The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Polish Professionals Living In Germany Say Immigration To Blame For New Year’s Eve Violence

by Egbert Nohbakkon, 6 January 2025

 We bring you this report in a week that saw the resurgence in Britain of news relating to the scandal of organised gangs of mainly Muslim men of Pakistani and African origin systematically groomed, raped, sexually abused and pimped under age and vulnerable girls in towns with large immigrant populations, while the authorities turned a blind eye in the interests of  'trying to avoid creating inter - racial conflict,'

In a shocking reminder of what happened at 2016 New Year celebrations in Cologne, more than 400 people were arrested during outbreaks of violence in Berlin on New Year’s Eve. During an attack on police riot control squads, 30 officers were injured, with one requiring emergency surgery to save his leg from amputation. 

Polish news organisation Do Rzeczy featured reports from two Poleish professionals living in Germany, a political scientist and a journalist, who both described violent scenes in the cities of Berlin and Cologne, blaming uncontrolled immigration from non-EU countries for the disorder seen across the country.

Dr. Sławomir Ozdyk, who lives in Berlin, said that New Year’s Eve “was rough.” He pointed to the impact of Germany’s 'open doors' migration policy as the main factor in what has become an annual occurrence in Germany.

“This whole New Year’s Eve situation is escalating. The more of these men, because we are talking about men, come to Europe, the more the situation changes,” said the political scientist while speaking with Polish news outlet DoRzeczy.

He said that three pyrotechnic-free zones had been created in Berlin and they happen to be in highly multicultural neighborhoods in the city. 

As Remix News reported in detail yesterday, 36 apartments were rendered uninhabitable due to the use of powerful illegal fireworks, which produce massive window-shattering explosions. 

Agnieszka Wolska, a journalist based in Cologne, spoke in a similar tone, saying, “I must admit that what we know from German realities is strikingly different from the standards that still prevail in Poland, and I hope this difference will last as long as possible.”

The journalist drew attention to an aspect related to migration policy.

“Unfortunately, in Germany, following the tradition of several years, many participants, mainly those with a migrant background, confused New Year’s Eve with open warfare,” she noted.

New Year violence by migrant groups was not restricted to Berlin. As reported by Deutsche Welle, in Leipzig, around 50 people of foreign ethnicity attacked police officers with fireworks and bottles. According to investigators, the recorded crimes mainly concerned grievous bodily harm, breach of the peace, and violations of the Explosives Act. Attacks on police officers also occurred in Cologne, Hamburg and Munich, where the services intervened more than 700 times.






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