The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Trump blasts ‘sleazebag operatives’ for ‘Russian blackmail’ smears.

Now that allegations about the Russian government having information about Donald Trump that could implicate him in sex crimes, financial misconduct and being a rich old white man have been proved to be a last, hopeless bid by the Hillary Clinton friendly US media to discredit the President Elect, stand by for reprisals. Donald Trump is a man who understands the meaning of "Don't get mad get even." When someone like Barack Obama responded to an attempt to knife him in the back, it was like a five year old girl throwing a hissy fit.

Donald Trump is a New Yorker, from the borough of Queens, which is, and was, not the most salubrious of the New York boroughs. He knows the value of a pair of shoes with good solid toe caps. And the kick in the balls that is going to be aimed at the liberal media and the security agencies that facilitated the attempted stitch up will probably be followed by a couple of kicks in the ribs and one in the face.

The US president-elect has accused unnamed ‘sleazebag political operatives’(we know who it is, but it would be unethical to break someone else's story) in both parties for publishing the dossier which alleges he has ties to Russia, while pledging a full report on the alleged ‘Russian hacking’ of the US election in 90 days.

Trump took to Twitter to reiterate his denials of the unsubstantiated allegations published by Buzzfeed.

“Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans – FAKE NEWS! Russia says nothing exists. Probably released by ‘Intelligence’ even knowing there is no proof, and never will be. My people will have a full report on hacking within 90 days!” Trump said.

Well we should no more take the word of the Russian Government as truth any more than we should believe what the US, UK, French, German or any other governments tell us. We're not anti any of them, but people need to understand all governments have to play the same games.

Donald J. Trump


It now turns out that the phony allegations against me were put together by my political opponents and a failed spy afraid of being sued....
11:05 AM - 13 Jan 2017

12,794 12,794 Retweets

Donald J. Trump


Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans - FAKE NEWS! Russia says nothing exists. Probably...
11:11 AM - 13 Jan 2017

Donald J. Trump


released by "Intelligence" even knowing there is no proof, and never will be. My people will have a full report on hacking within 90 days!
11:16 AM - 13 Jan 2017

In a press conference, Trump called Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage” for publishing the document, which sparked uproar online and in the media because of the salacious details it contained describing Trump’s allleged sexual adventures in Russia.

Trump also refused to take a question from the CNN, which reported on claims that the 36-page document was complied by a former British spy on behalf of anti-Trump forces, had made its way as a two-page synopsis attached to a classified US intelligence into a report presented to President Barack Obama, and later President-elect Trump. The President Elect has previously called CNN a Fake News site.

The Kremlin said on Friday that what Buzzfeed had published “didn’t merit to be called a report.”

“We have finished the discussion of this fabrication,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained. “This is far from being the first such falsehood published, and it is, moreover, really quite base. One simply shouldn’t pay any attention to it, as it is now appealing to the emotional frenzy that is dominating in America at the moment.”

Politicians from both parties in the USA have accused Trump of  collaborating with Russia. Presindent Obama and several members of his administration  have accused The Kremlin of waging a massive campaign to undermine the democrats campaign and swing the election  in favor of Trump by hacking the Democratic Party’s computers and leaking the stolen emails containing damaging information on hillary clinton and the corrupt and unethical dealings of The Clinton Foundation which she heads to WikiLeaks.

Russia has repeatedly denied the accusations, calling them “nonsense,” while the White House has refused to provide any concrete evidence to support its allegations, claiming it was necessary to keep it secret in order to protect the sources and methods of the intelligence communities.

Fake News Alert: US Govt Puts Out Ten Year Old Propaganda

Liberal News Site BuzzFeed Pilloried On Social Media After Fake News 'bombshell' on Mueller & Trump

Since Trump's vicory in the 2016 election wild accusations that he collaborated with the Russian government have been flung about none of which have been supported by a shred of credible evidence. This week the strongly liberal buzzfeed online news site ran a story that Trump ordered his lawyer to lie to Congress, left leaning media went into meltdown ...

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British Lawmakers Demand Inquiry Into Saudi / US War Crime In Yemen

British MPs urge independent inquiry into claims of Saudi war crimes in Yemen
Houthi rebels  in the wreckage of a house in which Houthi leader Yahya Aiydh lived, after Saudi-led air strikes destroyed it in Yemen’s capital Sanaa . © Khaled Abdullah / Reuters
13 Jan, 2017
Members of the British Parliament from both sides of the house have called for an independent investigation into, recently appointed to the chair of the United Nations human rights council, being the most powerful player in the Yemeni conflict cannot be expected to lead an inquiry into human rights violations by its own military personnel.
A debate in the UK Parliament over the “ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen” saw members on both sides of the House of Commons demanding an embargo on British arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh was also criticized for being “too slow” on delivering a report on alleged war crimes, including the intentional targeting of civilian areas.

Yemen, a nation of around 25 million people, has been mired in civil war since 2015, with a Saudi-led, US backed military coalition supporting the official government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi against an Iran-backed Houthi rebellion supporting former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Under the leadership of Barack Obama's bum chum David Cameron, Britain officially came out on the side of Saudi Arabia’s brutal theocratic regime and has provided armaments and military advice. Obama of course, throughout his eight year tenure as President of The United States was the world's chief sponsor and anuimator of terrorism and Islamic extremism.

