The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

France In Flames - Anti Macron Protests Across The Nation Only Days After He Was Re - elected

by Arthur Foxake, 1 May 2022

FRANCE erupted in an orgy of violence today as traditional May Day festivities turned into angry protests at the victory of incumbent president Emmanual Macron as more evidence emerged that the election was not free and fair.  Balaclava-clad protesters took to the streets of Paris and other major cities to mark May Day and vent their outrage at Emmanuel Macron's re-election, ahead of the legislative elections in June.

More than 250 anti-Macron rallies erupted across the country as thousands of people joined the annual May Day celebrations, turning them into protests against the deeply unpopular president who in his first term has consistently ignored the concerns of ordinary people in favour of pursuing the globalist agendas of the wealthy elites. Things quickly descended into chaos in Paris.

Around 5,000 police officers were deployed in the capital city alone to control the violent protest, which left shops ransacked and streets ablaze.  

Demonstrators light red flares as they take part in the annual May Day march in Paris, France, 01 May 2022. Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day or May Day, is observed annually on 01 May worldwide to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers as well as fight for laborers rights. EPA-EFE/YOAN VALAT

Many protesters demonstrated peacefully but police stepped in as black-clad members of the group known as "Black Bloc" attempted to put up a barricade to block the march.

Dozens of businesses were also damaged amid the protests including a McDonald's branch, banks, insurance companies and real estate agencies.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin called the violence at the rallies "unacceptable."

French unions and left-wing politicians have used the workers' day demonstrations to express displeasure with recently re-elected President Emmanuel Macron and rally support for the nation's upcoming parliamentary elections.

Macron, who defeated far-right opponent Marine Le Pen in France's presidential election last week, has faced criticism that he is out of touch with France's working-class on issues such as the rising cost of living.

Opposing politicians looked to the rallies Sunday to prevent Macron's centrist La Republique En Marche party from winning a majority during the two-round parliamentary elections on June 12 and June 19.

"Without MPs to support him, Emmanuel Macron will be powerless to apply his harmful project for France and his unfair choices for the French," Le Pen said in a video to supporters Sunday. 

The May Day protests also come as left-wing parties in France aim to strike an agreement ahead of the June legislative elections following the defeat of leftist candidates in the first round of the election. Labour unions and student organisations led protests against newly re-elected President Emmanuel Macron with demands for higher wages, support for public services and more climate-friendly policies.

In Paris, leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon called for an agreement between left-wing parties tonight.

The CGT labour union claimed that 50,000 protesters were present in the capital city. Thousands also protested in other large cities across France such as Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon and Strasbourg, according to police. 

Clashes broke out between young people dressed in black and Paris' police with many shop windows destroyed and fires breaking out.

Demonstrators broke bank windows and wrote anticapitalist messages on a McDonald's and police fired tear gas.

Interior minister Gérald Darmanin said that "thugs" were committing "unacceptable violence" and expressed his "full support for police".




MORE posts on France:

French Police Use Teargas As Freedom Convoy Brings Thousands Of Protestors To Paris
Inspired by Canada's freedom Convoy, a sponaneous protest by drivers of heavy trucks against the fasistic and oppressive curtailment of individual freedoms by Prime Minister Trudeau's regime, French truck drivers protesting President Macron's similarly authoritarian measures converged on Paris where they were met by riot police enforcing Macron's ban on protests against government policy ...

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
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France: Thousands Protest Against Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccination
21 July 2021: French protests call for ‘freedom’ amid government vaccine push 17 July 2021: Reprots of numerous protests, with the total number of protestors involved estimated at over 1 million, marched in numerous cities and urban areas across France on Saturday. They were protesting against against President Emmanuel Macron’s authoritarian policies of forcing vaccination of health …

Macron Forced to Back Down on Mandating Vaccine Passports for Shopping Malls After Nationwide Protests
French President Emmanuel Macron has been forced to back down on imposing mandatory vaccine passports for entry to shopping malls after volatile nationwide protests. As we highlighted last week, Macron’s announcement that proof or vaccination or a negative test would be required to visit shopping malls, restaurants bars, hospitals, bars, cafés and access public transport sparked immediate demonstrations.

Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds
A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war” caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity. Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers” threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue,” a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime ...

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The Islamic Republic Of France
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General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies
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French police drag Yellow Vest “protesters” away from Bastille Day parade as they jeer Macron
As Mr Macron was riding by at the start of the parade, he was greeted by people in the crowds who turned their backs, booed and whistled. Before the parade, he delivered a message to the French people and said he wanted to highlight France’s “irrevocable commitment to consolidate French and European security”.

