The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

More Scaremongering From UK Government On Coronavirus

by Arthur Quinnell, 16 September 2020


The very fact that that the media, from Day 1 of this 'Corona crisis', has been the vital tool by which this low mortality rate Corona virus was hyped up to be a new Plague - and now, is serving to keep the 'Corona crisis' going, further destroying the economy, when with just a tiny number of 'Corona deaths', it has already in fact ended, illustrates that the media is totally controlled by corporate interests.

And since the media is totally controlled, it would be very strange if the globalist establishment did not also control political opinion poll results - when they are a powerful tool to influence public opinion.

The fact is, the Corona virus has a lower mortality rate than seasonal flu, and there are only a tiny number of Corona deaths in the UK - and yet this government has trashed the economy for it, and is continuing to do so.

And now, by focusing endlessly on these statistically totally meaningless 'cases' and 'infections', instead of rushing to end all restrictions to try to rescue the economy, says to me that the agenda of this globalist government and establishment is to keep this 'Corona crisis' going, no matter what.

To be able to start to understand what this government is doing, which otherwise looks like total insanity, you only have to first understand one thing:   they are not going to let the 'Corona crisis' end, no matter what - even though with only a tiny number of Corona deaths, the 'Corona crisis' has in fact already ended.

But it cannot be allowed to end - and therefore, all of these governments running the Corona scam, and all of the media, are keeping it going, using their totally fraudulent and meaningless 'infections' and 'cases'.

The same is true of almost all governments across the West.   They all need the 'Corona crisis' to continue for a very long time yet - because it is the absolutely vital cover story and pretext for the agenda that they are all pursuing.

If they let the 'Corona crisis' end, then it would be impossible for them to force their entire populations to be injected with the supposed 'vaccine' - which is clearly a key part of the Corona plan.

And it would be similarly impossible to issue everyone who is injected with their 'Corona passport' - which will enable the governments to control what travel and other activities are permitted to each individual, which is clearly another vital part of the Corona plan.

Having run out of 'Corona deaths', all of these governments, and all of the media, simultaneously switched from using 'Corona deaths' to scare the population, to using these statistically totally meaningless 'cases' and 'infections' to keep the Corona crisis going - all of them going silent over the fact that there are almost no Corona deaths any more!

What government, having trashed its economy for a virus with a lower mortality rate than seasonal flu, would be saying nothing about the fact that now, almost nobody is dying from that virus - but is instead endlessly hyping these 'infections' and 'cases', which lead to almost no Corona deaths, and are thus a complete irrelevance?

What kind of government would do that?   A government with an agenda to keep the 'Corona crisis' going - even though it has already ended.Flag6LikeReplyColin Belshaw 26 Sep 2020 1:18PM

It would seem that most people are staggeringly ignorant of the facts, and it doesn't help that media irresponsibly exploits that ignorance.

The facts are, in England during the height of the "first wave", on 8th April, there were 4,302 cases and 975 deaths (although some of them were double counted,). And yet, on 22nd September, there were 4,403 cases and . . . 29 deaths.

So the number of cases are broadly similar on those dates . . . but deaths were over 33 times lower on 22nd September.


The deaths were higher in April because those at most risk had not been adequately protected - in March and April, over 90% of people who died with/from the virus were suffering from at least one pre-existing medical condition. And in September, the vast majority of people being infected are in the 20-29 age group, and therefore essentially unaffected by the virus.

Once again, if those at most risk - those with underlying medical conditions which we know are severely impacted by the virus, regardless of age - were being even more closely protected . . . the rest could get on with their lives.


France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality. France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.

Another Big Result For The 'Conspiracy Theorists' - US CIA Corrupts Western Journalists.
Ever wondered why anybody trying to report news truthfully or initiate intelligent discussion is branded a conspiracy theorist, especially if their news or opinion is critical of the American government of American business interests? Read the content of this page and you will know a lot more about what is going on.

An Interesting Perspective From Across The Pond On The Scottish Referendum Result
The almost inevitable accusations of fraud and vote rigging are beginning to emerge in the wake of the Scottish independence referendum. Surprisingly the likely culprit most fingers are pointing at is not the SNP, leaders of the YES campaign or the Westminster government which wanted to avoid the embarrassment of a no, but the Euronazis in Brussels whose plans for a single European nation would have suffered from a YES vote.

Beyond Reasonable Doubt - Governments Conceal Truth From The Public
There are far too many people around the blogosphere who are eager to tell anyone thick enough to listen that The Government is our best friend and anyone who does not believe the shite turned out by propaganda departments is a crazy conspiracy theorist. We have to get rid of them if we are serious about ...

Conspiracy Theorist me? OK Smartarse, So You Don't Believe Conspiracy Theories? Read This .....
I have a theory, not a conspiracy theory but about those who yell conspiracy theorit whenever government propaganda is challenged. I think these people are profoundly insecure and so afraid of the idea that we are on our own in thid big bad world, they have to convince themselves the government is their bestest friend and will protect them whatever happens. Sad really ...

Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their 'The Jihad Is Coming' scare but have a new weapon Ebola ...

Don’t Think The US Military Is Concerned With The Climate? Think Again
There are still a great many people that can’t bring themselves to imagine that the mighty US military would have much if any concern with the state of global climate. Many that cannot even begin to believe that the same US military would be actively involved with ongoing climate modification ...

Europe's Bureaucratic Elite Plan More Stitch Ups To Steal E U Member Sovereign Powers.
Good grief, it would be nice to report something funny, but again today we have to deal with the way the corporate - financial elite and their lackeys are tightening the thumbscrews as they seize ever more control of the minutiae of our lives. We are spied on, electronically tracked, nudged into transferring our private lives to digital environments where privacy cannot exist, medicated, and generally shat on in everything we do.

Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate.
Why are we bothered about the suicide of the USA as a nation you might well ask. Well the NAFTA which would effectively weld USA, Canada and Mexicio into a single nation on the lines of what EU bureaucrats wouls like to see in Europe is being negotiated in concert with the tans atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans Pacific Partnership and all of these 'free' trade treaties will make trade anything but free. What they are designed to do you see is make global corporations free to do WTF they like by sidelining elected governments

Geoengineeering means shite weather can be guaranteed.
Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering HAARP ground station in Alaska, Source: molnarfarpad.files.wordpress Recently President Barack …

Has Iran Developed Nikola Tesla's Star Wars Technology?
It might seem inconceivable that after two decades of panicking about thecoming energy crisis and climate change caused by carbon dioxide from industrial and domestic use of fossil fuel, science academics and businessmen would still be ignoring ...

When Supporters of Mainstream Parties Tell You The british Are Little Englanders They Are Lying.
Are we really the only nation resisting greater integration with our EU partners leading eventually to britain being absorbed into a federal European Superstate. Look beyond mainstream media for news of what is going on and you might be surprised.

CIA Black Site and UK Government linked to flight MH370 mystery
Even Malaysian officials are now claiming that the government is withholding information on MH370: "Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim recently came forth on the world stage, claiming that Malaysian officials are withholding evidence surrounding flight 370 which went missing Mar. 8, 2014. Ibrahim stated [...] “We want to know what happened in terms of the [two] stolen passports. Why were these passports allowed to be used?”, pointed out Ibrahim on Sky News.
Well as nobody is in a hurry to tell them what happened, which makes us wonder could it be anything to do with ... ?

Flight MH370 Shock - Not Really, Looks Like Boggart Blog Was Right Again
We told you so weeks ago, , now officials are saying that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur LANDED somewhere. Now Boggart Blog is not a global news organisation, we don't have a multi million dollar news gathering operation but we managed to piece together the available information and come up with a better, truer story than mainstream media ...

You Will Be Told Biometric Identification Is For Your Security, But When You Can't Do business without It, It Becomes An Assault On your Privacy
Latest plans to extend biometric security, allegedly for our safety and protection but really we suspect to extend the powers of surveillance enjoyed by central authority, ought to be the straw that breaks the camel's back and triggers wholesale resistance to the march of technology. Are you ready to start defending your freedom?

Western intelligence and the mysterious MH370 ping - a conspiracy of intelligence agencies
The mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 deepens as does the ocean in which the authories are pretending to search for the disappeared Boeing 777. The latest reports coming out of the international search effort suggest however that having become a military intelligence operation rather than a civilian aviation matter, the whole thing is descending into farce

Albert Einstein Talks With Jon Rappoport About Newtonian Materialism and Determinism Another page from Greenteeth Labyrinth with shines the light of reason onto the scientific hocus pocus and magical thinking that presents fairy tales as science and asks us to believe things that are obviously not true. To read or listen to some of the convoluted logic used to head off critical analysis of the fallactious belief of science you'd think scientists were priests of some nutty religion. Scienceology?

Foreign Exchange Market Rigging: Another Conspiracy Theory Exposed As Truth
The people who findly imagine themselves to be realists, rationalists and scientific thinkers have been yelling conspiracy theory for a long time now at those of us with the nous to work out what's really going on. well evidence is overrated because by the time it has come together the scam has been done and the perps (Goldman Sachs and the usual suspects) are away with the money.

France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality. France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.

Another Big Result For The 'Conspiracy Theorists' - US CIA Corrupts Western Journalists.
Ever wondered why anybody trying to report news truthfully or initiate intelligent discussion is branded a conspiracy theorist, especially if their news or opinion is critical of the American government of American business interests? Read the content of this page and you will know a lot more about what is going on.

An Interesting Perspective From Across The Pond On The Scottish Referendum Result
The almost inevitable accusations of fraud and vote rigging are beginning to emerge in the wake of the Scottish independence referendum. Surprisingly the likely culprit most fingers are pointing at is not the SNP, leaders of the YES campaign or the Westminster government which wanted to avoid the embarrassment of a no, but the Euronazis in Brussels whose plans for a single European nation would have suffered from a YES vote.

