Council Of Europe Concerned At Rising Racism In Germany (but No Mention Of Violence And Sex Crimes Committed By Illegal Immigrants)
2 October, 2015: Germany is in crisis. The tide of migrants arriving each day, through Turkey and Greece or after a much longer crossing from Libya in flimsy and unseaworthy boats shows no sign of easing even as the colder winter weather approaches.German infrastructure is being overwhelmed and the ethnic and naitive German population is becoming increasingly angry at the way their elected leaders are kowtowing to the demands of migrant Muslim leaders and telling Germans they must abandon their ancient traditions which may be offensive to Islam. On top of this bigoted, politically correct approach and priorotising the interests of migrants ahead the rulers of many the European nations seem to be intent on antagonising their own populations. (Scroll past video for active contents list.)
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European Germans feel their country is under seige (Image source)
Click these titles to jump to the article: First link in RELATED POSTS table brings you back to here (visited pages show in black)
Germany's Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals Out Of Control
Merkel's "We Can Do It" Scorecard: Just 54 Refugees Hired At Germany's Biggest 30 Companies ...
Can Muslim Culture Ever Integrate With Tolerant Western Societies
Merkel Hit By German Citizens Backlash As Her Anti - German, Pro - Immigration Policy Introduces Violence, Rape and Third World Lawlessness To Germany's Muslim Ghettos
Syrian Doctor Makes More Trafficking Migrants to Greece Than He Can Doctoring
German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year
Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich,br />
German Village Accused of Racism For Requesting Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass Women
Europes Immigration Crisis (July / August / September 2015) External link
As I (and thousands of others) have repeatedly warned, the complete mismanagement of the immigration crisis by EU bureaucrats will be seen as the main driver behind the collapse of the European Union. Although many millions or ordinary citizens across the European Union were angry and disgusted at they way huge numbers of unskilled, semi literate newcomers from primitive third world societies, who had no intention of assimilating the culture of their host nation, or in many cases, of even tolerating local customs and values, the arrogant elites thought to could bully, browbeat or bamboozle the 'ignorant, infantile masses' into accepting anything that was imposed on them. The intellectuals and technocrats have always despised and underestimated the masses. Having said that, it seems even I had no idea how angry and resentful the people were until I read the results of a recent survey by the Pew Research Center.
Some of the most relevant findings are summarised below:
At the same time, 50% or more in 8 of the 10 EU countries Pew Research surveyed believe incoming refugees and lack of border controls increase the likelihood of terrorism in their country. Leftists will dismiss this as xenophobia but in fact it is borne out by evidence from the terrorist attacks carried out recently. Europeans are also worried that refugees will be an economic burden, with over 50% in five nations saying that refugees will be a drain on he economy.
The demographic make up of the immigrants is a concern too. Over half (53%) of immigrants to the European Union, Norway and Switzerland in 2015 were young adults, aged 18 to 34. This was also generally the top age group among asylum seekers in Europe from the three leading origin countries. Roughly half of those from Syria (50%), Iraq (56%) and Afghanistan (45%) were young adults in 2015. In addition, men made up nearly three-quarters (73%) of Europe’s asylum seekers in 2015. Refugees from leading origin countries such as Syria (71%), Iraq (75%) and Afghanistan (80%) were also predominately male in 2015.
It is well documented that the EU in collusion with the United Nations and several 'philanthropic' groups, front for bollionire globalists, have deliberately engineered the crisis. It is any wonder 'the masses' are pissed off with their ruling elites.
Immigration omnibus page
Immigration crisis
Immigration: Europe is not a promised land
Immigration marginalising the white working class
Immigration: Humanitarian crisis or Soros scam
EU refugee quotas rejected
Germany rebels against European Union
Europe immigration burden,
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In spite of all the social and economic problems in Germany that have resulted from Angela Merkel's government insisting their 'open doors' immigration policy, which last year alone saw an estimated one million mostly unskilled, uneducated, barely literate and largely unemployable illegal immigrants (mostly Muslims from parts of the world where funamentalist versions of that religion influence governments and social policy) Hausfrau Volksfuher Merkel continues to insist her policy is working to the benefit of Germa ny.
When advised by supporters and members of her own party that Germany could not assimilate so many people who held German and European lifestyles and values in utter contempt, Merkel responded "We can do it" and pledged that one million jobs would be created by German industry to help absorb the 'new Germans' and also the million arrivals expected this year. So how is that working out for Merkel, whose party and its coalition partners are haemorrhaging support to the nationalist AfD, a new party opposed to mass immigration and to further cultural and economic integration in the European Union?
And what has happened to the economic boom these refugees were supposed to start?
Official German government statistics show show far more German women were raped or assaulted by the refugees than found employment at the thirty largest German companies.
National Public Radio (NPR) reported a few says ago Despite Early Optimism, German Companies Hire Few Refugees.

On New Years evening alone as many as 1,200 women were molested in sexual attacks.
