Two senior members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have gone on record as saying it does not mater if UK voters choose to leave the EU or Remain in the referendum on June 23, the European Union must radically reform or it will "gradually unravel". Unfortunately as has been demonstrated and as is programmed in its history which goes back the the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany, the EU cannot reform. It was designed to be a bureaucratic dictatorship that would eventually subsume all Europe's member states and can be nothing else.
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The UK referendum will be the biggest test of public opinion on the EU for more than 40 years. Recent municipal and regional elections in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Austria have indicated a growing anger with EU bureaucracy and authoritarianism across Europe, but the signs are the UK vote will be an establishment stitch up resulting in a victory for Remain.
This would be similar to what happened in a recent government election in Austria when opinion polls sowed an anti EU candidate comfortably ahead but the result, a narrow victory for the pro EU candidate was secured by a late surge in postal votes. Legal repercusssions of the result are still going on as analysts found that in several districts over 100% of those entitled to vote did so (In one district 149% or registered cast their votes and all the votes cast were for the pro - EU candidates. That of course is typical of elections in a tyranny or bureaucratic dictatorship.
The ruling EUronazis, the European Commission are frightened by the growing Euroskepticism which is not confined to Britain but runs throught the twenty eight member states, so they will pull every dirty trick they can to thwart efforts to free the UK of some of the bureaucracy of Brussels. And if all else fails, then they will act on what one of the most brutal tyrants in history, former Soviet leader Josef Stalin said: "It's not who votes that counts but who counts the votes."
Netherlands MEP Hans van Baalen, a spokesman for the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe party president, wrote — in an opinion column on EUObserver:
"The UK is a crucial ally of the Netherlands in the EU and provides a counterweight against French-German dominance. Moreover, the Dutch and Brits are pushing in Brussels for the same agenda: eliminating unnecessary regulation, empowering national parliaments on European legislation (red card), completing the internal market and negotiating more free trade agreements to foster economic growth and jobs. "
Meanwhile, Guy Verhofstadt, the former prime minister of Belgium and leader of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) of the European Parliament has said:
Le référendum britannique doit être le point de départ de la refondation de l'#Europe, quel que soit le résultat du scrutin
(The British referendum must be the starting point of remaking the Europe, whatever the result of the vote.)
Van Baalen said: "The UK offers an historic opportunity to rebuild Europe, improve democratic functioning and makes for more effective governance. The only way forward is the way of reforms. The deal brokered by UK Prime Minister [David] Cameron and the other 27 EU member states needs to be implemented, preferably with, but if necessary, without the Brits".
At the February European summit, Cameron won a series of concessions from other member states, on the grounds that as the hub of the British Commonwealth and holder of one of the four global reserve currencies, britain needed more financial flexibility than other EU nations, although the EU Commission said it would block any attempt to implement the reforms.
Chief among the reforms discussed was the right to withhold in-work benefits for EU migrant workers in the UK for up to four years. The referendum debate has been dominated by the issue of migrant workers — not all from within the EU — and their ability to claim generous welfare benefits.
Cameron also proposed reducing bureaucracy, making it easier for EU member nations to trade with non EU nations, the non-discrimination of non-Eurozone members and the 'red card' agreement that allows member states to veto proposed EU legislation in future.
Verhofstadt said the UK would be "stupid" to withdraw from Europe, saying the EU should change to one that "really works" with a much smaller European Commission — which currently has 28 portfolios — reduced to 12, a smaller government and a European border and coast guard and defense community. This is contradictory, if the EU needs to reform but will not reform (and if reforms were agreed in principle there are twenty eight different ideas of what reforms would work best) then Britain would be wise to quit as soon as possible.
Brexit index of posts
Quitaly? Will Italy follow Britain out of the EU?
With a referendum in Italy, ostensibly on constitutional reforms but perceived as a referendum on the leadership of the ruling elite, looming in November and the anti - globalisation, pro sovereignty Five Star Party growing in popularity all the time. Should the constitutional changes be voted down, and the against campaign is showing a comfortable lead in opinion polls at the moment, it will put a Quitaly in-out referendum, similar to the so called Brexit vote that kick off the process of Britain leaving the European Union, at the top of the agenda.
Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
Labour MP makes case for Brexit
Big Wins for anti EU Five Star party in Italian mayoral elections
EU Referendum: Support For Remain Drops Sharply After Jo Cox Murder
Brexit vote rigged by the establishment
Can Beppe grillo save Italy
EU sanctions on Greece sheer vindivtiveness
Little Englanders Jibe Lost The Debate And Probably The Referendum For Camereon
Brexit Economic Forecasts Are Nonsense And Pure Scaremongering
EU can't solve the Mediterranean Crisis
Euro Unber Alles
Brexit: Another Honest Opinion Of The EU
WHO are you? A Bunch Of F***ing Useless W***ers That's Who
European Union becoming a bureaucratic empire
Euro crisis sinks Cyprus
EUroNazi superstate
Officially Confirmed: Turkey is Blackmailing the EU On Migrant Crisis’
Mayor Of Paris To Help Illegal Migrants Get To Britain
Italian Hottie Leads Anti EU Revolt In Rome's Mayoral Election
Europe voters anti integration
Corruption rules in European commission
European Union: democracy versus integration
French Movement To Reclaim National Identity: The French Have Been Silent Too Long
EU Member States Halt Visa-Free Deals for Ukraine, Georgia
Europe extended beyond geographical borders
EU a fascist union
Europe and Grexit
The Anger Of The Masses Is Rising
UK Conservative Politician Says Referendum Is An Establishment Stitch Up
As This Blog Predicted, Austrian Election Result Was An EUronazi Stitch Up
Europe steals member states sovereignty
Europe unglues omnibus page
EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power
Secret ECB Docs Warn Of More Financial Mayhem on the Horizon
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The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Big Wins for anti EU Five Star party in Italian mayoral elections
Last week the wind was knocked out of the LEAVE campaigns sails in the Brexit referendum campaign by the brutal murder of left wing Labour MP Jo Cox, apparently by a a right wing extremist with a history of mental illness. In the wave of disgust that followed, momentum in the campaign shifted to REMAIN with only a few days to go to the vote.
Almost inevitably, in the days following the murder, holes began to appear in the official narrative surrounding the case. News footage, puportedly showing the perpetrator being arrested at the scene of the attack, showed a man being treated for injuries in a road on a modern housing development, clearly not in the same area as the centre of an industrial town where the MP was assaulted. And suspicious parallels between the assassination of Jo Cox and Swedish MP Anna Lindh who was murdered in 2004 as she campaigned for Sweden to join the Euro, the EU's single currency system.
But not everything is going the way of bureaucratic dictatorship, tyranny and fascism.
In a great victory for lovers of freedom and democracy everywhere, Virgina Raggi, the candidate of anti EU party Five Star and top political hottie scored a crushing victory in the second round of Rome's mayoral election. Five Star, founded only a few years ago by comedian and satirist Beppe Grillo are riding high in polls and look set to gain many seats in upcoming elections in Italy.
A parallel threat to the establishment is Liga Nord, another anti EU party which only contests constituencies in Italy's industrial north. A Five Star candidate also triumphed in Turin's mayoral election.
These victories emphasise the anti - EU, anti - authoritarian mood sweeping Europe, and if they are widely reported in alternative media (obviously establishment controlled mainstream media will barely acknowledge it) will be a last minute boost for the LEAVE campaign after the lies of REMAIN'S Project Fear have set out to give the impression that only British people are anti EU because we are "racist and xenophobic".
Do these corrupt, dishonest neo fascist really think nobody in Britain is intelligent enough to have heard of Five Star in Italy, Front national in France, Germany's AfD, Austria's Freedom Party, the Sweden Democrats, Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece (two anti - EU socialist parties which prove that being against EU authoritarianism is actually not "right wing extremism", in fact the authoritarians trying to turn Europe into a bureaucratic dictatorship are the extremists.
Brexit index of posts
Quitaly? Will Italy follow Britain out of the EU?
With a referendum in Italy, ostensibly on constitutional reforms but perceived as a referendum on the leadership of the ruling elite, looming in November and the anti - globalisation, pro sovereignty Five Star Party growing in popularity all the time. Should the constitutional changes be voted down, and the against campaign is showing a comfortable lead in opinion polls at the moment, it will put a Quitaly in-out referendum, similar to the so called Brexit vote that kick off the process of Britain leaving the European Union, at the top of the agenda.
Union Flag Becomes a Symbol of Anti-EU Protest in Italy
In a gesture that shows grasroots opinion in European Union nations is not in line with the anti - Britain rhetoric of senior EU bureaucrats, American globalist politicians and pro - federalisation leaders of Germany and France, small businesses along the Italian riviera have started to fly Britain's Union flag in protest at a European Union ruling which would open the area to multinational businesses.
Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
Labour MP makes case for Brexit
Brexit vote rigged by the establishment
EU's Bureaucratic Dictatorship Is Losing The Support Of The Most Loyal Nations
Italian Hottie Leads Anti EU Revolt In Rome's Mayoral Election
Can Beppe grillo save Italy
EU sanctions on Greece sheer vindivtiveness
EU can't solve the Mediterranean Crisis
Euro Unber Alles
Italy's Prime Minister Says Merkel Unilateral Initiative On Migrant Crisis Is Unacceptable
Pissed Off Locals In Europe Torch Refugee Centres To Resist Enforced Palement Of Immigrants
EU Accused of Using Migrant Boat Crisis to Further European Superstate Project
As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’
European Union becoming a bureaucratic empire
Euro crisis sinks Cypris
EUroNazi superstate
2015 - The year Of The Great Immigration Debate?
