The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA

Hillary Clinton's gloating reaction on hearing that Muammar Gadaffi had been murdered bt the mob did nothing to enhance her reputation outside the USA. The world has always thought of her as a stupid, arrogant rich bitch (Image source)

American voters and especially those likely to vote on the issues and qualities of the candidates rather from party loyalty have come to hate the political establishment and the corporate controlled mainstream media with a passion. Politicians are less trusted than lawyers, used car salesmen, people who peddle investment plans and the dodgy characters who sell remedies that are guaranteed to cure absolutely everything. And with good reason, given the dishonest conduct the current president and the two who preceded him were caught out in. But is seems Democratic nomination front runner Hillary Clinton beats them all. And she was only Secretary Of State when she stabbed her country in the back.

We have been reporting here the scandal that has grown around Hillary Clinton's use of a private, unsecured e mail server in her own office to handle US Government information that was classified 'beyond top secret' was likely to engulf her bid for the presidency and destroy her political career totally.

For her enemies among whom we must number leading Republican contender Donald Trump, and rival for the Democratic Party nomination Bernies Sanders, Hillary’s e mails truly are truly the gifts that keep on giving.

While France led the proponents of the UN Security Council Resolution that would create a no-fly zone and a 'humanitarian' bombing campaign in Libya, it claimed that its primary concern was the protection of Libyan civilians. Considering the current state of affairs in that unfortunate country, one must rethink the authenticity of this concern. As many "conspiracy theorists" will claim, one of the real reasons to go to Libya was Gaddafi’s planned gold dinar. (I personally had heard nothing of this, my information was that the west wanted a puppet government in Tripoli to give Wall Street control of Libyan oilfields. Hillary's e mails shine a different light on events however.

One of the 3,000 emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve (where real news is sent to die quietly, or as one of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's aides once put it, a good day to bury bad news) reveals evidence that NATO’s plot to overthrow Gaddafi was primarily driven by their desire to block the creation of a gold-backed African currency, and second the Libyan oil reserves.

The email in question, titled "France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold." was sent to Clinton by her unofficial adviser Sydney Blumenthal

From Foreign Policy Journal:

"The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered ‘Francophone Africa.’

"Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency."

The e mail that damned Clinton was originally released online but has now been taken down, (having probably been deemed to damaging to the US diplomatic reputation at a time when relations with Russia and China are more strained than the laces on an overweight domiatrice's corset - here's the link for what it's worth.) I have managed to obtain a snippet of the most damaging paragraphs from a source I trust.

"This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).

"(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues:

a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

b. Increase French influence in North Africa,

c. Improve his internal political situation in France,

d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,

e. Address the concern of his advisers over Gaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa)”

When French security services discovered Gaddafi’s plans, they decided to convene the FUKUS axis and launch a regime change attack against Mad Dog's regime.

Sadly, Gaddafi had earlier warned Europe (in a “prophetic” phone conversations with Blair) that his fall would prompt the rise of Islamic extremism in the West and unleash a tide of immigrants that would destabilise Europe. The warning went unheeded; Libyan lives and the security of the European working class are acceptable collateral damage, if the larger goal lines the pockets of politicians and the elite so much better after all?

All that is fine if the deals are kept secret, but with a dizzy bitch like Hillary playing fast and loose with official secrets, disaster is inevitable.


The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes - sadly this article was an April Fool

Unfortunately its only an April fool joke but this article provides are rare chance to see all that despicable, arrogant, spoiled bitch Hillary Clintons recent ethical violations catalogued so people can see she really thinks she is above the law. The USA is on the road to tyranny, thankfully we have Vladimir Putin to defend freedom.

The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream
The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."

Servergate: Hillary Clinton arrogant, ignorant or both

Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
We reported a little while ago, in our series of posts chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton after the story of how, while Secretary Of State, she made use of personal IT equipment to handle government material classified as 'beyond top secret. The story broke just as Hillary's campaign ran into stormy waters are Bernie Sanders, originally written off as a fringe candidate began to gain momentum ...

New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in Libya

We have no compunction about lobbying against Hillary as responsible citizens of the world who put the interests of people in the USA, Europe and the third world ahead of the interests of a global wealthy elite who profit from war and are quite prepared to use financial muscle to make sure corporate profit wins out over public interest.

Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublic Challengers
No surprises in the US Presidential primaries last night, but another chance to maintain my run of flatulence related headlines as Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican contest.
Is Bernie Sanders Pulling Clear Of Democrats 'Anointed One' Hillary?

Offering further proof that it’s “Sanders’ moment,” Bernie Sanders makes enormous gains and poses a real threat to Hillary Clinton’s once-wide lead among Democrats, according to two polls released Friday.Fox News‘ latest national poll finds that more Democratic primary voters now back Sanders at 47 percent, up from 37 percent in January. Clinton’s support, on the other hand, is at 44 percent

New Poll Shows Clinton, Sanders Tied As Hillary's Lead Crumbles
A new opinion poll from Quinnnipac University shows Hillary Clinton's lead in the contest to become the Democratic Party Presidential nomineee has almost completely evaporated. From a lead of around thirty points in early December, the numbers are now 44% Clinton, 42% Sanders, which is such a narrow gap the only two contenders left in the race are in a statistical tie.