Sure Hausfrau Merkel, you can do it, so no more promises, just fucking do it
Cologne's HauptRahnhof Railway Station, scene of the New Year riot.
Details of the sexual assaults and attacks on peaceful Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early on the morning of January 1, are still emerging after a massive but inept attempt by German authorities to cover up the outrage. Not a word on this story was printed in mainstream European newspapers or reported in television and radio news bulletins for several weeks after it took place although we in New Media were all over it.
Some left wing politicians and media luvvies in Germany are still in denial and trying to tell people those lovely, liberal, tolerant, civilised Muslim head amputators and vagina mutilators are generticall y incapable of violence against women.
It is not surprise of course that such an outrage has taken place on one of the main celebrations in the European calendar, not a Christian holy Day but simply a big happy party to make the end of one year andf beginning of another. It has long been clear that Europe's ruling elites want to turn the continent's cultural make up from secular and Christian, because the non religious and Christian (Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox, along with small Jewish contingents) have showed they can live side by side and have become sufficiently well educated and politically aware to challenge the control agendas.
The elite's are gambling that pulling in enough Muslims from both sides of the bitter and irreconcilable divide that spits the faith will cause sufficient division and chaos in European societies for the old principle of 'divide - and - rule' recommended by Julius Caesar 2000 years ago, but probably used to good effect long before that, will help persuade voters in democratic societies to surrender civil liberties in return for an illusion of security and help restore the absolute authority of certain social castes. Read more on the Cologne outrage:
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Germany's Immigrant Crisis posts
Immigration Omnibus - a catalogue of our Immigration posts
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Back in October we reported that a group of concerned German citizens had launched a bid to impeach the German Chancellor Angela Merkel because her 'open doors' immigration policy and insistence that Germany should admit without question and welcome every person who arrives in the country without valid travel documents. Merkel's efforts to make German's change they lifestyle, and German women change the way they dress because some long established European traditions 'insult Islam' have gone down like a lead Zepplin too.
London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims
When Donald Trump, currently frontrunner in the contest to be Republican Party candidate in the USA's 2016 Presidential Election, in a campaign broadcast commented that Islamisation of the west has gone so far parts of London are so heavily populated with Muslim extremists there are now no go zones for police and emergency services, he was attacked by politicians and the mainstream media.
Opposition Party to Sue Austrian Government Over Complicity In People Trafficking
We have reported previously that in their eagerness to complete the genocide of Europe's white working classes, the political and business elites are prepared to make a mockery of their own laws. One way in which this has been done is by turning a blind eye to people trafficking so that the entry of illegal immigrants to Europe would not be slowed by national law. We can't claim credit for the action reported here, we have very few Austrian readers, but it's good to see others are starting to think.
German Opposition Party Warns, Nation Is "At The Edge Of Anarchy, Civil War Is Coming"
As the stituation in German society deteriorates each day due to the vast swarm of lawless, uneducated, infidel hating illegal immigrants that Housfrau Volksfuhrer invited to travel to Germany and replace the established population, social commentators are predicting the country will slide into civil unrest and possibly full scale conflict between supporters of immigration and patriotic Germans
German Village Accused of Racism For Requesting Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass Women
A village in Germany which published a list of ground rules for migrants covering basic standards of behaviour expected in German society has been accused of racism. The list includes matters of basic civility like queueing in shops, paying for stuff and not haggling ovr the price of a tin of beans, to fundamental principles of Western society like behaving respectfully to women who ...
Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel Confronts Facebook's Zuckerberg Over Policing Hate Posts
It has long been recognized that German chancellor Angela Merkel models her leadership style on those og Hitler and Stalin. What is not so well know is that Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is collaborating with Merkel, Obama, Cameron and other leaders sympathetic to global fascism to introduce censorship of internet content. Avoid Facebook, Zuckerberg is a Jewish Nazi, how sick is that
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We in the developed nations are constantly told we must accept multiculturalism (Why? We never voted in favour of it?), celebrate diversity (We do celebrate diversity, there are thousands of diverse lifestyle within western societies) and adapt to accommodate the quirky but charming traditions of immigrants (traditions like the honour killing of daughters who reject their parents choice of husband, female genital mutilation, wife beating, legitimized rape (western women are asking for it doncha know) and killing of Christians.
Read more: Can Muslim and European Cultures Ever Mix? title="We are told to celebrate diversity because we live in multicultural societies but our leaders seem to value some diverse lifestyles more highly than others and creating monocultural societies" target="_blank"
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The Freedom Of Western Women Threatened By Mass Migration And Politically Correct Politics
Our leaders and 'left wing' friends, who constantly scream about rape and sexism if a European man makes a suggestive remark about a woman see no irony, humourless, self righteous twats that they are, in calling for more mass immigration from the cesspits of humanity where women are still accorded less respect than animals. And we're not the only ones to have noticed ...
