stop the traffic from Turkey to the Greek Islands, Turkey's gangster- like President Recep Erdogan simply demands a few €billions more without offering any firm guarantees that he will keep his end of the bargain. It is then an indication of how corrupt the politicians of the EU and USA are that, in order to further their own geopolitical goals they are prepared not only to deal with these gangsters but to sacrifice all the advances towards nationhood the people of Kurdistan have made over several decades to Erdogan's territorial ambitions.
Treasure "Trove" Of ISIS Documents Detail Secret Oil Trade With Turkey
We detail the route by which ISIS transports illegal, undocumented crude to Turkey via Zakho-based smugglers and how that crude ends up at Ceyhan where tanker rates seem to mysteriously spike around ISIS-related oil events. All of this, we suggested, was done with the help of the Turkish government up to and including Erdogan's son Bilal who owns a shipping company
After Yugoslavia NATO changed from a mutual defence alliance to an organisation for military aggression.
ISIS oil trade through Raqqa
Western leaders appeasement of Islam leading to disaster
ISIS a creation of the USA? Evidence
How ISIS gets weapons through Turkey
ISIS fighters training in Turkey
ISIS and the New World Order agenda
Syria - the ISIS project
Is Syria the biggest US foreign policy blunder ever?
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Friday, March 25, 2016
We Will Never Defeat Terrorists While Idiots Like This Are Allowed To Hold Public Office
Belgian Official Says Terrorism is the Fault of Europeans for Not Being Nice Enough to Moslems
Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon understands the real reason Moslems do terrorism: Because of the Crusades.If Jambon is trying to curry favour with the Muslim thugs in his country, the moment they find out his name, Jambon, means Ham, he's dead.
As everyone knows, it is impossible for innocent brown people – the victims of the whole world and all of history, forever – to ever do anything wrong, ever. As such, when they do do something which is considered as bad – such as shoot people randomly on the streets of Paris – it is in fact White people’s fault that they did this.
It is just simple common sense that eternal victims cannot ever be responsible for their own behavior. I mean, these people had the Crusades inflicted on them, FFS.
Can you even begin to imagine what it is like to have a Crusade against you?
If you’re White, then obvious no – you can’t. Well try this:
Michael Hoffman - The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
White hating cultural Marxist whites will tell you in all of history, nothing bad has ever happened to a White person. That is what the "White Privilege" these stupid, emotionally needy guilt addicts. Nothing bad ever happens, under any circumstance. No? World War One, World War Two, The Pogroms, Communism, The Thousand years of brutal rule by Ottoman Turks in Greece, the Balkans and parts of central Europe. The protestant - Catholic wars and persecutions, the wars between Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Listen to the loony left and you will end up thinking only specially imported black and people were hurt or faced hardship in any of those.
It's bollocks of course, history is brutal, when life is a battle for survival people tend to be beastly to each other at an individual, tribal or national level. They do what they must, first to survive and then to secure what is theirs.
In keeping with this impeccable politically correct logic of dark skin good, pale skin bad, the Interior Minister of Belgium, Jan Jambon, has fired back at racists who believe the innocent victims of white privilege who shot up Paris and bombed Brussels are responsible for their crimes.
Jambon says the majority of young Muslims are well integrated into Belgian society, but admits his government has more to do to make some feel “at home” in their own country, given that a sense of alienation can leave them open to the threat of radicalization.
“We’re talking about third- and fourth-generation [immigrants]; these youngsters are born in Belgium, even their fathers and mothers are born in Belgium, and still they are open for these kind of messages. This is not normal — in the U.S., the second generation was the President; here, the fourth generation is an IS fighter — so that is really something we have to work on.”
“There is no reason why you shouldn’t feel Belgian — this is the country you were raised in. This is the country where you have been fed, where you went to school, where you had your friends, where you practiced your sports. So why all of a sudden you don’t feel Belgian?” he asks.
