The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Sweden Dying To be A Humanitarian Super Power

Sweden prides itself on being a “humanitarian superpower”, and it displays and polishes its halo via granting asylum, almost no questions asked, to anyone who claims to be from dangerous parts of the world. The country, with a population of eight million, is now taking more than 100,000 refugees per annum and it’s rising 20% year on year.

The country has a zero-tolerance attitude towards any scepticism of the country’s masochistic levels of immigration and politicians constantly denigrate native Swedes and their culture.

Mona Sahlin, a former leader of the currently ruling Social Democrats said she hated anything Swedish and that Swedes were jealous of immigrants because they have “a culture, an identity, a history” and that Swedes don’t, and Sweden’s previous Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said, last December, that Sweden belongs to immigrants, and not to Swedes.

Multicultural Sweden is very different from the rainbow paradise Sweden likes to pretend, but the debate on immigration is so toxic that to criticise or question any aspect of it is to attract the attention of the violent “anti-fascist” thugs AFA and the self-proclaimed “Swedish Stasi”, Researchgruppen.

Sweden’s insanely thuggish “anti-fascist” organisations carry out their punishments of supposed “intolerant” and “hateful” people – basically anyone who questions Sweden’s current immigration policies, and members of the Sweden Democrats party which is just so obscenely fascist and offensive its immigration policy is to suggest it be brought in line with the rest of Scandinavia.

After AFA invaded an SD candidate’s home, beat him and carved a swastika on his forehead with a knife, ex-Prime Minister Reinfeldt said SD supporters “should not be surprised when things like this happen” because of their politics.

What is particularly bizarre is that even SD supporters and critics of Sweden’s immigration policy who are not ethnic Swedes are not immune to this kind of brutality either. Sweden Report, a blog by an American writer living in Sweden, gave an example of  this ludicrosity – that “anti-fascists” beat Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a politician of foreign descent, because of his membership of the Sweden Democrats party. He describes the incongruous scene:

“Let’s just pause there for a second and ponder a very simple scene: A group of masked young white Swedes are kicking a dark-skinned man lying on the ground. But this is not a hate crime. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The masked white Swedes are doing a good and noble thing for the antifascist cause, because the dark-skinned man on the ground is a contemptible racist.”

Native Swedes tend to live in areas away from areas inhabited by migrants and so are removed from the fact that their immigration policies are actually harming the people – genuine asylum seekers fleeing persecution in the Middle East – they say they’re wanting to help.

Conservative newspaper Svenska Dagbladet carried a guest column by Swedish-Assyrian journalist Nuro Kino, who has won awards for his reporting on human rights issues highlighting the plight of minorities in Iraq and Syria. In his article he describes a trip to a Syrian man’s hairdressing salon where the hairdresser and other men in the salon, Christian Syrians and Assyrians who had fled religious persecution, voice passionate opposition to the Swedes’ policy of giving refugees purporting to be from Syria automatic permanent residency.

The men brandish an iPhone playing a video of the funeral of a religious leader, a black Islamic flag being flown by a man in the procession who vows, “We will do our utmost to fulfil your dream of an Islamic State!” and express horror that this is happening in Sweden.

One of the men recounts his cousin bumped into the al-Nusra member who killed his brother, in a nightclub in Sweden.  One asks “What’s with the Swedes? Why does not the government do anything? Why are these people not in jail? Will they really get to threaten us and get away with it? Anyone wishing for an Islamist state in Sweden will also demand that we all bow down to Islam or die, whether you are a Muslim who refuses to follow the extremists, Christian or atheist. That’s what we have fled!”

Another unfortunate incident, reported by Swedish daily newspaper Borås Tidning and translated by blogger Swedish Surveyor, took place in a Swedish language school for immigrants at the end of last month. Emergency services had to be called because a Muslim student told students to be quiet because “Allah forbids us from laughing.” Having given this glimpse of the sort of diversity he was going to be enriching the country with he proceeded to point at a woman and tell her, “You are a Christian, that is not good. Here everyone shall be Muslim and wear a veil”. The end result was that one of the women had difficulty breathing and subsequently fainted so the emergency services were called. It emerged that the student had behaved in this way for some time, and though he was investigated by police and Sweden has incredibly stringent “hate crime” laws, the politically correct Swedish police decided that his actions did not constitute a crime.

The Swedes’ ever universalist outlook means they have kidded themselves to think they can allow huge swathes of people from war-torn countries to live in Sweden, indiscriminately, and that people will come to enjoy the illusory paradise of a multicultural society rather than bringing their wars and poverty to Sweden with them. Their fear of being accused of Islamophobia has resulted in a system in which extreme behaviour goes unchallenged, which has led to their job agency’s “assimilation guides” being found to be recruiting for ISIS, and their multicultural centre’s “expert on Islamophobia”, an Islamic convert, going on to defect to the Islamic State.

If Swedes are really desperate to be a “humanitarian superpower” despite the fact it’s leading them to financial ruin, they should at least only invite in those who are persecuted and not those who are doing the persecuting.


Elderly Sweedish Residents Evicted to Make Way for Asylum Seekers

The latest outrage from Sweden's Politically Correct Fascists is a report about elderly residents of the Millmark center in Sörmark, being served with eviction notices on last week because their group retirement home declared was due to be transformed into a government asylum shelter for 'refugees' (aka illegal immigrants).

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Gaddafi’s home town falls to Islamic State in anarchic Libya

IS show of strength in Libya (Image source)

Under the rule of strongman dictator Muammar Gaddafi Libya was the most prosperous nation on the African continent and its nationals had the highest standard of living. Since the western Coalition, the FUKUS Axis led by Barack Hussein Obama (nee Barry Dunham) supported a rag tag army of dissidents, malcontents and religious fanatics by bombing the Gaddafi regime (along with much of Libya's infrastructure to oblivion, the nation has descended into near anarchy.

It is now the third major stronghold for the Sunni Islamist rebel army known as ISIS or ISIL, which declared a Caliphate to rule over all Muslims from territory it holds in Syria and Iraq.

Standing guard at a checkpoint near the front line between 'government' controlled territory and land held by the rebels, Libyan soldier Mohammed Abu Shager can see where IS militants are dug in with their heavy weaponry less than a kilometer away. The militants have taken over former dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s home city of Sirte as they exploit a civil war between two rival governments to expand the caliphate into North Africa.

“Every night they open fire on us,” said Abu Shebar, whose company holds the last position on Sirte’s western outskirts of troops loyal to one of the two warring Libyan governments, the General National Congress, which controls the capital Tripoli and most of the west of the country.

Now Things Are Starting To Make SenseIt is now known that the uprising in Ukraine early this year that saw the elected government, which was cooperating far too well with Russia for the liking of the western powers overthrown and replaced by a US and EU sponsored gaggle of gangsters, thugs and neo - fascists whose task was to destabilise North Africa.
Libya and Bahrain Crisis Threatens Weestern EconomiesOil prices rose sharply on when msarkets in the west opened on Monday morning. Air strikes on Colonel Gaddafi's military sites in Libya and news of increasing unrest from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have increased fears of a supply disruption ...
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