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Merkel Hit By German Citizens Backlash As Her Anti - German, Pro - Immigration Policy Introduces Violence, Rape and Third World Lawlessness To Germany's Muslim Ghettos
As the lawlessness of immigrants imported by Hausfrau-Volksfuhrer Merkel (a reference to the equally delusion "Housewife-Superstar Dame Edna Everidge) in her efforts to suck up to Barack Obama and the global elite who would like nothing better than the dispacement of Europe and America's educated and politically literate working classes, threaten to turn Germany into a third world human nation, it seems public opinion throughout Europe and the rest of the developed world is waking up to the threats to their nations and national / ethnic cultures.
Read all: German citizens anti-immigration backlash
EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration
While political leaders and the mass media constantly preach of the economic benefits and cultural enrichment that spring from mass immigration,EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration just a few days ago we reported a study that found the economic benefits are a myth and today a report published by the EUs in house statistical bureau reveals immigrants have an adverse effect socially and culturally.
Christians Are Not Safe In Europe, European Parliament President Says
In a meeting on religious tensions in Europe today (3 December, 2015), European Parrliament (EP) President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians in Europe is under - reported and does not receive enough media attention, which has also meant that it "has not been properly addressed".
European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East
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A fact not often mentioned by mainstream media when reporting Europe's immigrant crisis is that while left wing and liberal do - gooders think they are helping poor, oppressed people they are in fact helping crooks and con artists involved in the human trafficking business to exploit the poor who are trying to get to Europe.
By calling on governments to let in more undocumented migrants and financially supporting those organizations responsible for placing ads in newspapers and on radio and TV in African and middle eastern nations telling people they are all welcome in Europe and on arrival are guaranteed a house, an income and free medicine, they drive people not educated enough to be wary of promises that sound to good to be true into the arms of gangs who are making fortunes from illegal immigration.
Here a former doctor from Syria has described how he now makes £60,000 a month trafficking people from Turkey to Europe. He has warned European Union (EU) member states that the refugees will continue to come even if all the borders are shut, saying “They will dig tunnels if necessary.”
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Germany has thrown open her doors to Syria, declaring it will welcome all that country’s asylum seekers. In doing so, it has overturned a EU convention which insists that asylum seekers must register in the first country they reach.
Germany will now cease handing out forms which ask new arrivals to declare where they landed in the EU.
Under the Dublin Convention of 1990, migrants seeking asylum within the EU must usually register with the country they first enter. The system was put in place to ensure that migrants didn’t submit multiple applications in a number of member states, and is binding under law.
However, according to the Independent, yesterday the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ratified an order suspending the protocol.
Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
This is a digitally captured video of a news report on Federal German government plans to evict low income and unemployed German citizens from their homes and replace them with Middle Eastern 'asylum seekers' (handout seekers). This news story was first broadcast on a German Left-leaning TV station on August 28, 2015. It's original title: The most poor of the poor have to vacate their homes for asylum seekers.
Read all: German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers
by Arthur Foxake
A story picked up by Pam Geller (always a reliable fact checker although some dislike her sensationist style of reporting) of Muslim migrats raping German women while migrant women are being forced into prostitution is not playing well with the femiists and left wing extremists who want us to believe the lie that these barbarians actually enrich our culture.
It was bound to happen of course, when large numbers of single men are imported into a society so that horny young males outnumber available females there are always going to be problems. And when the majority of those males are from a culture which believe women who leave the house alone, wear western style clothes and walk along the street with hair and faces uncovered are impure and sinful women and deserve to be raped, while the ruling authority in the nation that is their host seems determined to turn a blind eye to their outrageous crimes in the interests of 'multiculturalism', it's no wonder that rapes and assaults quickly become epidemic.
So who are to blame in this instance? Not the women of Munich who are behaving in ways acceptable to all European nations, not the immigrants, they can't help being idiotic, indoctrinated pawns of western politicians and Muslim religious leaders.
The blame lies with the establishment developed European nations. (BTW I have been told 'Establishment' is a Conspiracy Theorist word like 'Illuminati'. That is nonsense: The Establishment in national terms is the political class, judiciary and legal professions, senior civil and military servants, the Church and representatives of professional bodies such as The Medical Association.)
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich
"Germany is a clean country and should remain so," the document emphsises, reminding migrants that in Germany, "We do our necessary body functions exclusively on toilets, not in private gardens, public parks, in hedges and behind bushes."
Hardheim, in Franconia Odenwald, is home to just 4,600 inhabitants. Yet approximately 1,000 refugees are currently housed in nearby Carl-Schurz-Kaserne. Locals produced the document to help migrants integrate into their tightly knit community, and published it on the municipality website. Some of the usual suspects (self righteous, self hating, white genocide supporters have accused the village of "racism," and of adhering to stereotypes, not respecting German political tolerance, (do they mean like wot Mr. Hitler did) and addressing migrants like "animals." The page has now been taken down, s integrate with Muslim society, presumably after Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel promised that if it wasn't, another 3000 filthy, ignorant, uneducated immigrant pigs to the area to help Germans integrate with Muslim society.