“There is no reason to feel like that. I believe that it is part of our Islam that we protect the country we were raised in and that we try to make the country we live in prosper.”
There you have it.
Finally, honest dialog about race in Europe. These people did nothing wrong.
Their behavior is our responsibility.
With fuckwits like that holding responsible and influential positions in government there really is little hope for Europe, which is why Britain must leave.
Europe is at The End of its Existence. Western Europe Is Virtually Dead
The free flow of guns and grenades West is not the main problem Europe faces said the counter - terror expert said. Pointing to the existential crisis Mr. Wrona said: "The worst problem for is political correctness. Europe is at the end of its existence. Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who [only want] to make money, as once did the barbarians".
Former Head Of UK Equalities Commission Admits He Was Wrong To Believe Muslims Would Blend Into Britain
revor Phillips: the sign behind him reads "Working for equality and integration", a cause to wich he devoted a large part of his career but which he has now been forced to abandon because of Muslim racism and intransigence
A Closer Look At No - Go Zones For Europeans In EU’s Notorious Migrant Districts
In the wake of the latest terror attacks in a European city, (Brussels this time) it seems everybody in the EU except for the politicians and senior bureaucrats whose ineptitude and arrogance caused this mess, is now aware of the scale of problems for European socities emanating from the Islamic enclaves that have been allowed to develop by authorities more interested in being politically correct that serving the people who pay them.
In The War On Terror Freedom Is Not Winning - Catalog Page
War On Terror
Sweden Dystopia Omnibus
Immigration Omnibus
Immigration Germany
War On Terror omnibus
Greenteeth Media Catalogue on Terror
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The Truth About Europe’s Muslim ‘No-Go Zones’
The sissified politicians and senior public servants of the authorities responsible for national security, public safety and maintaing the rule of law have washed their hands of any responsibility by saying Muslim communities self-police using Sharia law. Those public servants, both elected representatives and career bureaucrats, have clearly not studied and understood Sharia Law which conflicts directly with western culture and social values.
The Gatestone Institute has published an analysis of the beginnings of this cultural phenomenon and of the refusal to recognise the problems it is causing. Governments obsessed with multiculturalism and the idea that by abolishing national borders to facilitate unrestricted travel they can create a single global nation with a single politically correct culture and ruled by a meritocratic elite.
To insist that the problems being experienced in Europe now because of cultural and religious differences between Europeans (including long established and assimilated Muslim communities) and the newly arrived immigrants requires a level of cognitive dissonance bordering on insanity.
from the Gatestone Institute report
No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.
Muslim enclaves in European cities are also breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism and pose a significant threat to Western security.
Europe’s no-go zones are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated from — rather than become integrated into — their European host nations.
The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue.
Consider Carol Matlack, an American writer for Bloomberg Businessweek, who recently penned a story — entitled “Debunking the Myth of Muslim-Only Zones in Major European Cities” — in which she claims that no-go zones are nothing more than an “urban legend” that is “demonstrably untrue.” She then goes on to ridicule those who disagree with her.
The American cable television channel Fox News has also issued at least four apologies for referring to Muslim no-go zones in Europe, after one commentator erroneously claimed that the entire city of Birmingham, England, was Muslim. Had he simply said that “parts” of Birmingham are Muslim, he would have been correct.
Despite such politically correct denials, Muslim no-go zones are a well-known fact of life in many parts of Europe.
That final statement has certainly been shown to be absolutely correct by this month's outrage in Brussels, the mass rapes and sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany, carried by Muslim men on German women celebrating New Year on the night of December 31 / January 1, the Paris attacks in November 2015, the Charlie hebdo shootings, also in Paris in January 2015 and a bunch of thwarted mass murder plans.
Then there is also the breakdown of law and order in Swedish cities, reported many times by our team both here and in the Daily Stirrer, the appalling cover up by UK police and municipal authorities of the grooming and sexual exploitation of young girls in British cities with large immigrant communities, cases involving the rape of hundreds of girls over many years, which were ignored by police due to pressure from politicians who wanted 'to avoid creating racial tensions'.
