The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment

Yesterday we shared a post on Facebook (yeah, we're not big fans of FB but posting links there gets out stuff noticed by search engines very quickly - what? WHAT? No that's not hypocrisy, I never said this blog isn't cynical ;-) ) a post which showed how American liberals have been going crazy over something Trump said he would do if he becomes President. The Donald upset the hand wringers and breast beaters by saying he would target no just terrorists but the families of terrorists to discourage terror attacks on US territory and citizens.

You can see why the Obama - worshipping, human rights loving liberals would get angry about that. Obviously only a fascist tyrant would consider such a policy. A tyrant like Hitler or Mussolini or Pol Pot .... or Barack Hussein Obama. The thing is here, the liberals and lefties are demonizing Donald Trump for saying he would do exactly what the sneaky little slimeball now in The White House has been doing for most of his second term.

So if Trump is in fact as liberal as the corporate sock puppet Obama, what is it about him that has the ruling elite so scared the corporate owned mainstream media are resorting to desperate measures to discredit him while politicians plot increasing unfeasible ways to stop him becoming president.

Mac Slavo of SHTF blog has the answer. It did not surprise me, I'm a natural sceptic, but being an outsider (British) this had not occurred to me as something that happens in US politics as well as in Britain and Europe. But in this interview you will see the side of Trump mainstream media will never report. Donald Trump is not a fascist or a wannabe tyrant, he is not a racist or a warmonger, and most important he is not a globalist, he does not advocate the kind of free trade deals that would abolish national law and give corporate businesses sovereignty over nations. He loves America and respects other nations independence. HE IS AN OPPONENT OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

Over to SHTFplan:

The Donald has completely taken over the news cycle.

His path of victory after victory in GOP primary states has the establishment freaking out, and every major media outlet scrambling for a way to stop Trump, or at least to damage his reputation.

But why is he being compared to Hitler and inducing aneurysms among the political elite?

Obviously it isn’t the name-calling or fiery rhetoric that has the system’s minions losing sleep and openly-plotting his demise.

No. It is for one basic reason: his rhetoric and campaign promises have centered around restoring American sovereignty.

Economically, he has talked about undoing globalism and free trade, bringing back good American jobs, protecting the border (and yes, building the 10+ foot high wall) and saying no to a culture of exploiting illegal immigrant workers at the expense of American employment.

Never mind if he can keep any of those promises, because just hyping them up has been enough to cause mass panic and hysteria in the corporate halls of Washington, Wall Street and the lapdog media.

But what might surprise you, even shock you, is that he has been talking this way for decades.

Just listen to what he told Oprah and her audience more than 25 years ago (circa 1987):

“I’d make our allies pay their fair share” “I’m tired of seeing what’s happening with this country.” “I’m tired of seeing this country ripped off.”

Read the rest and see video of the Oprah interview with Donald Trump

You should not read this as an expression of support for Donald Trump, it's not my election, I don't have a vote. And I still think he's a loudmouth and a crude, crass bully. But nobody ever got to be a billionaire or a president by being Mr. Nice Person. Those of us who took the trouble to research Barack Obama's career properly (it's a very thin dossier but does show his links with some very unsavoury capitalists,) know what a duplicitous backstabber he was as he climbed the political ladder. Even people who are millionaires did not manage it without treading on a few people.

Our main concern, wherever in the wourld we live, must be that the crooked, corrupt, discredited corporate crony Hilary Clinton, if she should avoid prison and become president, will be a ten times worse and more divisive leader than Obama has been.


The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia

Essential reading for our American readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.

The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.

Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.

Trump, Sanders: The Anti-Globalists

While most candidates for the US Presidency are political hacks guaranteed to follow the party line, the success of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump reflects how angry American voters are with the ruling elite, and how dangerous a situation the USA is in.

'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
Academy Award-winning movie director Oliver Stone criticized former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for contributing to almost every major conflict of recent decades and for refusing to accept the fact that “the Cold War” era is over

Soros - funded Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"
Republican Party Hierachy Meltdown Over Trump?
Ruling Elites In Panic: Trump Presidency Would End Their Golbal Government Dream
So What Was All That Fuss About Donald Trump and the KKK
If You Are An American Voter Thinking Of Voting For Hillary You Need To Read This.
At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR
The FBI Has No Choice But To Indict Hillary Clinton
At Last, A Candidate I Feel I Could Support Were I An American Voter
Soros Attacks Trump: The New World Order Are Afraid ...
Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America
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French Politician Says Putin More Popular Than Hollande

French mainstream media promotes the Pensee Unique (single thought)

Russia is a democratic country with a strong and popular leader, Vladimir Putin, the prominent French scholar and politician Yvan Blot told the Russian newspaper While it may stretch the credulity of the average European to accept that Russia is more democratic that even an oligarchy such as The United States, Monsieur Blot could be onto something according to recent opinion poll results in France.