According to reproductions in the German media, the document very politely began:
“Dear stranger, dear stranger! Welcome to Germany, welcome to Hardheim. Many of you have gone through terrible things. War, mortal danger, a perilous escape across half the world. That is over now. You are now in Germany.”
The document asks migrants to “learn as soon as possible the German language, so that we can communicate and you can bring your needs to express to us,” and to not make noise after 10pm in their small village.
Informing migrants they need to, “pay [for] goods at the grocery store before you open them” in Germany, and must not, “enter private property; no gardens, barns and other buildings and also not take fruit and vegetables that do not belong to you.”
More fundamental issues of Western law and culture, which migrants can struggle, such as the sactity of womens' and childrens' bodies and the concept of Christians being allowed to have private property, are also addressed.
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The Freedom Of Western Women Theatened By Mass Migration And Politically Correct Politics
Our leaders and 'left wing' friends, who constantly scream about rape and sexism if a European man makes a suggestive remark about a woman see no irony, humourles, self righteous twats that they are, in calling for more mass immigration from the cespits of humanity where women are still accorded less respect than animals. And we're not the only ones to have noticed ...
Immigration omnibus
Swedem becoming a dystiopian nightmare
Germany's immigration problem
Immigration marginalising European white working class
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Click these titles to jump to the article: First link in RELATED POSTS table brings you back to here (visited pages show in black)
Germany's Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals Out Of Control
Merkel's "We Can Do It" Scorecard: Just 54 Refugees Hired At Germany's Biggest 30 Companies ...
Can Muslim Culture Ever Integrate With Tolerant Western Societies
Merkel Hit By German Citizens Backlash As Her Anti - German, Pro - Immigration Policy Introduces Violence, Rape and Third World Lawlessness To Germany's Muslim Ghettos
Syrian Doctor Makes More Trafficking Migrants to Greece Than He Can Doctoring
German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year
Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich,br />
German Village Accused of Racism For Requesting Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass Women
Europes Immigration Crisis (July / August / September 2015) External link
Majority Of Europeans Disapprove Of EU Handling Of Refugee Crisis
by Arthur Foxake, 5 August, 2015
As I (and thousands of others) have repeatedly warned, the complete mismanagement of the immigration crisis by EU bureaucrats will be seen as the main driver behind the collapse of the European Union. Although many millions or ordinary citizens across the European Union were angry and disgusted at they way huge numbers of unskilled, semi literate newcomers from primitive third world societies, who had no intention of assimilating the culture of their host nation, or in many cases, of even tolerating local customs and values, the arrogant elites thought to could bully, browbeat or bamboozle the 'ignorant, infantile masses' into accepting anything that was imposed on them. The intellectuals and technocrats have always despised and underestimated the masses. Having said that, it seems even I had no idea how angry and resentful the people were until I read the results of a recent survey by the Pew Research Center.
Some of the most relevant findings are summarised below:
A record 1.3 million migrants applied for asylum in the 28 member states of the European Union, Norway and Switzerland in 2015 – nearly double the previous high water mark of roughly 700,000 that was set in 1992 after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the collapse of the Soviet Union, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical agency.
Refugees did not disperse equally across Europe, with some countries taking in more asylum seekers than the European average. In 2015, the EU-28, Norway and Switzerland as a whole had 250 asylum applicants per 100,000 residents. By comparison, Hungary had 1,770 applicants per 100,000 people (the highest of any country) and Sweden had 1,600 applicants per 100,000 people. Meanwhile, Germany had 540 applicants per 100,000 people, still well above the total European rate. By contrast, France had only 110 applicants per 100,000 people in its total population in 2015 and the UK had only 60 asylum seekers per 100,000 people.
European publics have been far from satisfied with how the EU has handled the historic number of refugees arriving there. A spring 2016 Pew Research Center survey conducted across 10 EU member states following the EU-Turkey agreement found that majorities in each country disapproved of how the EU was dealing with the refugee issue.
Disapproval was generally greatest in countries with the highest number of asylum seekers in 2015. For example, 94% of Greeks and 88% of Swedes said they disapprove of how the EU has handled the refugee issue. Sweden received the third highest number of asylum applications in 2015. And while Greece was not the final destination for most refugees in 2015, it was their main point of entry, with about 850,000 arrivals in 2015 alone.
Even in countries with a lower number of asylees, disapproval of the EU’s handling of the refugee issue was widespread, including in France (70%), the UK (70%) and the Netherlands (63%). And in Germany, which had the most asylum applications in 2015, fully two-thirds faulted the EU’s approach to the refugee crisis.