Beyond Reasonable Doubt - Governments Conceal Truth From The Public
There are far too many people around the blogosphere who are eager to tell anyone thick enough to listen that The Government is our best friend and anyone who does not believe the shite turned out by propaganda departments is a crazy conspiracy theorist. We have to get rid of them if we are serious about ...

Conspiracy Theorist me? OK Smartarse, So You Don't Believe Conspiracy Theories? Read This .....
I have a theory, not a conspiracy theory but about those who yell conspiracy theorit whenever government propaganda is challenged. I think these people are profoundly insecure and so afraid of the idea that we are on our own in thid big bad world, they have to convince themselves the government is their bestest friend and will protect them whatever happens. Sad really ...

Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their 'The Jihad Is Coming' scare but have a new weapon Ebola ...

Don’t Think The US Military Is Concerned With The Climate? Think Again
There are still a great many people that can’t bring themselves to imagine that the mighty US military would have much if any concern with the state of global climate. Many that cannot even begin to believe that the same US military would be actively involved with ongoing climate modification ...

Europe's Bureaucratic Elite Plan More Stitch Ups To Steal E U Member Sovereign Powers.
Good grief, it would be nice to report something funny, but again today we have to deal with the way the corporate - financial elite and their lackeys are tightening the thumbscrews as they seize ever more control of the minutiae of our lives. We are spied on, electronically tracked, nudged into transferring our private lives to digital environments where privacy cannot exist, medicated, and generally shat on in everything we do.

Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate.
Why are we bothered about the suicide of the USA as a nation you might well ask. Well the NAFTA which would effectively weld USA, Canada and Mexicio into a single nation on the lines of what EU bureaucrats wouls like to see in Europe is being negotiated in concert with the tans atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans Pacific Partnership and all of these 'free' trade treaties will make trade anything but free. What they are designed to do you see is make global corporations free to do WTF they like by sidelining elected governments

Geoengineeering means shite weather can be guaranteed.
Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering HAARP ground station in Alaska, Source: molnarfarpad.files.wordpress Recently President Barack …

Has Iran Developed Nikola Tesla's Star Wars Technology?
It might seem inconceivable that after two decades of panicking about thecoming energy crisis and climate change caused by carbon dioxide from industrial and domestic use of fossil fuel, science academics and businessmen would still be ignoring ...

When Supporters of Mainstream Parties Tell You The british Are Little Englanders They Are Lying.
Are we really the only nation resisting greater integration with our EU partners leading eventually to britain being absorbed into a federal European Superstate. Look beyond mainstream media for news of what is going on and you might be surprised.

CIA Black Site and UK Government linked to flight MH370 mystery
Even Malaysian officials are now claiming that the government is withholding information on MH370: "Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim recently came forth on the world stage, claiming that Malaysian officials are withholding evidence surrounding flight 370 which went missing Mar. 8, 2014. Ibrahim stated [...] “We want to know what happened in terms of the [two] stolen passports. Why were these passports allowed to be used?”, pointed out Ibrahim on Sky News.
Well as nobody is in a hurry to tell them what happened, which makes us wonder could it be anything to do with ... ?

Flight MH370 Shock - Not Really, Looks Like Boggart Blog Was Right Again
We told you so weeks ago, , now officials are saying that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur LANDED somewhere. Now Boggart Blog is not a global news organisation, we don't have a multi million dollar news gathering operation but we managed to piece together the available information and come up with a better, truer story than mainstream media ...

You Will Be Told Biometric Identification Is For Your Security, But When You Can't Do business without It, It Becomes An Assault On your Privacy
Latest plans to extend biometric security, allegedly for our safety and protection but really we suspect to extend the powers of surveillance enjoyed by central authority, ought to be the straw that breaks the camel's back and triggers wholesale resistance to the march of technology. Are you ready to start defending your freedom?

Western intelligence and the mysterious MH370 ping - a conspiracy of intelligence agencies
The mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 deepens as does the ocean in which the authories are pretending to search for the disappeared Boeing 777. The latest reports coming out of the international search effort suggest however that having become a military intelligence operation rather than a civilian aviation matter, the whole thing is descending into farce

Albert Einstein Talks With Jon Rappoport About Newtonian Materialism and Determinism Another page from Greenteeth Labyrinth with shines the light of reason onto the scientific hocus pocus and magical thinking that presents fairy tales as science and asks us to believe things that are obviously not true. To read or listen to some of the convoluted logic used to head off critical analysis of the fallactious belief of science you'd think scientists were priests of some nutty religion. Scienceology?

Foreign Exchange Market Rigging: Another Conspiracy Theory Exposed As Truth
The people who findly imagine themselves to be realists, rationalists and scientific thinkers have been yelling conspiracy theory for a long time now at those of us with the nous to work out what's really going on. well evidence is overrated because by the time it has come together the scam has been done and the perps (Goldman Sachs and the usual suspects) are away with the money.