The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

European Union The Prison Of Peoples - France's Le Pen Calls For European 'Spring'

As in the aftermath of the Brexit, with the European Union hurtling towards the abyss at close to the speed of light, Front National leader Marine Le Pen today pushed France a little closer to the exit. With the news coming in so fast this small team cannot keep up so we will have to link you to others:

The prison of peoples - Vox Pop blog

Marine Le Pen writes a powerful argument
for nationalism and the end of the EU in the New York Times:
The European Union has become a prison of peoples. Each of the 28 countries that constitute it has slowly lost its democratic prerogatives to commissions and councils with no popular mandate. Every nation in the union has had to apply laws it did not want for itself. Member nations no longer determine their own budgets. They are called upon to open their borders against their will.

Countries in the eurozone face an even less enviable situation. In the name of ideology, different economies are forced to adopt the same currency, even if doing so bleeds them dry. It’s a modern version of the Procrustean bed, and the people no longer have a say.

And what about the European Parliament? It’s democratic in appearance only, because it’s based on a lie: the pretense that there is a homogeneous European people, and that a Polish member of the European Parliament has the legitimacy to make law for the Spanish. We have tried to deny the existence of sovereign nations. It’s only natural that they would not allow being denied.

Brexit wasn’t the European people’s first cry of revolt. In 2005, France and the Netherlands held referendums about the proposed European Union constitution. In both countries, opposition was massive, and other governments decided on the spot to halt the experiment for fear the contagion might spread. A few years later, the European Union constitution was forced on the people of Europe anyway, under the guise of the Lisbon Treaty. In 2008, Ireland, also by way of referendum, refused to apply that treaty. And once again, a popular decision was brushed aside ... Read all >>>


After Brexit European Union Moves To Abolish Free Speech!

While European citizens are increasingly at risk of arrest for "hate speech" and "xenophobic remarks" (both terms for which there is no legal definition in any state of Europe,) the law does not apply equally to all Europeans, the ruling elites it sems can say what they like about whom they dislike.

A Mob Of 'Foreign Youths' Assault 35 Females At Swedish Music Festival

The number of sexual assaults in Europe as a result of the refugee crisis has been something that we have covered extensively, notably the "monstrous" attacks by men "of Arab or North African origin" that occurred on German women in Cologne during a New Year celebration (that led to the members of left wing parties in Germany's ruling coalition actually trying to have the word "rape" removed< from internal reports, because multiculturalism. Well We Have Been Warning You: European SUPERSTATE plan unveiled: EU nations 'to be merged into one' post-Brexit
EU's Bureaucratic Dictatorship Is Losing The Support Of The Most Loyal Nations
France Chaos Becoming A Threat To The Entire European Union</ Hollande Survives Confidence Vote As France Slides Deeper Into Chaos
French Legislator Proposes Alliance With Russia to Prevent More Attacks
David Cameron denies migrant crisis is a 'giant David Icke conspiracy' to keep us in the EU.
France Moves Several Steps Closer To Abolishing Free Speech
France’s President Hollande Says 'Non' To Obama’s Demand for Corporate Global Oligarchy
European Parliament President Says ‘Vast Majority Of Europeans Do Not Want Borders’
EU Refuses to Block Eurozone Integration to Reach Agreement With UK
News From Davos: America Is Finished Global Governance And NWO To Rule
Poland: Are New York 'Wall Street Whores’ Working With Eurofascists Against Democracy

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Eurozone To Fail? George Soros Bets €100m AGAINST Deutsche Bank

by Phil T. Looker, 27 June, 2016

George Soros, the man lifted himself from ordinarily rich speculator to rank alongside the Rothschilds and Buffets of global finance, the people who can affect the destinies of large nations by trashing the Thai economy with a massive speculation against their currency, the Bhat, in the 1990s and who later "broke the Bank of England" took a short position of 0.51 per cent in Deutsche Bank shares on Friday - the day after the people of Britain backed Brexit. (what is short selling?)

It has been known for over a year that the failure of the European single currency and the insolvency of Europe's weaker economies that has cause has left German and French banks dangerously exposed to 'Club Mediterranean' debt. That in itself is a major problem for Germany, but the burden imposed on fedral and state budgets by mass immigration has left the German government little room to manoeuvre. With the number of alarm bells and flashing lights increasing every day to show that Angela Merkel's economy is struggling desperately and though the decision taken by Britain's voters to quit the failing EU has not helped, Germany's problems are much deeper than a short term consequence of Brexit. Soros Fund Management said immediately after the Brexit result its short position was now 0.46 per cent - suggesting it had begun to take profits from the trade.

However since the momentous decision, shares at Deutsche have dramatically slumped.

At one point, shares were down by more than 13 per cent compared with Friday's high point.