How do we solve all these problems? The first thing is to re - establish control of our borders and restore the sovereignty of the British government over laws pertaining to British society (i.e. quit the EU). And then we round up all the people living and working in this country illegally and deport them. And then we call together all the members and affiliates of The Muslim Council of Great Britain and tell them in no uncertain terms there is only one law in Britain, British law, made by the British parliament since it was called The Witan and King Alfred The Great presided. The have to understand Sharia law has no standing in Britain and anyone who wants to live under the rule of that medieval, sexist, homophobic, authoritarian, barbaric system is welcome to leave the country and 'find a better life' in some theocratic third world cesspit.
Europe is at The End of its Existence. Western Europe Is Virtually Dead
The free flow of guns and grenades West is not the main problem Europe faces said the counter - terror expert said. Pointing to the existential crisis Mr. Wrona said: "The worst problem for is political correctness. Europe is at the end of its existence. Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who [only want] to make money, as once did the barbarians".
Former Head Of UK Equalities Commission Admits He Was Wrong To Believe Muslims Would Blend Into Britain
revor Phillips: the sign behind him reads "Working for equality and integration", a cause to wich he devoted a large part of his career but which he has now been forced to abandon because of Muslim racism and intransigenceBlack Belgians Refute ‘Poverty, Discrimination’ As Causes Of Arab Terror - It's A Cultural Thing
“You know, we hear a lot about how the Arabs are a fragile community that suffers, but we, ‘les blackies,’ are discriminated against, too, and we hurt nobody”, Nico Atoba, an African Christian living in Brussels told the National Post for a feature the Canadian newspaper was assembling.
Cruise For 1,700 School Kids Ends In Tragedy As Migrant Passengers Gang-Rape Girl
After The Brexit The Frexit;1 in 3 French Voters Want Out Of The EU
Five men, including two believed to be accessories to murder, have been arrested on suspicion of gang raping a girl on-board a special, high school kids-only pleasure cruise in Sweden. Four men aged between 18 and 19 were arrested when the luxury MS Galaxy landed after its cruise to Finland on Wednesday, with a fifth arrested yesterday. They are all accused of gang-raping an unidentified woman, and face charges of aggravated rape.
EU Membership Vote in UK to Paralyze Decision MakingA Closer Look At No - Go Zones For Europeans In EU’s Notorious Migrant Districts
In the wake of the latest terror attacks in a European city, (Brussels this time) it seems everybody in the EU except for the politicians and senior bureaucrats whose ineptitude and arrogance caused this mess, is now aware of the scale of problems for European socities emanating from the Islamic enclaves that have been allowed to develop by authorities more interested in being politically correct that serving the people who pay them.ISIS Sends 400 Specially Trained Jihadists To Terrorise Europe.
French Legislator Proposes Alliance With Russia to Prevent More Attacks
Brussels Bombings: Todays News, Old Headlines
When A White Guy Killed Immigrants In Sweden It Was Terrorism, When An African Immigrant Killed White People, It Was The Victim's Fault. Why?
Britain’s Terror Chief Warns Of Likely Islamic State Terror Attacks
Collaboration between Jihadists Groups In North Africa Threatens More Terror Attacks For 2016
Captured ISIS fighter says ‘trained in Turkey, ISIS thinks it’s safer than Syria’
ISIS Opens For Business In Afghanistan
Multiculturalism Today: Child Marriage, Honour Killings, Sharia Law Zones, & ‘Punishment’ Gang Rapes
In The War On Terror Freedom Is Not Winning - Catalog Page
War On Terror
Sweden Dystopia Omnibus
Immigration Omnibus
Immigration Germany
War On Terror omnibus
Greenteeth Media Catalogue on Terror
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Thursday, March 24, 2016
ISIS Sends 400 Specially Trained Jihadists To Terrorise Europe.
