The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

India’s lockdown may already have killed more people than “Covid”, and it will only get worse.

 Various pundits have raised questions about how many deaths have resulted from the long lockdowns imosed in the UK, USA and EU member states but governments, perhaps wisely from a purely political point of view, have declined to answer such questions even as they were, for pro - vaccine and pro masking propaganda porposes, trumpeting daily figures for "COVID related" deaths rather that the actual numbers of people whose death was caused primarily by COVID.

One unofficial report we read quoted an estimated figure of 2 lockdown deaths pere every 3 COVID deaths but there appears to be no way of confirming that very feasible figure. In India however, where the media is not so tightly controlled by a Big Media cartel in collaboration with governments and globalist organisations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), there is no such coyness:

from article by Chase Reed in OffGuardian

India has a total population of 1.39 billion people . That is 18 percent of the total world population. The median annual per capita income is $616 . Hundreds of millions of people in India survive with a hand to mouth existence.

They work and earn a couple of dollars, and eat once they have earned the money. India has little or no social welfare system. For many people, if they don’t work and earn, they don’t eat.

In 2020, India reported 148,738 deaths due to the coronavirus. That equates to 0.01% of the population. The average death rate in India in 2020 was 7.25 in 1000 of the population.

That means over 10 million people died in India in 2020, and only 1.5% were coronavirus deaths.

And that is assuming that the 148,738 coronavirus deaths reported were actually caused by coronavirus. The WHO guidelines for reporting deaths do not make clear the difference between dying ‘from’ coronavirus, and dying ‘with’ coronavirus.

At the end of March 2020, the India Government took the drastic action of locking down the Indian economy due to the coronavirus pandemic. The government took decisions as to whom they considered an ‘essential worker’ and who was considered ‘non-essential’.

Unlike its Western Government counterparts, the Indian government did not hand out $600 monthly cheques for those that it had determined to be ‘non-essential’ and told to stay at home and not work. And the initial enforcement of the lockdowns was pretty draconian.

Early last April I received a desperate plea from an associate who lives in the slums in Mumbai. His house is 20 square metres, and he lives with 7 of his family members.

He messaged me to say that he was locked down at home with his family and that they had no food and were starving. Could I please send him some money? The next day he called me and said:

Sir, thank you for sending the money. I tried to go out yesterday to buy rations but the police beat me with a lathi and would not let me out of the slum. We now have money but I cannot get outside to buy food.”

I had to intervene and request a friend who had a journalist pass and was considered an ‘essential worker’ to go and buy food and take the food into the slum for him and his family so that they would not starve to death.

They were the lucky ones. ................ Continue reading >>>



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Senior vaccine adviser repeatedly told to shut up after warning end of lockdown could be delayed
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Boris: Indian variant thows doubt on the lifting of lockdown.
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Delaying ‘freedom day’ shows the Government won’t give up its new powers without a fight
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What Pandemic? UK All - Causes Deaths now 20 per cent below five-year year-on-year average
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Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vaccine Passports in London
The once reliable news service run by Britain’s national broadcaster, The BBC along with other organisations involved in bthe UK’s broadcast and print media completely blanked last weekend’s biggest news story, instead choosing to focus on whether Boris Johnson acted improperly in financing the refurbishment of his official residence. Yes really. … Continue reading

German Study Finds Lockdown Had No Effect In Stopping Spread Of COVID
A major new study by German scientists at Munich University has found that lockdowns had no effect on reducing the country’s coronavirus infection rate. The study found that, on all three occasions before Germany imposed its lockdowns in November, December and April, infection rates had already begun to fall.

The R rate – the number that indicates how many other people an infected person passes the virus to – was already under 1 before the lockdown restrictions came into force ...

Why Are Politcians and Scientists Trying To Extend Lockdown And Restrictions?

Why Are Politcians and Scientists Trying To Extend Lockdown And Restrictions?
2020 34th out of the last 50 years for mortality as a % of the population. ONS figures. The economy: worst dip in 300 years and that was months ago. Welcome to a new version of the fourteenth century coming our way. An academic who sits on the British government’s influential scientific advisory panelwarned thatther … Continue reading

13 March 2021; A Year Of Lockdowns, Fake News & Statistics And Media Lies Have Achieved Nothing
The Daily Telegraph today encapsulated in one headline the dishonesty that has been the main feature of mainstream media’s torrent of misinformation that has been pumped at us throughout the hoax pandemic. Under the headline: “One year of coronavirus lockdown: why did Boris Johnson take so long to tell us to stay at home?the Conservative … Continue reading