The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Assange Promises Next Hillary Leak Will Ensure Her Arrest

It is fair to say Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, is less of a fan of Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie Clinton than this blog. Assange currently banged up in the Ecudorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden where he faces trumped up sexual assault charges because of allegations of historical incidents which were reported shortly after the Ed Snowden leaks, promised as it became clear that Barack Obama and his tame Justice Secretary would do anything to block the FBI's investigation into Hillary's e-mail server scandal, promised that throughout the summer Wikileaks would publish enough damaging material to finish the Crooked Clintons for good.

The whistleblowers site has made a good start with the leaked documents that prove the Democratic Party National Committee rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie Sanders, probably the real winner in terms of votes cast (rather than those actually counted), was denied the nomination. Sanders' supporters have filed several lawsuits but those will be tied up in the legal labyrinth until long after the presidential election is decided in November. That first batch of leaks has certainly damaged Clinton.

Now Assange has said the next batch of leaks will destroy the Democrats anointed one.

from YourNewsWire

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said that Wikileaks have obtained information that, when released soon, will guarantee a Hillary Clinton indictment.

During a recent interview with ITV, Assange said his next release will “provide enough evidence” to see Hillary arrested. reports:

WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”

At that point the interview was cut short, it appeared that Peston has been told by his producers to end the session.

We wait with bated breath to see what Wikileaks have lined up. There are plenty of instances of corruption and dishonesty to go at. What could be worse than betraying your country, lying to congress, electoral fraud, embezzeling funds from a charity and an undeniable link to the deaths of several witnesses who were due to testify against her in the various ongoing investigations into her activities (the most recent being Seth Rich, a young party official involved in management of the primaries who was due to give evidence in an investigation into why thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters' names were removed from voting registers.

Throughout the primaries Bernie Sanders was too much of a gentleman to attack Hillary on the numerous scandals that follow her around like a bad smell. Now his eagerness to support Clinton puts at risk his reputation as one of the few politicians of principle and integrity in the current political establishment.


The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia

Essential reading for our American readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.

The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.

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Turkey Launches Purge Of People Who Claim Coup Was A Hoax

25 July 2016

Apparently declaring a state of emergency a state of emergency following the failed coup earlier this month was not enough to help President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to fulfill all his political ambitions. The failed coup which was crused in a matter of hours by government troops, but has since been denounced by supporters of Tukey's secular democracy as a tactical hoax has given the Islamist Erdogan the opportunity to grant himself unlimited powers.

In the two weeks since the coup, Erdogan's government has embarked on an unprecedented purge of political opponents, which has led to over 13,000 arrests, mostly of soldiers, judges, prosecutors, teachers, university chiefs, hospital workers, and most recently journalists. On top of that 60,000 government employees have been sacked. Also in the aftermath of the staged failed coup, the president has ordered the closure and seizure of 1,043 private schools, 1,229 charities and foundations, 19 trade unions, 15 universities and 35 hospitals. The latest target are those who question the official script.

As AP reports, Turkish prosecutors are now investigating people who have alleged on social media and elsewhere that a July 15 coup attempt was a hoax carried out by the government, the country’s justice minister said on Sunday, heralding the suspension of free speech.

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said in an interview with Turkey’s Kanal 7 television station Sunday that anyone who suggests the coup attempt was staged likely had a role in the insurrection, which was defeated by loyalist forces and pro-government protesters. There has been some internet speculation that Erdogan engineered the unrest in order to rally support prior to a massive and planned power grab which in effect usurps all the powers of the elected assembly to the president. The government and most commentators on Turkey’s recent turbulence dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, but then Erdogan's true opponents have been gradually neutralised ever since he gained the presidency.

“Just look at the people who are saying on social media that this was theater, public prosecutors are already investigating them. Most of them are losers who think it is an honor to die for Fethullah Gulen’s command,” Bozdag said.

In other crackdown measures, Turkey has disbanded the presidential guard after already detaining nearly 300 unit members suspected of plotting against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and authorities detained Muhammet Sait Gulen, a nephew of the cleric who lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania.

Turkey has declared a state of emergency to restore security following the coup attempt, granting Erdogan the power to impose decrees without parliamentary approval. More than 13,000 people, including nearly 9,000 soldiers, 2,100 judges and prosecutors and 1,485 police, have been detained, according to the president. The crackdown on free speech and organised opposition have ended Turkey's ambitions of joining the European Union. This will be a blow to German Chancellor angela Merkel and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, who have been the main champions of Turkey's accession to full membership.

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