Leading the debate Stephen Twigg, the Labour chairman of the International Development Select Committee, said an independent inquiry into the alleged breaches is “long overdue” and the progress made by the Saudis on their own investigations as “glacial.”

from :
“The government repeatedly over the last 14 months have been asked about Saudi Arabia’s own investigations,” Twigg said.
“To my knowledge, and the minister may be able to update us today, Saudi Arabia have produced nine reports on violations even though there have been many other allegations made.
“Progress I believe on this is glacial and I find it remarkable that the government still holds the line that Saudi Arabia must take responsibility for investigating its own alleged violations.”
Twigg's concerns were echoed by Foreign Affairs Minister Tobias Ellwood, who conceded the process had been lagging. But the Tory former infantry soldier argued the delays had been caused by the Saudis’ inexperience in writing such a report, and “having to learn the hard way to show the transparency that the international community expects.”
In December, UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon confirmed the usage of British-made cluster-bombs by Saudi-led forces on the ground in Yemen. He claimed the targets military bases and not civilian.

However, even Condervative backbenchers seemed to have had enough of Saudi Arabia’s procrastination and demanded a halt to British arms licensing to the nation until a United Nations apponted inquiry has taken place.

Over 4000 Civilians Have Died In Forgotten War.
As attention has focused on Syria ans then on the efforts of the Obama administration, in its dying months, to avenge the defeat of the anointed successor Hillary Clinton and discredit the election victor and President - elect Donald Trump, and simultaneously demonize Russia and President Putin
West Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia=
Obama's jihad
Obama's Al Qaeda allies
Syria - the real agenda
ISIS - a bombing war will not defeat terrorists
Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Yemen, As US-EU-NATO backed Saudi war destoys another nation
More On Russia’s Missile Deployments Around NATO Allies Borders And US Warmongering
Saudi Arabia Launches Chemical Attack on Sana’a, Killing Civilians
Why US Govt. And Saudi Arabia Don’t Want Americans Knowing the Truth About 9/11
Saudi Arabia Launches Chemical Attack on Sana’a, Killing Civilians
The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Confined To Syria
The Hidden Genocide In Syria:Obama's Moderate Rebels As Brutal As ISIS
US Military Contractors Happy With Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East
Hillary and the Clinton Foundation: Exemplars of America’s Political Rot
The Source Of Islamic Radicalism Is biggest US Ally In The Middle East
Amnesty International Says The U.S.-Supported Coalition In Yemen Is Committing War Crimes

Iran is rejoining global markets. Bad News For Oil Profiteers, Good For UK Industry

Hypocrite David Cameron defends selling arms to outrageous Saudi regime>
Is Edrogan Trying To Blackmail NATO Into Going To War With Russia
Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive

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In The End Days Obama's Bizarro World Gets Crazier

In the end days of his failed presidency, the behaviour of Barack ?Hussein Obama - The Obamessiah - America's first black president (and very nearly the last one to actually be elected, has become more bizarre by the day. An objective observer would perhaps think it impossible to top the completely whacko farewell speech in which, apart from using a prodigious number of highly emphasised personal pronouns, Obama, who in 2008 announced he, as president, would be a peacemaker and joybringer, congratulated himself on leaving the nation he has divided geographically, politically, religiously, racially, socially and economically and involved simultaneously in more wars than any other nation in a much better state than it was in when he took over.

But yesterday he topped that by heaping praise on the creepy Vee Pee, Crazy Joe 'Uncle Groper' Biden, not for Biden's idiotic pronouncements on almost every topic, not for breaking the world record for groping little girls on public occasions, but for ... reasons that are not entirely clear. See video of the cringeworthy presentation embedded below.

We're not saying Trump will be a good president, it is the opinion of this blog the seeds of division were sown a long time ago and the USA is now ungovernable. Thus people who expect Donald Trump to work miracles are as likely to be disappointed as were those who believed Obama would wave his magic penis and turn the world into a single big happy family modelled on the hippy culture of crazy California.

Video from The Independent

Obama Has been An Inspirational President?Well He Probably Inspired More Suicides Than Any Other
Obama’s greatest achievement perhaps it to have put Donald Trump in The White House. Whether you think this is a good or bad thing depends on your political stance. This blog is neutral, our view being that Trump can’t be a worse president than any of the three that preceded him.
Over 4000 Civilians Have Died In Forgotten War.
As attention has focused on Syria ans then on the efforts of the Obama administration, in its dying months, to avenge the defeat of the anointed successor Hillary Clinton and discredit the election victor and President - elect Donald Trump, and simultaneously demonize Russia and President Putin
Obama doctrine failure
Obama annoys Duterte
Obama frames Assad for US backed terrorist war crimes
Obama the instigator of cibil wars and revolutions
Obama's liberal jihad
Obama's secret war in Uganda
ISIS was a US creation
Obama's real agenda in Syria
Syria is a US proxy war
Failure of American leadrrship
The American dictator
America and Obama TPP trade deal is anti democratic
Obama's Al Qaeda Allies
Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Yemen, As US-EU-NATO backed Saudi war destoys another nation.
Obama and The End Of Utopia

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