The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

US Liberal Journalists Learn About Sweden's Immigrant Violence First Hand

When Donald Trump made some typically non - specific comments about the social problems Sweden is experiencing as a result of the open - doors immigration policy which has led to an influx of uneducated, uncivilised immigrants from extremely backward third world societies, people who are simply not prepared to accept European attitudes to women's right and tolerance of homosexuals, Jews and other minorities, it prompted a collective hissy fit from left wing media and the wankerati, who are so out of touch they still think Sweden ins the enlightened socialist utopia it was portrayed as in the 1960s. (Note: that was always a myth.)

Two journalists from Chicago who had travelled to Sweden with the intention of debunking Donald Trump's allegations that in Sweden's cities there are many immigrant dominated suburbs that have become trouble spots and 'no - go zones' for Europeans and that the country is a dangerous place to visit (the rape capital of Europe according to statistics) had to be given a police escort so they could safely leave an immigrant neighbourhood in Stockholm. Read more >>>

American Journalists Who Travelled To Sweden To Debunk Trumps Comments About Migrant Violence Run Out Of Town by Migrants


Pepper Spray Sales In Sweden Have "Exploded" After Spate Of Rape Attacks
Following the summer's attention-grabbing spate of rapes and sexual assaults, the sales of pepper spray for self defence have increased dramatically. The Kjell & Company retail chain believes that it will sell 90 percent more sprays in August than in June. One of the manufacturers, Plegium, has announced that sales this summer have "exploded". Sweden has been shaken this summer by a series of violent rapes. The most notable of these have taken place in the University city of Uppsala ...

Sweden Sees More Than 50 Per Cent Rise in ‘No-Go Zones’

Left wing news organisations are still in denial about the problems being caused in European societies by the unchecked influx of unskilled, illiterate immigrants from backward third world nations. We have reported in this omnibus page on Sweden, where the ruling elite want to replace ethnic Swedes and Swedish culture with what they imagine will be a lovey - dovey, caring, sharing, Kumbaya singing, head-in-the-clouds global culture ...

Volvo To Move HQ From Sweden? It’s Not Because Of Brexit
Volvo CEO Hakan Samuelsson shocked his country and the EU today when he said the Swedish car company company may consider moving its headquarters elsewhere. Volvo, he said, struggles to attract foreign specialists due to the lack of public security caused by the country’s soaring crime rate which is linked to mass immigration and the government’s refusal to deal with so called ‘no – go areas’ in Swedish towns and cities.

Katie Hopkins Reports From Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’
A news feed filled with reports of the rape and assault of Sweden’s young women, some inexplicably streamed live on Facebook by the gang as they attacked. Other reports filed quietly away in a box marked unmentionable: the rape of a 12-year-old unaccompanied immigrant by a so called fellow 'unaccompanied minor' immigrant who later bragged he was 45.

Germany's Immigration Timebomb

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Sweden In Shock After Latest Immigrant Rape Outrage

A 34 year old immigrant from Somalia was arrested for savagely attacking a woman next to the parking garage of a Sheraton hotel in Sweden.

The woman died while being raped. Police say the perpetrator continued to rape the woman’s corpse well after she had died. The Somalian was apprehended by police while still in the act of raping the murdered woman.

The Somali Muslim settler was actually caught while still having sexual intercourse with the corpse of the dead woman. In his defense, he claimed that it was consensual. And it wasn't his first rape. But the Swedish prosecutor's reason for not deporting him sums up everything that is wrong with the West.

District Prosecutor Daniel Jonsson has chosen not to produce any extradition request.

When the Free Times asked Jonsson if he, in the light of the possibility that the 34-year-old will be committing more rapes in Sweden, still feels he has no responsibility to try to get the man deported, he replied no.

"I do not understand why a Somali woman in that case would be less valuable than a Swedish woman in this context. He might commit crimes down there if he were to be deported, "said Jonsson.

In some objective moral calculus, a Somali woman may have the same value as a Swedish woman. But that's not the point. If our politicians and judges lack the testicular fortitude to do their duty and order the lagally sanctioned death of pigs like this rapist, they should at least purge them from civilised societies and lat the far less squeamish legal systems in their own countries hand out appropriate punishments when the swine rape again (as they surely will.)

As a prosecutor, Jonsson is employed to protect Swedish society, not Somali society. This rapist is a problem produced by Somali Muslim society where people are taught to regard white people, and white women in particular with utter contempt. Somali justice is far better equipped to deal with him.

Sweden and Norway are in the middle of a massive epidemic of violent rapes. Crime statistics show that rapes in both countries are overwhelmingly perpetrated by Muslim immigrants on European Christian and non - religious women.

2013 figures were given in a recent report by Swedish Public Radio. In the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants. Over 300 of those were under the age of 15. The number of rapes is up 16% compared to 2012 numbers.


Katie Hopkins Reports From Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’

A news feed filled with reports of the rape and assault of Sweden’s young women, some inexplicably streamed live on Facebook by the gang as they attacked. Other reports filed quietly away in a box marked unmentionable: the rape of a 12-year-old unaccompanied immigrant by a so called fellow 'unaccompanied minor' immigrant who later bragged he was 45.

Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next

Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.

Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigtant Hostel?

Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...

