The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Universal Basic Income Is Silicon Valley’s Latest Scam…The plan is no gift to the masses, but a tool for our further enslavement

A daft idea from socialist intellectual idiots that has quickly acquired sacred cow status among the mindless mobs that make up 'the left' is Universal Basic Income. Among the most prominent champions of UBI are a clutch of Silicon Valley billionaires, whose complete lack of ethical awareness and track record for exploiting low paid workers should make us wonder why we continue to support their shoddy products.

Throwing Rocks at Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tesla and Uber is one of this sites main product lines. It isn't just about their dishonesty, abuses of privacy, abuses of investors cash or the fact that their 'creative destruction' is more liklely to be destructive destruction killing jobs and impoverisng the poor to make the obscenely rich even richer, it's also about the inequity embedded in the digital economy: how the growth of digital startups was draining the real economy and making it harder for people to participate in creating value, make any money, or keep up with rising rents.

Universal Basic Income Is Silicon Valley’s Latest Scam - originally posted on Government Slaves (this may yake a few seconds to load)


Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.
Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.

In an online Question and Answer session this week Facebook supremo and founding megalomaniacal sociopath Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company is engaged in building AI systems "that are better than humans at our primary senses."

London’s Black Cab Drivers Take On Uber Cancer
A few blocks behind the Tate Modern and Shakespeare’s Globe theater is a place few tourists, or even Londoners, ever see. Keep going past the Tesco Express and through an unmarked driveway to reach a car park jammed with black cabs. In the well hidden places around London where drivers of the city’s iconic Black … Continue reading

Zuckerberg Is A Hypocrite On Internet Privacy As Facebook Is A Giant Data Mining Operation With Numerous Government Connections
Mark Zuckerberg the Jewish CEO of Facebook has proven once again that he is a hypocrite when it comes to the issues of government spying and privacy. Zuckerberg in a recent Facebook post made a big fuss about all the news reports exposing government spy programs. [ ... ] In reality, this is nothing more than a public relations stunt by Zuckerberg as he couldn’t give a damn about your privacy ...

Everyone Who Changed Their Facebook Photos To Rainbow Just Got Duped
Over a million people changed their Facebook profile pictures to a rainbow filter in support of gay marriage.New reports reveal that the “Celebrate Pride” tool may not have been the best idea… According to Daily Mail, this tool was actually Facebook’s way of performing psychological testing on their users.Over a million people changed their Facebook profile pictures to a rainbow filter in support of gay marriage.

Philanthropic" Mark Zuckerberg Will Place Facebook Shares In A For-Profit LLC
Sorry to seem the The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but somebody has to blow the whistle on the latest self serving stunt of the self server in chief, Mark Zuckerbugger but the great act of philanthropy with which the Inyaface Datatheft Book chief celebrated the birth of his child is, like everything else billionaire philanthropists do, not quite as straightforward as it has been presented in mainstream media.

Corporate plundering of the UK purse has to stop – Facebook pays zero tax again
Our finance expert looks at the latest tax avoidance scandal and wonders why the governments financial agencies are always to eager to go after small time tax and benefit fraud and yet year after year turn a blind eye to the blatant criminality of global corporations in their tax evasion techniques.

Fuck Facebook, It has been taken over by prudes
OK, we'll be honest, the only thing anyone at this site thought Facebook was ever any use for is getting new content picked up by search engines. With the new content being added to the site hundreds of times every second, Search Engine spirder swarm all over it. But like all tech firm bosses, Zuckerbugger and his merry little band of fascists are incapable of critical thinking and so prefer to leave decision making to algorithms.

Has Zuckerbugger Been Messing With Your Mind?

It has been revealed that Facebook has been collaborating with the US government and creepier fringes of the academic community in carrying out experiments to manipulate users emotions. "Facebook users have reacted angrily to a "creepy" experiment carried out by the social network and two American universities to manipulate their emotions."

Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet

Facebook's latest acquisition Whatsapp cost $19bn, that's $40 per user. Whatsapp charge their users $1 per year. That means it will take Facebook 40 years to recover their outlay. And people are buying shares in this company? Insane.

Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So

All the Greenteeth Labyrinth pages have consistently warned that the most successful internet companies, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter etc. are led by people with authoritarian, even fascistic tendencies and a world domination complex which manifests itself as a desire to establish a monopoly position in their field. Facebbk are at the forfront of this fascist cartel.

Facebook's Stockmarket Launch Fizzles Out

Facebook's much hyped stock market launch fell flat. We examine the folly of trying to pass off a social networking fad as a real, monrey making business.

News Used To Be Important - Now It's Just EntertainmentPeople talk about technology, mainly television, cellulat telephones and the internet having given us an unprecedented ability to communicate. But have they? OK, we can trade meaningless messages with strangers on the other side of the world, we can join the cacophony of social netwoks where everybody yells at once and nobody listens, or we can sit in isolation, shouting inmto the void. But none of those are communicating. Technology has actually inhibited communication. ...

Google's New Privacy Policy: 'All Your Base Belong Us'.
Google has defended its decision to change the way it handles users' personal data as its new policy comes into force today. The internet search giant will now be able to use information about what people are entering into its search engine to target adverts according to users' interests under the changes.
Facebook's Privacy Privacy>Once again Facebook are in trouble over their contempt for users privacy. It is quite astounding that this upstart corporation that is quite open about its ambition to control the internet does not seem to understand there are lines that cannot be crossed when it comes to broadcasting or "sharing" details of users private lives.

How Much More Can Uber Take
Uber Suffers Major Setback In Efforts To Conquer European Market
As Uber Implodes Are Unicorns An Endangered Species?
Algorithms Are No Better At Telling The Future Than Tarot Cars Or A Crystal Ball
Google heating on it's algorithm?

Now Google wants to hiujack your car

Google and Skype threated Individualism

Google's surveillance society

I am not a computer, I am a human being

The internet threat to civilisation