If the newly arrived refugeEs from Syria who moved into you street look anything like this ... RUN AWAY
Paris fugitive Salah Abdeslam has been branded “ringleader” of the cell that was behind this week’s attack on Brussels. That’s probably because he’s now a household name in Europe and government propaganda officers want the public to think a field commader has been captured (i.e. nothing to see here, everything is under control - do politicians seriously think anybody believes that shit any more? In reality, Abdeslam aborted his martyrdom mission in Paris and got himself arrested instead of dying for the “cause.”
That’s not exactly what we expect from confirmed commanders and wannabe martyrs like Abdelhamid Abaaoud and Omar al-Shishani. Rather, it would appear that Abdeslam effectively inherited Abaaoud’s cell upon returning to Belgium after backing out of the Paris attacks. ISIS likely saw some utility in keeping him around and Tuesday’s bombings suggest retaining him as a kind of organizer was a prudent decision. Or perhaps he was never meant to die in Paris. Who knows.
Whatever the case, the important lesson of Tuesday appears to be that Abaaoud’s cell continued to operate and expand five months after his death and indeed, the group appears to have been using at least one of the very same bomb makers, Najim Laachraoui (who, incidentally, authorities now claim died in the Brussels airport). but do we really believe that a skilled bomb maker would be sent on a suicide mission that any fanatical fuckwit capable of yelling Allahu Akbar and pressing a button could perform?
In other words do the authorities not understand some of us have noticed how often Jihadist leaders are killed by special ops / drone strikes only to pop up a few months later looking very healthy and more dangerous that ever. Either we are being lied to of when it comes to resurrection allah makes God look like an amateur.
So, looking at the state of the group’s thinking and their operational capacity to attack targets in Western Europe, we have discovered a story picked up by Associated Press but not reported in mainstream media, which reveals European and Iraqi intelligence officials and a French assembly member, who together have distilled chatter gathered from surveillance of suspected jihadists - came to exactly the same conclusion.
"Security officials have told The Associated Press that the Islamic State group has trained at least 400 attackers and sent them into Europe for terror attacks.The network of interlocking, agile and semiautonomous cells shows the reach of the extremist group in Europe even as it loses ground in Syria.
Surveillance officers, including European and Iraqi intelligence services that follow jihadi networks, describe camps designed specifically to train terror groups for attacks against the West.
The fighter are given orders to find the right time, place and method to carry out their mission."
Right so, that's precisely the conclusion anyone who closely monitors the evolution of Sunni terror networks would have come to some 12 months ago after a police raid in Verviers proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that what happened at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in May of 2014 (CNN report with audio) was no isolated event.
In any event, since AP has now reported there are 400 well-trained Islamic State fighters embedded throughout Europe and organized into semi-autonomous cells (let's call them proto-caliphates) just waiting for the "right" time and place to strike.
For any "intelligence" officials who may read this we would only add one thing: there are probably a whole lot more than 400. Time to close the borders and start depoting anyone who is in Europe but did not enter legally. And damn the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the politically correct, neo - fascist 'left'.
ISIS Sends 400 Specially Trained Jihadists To Terrorise Europe.
We Will Never Defeat Terrorists While Idiots Like This Are Allowed To Hold Public Office
Lets face it, the culture of politically correct thinking and white guilt thar prevails in the public sector is the biggest factor working in support of Jihadism and the globalist elite's push to destabilise civilised nations as a means of smoothing the way to creation of a global government. Here's what I mean:
Brussels Bombings: Todays News, Old Headlines
When A White Guy Killed Immigrants In Sweden It Was Terrorism, When An African Immigrant Killed White People, It Was The Victim's Fault. Why?
Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group
Britain’s Terror Chief Warns Of Likely Islamic State Terror Attacks
Collaboration between Jihadists Groups In North Africa Threatens More Terror Attacks For 2016
While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos
Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
US Foreign Policy has Boosted Expansion of Terrorism, Putin Says
When Politicians Don't Have A Clue How To Deal With A Problem They Pretend It Does Not Exist
War On Terror omnibus
Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group
A spate of warning on the imminent threat of more and increasingly bloody attacks on Britain and Europe by Muslim terror group Islamic State have been issued by British government security agencies in the past few days. As well as one from the Police covert anti terror unit, reported here, another, Muslim Brotherhood Review has been featured in the Washington Times
USA Extends Drone war To Africa
So why we wonder is the USA taking its drone war against the third world into deepest, sub Sahran Africa? There cannot be any reason for it, the cited aim of neutralising Boko Haram is not valid because boko Haram are not a standing army but a guerilla force that strikes and then melts away into the civilian population.
Why Are Governments Scared Of Truth? France Begins Crackdown on Conspiracy Theories
We reported several weeks ago that the French government was planning a clampdown on conspiray theories by shutting down certain dissident websites. Since then we have learned the French government have shown they are prepared to go even further in attacking citizens right of free speech
France is trying to create a coalition to destroy Isil, but President Obama isn't interested
With France leading Europe into a coalition with Russia against Islamic State, and Chia also giving its support to the struggle against Islamic extremism, why is Barack Hussein Obama still pussyfooting around and talking about the need to support moderate anti - Assad groups? Could it be his Saudi puppet masters agenda of overthrowing Assad is more important to him.
War On Terror
Sweden Dystopia Omnibus
Immigration Omnibus
Immigration Germany
War On Terror omnibus
Greenteeth Media Catalogue on Terror
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016
EU-Turkey Refugee Plan Puts Women, Children in Concentration Camps
Humanitarian Groups: EU-Turkey Refugee Plan Puts Women, Children in Prison Camps
Michela Whitton, The Anti Media
Michaela Whitton
March 23, 2016
(ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom —
The E.U.-Turkey deal to stem the mass arrival of refugees and migrants to Greece — and further into Europe — came into effect this week. New arrivals to so-called “hotspots” will now be automatically subject to the new return policy, which calls for “irregular migrants” crossing from Turkey to the Greek islands to be returned to Turkey. For every Syrian returned to Turkey, another will be resettled in the E.U.
The reality on the ground, however, is that refugee reception centres have rapidly become chaotic prison camps where people are being held behind barbed wire fences, without clear information about what is happening to them. Volunteers are banned from assisting, while the authorities appear clueless about how to register and manage the new arrivals, let alone determine who is “irregular” and who is not.
As a result, international agencies are refusing to play ball. On Tuesday the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) announced it would not assist in transporting migrants and refugees arriving in Greece to the new detention centres. It said it refuses to be involved in returns or detention, adding that Greece is not prepared to implement the deal properly and may send refugees back to Turkey without properly assessing their asylum claims.
According to UNHCR, more than 147,000 people, many fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Asia, have arrived by sea in Greece this year. The vast majority of those making the perilous journey are in need of international protection, and over half the arrivals in Greece have been women and children. On the Greek mainland in Idomeni, an estimated 12,000 people — including 4,000 children — live in a tent city close to the Macedonian border. There have been daily protests at the squalid camp since the return policy was announced, and one man was hospitalised earlier this week after setting himself on fire out of desperation.
At a press briefing in Geneva on March 22, UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming expressed concern that people are being held against their will. She said the E.U.-Turkey deal is being implemented before Greece has the correct safeguards in place.
Read more on Turkey / EU Migrant deal
Humanitarian Groups: EU-Turkey Refugee Plan Puts Women, Children in Prison Camps
Britain's Choice: Democracy Or Eurocracy
Democracy in the European Union: The people = one vote, the bureaucracy = millions of votes - because, and I quote, "The people are not intelligent enough to understand complex issues". As we have commented before, it is not just a large section of British public opinion that want's to get our country out of Europe. Last week voters in The Netherlands voted by a big majority against the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which would be a step towards ...
