The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Germany criminalizes anti-lockdown protests using “delta variant” spread as an excuse to crush liberty

from News Target, 5 August 2021

Picture: Natural News

Judges in Berlin are reportedly taking steps to try to prohibit Germans from protesting against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns, claiming ironically that protests will spread the so-called “delta variant.”

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Berlin anyway to refuse government tyranny and make their voices heard, much like the French have been doing all throughout France in response to that country’s new “vaccine passport” scheme.

Judges in the German capital’s administrative court refused to grant authorization to 13 of the demonstrations that had been scheduled to take place. Some of these were organized by a group called Querdenker, or “Lateral Thinker,” which represents an anti-lockdown movement.

The ban on these demonstrations was then upheld by the Berlin-Brandeburg upper administrative court, which told some 22,500 Germans that they could not participate in any of the scheduled protest rallies.

According to the German government, the latest round of Chinese Germs is just too scary to allow Germans to live their lives and exercise free speech. Everyone must stay home until the mainstream media decides that “cases” are no longer “surging.”

Another rally called “For Peace, Freedom, Truth” that was expected to draw some 3,500 people was also prohibited because the German government said that it would be “unsafe.”

The upper court decided that the Querdenker movement’s demonstrations “violate legal norms” that it says were “created to contain the risk of infection in a way that attracted public attention, in particular by disregarding the social distance requirement and the mask requirement.”

Germans are ignoring their corrupt government and protesting anyway

Despite the ban, tens of thousands of Germans traveled to Berlin anyway to protest their government’s anti-human restrictions, which threaten to keep all of Germany locked down forever until the Fauci Flu magically disappears from the headlines.

Because protesters refuse to stand six feet apart and wear face diapers, the German government has concluded that they cannot and should not be allowed to gather because doing so could ignite another new “variant” that might make politicians feel extra, extra scared.

The Querdenker is Germany’s primary anti-lockdown movement. It has been aggressively monitored and targeted by the country’s “intelligence” agencies based on accusations that it is linked to “far-right” and “extremist” groups.

The mainstream media in Germany claims that Querdenker is spreading “conspiracy theories” about the Chinese Virus, including claims that the Trump Vaccines introduced under “Operation Warp Speed” are dangerous and ineffective.

Querdenker also says that new federal and regional laws in Germany that are supposedly meant to “flatten the curve” are actually just excuses to impose more tyranny and infringe on citizens’ civil liberties.

The Alternative for Germany party, meanwhile, has taken a vocal stand for Querdenker and the right of all Germans to protest freely. Banning them from doing this as the German government is doing is both hypocritical and authoritarian, the group says.

In France, reports are emerging to suggest that area police are siding with protesters, in some cases, and against the Emmanuel Macron regime. Hundreds of thousands of French people have taken to the streets to just say no to mandatory chemical injections from Big Pharma, which is quickly rendering void that country’s “vaccine passport” effort.

German police, on the other hand, appear to be siding with tyranny as they arrest protesters for defying the government’s orders to “stay home” in order to “stay safe.”

More than 600 people were reportedly arrested for participating in the Berlin protests. Police officers were seen blasting the protesters with pepper spray and truncheons while water cannon-equipped tanks roved the streets to keep everyone “safe” against the Wuhan Flu.

The latest news about Chinese Virus tyranny can be found at


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