Refugees did not disperse equally across Europe, with some countries taking in more asylum seekers than the European average. In 2015, the EU-28, Norway and Switzerland as a whole had 250 asylum applicants per 100,000 residents. By comparison, Hungary had 1,770 applicants per 100,000 people (the highest of any country) and Sweden had 1,600 applicants per 100,000 people. Meanwhile, Germany had 540 applicants per 100,000 people, still well above the total European rate. By contrast, France had only 110 applicants per 100,000 people in its total population in 2015 and the UK had only 60 asylum seekers per 100,000 people.
European publics have been far from satisfied with how the EU has handled the historic number of refugees arriving there. A spring 2016 Pew Research Center survey conducted across 10 EU member states following the EU-Turkey agreement found that majorities in each country disapproved of how the EU was dealing with the refugee issue.
Disapproval was generally greatest in countries with the highest number of asylum seekers in 2015. For example, 94% of Greeks and 88% of Swedes said they disapprove of how the EU has handled the refugee issue. Sweden received the third highest number of asylum applications in 2015. And while Greece was not the final destination for most refugees in 2015, it was their main point of entry, with about 850,000 arrivals in 2015 alone.
Even in countries with a lower number of asylees, disapproval of the EU’s handling of the refugee issue was widespread, including in France (70%), the UK (70%) and the Netherlands (63%). And in Germany, which had the most asylum applications in 2015, fully two-thirds faulted the EU’s approach to the refugee crisis.
At the same time, 50% or more in 8 of the 10 EU countries Pew Research surveyed believe incoming refugees and lack of border controls increase the likelihood of terrorism in their country. Leftists will dismiss this as xenophobia but in fact it is borne out by evidence from the terrorist attacks carried out recently. Europeans are also worried that refugees will be an economic burden, with over 50% in five nations saying that refugees will be a drain on he economy.
The demographic make up of the immigrants is a concern too. Over half (53%) of immigrants to the European Union, Norway and Switzerland in 2015 were young adults, aged 18 to 34. This was also generally the top age group among asylum seekers in Europe from the three leading origin countries. Roughly half of those from Syria (50%), Iraq (56%) and Afghanistan (45%) were young adults in 2015. In addition, men made up nearly three-quarters (73%) of Europe’s asylum seekers in 2015. Refugees from leading origin countries such as Syria (71%), Iraq (75%) and Afghanistan (80%) were also predominately male in 2015.
It is well documented that the EU in collusion with the United Nations and several 'philanthropic' groups, front for bollionire globalists, have deliberately engineered the crisis. It is any wonder 'the masses' are pissed off with their ruling elites.
Immigration omnibus page
Immigration crisis
Immigration: Europe is not a promised land
Immigration marginalising the white working class
Immigration: Humanitarian crisis or Soros scam
EU refugee quotas rejected
Germany rebels against European Union
Europe immigration burden,
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Germany's Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals Out Of Control
Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Mainstream media first reported Germany's migrant rape crisis in September 2015, when Merkel opened up the German border to tens of thousands of migrants stranded in Hungary (we were on the case about about year before that). A follow-up report was published in March 2016, in the aftermath of mass attacks against German women by mobs of migrants in Cologne, Hamburg and other German cities.
Germany's migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany's federal states. Germany is effectively under siege; public spaces are becoming increasingly perilous. Police have warned about a potential breakdown of public order this summer, when young male migrants are likely to see women lightly dressed.
During the month of July 2016, hundreds of German women and children were sexually assaulted by migrants (see Appendix below). The youngest victim was nine; the oldest, 79. Attacks occurred at beaches, bike trails, cemeteries, discotheques, grocery stores, music festivals, parking garages, playgrounds, schools, shopping malls, taxis, public transportation (buses, trams, intercity express trains and subways), public parks, public squares, public swimming pools and public restrooms. Predators are lurking everywhere; safety nowhere.
Dozens of women and children have been assaulted by migrants at summer festivals and public swimming pools — staples of ordinary German life.
Immigratiuoin composite
Immigration, Germany
Immigrant rapes
Immigrant invasion
Germany close to civil conflict
Germany's problem with Islam
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Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Mainstream media first reported Germany's migrant rape crisis in September 2015, when Merkel opened up the German border to tens of thousands of migrants stranded in Hungary (we were on the case about about year before that). A follow-up report was published in March 2016, in the aftermath of mass attacks against German women by mobs of migrants in Cologne, Hamburg and other German cities.
Germany's migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany's federal states. Germany is effectively under siege; public spaces are becoming increasingly perilous. Police have warned about a potential breakdown of public order this summer, when young male migrants are likely to see women lightly dressed.
During the month of July 2016, hundreds of German women and children were sexually assaulted by migrants (see Appendix below). The youngest victim was nine; the oldest, 79. Attacks occurred at beaches, bike trails, cemeteries, discotheques, grocery stores, music festivals, parking garages, playgrounds, schools, shopping malls, taxis, public transportation (buses, trams, intercity express trains and subways), public parks, public squares, public swimming pools and public restrooms. Predators are lurking everywhere; safety nowhere.