A Third Of Italian Voters Are Ready To Back Anti-immigrant Party
Europe voters anti integration
Corruption rules in European commission
European Union: democracy versus integration
Italy's Northern League launches drive for power
EU Membership Vote in UK to Paralyze Decision Making
Migrants Mass At Greek Border Waiting To Cross Into Europe
Europe extended beyond geographical borders
EU a fascist union
Europe and Grexit
Greece's route out of Europe
NEIN! Germany's Bild Comdemns Latest Greek Can Kicking Exercise
Europe steals member states sovereignty
Europe unglues omnibus page
People Are Waking Up To The Fact That The European Union Is On The Fast Track To Fascism.
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Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]
Almost inevitably, in the days following the murder, holes began to appear in the official narrative surrounding the case. News footage, puportedly showing the perpetrator being arrested at the scene of the attack, showed a man being treated for injuries in a road on a modern housing development, clearly not in the same area as the centre of an industrial town where the MP was assaulted. And suspicious parallels between the assassination of Jo Cox and Swedish MP Anna Lindh who was murdered in 2004 as she campaigned for Sweden to join the Euro, the EU's single currency system.
But not everything is going the way of bureaucratic dictatorship, tyranny and fascism.
In a great victory for lovers of freedom and democracy everywhere, Virgina Raggi, the candidate of anti EU party Five Star and top political hottie scored a crushing victory in the second round of Rome's mayoral election. Five Star, founded only a few years ago by comedian and satirist Beppe Grillo are riding high in polls and look set to gain many seats in upcoming elections in Italy.
The city of Rome's new hottie Mayor, Virginia Raggi
A parallel threat to the establishment is Liga Nord, another anti EU party which only contests constituencies in Italy's industrial north. A Five Star candidate also triumphed in Turin's mayoral election.
These victories emphasise the anti - EU, anti - authoritarian mood sweeping Europe, and if they are widely reported in alternative media (obviously establishment controlled mainstream media will barely acknowledge it) will be a last minute boost for the LEAVE campaign after the lies of REMAIN'S Project Fear have set out to give the impression that only British people are anti EU because we are "racist and xenophobic".
Do these corrupt, dishonest neo fascist really think nobody in Britain is intelligent enough to have heard of Five Star in Italy, Front national in France, Germany's AfD, Austria's Freedom Party, the Sweden Democrats, Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece (two anti - EU socialist parties which prove that being against EU authoritarianism is actually not "right wing extremism", in fact the authoritarians trying to turn Europe into a bureaucratic dictatorship are the extremists.
Rome Elects Virginia Raggi as City's First Female Mayor
Brexit index of posts
Quitaly? Will Italy follow Britain out of the EU?
With a referendum in Italy, ostensibly on constitutional reforms but perceived as a referendum on the leadership of the ruling elite, looming in November and the anti - globalisation, pro sovereignty Five Star Party growing in popularity all the time. Should the constitutional changes be voted down, and the against campaign is showing a comfortable lead in opinion polls at the moment, it will put a Quitaly in-out referendum, similar to the so called Brexit vote that kick off the process of Britain leaving the European Union, at the top of the agenda.
Union Flag Becomes a Symbol of Anti-EU Protest in Italy
In a gesture that shows grasroots opinion in European Union nations is not in line with the anti - Britain rhetoric of senior EU bureaucrats, American globalist politicians and pro - federalisation leaders of Germany and France, small businesses along the Italian riviera have started to fly Britain's Union flag in protest at a European Union ruling which would open the area to multinational businesses.
Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
Labour MP makes case for Brexit
Brexit vote rigged by the establishment
EU's Bureaucratic Dictatorship Is Losing The Support Of The Most Loyal Nations
Italian Hottie Leads Anti EU Revolt In Rome's Mayoral Election
Can Beppe grillo save Italy
EU sanctions on Greece sheer vindivtiveness
EU can't solve the Mediterranean Crisis
Euro Unber Alles
Italy's Prime Minister Says Merkel Unilateral Initiative On Migrant Crisis Is Unacceptable
Pissed Off Locals In Europe Torch Refugee Centres To Resist Enforced Palement Of Immigrants
EU Accused of Using Migrant Boat Crisis to Further European Superstate Project
As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’
European Union becoming a bureaucratic empire
Euro crisis sinks Cypris
EUroNazi superstate
2015 - The year Of The Great Immigration Debate?
A Third Of Italian Voters Are Ready To Back Anti-immigrant Party
Europe voters anti integration
Corruption rules in European commission
European Union: democracy versus integration
Italy's Northern League launches drive for power
EU Membership Vote in UK to Paralyze Decision Making
Migrants Mass At Greek Border Waiting To Cross Into Europe
Europe extended beyond geographical borders
EU a fascist union
Europe and Grexit
Greece's route out of Europe
NEIN! Germany's Bild Comdemns Latest Greek Can Kicking Exercise
Europe steals member states sovereignty
Europe unglues omnibus page
People Are Waking Up To The Fact That The European Union Is On The Fast Track To Fascism.
Brexit posts menu
Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]
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