Blot, a close friend and adviser to ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy, presented his new book in Moscow called "Putin's Russia," in which he discusses that people in Europe have a prejudiced view of Russia. One of Yvan Blot's objectives in the book is to shatter myths about Russia and explain to Europeans that the country is no longer the Soviet Union.

The French politician added that around 40 percent of French citizens have a positive view of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Most of them are young people who actively use the Internet to form their own opinions about Russia and its leader, different from those peddled by the pro - establishment mainstream media, Blot explained.

"Vladimir Putin is currently more popular in France than President Francois Hollande, whose approval rating is around 20 percent," Blot told, stating that the successful Russian military operation in Syria further helped to improve the image of Russia among French citizens.

Some people in the West might be surprised, but Blot thinks that right now Russia is more democratic than France. While he may have been thinking of how Hollande's socialist government had used the Bataclan terrorist outrage to curtail free speech, the politician brought up an example of how two French universities didn't want Blot teaching politics to students due to his conservative political leaning.

"It's called la pensee unique in France," (the belief that there is only one way of thinking) Blot said with sarcasm.

At the same time, mainstream French media has an anti-Russian and anti-Putin stance with propaganda strongly influencing the minds of French citizens, especially the older generation who believe everything that they hear on TV, Blot explained.

Blot is a conservative political figure and the founder of the Club de l'Horlage, a French national conservative association which focuses on the values of economic liberalism, nationalism and democracy. He is a former Member of the European Parliament, member of the National Front party and served as a leading civil servant at the French Interior Ministry.


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Denmark Gives Large Bonuses To Get Migrants To Work - How Is That Fair To Danes

by Arthur Foxake

Doner Kebab shop in Copenhagen: When will Danish government subsidise kebabs to create more work for immigrant kebab stuffers? (Image source)

In a move that tells us much about what is wrong with the politically correct Cultural Marxism that dominates European politics, the government of Denmark has announced a plan to persuade migrants to work for a living instead of claiming state handouts by offering companies 40,000 kroner to hire them.

This new plan for migrants is part of the ‘integration basic education’ plan that hopes to get migrants working so they are not as huge a drain in the Danish welfare system as they are becoming more and more in places like Germany and Austria. It is difficult to see any logic behind that, surely it is no more expensive to pay out doles than to employ people who have no skills and cannot speak the national language to do nothing. How many office cleaners and kebab stuffers does a small country like Denmark need?

The programme announcement follows the leaking to Danish media of figures showing non-Western migrants made up a startling 84 per cent of all Danes on welfare. Migrants currently cost the government around 1.1 billion pounds every year. reports the new programme aims to get migrants into short-term jobs at an apprentice salary of around 50 to 120 kroner an hour. This is the equivalent of around 12 pounds an hour which is almost double the current wage for British apprentices who are paid a minimum of £6.70 an hour, although that will increase to £7.20 in April.

The migrant jobs will last up to two years and they will also be offered 20 week courses to increase their skill development and further their education. The companies that participate in the scheme will also be eligible for a bonus of 40,000 kroner (£4,179), if the migrants remain employed for the two-year term of the contract.

The Danes will also pay for accommodation for the migrants who take part, making sure that they are able to live close to their employer or at least in the same city or town. Relocation and transportation costs will likely also be paid for by the state.

This is just another example of the wrong headedness of political elites, it will do nothing to help integrate new immigrants into Danish society, but by sending out the message that foreigners are given special treatment and their interests are prioritised over those of local people it will encourage more to come and thus make the crisis worse.


A Closer Look At No - Go Zones For Europeans In EU’s Notorious Migrant Districts

In the wake of the latest terror attacks in a European city, (Brussels this time) it seems everybody in the EU except for the politicians and senior bureaucrats whose ineptitude and arrogance caused this mess, is now aware of the scale of problems for European socities emanating from the Islamic enclaves that have been allowed to develop by authorities more interested in being politically correct that serving the people who pay them.

Immigration Omnibus
Immigration and benefits
Immigration marginalising the white working class
Immigrant Invasion
Sweden slides into dystopia
White Genocide in Sweden
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