Turkey, EU Exploit Syrian Refugee Crisis: Create New ‘Slave Trade’
So how is that deal between the EU and Turkey to control the flow of illegal immigrants into europe playing out. Well as expected Tutkeys gangster president is doing little to slow the tide, but like all blackmailers is making more demands. And the EU look like giving in; well what do the bureaucrats care, it's only taxpayers money.
EU-Turkey Refugee Plan Puts Women, Children in Concentration Camps
Scepticism about the EU / Turkey deal existed among conservative and libertarian thinkers from the outset, now as it becomes clear how much the EU surrendered to Turkey and how Turkey has not intention of honouring the paltry pledges it made, the left are becoming sceptical as well. It was always naive and foolish of EU leaders to trust the current regime in Turkey
US Provides Additional $20million in Response to Refugee Crisis in Europe
“The United States announces $20 million to support efforts by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent (IFRC) to provide increased protection, shelter, and lifesaving assistance throughout Europe, including in Greece, Western Turkey, and the Balkans,” the release said.
Migrants Riot And Use BATTERING RAM To Smash Through E U Border Checkpoint today used a home-made battering ram in an attempt to force their way through a border control point between greece and Macedonia. They also threw rocks at police, who retaliated with tear gas. The migrants destroyed a gate on the border but Macedonian military personnel were on hand and it is not clear if any actually managed to get through the broken gate ...
German Politician Predicts White Germans Will Be A Minority. Faces Calls to Quit.
Erika Steinbach, human rights spokesperson for Angela Merkel's CDU party, has been criticized after she posted a picture that appears to predict that in 14 years' time, white people will be in a minority in Germany. Steinbach faces criticism after she tweeted a picture with the caption 'Germany 2030' that depicts a crowd of dark-skinned people curiously asking a single white child where she is from.
Opposition Party to Sue Austrian Government Over Complicity In People Trafficking
We have reported previously that in their eagerness to complete the genocide of Europe's white working classes, the political and business elites are prepared to make a mockery of their own laws. One way in which this has been done is by turning a blind eye to people trafficking so that the entry of illegal immigrants to Europe would not be slowed by national law. We can't claim credit for the action reported here, we have very few Austrian readers, but it's good to see others are starting to think.
European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East
While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos
Following a warning last night of an "imminent" terror threat in Brussels security services raised the country's terror alert to the highest level, plunging Europe, still reeling from last weeks carnage in Paris and gripped by fear and panic due to the honest reporting (at last) that the EU's politically correct 'open doors' immigration policy has allowed extremists hostile to European culture and our way of life to infiltrate European societies ...
Hungarian Government Minister Slams Down German Call To Show 'Humanity' To Illegals
A senior member of the Hungarian government accused a German Foreign Affairs minister of having lost his grip on reality after the German insisted that in order to stop further atrocities like the one in Paris, more open borders and less restrictions on movement were needed.German Federal Foreign Office minister of state Michael Roth yesterday insisted the Paris attacks showed Europe should move to integrate more fully ...
Autumn Gets More Interesting As Merkel Admists She May Have Caused balkans War.
The autumn of 2015 has been interesting with the escalation of the war against ISIS by Russian air Force jets and Iranian ground troops in Syria and Iraq, Europe's migrant crisis pushing prosperous north European nations towards civil unrest, and the downing of a Russian airliner over Sinai by as yet unknown causes though western intelligence reports suggest a terrorist bomb was planted on board before take off. And it is set to get more interesting ...
German Opposition Party Warns, Nation Is "At The Edge Of Anarchy, Civil War Is Coming"
As the stituation in German society deteriorates each day due to the vast swarm of lawless, uneducated, infidel hating illegal immigrants that Housfrau Volksfuhrer invited to travel to Germany and replace the established population, social commentators are predicting the country will slide into civil unrest and possibly full scale conflict between supporters of immigration and patriotic Germans
Euronazi Leaders Admit The Voters Are Irrelevant.
