The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Russia Has Called the War Party's Bluff, Now Washinton Looks Spineless And Hillary Clinton Sounds Insane

From the Clinton power and influence for sale racketeers, with enthusiastic backing of the corporate/military/media complex in the USA to the British establishment and its corporate media mouthpieces, the European Unions unelected bureaucrat leaders and 'we'll-say-anything-if-the-money-is-right academics, the Anglo-American, self-appointed “leaders of the free world” are racking up demonization of Russia and “Putinism” to pure incandescence in their quest for a profit generating war with Russia, which these idiots believe will not only achieve a massive depopulation while generating vast profits from selling us poor taxpayers Cruise Missiles as a million dollars a bang, but will secure global dominance for the US globalist corporate cartel

Don't be taken in by this fear and panic generating exercise, global war is not going to break out after the November 8 US presidential election. The carefully constructed layers of outrage and loathing are a bluff. Let me show you an example of how war propaganda is being used to dupe the gullible into supporting the status quo from Information Clearing House.

The current issue of The Economist magazine – supposedly the most influential news and current affairs magazine published in Britain, though the extent to which this is really the case is open to doubt – carries on its cover a picture of a demonic looking Putin that goes beyond anything I have ever seen.

This picture is neither funny (such as pictures of Hitler in the British media during the Second World War famously were) nor factual (as pictures of Soviet leaders during the Cold War were). It is instead hideous and grotesque, showing a monster from a bad horror film.


That this image is profoundly shocking and dehumanising should not need saying. As such it fulfils the classic function of war propaganda, which is to dehumanise the enemy to make his killing acceptable. Certainly the publication of such an image cannot be explained in any other way.

What is however most shocking about The Economist’s cover is that in Britain it has provoked so few complaints or objections.

It should go without saying that any such depiction of the leader of any other country or nationality would in Britain today provoke a storm, with many people rightly complaining that the image was dehumanising and racist. However if the image is one of the leader of Russia nothing of the sort happens.

I recently wrote a piece for The Duran in which I spoke of how racist stereotyping of Russians in Britain and in the West is the one form of racist stereotyping which remains not only permissible but actually fashionable.

Indeed the cover of this week's Economist provides grisly confirmation of this, the image is not particularly shocking and is similar to a picture demonizing former British Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair used by a Conservative newspaper during one of Blair's election campaigns. The differences are Putin is a foreign leader, not a British politician engaged in fighting an election, partisan politics should not be part of a build up to war, and The Economist presents itself as an august academic journal rather than a downmarket tabloid.

But for those who are almost persuaded that only a warmogering hawk like Hillary Clinton can save us from Russian aggression, let's look at how things in the middle east, starting with with the Russian naval task force in Syria, led by the officially designated “heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser” Admiral Kuznetsov, which will be stationed in the eastern Mediterranean at least until February 2017, supporting operations against all strands of Salafi-jihadism.

The Admiral Kuznetsov is not an aircraft carrier was the war hawks in Britain have described it, though fully equipped with anti-ship airborne defense systems (short range aircraft), artillery and anti-submarine warfare systems – and able to defend itself against a vast array of threats, unlike NATO vessels, it is heading for the coast of Syria to boost Russian forces ability to defend against a US first strike and subesquent attacks on territory held by the Assad government.

Predictably, NATO is spinning the alarmist narrative that “all the Russian Northern Fleet”, along with the Baltic Fleet, is on the way to the Mediterranean. These are lies; only part of the Northern Fleet is heading for Syria, and with the USA installing launch bases for missiles with nuclear strike capability in Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania the Baltic Fleet ships are not going anywhere and Russia is beefing up its missile defence capability in its Baltic enclave Kaliningrad.

As for Syria, when the capabilities of this Russian flotilla are matched with the S-300/S-400 missile systems already deployed in Syria, Russia, in response to Hillary Clinton's ill advised (and stupid) pledge that on becoming president she will declare a no fly zone over Syria (thus leaving aircraft of the USA and its allies to bomb what's left of that country to ruin as they did in Libya, Putin, without revealing his hand, has played his aces and established a de facto no fly zone over Assad held territory, at the same time neutralising the firepower of the US Sixth Fleet.

That should put into perspective the impotence of the rent boy president as he minces around Washington trying to talk up the Russian threast, and the stupidity and reptillian anger of his anointed successor as she screams for more war, more death and more donations to the corrupt clinton Foundation.

Another problem for Washington is the Pentagon backs the YPG Kurds, who are not in favor of regime change in Damascus, knowing that if Assad falls, fanatical theorcrats will replace him and will launch a genocide against the Christians and secular Muslims of Kurdistan, while the CIA and The White House have since 2011 been funding, arming and training the human organ noshing, head amputating savages of Obama's beloved “moderate rebels”, the Al Nusra front (like ISIS, Al Qaeda affiliates.

Barack Obama does not like making difficult decisions, it is (like just about everything else) not one of his strengths) so the decision on Syria will fall to Hillary Clinton. Unilaterally declaring a no fly zone is not an available option, because Russia is already doing it. And if she decides to “punish the regime”, Moscow already telegraphed, via Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov, there will definitely be “consequences” for imposing a “shadow” hot war.

