The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Day after Biden inaugurated, WHO changes COVID testing criteria to reduce false positives

23 January 2021

 In a move the timing of which  makes it look politically motivated rather than dictated by logic or reason, the World Health Organization has changed the protocol for COVID-19 tests in a way that can only result in huge and immediate reductions in the numbers of positive test results which scientific advisers have translated into cases in order to justify extended lockdowns and other pandemic - related restrictions and pump up fear levels with false reports of the deadlines of what for healthy people is aq mild illness if indeed they are aware they carry the virus. The United Nations offshoot apparently reached this decision only hours after Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States.

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) published revised guidance for helth agencies using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, which on WHO recommendation has become the benchmark test to detect cases of COVID-19. In an information notice, the WHO rolled back its guidance to a version given inan instruction booklet for COVID testing, issued in September 2020, advising that “careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed.”

That document warned against interpreting a positive result as proving someone had the virus. Just because a patient tests positive does not mean they are infected, if a person does not present with symptoms of COVID-19 it cannot be said they are infected. The document also warned about the high risk of false positives if the amplification cycles run on the test were above a certain level: “The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.”

“As disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases. The probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity,” the WHO continued.

Even more damningly for pandemic fearmongers, the document described PCR tests as an “aid for diagnosis” rather than a definitive diagnosis tool and did not place any greater weight upon the results of PCR tests. “Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.”

The new guidance for assessing the results of PCR COVID tests effectively means that there are additional steps to be taken before reporting that someone has tested positive for the virus. The WHO notes that “a new specimen should be taken and retested” and further stipulates that “health care” workers should weigh up the test result alongside real-world information, such as symptoms or “clinical observations,” and contact with any other infected individuals. These changes alone can safely be assumed to account for the recent plunge in "cases" of COVID. Again our blogs have been saying this for over six months.

A Twitter user explained the WHO guidance: “PCR positive no longer = Covid. You are not Covid now unless you get a second test to confirm it, and are presenting clinical symptoms.”

The admission of the inaccuracy of PCR tests, which in effect is an admission that the whole pandemic has been a fraud, and comes as a validation for the ever growing evidence of the dishonesty of political leaders and medical science. As the Lockdown Sceptics website wrote: “For months now, sceptics have been ridiculed for questioning the accuracy of the PCR test, referring to the risk of false positives when prevalence is low and urging the Government to carry out confirmatory second tests on those that test positive. This updated advice from the WHO is a vindication of our position. We look forward to Governments and health authorities bringing their practices into line with it.”

The website’s editor, Toby Young, repeated the sentiment, saying that distrust of PCR tests became “the basis of the smear that we’re covid deniers.” “Today the @WHO finally acknowledged there’s a problem with the PCR test,” he added.

Back in December, LifeSiteNews reported on that 22 independent scientist had debunked the original Corman-Drosten (CD) paper, which established PCR tests as the standard way to determine the presence of COVID-19. The group studied the CD paper and found “ten fatal problems” with the research. Each of the problems is described as alone being sufficient to render the PCR test “scientifically useless" as a diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

The main issue identified was the amplification cycle of the tests, which is the process by which genetic material present on the nasal swab is determined to be either a positive or negative indication of COVID. The CD papersidesteps definition what a positive or negative test result is, but suggested that “45 PCR cycles” are to be performed.

While a PCR test can have up to 60 cycles of amplification, both Dr. Pascal Sacré and the debunking group pointed out that PCR test data from a cycle value of 35 or more is “completely unreliable.” “Only non-infectious (dead) viruses are detected with [cycle] values of 35,” the group adds, as even above 30 cycles there is “a grey area,” where a positive result cannot be trusted.

A CDC (US Center for Disease Control) document from December 2020 states that provision was made for tests to be run at up to 40 cycles.

These new guidelines suggest that the WHO is now heeding, or admitting, Dr. Sacré’s advice about the over-sensitivity of the RT-PCR test, leading to such high numbers of false positives they completely distort the picture of how the virus is speading as the organization called for the “careful interpretation of weak positive results,” and reminded clinicians that “[t]he cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load.”

The WHO also stipulated that the number of cycles used to detect the presence of the virus should be reported along with the test result.

A number of commentators have pointed to the politicized timing of the WHO’s news, noting that the new instructions, which could lead to a decrease in reported COVID cases, came only “one hour” after Joe Biden was sworn in as president (we did not learn of it until a couple of days later). The implication is that while Trump will be blamed for mishandling the pandemic response, the Harris - Biden administration will take credit for the plunge in "case" numbers resulting from re-classification of COVID case numbers.

The behaviour of the WHO can be explained by Trump having begun the process to withdraw from the WHO after denouncing the organization as being “China centric.” With the US government being its major financial benefactor the WHO was pleased to welcome China - centric "Dementia Joe" Biden to the White House as an ally, he had announced his intention to strengthen ties with the WHO. during the campaign. The WHO Director General, Ethiopian biologist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has close links with China,  also expressed his own delight at Biden’s assumption of the U.S. presidency. China has of course been pumping vast amounts of money into Etiopia in recent years as it seeks to extend its global influence and undermine the US and European economic leadership.

So as this evidence, and that contained in the numerous links below, shows nothing in the past twelve chaotic months, the inconvenience, the loss of civil rights and liberties, the ridiculous masking and social distancing rules and the trashing of national economies along with millions of jobs and businesses, has been about our health, it has all been a political exercise to stamp out the rise of nationalism and the popular resistance to global fascism.


What is behind the drop in COVID casea - by Yotivationnation at
from Minds.comYa know what I think...They have to explain away the drop in cases and hospitalizations somehow...but NOT by saying Herd Immunity...It has to be because of Pharmaceuticals, for some reason.


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COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed
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No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures”
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So far it has been signed by 435 medical doctors, 1,439 medically trained health professionals, and 9,901 citizens.

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Covid virus tests useless

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Coronavirus fear and panic