Dozens of women and children have been assaulted by migrants at summer festivals and public swimming pools — staples of ordinary German life.
Immigratiuoin composite
Immigration, Germany
Immigrant rapes
Immigrant invasion
Germany close to civil conflict
Germany's problem with Islam
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Merkel's "We Can Do It" Scorecard: Just 54 Refugees Hired At Germany's Biggest 30 Companies ...
In spite of all the social and economic problems in Germany that have resulted from Angela Merkel's government insisting their 'open doors' immigration policy, which last year alone saw an estimated one million mostly unskilled, uneducated, barely literate and largely unemployable illegal immigrants (mostly Muslims from parts of the world where funamentalist versions of that religion influence governments and social policy) Hausfrau Volksfuher Merkel continues to insist her policy is working to the benefit of Germa ny.
When advised by supporters and members of her own party that Germany could not assimilate so many people who held German and European lifestyles and values in utter contempt, Merkel responded "We can do it" and pledged that one million jobs would be created by German industry to help absorb the 'new Germans' and also the million arrivals expected this year. So how is that working out for Merkel, whose party and its coalition partners are haemorrhaging support to the nationalist AfD, a new party opposed to mass immigration and to further cultural and economic integration in the European Union?
And what has happened to the economic boom these refugees were supposed to start?
Official German government statistics show show far more German women were raped or assaulted by the refugees than found employment at the thirty largest German companies.
National Public Radio (NPR) reported a few says ago Despite Early Optimism, German Companies Hire Few Refugees.
A year ago, as Germany opened its borders to a surge of migrants and refugees, Chancellor Angela Merkel said,”Wir schaffen das” — “We can do it.”Results Speak For Themselves
Many expected that the influx of new arrivals would help Germany’s economy, already the strongest in Europe. Big players in German business were enthusiastic. Dieter Zetsche, the CEO of Daimler, the big car maker, predicted a new “economic miracle.” Frank Appel, the CEO of Deutsche Post, the huge courier company, praised the additional value for the labor market that the refugees would bring.
But the miracle hasn’t happened. One out of three German companies says it plans to hire refugees this year or next. But only 7 percent of all German firms have actually done so in the last 24 months, according to the Institute for Economic Studies in Munich, which polled managers earlier this year.
The assumption was that asylum seekers would primarily include people with relatively high education levels, comparable to German degrees. But in fact, many who arrived are unskilled and can understand neither English nor German. [What jackass made that assumption?]
And a grand total of 54 refugees have managed to find employment with the country’s biggest 30 companies, according to a survey in June by the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Fifty of them are employed by Deutsche Post.

On New Years evening alone as many as 1,200 women were molested in sexual attacks.
Sure Hausfrau Merkel, you can do it, so no more promises, just fucking do it
New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station
Cologne's HauptRahnhof Railway Station, scene of the New Year riot.
Details of the sexual assaults and attacks on peaceful Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early on the morning of January 1, are still emerging after a massive but inept attempt by German authorities to cover up the outrage. Not a word on this story was printed in mainstream European newspapers or reported in television and radio news bulletins for several weeks after it took place although we in New Media were all over it.
Some left wing politicians and media luvvies in Germany are still in denial and trying to tell people those lovely, liberal, tolerant, civilised Muslim head amputators and vagina mutilators are generticall y incapable of violence against women.
It is not surprise of course that such an outrage has taken place on one of the main celebrations in the European calendar, not a Christian holy Day but simply a big happy party to make the end of one year andf beginning of another. It has long been clear that Europe's ruling elites want to turn the continent's cultural make up from secular and Christian, because the non religious and Christian (Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox, along with small Jewish contingents) have showed they can live side by side and have become sufficiently well educated and politically aware to challenge the control agendas.
The elite's are gambling that pulling in enough Muslims from both sides of the bitter and irreconcilable divide that spits the faith will cause sufficient division and chaos in European societies for the old principle of 'divide - and - rule' recommended by Julius Caesar 2000 years ago, but probably used to good effect long before that, will help persuade voters in democratic societies to surrender civil liberties in return for an illusion of security and help restore the absolute authority of certain social castes. Read more on the Cologne outrage:
Germany: Migrants Commit Rape and Sexual Assault, In Cologne On New Year's Eve
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Germany's Immigrant Crisis posts
Immigration Omnibus - a catalogue of our Immigration posts
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Back in October we reported that a group of concerned German citizens had launched a bid to impeach the German Chancellor Angela Merkel because her 'open doors' immigration policy and insistence that Germany should admit without question and welcome every person who arrives in the country without valid travel documents. Merkel's efforts to make German's change they lifestyle, and German women change the way they dress because some long established European traditions 'insult Islam' have gone down like a lead Zepplin too.
German Judge Says Merkel's Immigration Policy Is Unlawful
London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims
When Donald Trump, currently frontrunner in the contest to be Republican Party candidate in the USA's 2016 Presidential Election, in a campaign broadcast commented that Islamisation of the west has gone so far parts of London are so heavily populated with Muslim extremists there are now no go zones for police and emergency services, he was attacked by politicians and the mainstream media.