Washington, of course, reserves for itself a “first-strike” nuclear capability, which Hillary Clinton fully supports (Donald Trump does not, and for that and using words like 'pussy' he’s also demonized by warmongers in the USA and its NATO allies). If we allow the current hysteria to literally go nuclear, then we must consider the matter of the S-500 anti-missile system – which effectively seals Russia's air space; Moscow won’t admit it on the record because that would unleash a relentless arms race.

Sun Tzu doesn’t do first-strike and nether does Vladimir Putin, that's why despite three years of Washington's provocations, the world is not at war.

American Attempts To Demonise Russia Look More Pathetic Than Desperate

In spite of all the screeching from Hillary Clinton's campaign team, the bombast of the Obama administration and they hysteria in mainstream media it should be obvious even to a prepubescent kid whose computing skills are limited to playing games on an android tablet that the hacking of the Democrat's campaign servers, Obama's private email address and the State Department is an inside job.

USA Backs Down In Syria As Putin Stands His Ground
Following the news earlier in the week that Russia had deployed it's highly advanced S300 and S400 (Growler) air defence systems to Syria in response to repeated US attacks on positions held by the Syrian government of President Assad, yesterday’s Russian warning that US aircraft or missiles attacking Syria would be shot down has forced The White House to concede that all plans for military action against the government of Syria have been dropped.

Ideologue Obama Declares War On Ideologies

When the idealists of the left have top resort to suppressing the free press and free speech because they are losing the argument it is time to forget all the empty talk of hope and change, look at the track record of war and destruction and recognise these so called liberals for what they are, authorotarian tyrants.

America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange

The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Confined To Syria

Out Of Touch Elites Are Clueless About The Anger Of The Masses Towards Them

Pussy Grabber versus Lying, Money Grubbing Traitor For US President?

Latest Clinton Foundation Hack Shows Abuse Of Power For Personal Gain

UN Peace Council: The Syria conflict is a proxy invasion by the United States

US prepared ‘to fight’ in Russia, China missile defense zones – Pentagon

Obama Administration Considering Air Strikes On Assad Regime Even Though It Could Lead To War With Russia And China

Syrian-born journalist slams MSM for Aleppo bias

As Syrian Forces, Backed By Russian Airstrikes, Advance On Aleppo, Obama's Foreign Policy Catastrophe Looks Complete

FUKUS Axis Abandon Diplomacy In Push For War With Russia

Situation In Syria Is Now Beyond Critical

Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time?

Obama Promises UN His Legacy Will Be Global Authitarian Dictatorship

Russia Accuses USA & NATO Of Defending ISIS

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Vote For The Vagina?

As the US election campaign becomes more bad tempered and Wikileaks exposes every day the depths of duplicity, corruption, deceit, cronyism and personal greed that is the main part of one candidate's modus operandi, it is clear that if Hillary Clinton wins Americans are going to be subjected to at least four more years of the warmongering, economic and foreign policy incompetence, divisiveness and contempt for law and democracy that have been the trademark of the Obama Administration. So as the true criminal, elitist nature of the Democratic Party candidate has been revealed in thousands of leaked emails, why are people still prepared to vote for this despicable human being.

Today NPP posting on The Tap wrote:

“I think that just about all these Sanders supporters will give their vote to Trump, and here’s why. These people are not going to be duped into voting for a psychopathic mass murdering, serial rapist protector and criminal like Hillary Clinton just because she’s not a republican or because she’s a woman. Yes, she will get people voting for her because she has a vagina. Voting for Hillary Clinton because she has a vagina is exactly the same as voting for Adolf Hitler because he was Aryan; it’s driven by the same mind set….

Hillary Clinton is probably the most dangerous human being in a position of high political power since Joseph Stalin.

We have all the toe rags of the American establishment – Glen Beck, Huffington Post, Michael Moore – going after Trump non-stop. This shows how terrified the political machine, both democrats and republicans, are of him…

It is true of course, just as a large proportion of voters in 2008 and 2012 would not be told Barack Obama was a wholly owned asset of the neocons who controlled the hated Bush Administration and would prove a socially divisive and economically disastrous president, and insisted on voting for his skin colour (correct me if I'm wrong but didn't someone quite famous once say something about dreaming of living in a country where people were judged by the quality of their character rather than the colour of their skin?) so the same block of voters are now preparing to vote for a war monger, proven traitor, tax evader, fraudster and election cheat solely because she has female genitals.

As a colleague of mine said in a recent post on Boggart Abroad, "This blog can't understand why the candidate's genitals should be a factor in the election, after all, in every election from 1988, Americans have voted to put a cunt in The White House."

Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud

The Wall Street executice said of Hillary: "The woman is a phoney, a self interested, self aggrandizing elitist with a sense of entitlement the size of a galaxy. Whatever Hillary does, and whatever minority group the claims she is acting in the interests of, you can bet the main beneficiaries are Hillary Clinton, her family and her cronies."
No surprise then that a whistleblower has exposed Hillary's charity, 'The Clinton Foundation as a fraud.

Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
Panama Papers: British Elite Linked to Corruption, yet Media Only Focuses on Putin
Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI

Servergate: Hillary Clinton arrogant, ignorant or both
Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in LibyaMighty Trump Blows Off Rebublic Challengers
From The Bloated Big State A Mighty Trump Burst Forth
America is being destroyed by Vic Damico
Detroit, the American Dystopia
American paranoia
Failure of American leadership
Obama's administration of bottom feeders
Obama's Big Brother society
Obama's jihad against civilisation
Obama creates an oppressive, tyrannical regime

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