The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Swedish Man Prosecuted for Assaulting Muslims with Bacon

28 March, 2017
A Swedish man has been arrested and charged with racism after being accused of eating bacon in proximity to a group of veiled Muslim women, and of calling them derogatory names.

The alleged offence occurred  in the Swedish capital of Stockholm last weekend. The Swede, who has not been named by media or the police, is said to have approached the women, who were identifiable as Muslims by the  Islamic headgear they were wearing, on a train while he was eating a bacon sandwich. He is alleged to have dangled the bacon in front of their faces, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

According to the report, the women moved to different seats but the bacon waving man followed. He is alleged to have called them derogatory names and made racist comments. Neither the police nor the public prosecutor has specified what was said during the incident.

The prosecutors allege he then used racial epithets on another woman in the train station after getting off the train. He faces charges of incitement to racial hatred.

Full English breakfast, bacon, egg, pork sausage and black pudding (made with pigs blood and pork fat) Make one wonder why Muslims want to live here (image source)

Reaction to the incident on social media has been a mix of laughter and disbelief among English language users. Twitter user PeterSweden tweeted his disbelief at the charges saying: “What’s the next step, being racist for walking your dog?”

Dog are of course considered unclean animals by Islam and therefore are offensive to Muslims.

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