European leaders threw threats and warnings at each other at a meeting held on Saturday (24 October) as thousands of undocumented travellers continued to stream across borders into the Balkans. Saturday's meeting was in preparation for European Union talks aimed at deciding on a course of action to tackle the crisis (Source: Reuters)...
Can Muslim Culture Ever Integrete With Tolerant Western Societies?
We in the developed nations are constantly told we must accept multiculturalism (Why? We never voted in favour of it?), celebrate diversity (We do celebrate diversity, there are thousands of diverse lifestyle within western societies) and adapt to accommodate the quirky but charming traditions of immigrants ...
Merkel Hit By German Citizens Backlash As Her Anti - German, Pro - Immigration Policy Indtroduces Violence, Rape and Third World Lawlessness To Germny's Muslim Ghettos
As the lawless criminal scum imported by Merkel in her efforts to suck up to Obama threaten to turn Germany into a third world human cesspit, it seems public opinion in European is waking up.
Muslim Only No Go Areas For Police And Emergency Services In Our Cities? - It Already Happened In Sweden.
Sweden continues to lead the way in surrendering its nation, culture and self respect to extremist Muslim dickheads, reasoning that the violent rapists and murderers of the religion of peace will thank them rather than kill them all. but the people all over Europe are waking to the betrayal of their elites.
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French Legislator Proposes Alliance With Russia to Prevent More Attacks
AK47 Assault Rifles Used in Sweden Pub Attack, Death Toll Expected to Rise
There is one that strikes us as the winner by a considerable distance.
One idea to stand out from the largely internal measures, by virtue of it's abject stupidity was posed by Eric Ciotti of Nicolas Sarkozy's Les Republicains party. Ciotti proposed the creation of an alliance with Russia, in order to combat the Islamic State and put aside other disagreements over Syria.
Now forming an alliance with Russia for many areas of cooperation is a good idea but on this one is not. Russia does not have the same kind of immigrant numbers or border control problems as European Union nations in which immigration policy is dictated by the politically correct thinking of nmby pamby liberal academics. If people turn up at the Russian border claiming to be refugees or asylum seekers and demanding that they be let in, given full citizenship and criminalize alcohol, music, dog ownership, Christmas, women who don't wear bags over their heads and the the eating of pork.
Homosexuality is an abomination to Islam, but instead of cruel punishments, Muslims give gay men free flying lessons (Image source)
Treasure "Trove" Of ISIS Documents Detail Secret Oil Trade With Turkey
We detail the route by which ISIS transports illegal, undocumented crude to Turkey via Zakho-based smugglers and how that crude ends up at Ceyhan where tanker rates seem to mysteriously spike around ISIS-related oil events. All of this, we suggested, was done with the help of the Turkish government up to and including Erdogan's son Bilal who owns a shipping company
We Will Never Defeat Terrorists While Idiots Like This Are Allowed To Hold Public Office
Lets face it, the culture of politically correct thinking and white guilt thar prevails in the public sector is the biggest factor working in support of Jihadism and the globalist elite's push to destabilise civilised nations as a means of smoothing the way to creation of a global government. Here's what I mean:
EU Membership Vote in UK to Paralyze Decision Making
Brussels Bombings: Todays News, Old Headlines
Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group
Britain’s Terror Chief Warns Of Likely Islamic State Terror Attacks
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Die Hard With A Tribal Mask: 23 Dead After Al-Qaeda Storms West African Hotel
France’s Slide Into Martial Law
Obama More Concerned Islamists' Rights Than Protecting America
We Are Living Amid An Islamic Threat", French Mayor Says: "Our Country Is At War Inside Our Borders
While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos
Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
AK47 Assault Rifles Used in Sweden Pub Attack, Death Toll Expected to Rise
In The War On Terror Freedom Is Not Winning
War On Terror
Sweden Dystopia Omnibus
Immigration Omnibus
Immigration Germany
War On Terror omnibus
Greenteeth Media Catalogue on Terror
Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]