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News From Davos: America Is Finished Global Governance And NWO To Rule

by Ian R Thorpe

A fairy tale setting in the Swiss Alps for some very dirty business

The World Economic Forum (or the junior Bilderberg Group as some call it) held their annual jolly conference at the exclusive Alpine resort of Davos-Klosters where it will cost you €20 (about$22) for a cup of coffee because the locals have to keep chavs out somehow. Two thousand five hundred politicians, celebrities, and business leaders from all over the world gather every year for this “Bilderberg style” meeting. The delegates include 53 people who own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population and representatives of over 1,000 of the multinational corporate businesses all of which are on record as supporting global government and open borders.

One of the most significant discussions held at this year's Davos powerfest concerned the growing disconnect between middle and working class citizens and the power elites. Everywhere in the world one looks, citizens no longer trust their governments or the legal, medical and academic professions, the science & technology community, finance and the mainstream media:

"If this growing disconnect between governments and citizens is not fixed rapidly, there can be no legitimate, accountable and trusted global cooperation, problem solving or governance." - WEF Everybody’s Business Report

Prominent among the proposed solutions was the denial of a platform to the voice of the people. Towards this end we have already seen newspapers and television current affairs programming become more slavishly attached to the official narrative (the science is settled, the Russians are the bad guys, Genetically modified crops are they way to feed the world etc.) The public, the people who once used to write letters to the newspapers or expound their opinions to a small audience in their club or local bar who in their words, and who now find a wider audience in internet forums are unfit to make decisions that need to be left to the self elected members of the self styled global elite.

In a paper titled The Global Redesign Initiative (GRI) published by the World Economic Forum they propose curtailment of free speech, already being put into practice by nations such as France and Germany and supported by US and British leaders and many academics, and a transition away from government decision making by assemblies of elected representatives into a system of global governance whith decision making power vested in committees of appointed bureaucrats and 'experts'.

To put it bluntly the elites are abolishing democracy by stealth, replacing our model of representative democracy by public voting with appointed governments which will make laws and negotiate policy decisions on a global scale. Their policies will then be rubber stamped by a powerless elected body to maintain the illusion that ordinary citizens matter. Any proposal in which a self-selected group of ‘stake-holders’ (mostly corporate lawyers and economists which make decisions on our behalf is a truly terrifying thought to anyone who values freedom.

Other topics of discussion at this meeting include: Middle East conflicts, the fact that Donald Trump is the front-runner for the Republican presidential candidate (which means the globalists don’t like him), technological innovation, Agenda 21, all .of which are covered in THIS VIDEO

Next time you hear politicians and 'billionaire philanthropists' talking about fairness and equality, or celebrities wringing their hands and beating their breasts over the plight of the third world poor, remember that for the past four decades in the system these people preside over or serve has given us a rapidly widening wealth gap not just between rich and poor nations but between the rich and poor within developed nations. The European and American middle class is diminishing. If we continue to allow the control freaks and their sycophants to rule over us, then we can foresee a time when the one percent control everything and the rest of us work at jobs that are dictated. earn predetermined salaries and must spend our earning in ways approved bt The Controllers. The nightmare society of Aldous Huxley's 1928 novel Brave New World has never been closer to becoming reality.

And will be be equal? As Aristotle said two thousand years ago, "The greatest inequalities arise from attempts to make unequal things equal."


The Davosocracy Gang Gather As Globalism Goes Into Retreat Worldwide

As is usual at this point in January the world’s financial and political elite are assembling in the Davos - Kloisters ski resort in the Swiss Alps for the World Economic Forum. These people, who have travelled by private jet, often half way round the wold to get to the jolly, their vision of ever-closer commercial and political ties, i.e. a totalitarian world government made up of appointees from the political, business and academic elite...

What Is A Globalist? - Globalim Explained

If you have been following political trends you will probably be bored with the words "globalist" and "globalism" which tend to be bandied about a lot. In fact the advocates of globalism far from being the social justice warriors of their imagination, are avid supporters of the establishment, centralisation of authority, the abolition of free speech, social engineering and all the socio - economic policies well - read people associate with fascism rather than liberalism.

Globalization: The False Narrative and The Death Of Western Steel Industry
In popular perception, the downfall of the steel industry in Britain, Europe and the USA symbolizes the decline of manufacturing industry in the developed world more clearly than any other of the past half century's economic trends. Over the past few months in Britain two of the last remainings blast furnace steel manufacturing plant, Redcar in North East England and Port Talbot in South Wales have been in the news, both were threatened with closure, in both cases that would have had dire consequences for the local economies. Similar stories have been played out in Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and, most drastically in the USA where the area dubbed 'the rust belt ...

New Hampshire Primary:Sanders and Trump Victory For Vox Populi
Today in New Hampshire where both US political parties have a proper ‘primary’ election as opposed to a caucus a system that apparently chooses candidates by tossing coins, drawing lots, cutting cards or maybe in extreme cases, making the candidates have a fight, it was a different ...