The Propaganda Of The War Cult Is Lying About What Is Happening In Ukraine

1 May 2022

In reporting and commenting on the conflict in Ukraine we Boggart Bloggers have tried to look deeper into the situation than mainstream media propaganda mouthpieces which have simply passed on the Russophobic misinformation and fake news contained in the official naratives. Russia bug bad bully, brave little Ukraine resisting being pushed around the stories go but it is not quite that simple, things never are.

 Eva Bartlett in a name that has featured in these pages before. In 2016 we brought you summaries, snippets of, and links to the Canadian independent journalists reports from within Syria's war zone revealed how western governments and their media mouthpieces were using fake news, misinformation and downright lies to whip up support for their sponsored and stage managed proxy war in this middle east which was intended (but failed,) to bring down the Assad regime.

Now Eva Bartlett is in the Donbas region of Ukraine, sending back reports on how the one - sided reporting of the war in that unfortunate country give the impression that the atrocities andwar crimes are all being committed by Russian troops. Bartlett's reports show that similar atrocities are being committed by Ukrainian troops against members of Russian speaking minorities in eastern Ukraine and that military and paramilitary forces under the control on the neo - Nazi paskudnyaks in Kiev are carrying out false flag attacks on Ukrainian citizens in order to fabricate stories that will fuel propaganda aimed at persuading citizens of the liberal democracies to accept direct military intervention in the conflict by the NATO powers, this triggering a global, nuclear conflict.

Ukrainian strike on Donetsk market was a false flag terrorist attack

by Eva Bartlett for Internationalist 360

© Eva Bartlett


If the Donetsk marketplace that was hit by rocket artillery on Thursday had been in a city controlled by Kiev, the names and faces of the five civilians killed would be on all major news sites. But because it was another Ukrainian attack on civilians in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the deaths and 23 additional civilians injured will almost certainly go unreported, as has the been the norm during the regime’s eight years of the Donbass and Western media’s eight years of ignoring the attacks.

According to the DPR's Healthcare Ministry, “The strike at the Tekstilschik neighbourhood in the Kirovsky district killed four people on the spot. One patient died in an ambulance during the transportation.”

With another journalist, I went in a taxi to the bombed markets. Two of the dead still lay at the site when we arrived, splayed on the ground. The other bodies had already been removed, but traces of their blood remained on the ground, doors nearby were riddled with shrapnel holes and debris from the strike was all around.


Presumably, rescue workers dealt with the injured first and didn’t prioritize retrieving all the dead as further Ukrainian strikes were possible. I saw this during my experience in Gaza, where Israeli's waited for people to come to the scene of their attack, then bombed again.

According to Gennady Andreevich, a local employee of the district's safety commission, at 11:40 am Grad missiles struck two different nearby markets: the vegetable and clothing market where the bodies lay, and a household chemicals and building materials market across and down the street. The latter was far more damaged, stalls completely burnt out, but no one was killed there. 

Gennady walked with us to the vegetable market, speaking about previous Ukrainian attacks–which have been happening since 2014. More recent shellings hit near a gas station outside the market, at a residential building beyond the market, and in his own market administrative building, killing two colleagues.

He noted that at this time of day the market would have been filled with people, and that Ukraine knows very well what it is firing at.

“They know there is a market here and that from 10am to 1pm there are many people here,” Gennady said as we walked past shops.

This is a completely civilian area, no military installations.


Russian Long Range Missile Test Fuels Nuclear War Fears As NATO Pushed Ukraine To Escalate Conflict
Russia tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile yeserday, the Satan II has a range of 10,000 miles and can devastate an area of 250,000 square kilometers according to military experts. Bizarrely commentators in mainsteam and online news services portrayed this as a sign of weakness by Russia, though the same people cheered when Joe (Dementiaman) Biden threratened a nuclear response if Russia crossed his 'red lines' in Ukraine ...

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis
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Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...

Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
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Germany News Mag. Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right?" About NATO Expansion
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Europe's biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
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Sanctions have failed, the Russian rouble is stronger than before the war

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We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...

While Crazy Joe Biden Claims Victory Over Russia, NATO's Expansin Plans Have Been Derailed By PutinJoe Biden (or his handlers because we all know Joe's mind is gone,) have been trying to spin reports of Russian troops withdrawing from positions close to the Ukraine border as a diplomatic victory for the USA over Putin but in the geopolitical game things are seldom what they seem to be ...

Mainstream media's hyping of the threat to Ukrained posed by Russian aggression is the latest in a long line of attempts to lay blame for western foreign policy disasters at the feet of Russia. In fact had Joe Biden not started to babble about Russian aggression, talking up the threat of conflict, there would be no crisis ...

Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
Continue reading >>>While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems.

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

War with Russia? The latest scare story
As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny. Continue reading >>>