The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Once Upon A Time People Called It The Land Of The Free - Kansas man arrested for asking questions.

This article is reproduced under fair use terms in the public interest

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

The following story hasn’t received the attention it deserves.
Back in May, a man was arrested by a private security guard and an off-duty police officer after asking pointed questions to American diplomat and author Dennis Ross during a library discussion. When a library employee attempted to intervene, he was also arrested.
ABC News reports:

The executive director the Kansas City library system says he is “outraged” that prosecutors continue to pursue charges against a man who was arrested after asking pointed questions during a library discussion about the Middle East peace process and an employee who tried to intervene.

Although the arrests occurred in May following a speech by author and diplomat Dennis Ross, the library system only recently went public about its opposition to charges, the Kansas City Star reported.

R. Crosby Kemper III, executive director of the city’s library system, said “we’re going to be living in a different kind of country” if people can be arrested for asking questions at a library. “If this kind of behavior is unacceptable to the police, then I guess we’re going to have to shut the library down.”

Issues arose after Ross finished speaking and took a question from Jeremy Rothe-Kushel concerning whether Jewish Americans like Rothe-Kushel should be concerned about actions by the U.S. and Israel that amount to “state-sponsored terrorism.”

“When are we going to stand up and be ethical Jews and Americans?” Rothe-Kushel asked.

When Rothe-Kushel tried to ask another question, a private security guard grasped his arm, followed by an off-duty police officer, both employed by the Jewish Community Foundation. Rothe-Kushel then shouted, “Get your hands off of me right now!”

Kemper said the private security guards had no right to remove a patron for asking a question.

Ross’ speech was the inaugural Truman and Israel Lecture, established by the Truman Library Institute and the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City.
BoingBoing also covered the incident:

Take care when asking provocative questions at Kansas City’s library events: you might end up in jail.

The executive director of Kansas City Libraries says he’s outraged by the charges against Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, a Jewish man grabbed by private security after asking the event’s speaker, former diplomat Dennis Ross, uninvited follow-up questions. Off-duty cops moved in to arrest Rothe-Kushel when he objected to the hands-on treatment—as well as a library staffer who had moved to intervene.

On-duty officers posted to the event apparently did not get involved until later: he was arrested by a man out of uniform and paid by the event’s organizers.

Rothe-Kushel was charged with trespassing and resisting arrest. Steve Woolfolk, director of public programming for the library, was charged with interfering with an arrest. The libraries’ executive director, R. Crosby Kemper III. Kemper, said the private security guards have no right to remove library patrons and that he was going public because prosecutors refuse to drop the charges.
Land of the free? I think not.

Now watch a video of the incident, as well as two library employees discussing why they find it so disturbing.


We should all thank R. Crosby Kemper III and Steve Woolfolk for bringing this to our attention.

Sex Crime Soars At Munich Oktoberfest - Who Could Have Predicted That?

The Munich Oktoberfest world’s biggest beer festival held every year in the main city of Bravaria, Germany has seen attendances drop to the lowest level for 15 years. Organisers believe the fall is because of heightented security and a fears of a repeat of the Muslim Rapefest that happened in Cologne at the New Year festivities. Even with the heightened security and lower attendance, police reported an increase in sex crimes.

Munich's Oktoberfest: boozy, bawdy, but until now friendly and orderly. (iamage source: )

The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany had around 5.6 million visitors this year, down 300,000 since last year and the lowest number since just after the September 11th 2001 terror attacks, according to German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The drop in the number of visitors follows a series of sex attacks by recent immigrants on European women throughout Germany. German state of Bavaria in which Munich is located lies on Germany's eastern border and has been the point of entry for the largest number of illegal immigrants from Eastern Europe, Africa, the middle east and Asia.

In July, German-Iranian student David Ali Sonboly went on a shooting spree in Munich, killing nine people at a shopping centre before turning the gun on himself. This was one of many incidences of violent crime linked to Muslim migrants, a consequence of Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy which committed Germany to admitting every semi literate third world hoologan who turned up at the border, without carrying out any background checks or even asking for a passport or some form of identification.


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Muslim Migrants: We Burn Cars Because Swedes are Racist

Picked up this essential post at the lovely Pam Geller's site. Reblogged here for enlightenment of those idiots who are saying we should give Sharia Law equal ststus with British law and if that does not happen it proves the British are racist.That’s rich. The fact that Islam is not a race is seemingly besides the point.

Help! Immigrants have taken over our town, pleads German Mayor

The mayor of ski resort Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in Bravaria, has sent a plea for help to the regional government begging for help in tackling the problem of crime among refugees. Police officers say "blacks are in charge of the town." The letter, intended to serve as a warning to authorities in Germany's immigrant hot spots, has been sent by Mayor Sigrid Meierhofer on Sunday, according to Merkur newspaper

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A left wing academic whose research was used to make the case for an investigation into Sharia courts in the UK has warned that liberals and 'progressives' are enabling fundamentalists to spead extremistS Islam in the West. Dutch legal scholar Machteld Zee said that if politically correct thinking stifles fair criticism of Islam, helping fundamentalist Muslims segregate Islamic communities and encourage them to be more religious and insular.

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