Pretend Gangsta Pharrel Williams Advises Europe's Politicians On Migrant Crisis.
Latest in a long line of performers eager to prove that people who pretend to be things they are not for a living should be content to recite the lines written for them and not offer us their own idiotic thoughts is Pharrell Williams who is famous for wearing silly hats. Mr. Williams has elected himself as spokesperson for oppressed minorities on the topic of Europe's immigrant crisis.

Saying The Unsayable: Today, Melanie Phillips
Watching BBC Question Time last Thursday, I was struck once again by the way it was left to one of the stock hate figures of the left, Melanie Phillips, to actually pronounce the great, clunking truth that left wing hate mobs have made unsayable.

We Predicted An Orwellian Nightmare. Now Obama's Ministry Of Love Is Identified
Back in 2008 we predicted pretty accurately how things would turn out under Presdident Barack Obama. We were not totally correct (well we are a British site) but where we erred it was on the side of caution. For example while it was easy enough to be aware that the egomaniacal

We Predicted An Orwellian Nightmare. Now Obama's Ministry Of Love Is Identified

While it was easy enough to be aware that [Obama] would become an authoritarian and imperialistic ruler who would turn the USA into a racially, religiously, financially divided Orwellian dystopia, we considered it would be going too far to actually say; "This clown will create a Ministry of Love where dissidents can be 're-educated' in politically correct, stoner philosophy.

Big Brother Is Right Behind You And He Knows What you Are Up ToNo doubt the smug complacent bourgeois fools will shout conspiracy theirist and the emotionally needy leftist Sheeple will bleat "racist bigot" (they always bleat "racist bigot" but it is not alarmist to say the UK is slowly becoming a totalitarian state. What else can we calli our nation if anti - terror laws are being used prosecute people for low-level offences such as Television licence dodging.

Another EU Wannabe Declares War On Free Speech
A very dangerous and worrying trend, which has been gathering momentum for some time, has entered a new dimension in recent weeks. Political and business leaders around the world are blatantly calling for the censorship on reporting and discussing news in terms that are 'unhelpful' to their aims and ambitions along with further restrictions on free speech.

Another Big Result For The 'Conspiracy Theorists' - US CIA Corrupts Western Journalists.
Ever wondered why anybody trying to report news truthfully or initiate intelligent discussion is branded a conspiracy theorist, especially if their news or opinion is critical of the American government of American business interests? Read the content of this page and you will know a lot more about what is going on.

In Praise Of Sluts - Tits Out For The Boys Miley
In the last 24 hours both Marianne Faithfull and Jacqueline Bisset have criticised today's young women for dressing provocatively, the teasers for a story in today's news said. Marianne Faithfull, no slouch in the sluttiness stakes herself back in the 1960s but to a teenage male all the more appealing for that (I still get a little tingle when I look at a Mars Bar), told ITV News that Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and other good looking young pop tarts are, quite simply, sluts. She gave her reasoning thus:

Political Europe Suppressed Under Washington´s Thumb Is Waking Up
In the aftermath of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine, the Western media followed Washington’s lead and manipulated reports in order to make Europeans believe that Russia and Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine were responsible for downing the airliner. In Germany, the press was an extension of Washington’s propaganda machine despite the lack of evidence from both Washington and Kiev to support their irresponsible claims

The Authoritarian Left And The Threat To Personal Liberty
Ian reflects on his political position, has he realy moved from near anarchist left to reactionary right on the political spectrum, or have authoritarians hijacked the language of liberal and libertarian philosophy and perverted it to serve a neo fascist, big government agenda?

Global Corporatocracy Set To Take Over The World
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Orwell's '1984' Philip K Dick's Minority Report, which of these do the New World Order plan to use as the model for their corporate - scientific dictatorship? The answer is all of them. Concepts like individual freedom and democracy are anathema to our new unhappy lords and once the infrastructure is in place these inconveniences will be swept aside along with nations, traditional cultures and everything else that binds us to our fellow humans.

Mind Control: How It Works and how The Elite Use It
Mind control, the ability of science to deliver a completely compliant and uncomplaining population. It had been the goal of tyrants for over a hundred years, just as the abilty to comtrol human minds and turn us into humandroids has been the goal of mad scientists. But is such scientific advance getting uncomfortably close to reality? The idea of a scientific dictatorship able to subjugate individuality was born over a century ago by insane scientists and control freaks who saw human qualities like empathy and compassion as an obstriction to scientific progress. welcome to Dystoipia.

Computer Cops Will Arrest You Before You Commit A Crime
Innocent until proved guilty has always been a basic principle of British and before the Union, English and Scottish justice. Since late in the ninth century when King Alfred signed into law the Liber Judicialis, the presumption of innocence has stood.Thinking of committing a crime was not punishable, only in George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" has Thought Crime ever been a punishable offence. Until now ...

World Economic Forum: The controllers Plan Our Future
Free speech - most of our posts
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