Watch two Finnish shopgirls out a couple of male Muslim shoplifters.
Arthur's introduction (in his usual inimitable style) to this video from Finland might offend some people, but the attitude of Muslim immigrants that they can just walk into shops and take what they want, force themselves on women whenever they please, molest young children and tel us how to run our countries in Europe needs to be challenged.

London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims

When Donald Trump, currently frontrunner in the contest to be Republican Party candidate in the USA's 2016 Presidential Election, in a campaign broadcast commented that Islamisation of the west has gone so far parts of London are so heavily populated with Muslim extremists there are now no go zones for police and emergency services, he was attacked by politicians and the mainstream media.

Politically Unbiased BBC Launches Left Wing Attack On Donald Trump For Illegal Immigrants Stance

The BBC, Britain's publicly funded broadcaster is bound by a charter which commits it to be balanced and non partisan in its news reporting. Repeatedly however, the BBC, its management now doniated by left wing luvvies is becoming more and more blatantly left wing in its unbiased reporting

Autumn Gets More Interesting As Merkel Admists She May Have Caused balkans War.

The autumn of 2015 has been interesting with the escalation of the war against ISIS by Russian air Force jets and Iranian ground troops in Syria and Iraq, Europe's migrant crisis pushing prosperous north European nations towards civil unrest, and the downing of a Russian airliner over Sinai by as yet unknown causes though western intelligence reports suggest a terrorist bomb was planted on board before take off. And it is set to get more interesting ...

Swedish Immigrant Street Wars Spread: Stockholm Grenade Attack Follows Kurd-Turk Migrant Clashes

Violence between migrant gangs of different ethnicities vying for territorial rights to run organised crime has become the norm in Malmo, southern Sweden. Now it appears that as a consequence of the Swedish loony left government’s insane policy of flooding the country with third world migrants without

Mediterranean Immigrant Composite

The flow of undocumented migrants from Africa trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of Libya to Italian, Greek and Maltese territory seems unstoppable. Two factors in the problem however have been western (particlarly American meddling in the internal affairs of African states, and wester aid leading to a population explosion national infrastructures are unable to cope with. And of course European leaders haven't a clue how to deal with the problem.

A Week Of 'Islamic Multiculturalism' In Sweden - Rapes, Acquittals, & Severed Heads

(This all happened in Sweden, that beacon of multiculturalism and human rights.) Some 30 Muslim men thought that the woman was in violation of Islamic sharia law, by being in Sweden unaccompanied by a man. They thought that she should therefore be raped and her teenage son killed. Sometime during the night, the victim was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her. The woman managed to break free and locate a train attendant. At first, the woman did not want to call the police. "She felt sorry for him [the rapist] ... and was afraid he would be deported back to Iraq."

Convert Or Be Beheaded’ – Chilling Message Posted Through Doors Across Sweden

The notes, which are signed “ISIS”, say that any non-believers will be decapitated unless they convert or pay a “jizya” (religious tax). They have been posted through letterboxes in several cities including the capital Stockholm. They carry the Islamic State banner and claim the police “will not save you from being murdered”.

European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East

While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos

Following a warning last night of an "imminent" terror threat in Brussels security services raised the country's terror alert to the highest level, plunging Europe, still reeling from last weeks carnage in Paris and gripped by fear and panic due to the honest reporting (at last) that the EU's politically correct 'open doors' immigration policy has allowed extremists hostile to European culture and our way of life to infiltrate European societies ...

Group of Teenage North Africans Sentenced for Gang Rape Carried Out In Central Stockholm
A group of teenager immigrants from north Africa, living in Stockholm as refugees, have been found guilty of the horrific gang rape of a 23-year-old Swedish woman on the Södermalm island, a fashionable residential area in the Stockholm archpelago.

Syrian Doctor Makes More Trafficking Migrants to Greece Than He Can Doctoring
A former doctor from Syria has described how he now makes £60,000 a month trafficking people from Turkey to Europe. He has warned European Union (EU) member states that the refugees will continue to come even if all the borders are shut, saying “They will dig tunnels if necessary.”

How Neo - Con and Neo - liberal Globalism Freaks Are Destabilizing Europe According To Plan

A study by our owner/ editor of how the USA led global markets project has destsbilised the middle easdt and why that outcome looks as if it was the long term plan all along. Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Europe ... all are strategically important and all were potential obstacles to Washington's world domination ambitions.

Muslim Only No Go Areas For Police And Emergency Services In Our Cities? - It Already Happened In Sweden.

Sweden continues to lead the way in surrendering its nation, culture and self respect to exremist Muslim dickheads, reasoning that the violent rapists and murderers of the relion of peace will thank them rather than kill them all. but the people all over Europe are waking to the betrayal of their elites.

Syrian Girl's Video exposes western Politicians and Media Lies About Refugees

This girl makes more sense than Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and all other western criminals and corporate hirelings put together, Maybe one day they will realize that their subservience to zionism only leads ruin of their individual characters!

Christianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden

Swedish Media Conceals Migrant Crimes Due to Loyalty to Government

A Swedish Voter Loses It With The Politically Correct Idiots Running His Country

Group of Teenage North Africans Sentenced for Gang Rape Carried Out In Central Stockholm

Sweden ‘Facing Collapse’ Thanks To Migrant Influx, Foreign Minister Warns

Immigration: The boat people crisis

Immigration - the problems

The tyranny of human rights

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