The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Woke activism has no place in the classroom

22 July 2022

Picture - Spiked
Research from anti - woke campaign group Don’t Divide Us (DDU), which works to challenge  identity politics and other 'wokw' ideologies of the far left  paints a troubling picture of how divisive, identitarian policies based on Critical Race Theory are being introduced to the curriculum in state schools across England and Wales.

DDU sent over 170 freedom-of-information requests to local authorities, and responses show that one in four councils (23 per cent) endorse a biased and divisive (anti - white racist?) version of race relations in their education departments. This model asserts that white people are racist, whether they realise it or not, and that UK society is systemically racist. And it treats contested ideas, such as ‘structural racism’, ‘white privilege’ and ‘unconscious bias’, as fact. Basically it is propaganda aimed at brainwashing British kids into supporting black supremacist groups.

This new, virulent approach to opposing racism is very different from racial equality campaigns of the past. Rather than aiming to challenge the discrimination that denied certain groups the same rights and freedoms as the majority, the ideology behind this new , racist anti-racism does not seek equality. It is a form of identity politics that is intended to divide society along racial lines.

We should not be teaching children that they are living in a racist society but that all members of society are equal and have the same rights and privileges. That so many local authorities consider teaching hate and resentment a legitimate educational goal should worry us all. Encouraging schools to adopt this approach will not cultivate individuals capable of independent thinking, but that has always been the aim of the left, one need only read the novels of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, themselves socialists but opposed to authoritarianism to confirm this.  Teaching Critical Race Theory will only create new activists for this new, nasty, dictatorial corrupted form of anti-racism.

The DDU research also highlights the proliferating number of third-party organisations now working in the education sector. Among the councils that have approved teaching Critical Race Theory, 88 per cent partner with third-party organisations and the GayBLT group Stonewall. These overtly political groups are invited into schools to provide training and curriculum materials, often without any independent scrutiny.


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WOKE - Social Justice or authoritarianism