Opposition Party to Sue Austrian Government Over Complicity In People Trafficking
We have reported previously that in their eagerness to complete the genocide of Europe's white working classes, the political and business elites are prepared to make a mockery of their own laws. One way in which this has been done is by turning a blind eye to people trafficking so that the entry of illegal immigrants to Europe would not be slowed by national law. We can't claim credit for the action reported here, we have very few Austrian readers, but it's good to see others are starting to think.
German Opposition Party Warns, Nation Is "At The Edge Of Anarchy, Civil War Is Coming"
As the stituation in German society deteriorates each day due to the vast swarm of lawless, uneducated, infidel hating illegal immigrants that Housfrau Volksfuhrer invited to travel to Germany and replace the established population, social commentators are predicting the country will slide into civil unrest and possibly full scale conflict between supporters of immigration and patriotic Germans
German Village Accused of Racism For Requesting Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass Women
A village in Germany which published a list of ground rules for migrants covering basic standards of behaviour expected in German society has been accused of racism. The list includes matters of basic civility like queueing in shops, paying for stuff and not haggling ovr the price of a tin of beans, to fundamental principles of Western society like behaving respectfully to women who ...
Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel Confronts Facebook's Zuckerberg Over Policing Hate Posts
It has long been recognized that German chancellor Angela Merkel models her leadership style on those og Hitler and Stalin. What is not so well know is that Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is collaborating with Merkel, Obama, Cameron and other leaders sympathetic to global fascism to introduce censorship of internet content. Avoid Facebook, Zuckerberg is a Jewish Nazi, how sick is that
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Can Muslim Culture Ever Integrate With Tolerant Western Societies
We in the developed nations are constantly told we must accept multiculturalism (Why? We never voted in favour of it?), celebrate diversity (We do celebrate diversity, there are thousands of diverse lifestyle within western societies) and adapt to accommodate the quirky but charming traditions of immigrants (traditions like the honour killing of daughters who reject their parents choice of husband, female genital mutilation, wife beating, legitimized rape (western women are asking for it doncha know) and killing of Christians.
Read more: Can Muslim and European Cultures Ever Mix? title="We are told to celebrate diversity because we live in multicultural societies but our leaders seem to value some diverse lifestyles more highly than others and creating monocultural societies" target="_blank"
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The Freedom Of Western Women Threatened By Mass Migration And Politically Correct Politics
Our leaders and 'left wing' friends, who constantly scream about rape and sexism if a European man makes a suggestive remark about a woman see no irony, humourless, self righteous twats that they are, in calling for more mass immigration from the cesspits of humanity where women are still accorded less respect than animals. And we're not the only ones to have noticed ...
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Merkel Hit By German Citizens Backlash As Her Anti - German, Pro - Immigration Policy Introduces Violence, Rape and Third World Lawlessness To Germany's Muslim Ghettos
As the lawlessness of immigrants imported by Hausfrau-Volksfuhrer Merkel (a reference to the equally delusion "Housewife-Superstar Dame Edna Everidge) in her efforts to suck up to Barack Obama and the global elite who would like nothing better than the dispacement of Europe and America's educated and politically literate working classes, threaten to turn Germany into a third world human nation, it seems public opinion throughout Europe and the rest of the developed world is waking up to the threats to their nations and national / ethnic cultures.
Read all: German citizens anti-immigration backlash
EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration
While political leaders and the mass media constantly preach of the economic benefits and cultural enrichment that spring from mass immigration,EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration just a few days ago we reported a study that found the economic benefits are a myth and today a report published by the EUs in house statistical bureau reveals immigrants have an adverse effect socially and culturally.
Christians Are Not Safe In Europe, European Parliament President Says
In a meeting on religious tensions in Europe today (3 December, 2015), European Parrliament (EP) President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians in Europe is under - reported and does not receive enough media attention, which has also meant that it "has not been properly addressed".
European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East
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Syrian Doctor Makes More Trafficking Migrants to Greece Than He Can Doctoring
A fact not often mentioned by mainstream media when reporting Europe's immigrant crisis is that while left wing and liberal do - gooders think they are helping poor, oppressed people they are in fact helping crooks and con artists involved in the human trafficking business to exploit the poor who are trying to get to Europe.
By calling on governments to let in more undocumented migrants and financially supporting those organizations responsible for placing ads in newspapers and on radio and TV in African and middle eastern nations telling people they are all welcome in Europe and on arrival are guaranteed a house, an income and free medicine, they drive people not educated enough to be wary of promises that sound to good to be true into the arms of gangs who are making fortunes from illegal immigration.
Here a former doctor from Syria has described how he now makes £60,000 a month trafficking people from Turkey to Europe. He has warned European Union (EU) member states that the refugees will continue to come even if all the borders are shut, saying “They will dig tunnels if necessary.”