Banks across Europe have been left battered by Britain's decision to turn its back on Brussels in a historic referendum on June 23, but Deutsche Bank is especially troubled. The bank, which is undergoing a deep restructuring, has been hamstrung by the fallout from the financial crisis, posting a record loss of €6.8billion in 2015. Around a year ago, John Cryan took over as the bank's new CEO, with a clear mandate to slash jobs and costs.

Since then the bank's share price has dropped by nearly 60 per cent, making it one of the lowest-valued international banks.

The latest hit on Deutsche Bank's financial credibility comes after Soros, who made $1bn by famously positioning himself against sterling 22 years ago, said a British exodus from the bloc would make the eventual dissolution of the EU "practically irreversible". Soros, 85, said that Brexit was the final nail in the coffin for the EU.

George Soros made around £690m after his infamous bet that sterling was overvalued against the Deutsche Mark, which forced former Prime Minister John Major to pull the pound out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). Short selling is a type of transaction that involves making forward contracts to sell shares, commodities, derivatives or currency that you don't have, at a certain price on a fixed date. The short seller is betting they can buy whatever is needed to fulfill the contract at a lower price than the agreed sale. One of the negative aspects of computerised trading is that it enables speculators to manipulate markets.


Quitaly? Will Italy follow Britain out of the EU?

With a referendum in Italy, ostensibly on constitutional reforms but perceived as a referendum on the leadership of the ruling elite, looming in November and the anti - globalisation, pro sovereignty Five Star Party growing in popularity all the time. Should the constitutional changes be voted down, and the against campaign is showing a comfortable lead in opinion polls at the moment, it will put a Quitaly in-out referendum, similar to the so called Brexit vote that kick off the process of Britain leaving the European Union, at the top of the agenda.

DC Leaks Hack Of Soros Open Society Foundation Reveals How Billionaire World Domination Freak Plans To Control The Media

DC Leaks is a new kid on the block in the whistleblowing business but they are very successfully going after billionaire investor and puppet master. Having already exposed Soros' sponsorship of US terror group Black Lives Matter, and his links with the corrupt and careless Hillary Clinton, they have now reveald how Soros manipulates the media.

Rebellion Against EU Authoritarianism Escalates As 8th Member Nation Threatens Referendum
Brussels went too far, they crossed the line in moving from an economic union to a political pan - European political empire. In the end it was a race as to which member state would quit first, Britain, Natherlands, Denmark or Italy. In the event it is Britain.

Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.

BREXIT vs. GREXIT – The Truth About The European Union And How It Treats Members
Unless the testicularly deficient politicians stand up for their nations he only thing that will halt the European Union's push beyond Europe's geographical borders to incorporate Asian, middle eastern and north African nations is war. Power is addictive and the bean counters of Brussels have ambitions far beyond Europe.

The Hypocrisy and Snobbery Of The Remain Campaign And The Antidote

When I had to defriend a Facebook contact because she was arguing in favour of the EU, it was not simply because I support Brexit that I had become pissed of with her, it was the snobbish and condescending way she dismissed supporters of LEAVE and their case. People are entitled to their opinion on the European Union, but they should check the 'facts' they post in support of their arguments.

The Labour Case For Brexit by Kate Hoey M.P.

After my short intro is a savage indictment by Brexit supporting Labour MP Kate Hoey of the way the Labour Party has abandoned the working class and is now trying to betray the party's proud heritage and its roots in the industrial areas by taking Britain into an undemocratic, corporate controlled, capitalist friendly, elite dominated globalist control freak project.

Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU.

Few of you were aware probably that there is an EU referendum vote in The Netherlands this week. As usual with anything negative about the EU barely a word has been printed in the topic in mainstream media and the silence from our notionally unbiased national broadcaster The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been deafening.

French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism

Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.

Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone

Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.

Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave

OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...

Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine
As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.

Why Won’t The Panama Papers Lefty Leakers Expose EU or American Establishment Figures?
Soros Sponsored "Democracy Spring" Launches Program Of Civil Disobedience
Soros Attacks Trump: The New World Order Are Afraid ...
New World Order Stopped? Russia Bans Soros Foundation "A Threat To National Security And Constitutional Order"
Well We Have Been Warning You: European SUPERSTATE plan unveiled: EU nations 'to be merged into one' post-Brexit
NEIN! Germany's Bild Comdemns Latest Greek Can Kicking Exercise
A Eurozone Nation Reports Record Poverty Levels
EU Will 'Gradually Unravel' With or Without the UK - MEPs
Top Derivatives Analyst Warns The Controllers Are Ready to SHUT DOWN The Financial System
EU Based Global Corporations 'Controlled by a Small Number of Rich Families For Generations'
Brexit Economic Forecasts Are Nonsense And Pure Scaremongering
Adolf Hitler: His Part In Our Downfall
The Stuff Gayvid Cameroink Will Not Tell You About Remaining In The EU
TTIP:Here In A Single Article Is The Key To Why People Do Not Trust Mainstream Media
Will TTIP Make Europe A Colony Of The USA?
Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine - US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable

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