Read full artcle
Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
Germany has thrown open her doors to Syria, declaring it will welcome all that country’s asylum seekers. In doing so, it has overturned a EU convention which insists that asylum seekers must register in the first country they reach.
Germany will now cease handing out forms which ask new arrivals to declare where they landed in the EU.
Under the Dublin Convention of 1990, migrants seeking asylum within the EU must usually register with the country they first enter. The system was put in place to ensure that migrants didn’t submit multiple applications in a number of member states, and is binding under law.
However, according to the Independent, yesterday the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ratified an order suspending the protocol.
Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers
This is a digitally captured video of a news report on Federal German government plans to evict low income and unemployed German citizens from their homes and replace them with Middle Eastern 'asylum seekers' (handout seekers). This news story was first broadcast on a German Left-leaning TV station on August 28, 2015. It's original title: The most poor of the poor have to vacate their homes for asylum seekers.
Read all: German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich
by Arthur Foxake
A story picked up by Pam Geller (always a reliable fact checker although some dislike her sensationist style of reporting) of Muslim migrats raping German women while migrant women are being forced into prostitution is not playing well with the femiists and left wing extremists who want us to believe the lie that these barbarians actually enrich our culture.
It was bound to happen of course, when large numbers of single men are imported into a society so that horny young males outnumber available females there are always going to be problems. And when the majority of those males are from a culture which believe women who leave the house alone, wear western style clothes and walk along the street with hair and faces uncovered are impure and sinful women and deserve to be raped, while the ruling authority in the nation that is their host seems determined to turn a blind eye to their outrageous crimes in the interests of 'multiculturalism', it's no wonder that rapes and assaults quickly become epidemic.
So who are to blame in this instance? Not the women of Munich who are behaving in ways acceptable to all European nations, not the immigrants, they can't help being idiotic, indoctrinated pawns of western politicians and Muslim religious leaders.
The blame lies with the establishment developed European nations. (BTW I have been told 'Establishment' is a Conspiracy Theorist word like 'Illuminati'. That is nonsense: The Establishment in national terms is the political class, judiciary and legal professions, senior civil and military servants, the Church and representatives of professional bodies such as The Medical Association.)
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich
German Village Accused of Racism For Requesting Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass Women
source:, translated from German and sarcasm added by fatsally
A village in Germany which published a list of ground rules for migrants covering basic standards of behaviour expected in German society has been accused of racism. The list includes matters of basic civility like queueing in shops, paying for stuff and not haggling over the price of a tin of beans, to fundamental principles of Western society like behaving respectfully to women who are in town alone and do not have their faces or hair completely covered to not harassing young girls for sex and offering them money for a quick knee trembler. The importance of learning the native language as a step towards understanding national culture is also covered."Germany is a clean country and should remain so," the document emphsises, reminding migrants that in Germany, "We do our necessary body functions exclusively on toilets, not in private gardens, public parks, in hedges and behind bushes."
Hardheim, in Franconia Odenwald, is home to just 4,600 inhabitants. Yet approximately 1,000 refugees are currently housed in nearby Carl-Schurz-Kaserne. Locals produced the document to help migrants integrate into their tightly knit community, and published it on the municipality website. Some of the usual suspects (self righteous, self hating, white genocide supporters have accused the village of "racism," and of adhering to stereotypes, not respecting German political tolerance, (do they mean like wot Mr. Hitler did) and addressing migrants like "animals." The page has now been taken down, s integrate with Muslim society, presumably after Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel promised that if it wasn't, another 3000 filthy, ignorant, uneducated immigrant pigs to the area to help Germans integrate with Muslim society.
According to reproductions in the German media, the document very politely began:
“Dear stranger, dear stranger! Welcome to Germany, welcome to Hardheim. Many of you have gone through terrible things. War, mortal danger, a perilous escape across half the world. That is over now. You are now in Germany.”
The document asks migrants to “learn as soon as possible the German language, so that we can communicate and you can bring your needs to express to us,” and to not make noise after 10pm in their small village.
Informing migrants they need to, “pay [for] goods at the grocery store before you open them” in Germany, and must not, “enter private property; no gardens, barns and other buildings and also not take fruit and vegetables that do not belong to you.”
More fundamental issues of Western law and culture, which migrants can struggle, such as the sactity of womens' and childrens' bodies and the concept of Christians being allowed to have private property, are also addressed.
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The Freedom Of Western Women Theatened By Mass Migration And Politically Correct Politics
Our leaders and 'left wing' friends, who constantly scream about rape and sexism if a European man makes a suggestive remark about a woman see no irony, humourles, self righteous twats that they are, in calling for more mass immigration from the cespits of humanity where women are still accorded less respect than animals. And we're not the only ones to have noticed ...
Immigration omnibus
Swedem becoming a dystiopian nightmare
Germany's immigration problem
Immigration marginalising European white working class
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