The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

At Last, A Candidate I Feel I Could Support Were I An American Voter

 Gary Johnson. Honest? I wouldn't know. Thought provoking? Certainly (image source)

Recently I have been accused (on facebook, people don't comment on my posts here for some reason) that I am a Donald Trump fan, and that I', a Bernie Sanders fan. Now I am not a supporter of either, I'm British and so don't have a vote in November and if I did I would not vote for either of those mentioned, not any other contender for the Democrat or Republican nomination.

What has interested me about both campaigns is that the support for Sanders and Trump represents the kind of rejection of mainstream politics we have been seeing in Europe (represented in numbers of votes but not election victories due to some pretty sordid deals being done between mainstream parties that are traditional rivals for the sake of preserving the status quo.

Neither Bernie Sanders nor Donald Trump is likely to win their party's nomination of course, the Washington fixers will find a way to spike the guns of both candidates.

Today however, I stumbled on a candidate that, were I entitled to vote in the election, I could support.

from Russia Today:

'A lot of disenfranchised voters': Libertarian Gary Johnson discusses his presidential bid

 In a presidential race that seems more polarized than ever, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson may have a longshot bid for the presidency. However, he is confident that he can shift the debate as voters are “disenfranchised” by both parties.

Johnson, who served as governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003, won the nomination for the Libertarian Party in the 2012 presidential election. He only acquired 1 percent of the popular vote, but that’s considered a big achievement for third-party candidates in the United States’ two-party system. In 2016, he is confident that he can shake up the Democrat-Republican dichotomy even further by offering ideas that distinguish him from both parties. READ ALL >>

Gary Johnson will not win the election of course, which is a lot to do with why I could vote for him, I'm proud to say I have never voted for the winner in any election I have cast a vote in. but he does bring new ideas and thought provoking policies to the campaign and that might lead people to question more closely the vacuity of Hillary Clinton and the buffoonery of Donald Trump.

At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR
For the Democrats there is, on the left a socialist, selling a political philosophy that has peviously been anatemas to American voters, yet generating the most enthusiasm of any of the other candidates. On the other end of the spectrum, Republican voters are gravitating, nay stampeding, toward Donald Trump. The only serious rival to Trump is Ted Cruz although it is early days yet and we can expect a compromise candidate to emerge

Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment

So if Trump is in fact as liberal as the corporate sock puppet Obama, what is it about him that has the ruling elite so scared the corporate owned mainstream media are resorting to desperate measures to discredit him while politicians plot increasing unfeasible ways to stop him becoming president.

Could The Unthinkable Happen - Bernie Sanders Looks like Winning Democrat Nomination
At Last, A Candidate I Feel I Could Support Were I An American Voter
Lefties Trying To Troll Trump Show They Are Illiterate Morons
Maverick Sanders surpasses Obama, with $33mn from individual donors
Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America.

Main Keywords: USA, democracy, election, politics,
Lefties Trying To Troll Trump Show They Are Semi Literate Morons
Maverick Sanders surpasses Obama, with $33mn from individual donors
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Germans Demand Impeachment Of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel

"Merkel has gotta go," read a placard held by one of the protestors at yesterdays anti - immigration protest (Image source)

It has taken an example of lawlwss behaviour by recenltly arrived immigrants as gross as the mass rape and sexual assault riot in Cologne at New Year, 2016, to awake German anger at what their government, led by arch globalist Angela Merkel, and the wannabe bureaucratic dictatorship that is the European Union is doing to the ancient cultures of the federal states that make up modern Germany.

Merkel and the EU have operated 'open doors' immigration policies, perverting the principle of free movement of people between member states into a 'no borders' mess which allows freedom movement of people from lawless places, of criminals and terrorists and of people whose mindset was formed in cultures where women, far from being equal, have status somewhere between animals and slaves, to freely enter the European Union and then move freely through countries signed up the the Shengen Zone treaty which permits undocumented travel.

Now there is a growing movement in Germany demanding that Merkelo be impeached, a petition has been launched to put before GFermany's elected representatives. Pressure of public opinion may soon reach such a level that Chancellor Angela Merkel's own party may soon compel her party to ask her to resign, according to the German newspaper Saarbrucker Zeitung.

A English version of the most relevant section has been obtained via Google translate The English is less than perfect but this is the best translator available online, (sorry, our German speaker is not available this weekend):

"Dr. Merkel is irresponsible not only against Germany , but also the EU and the whole of Europe . It sets laws repealed , without considering the consequences .It is no longer " master of the situation " and thus neither able to govern even in Germany relevant for the EU needs to take far-reaching decisions."

(Source text in German)

Saarbrucken Zeitung recalled that Merkel recently rejected Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer's offer to introduce quotas on the number of migrants entering Germany, thus while apearing in some public statements to have backed off her hardline 'let them all in' policy, reiterating her postition that Germany must accept anybody that arrives at its borders and claims to be a refugee or asylum seeker. This is in spite of Federal Police criminal intelligence reporting that ISIS and Al Queda jihadists had already infiltrated Germany's immigrant communities.

Speaking recently at a closed meeting of Germany's ruling Christian Social Union party, Seehofer said that he, like all the German MPs, wants to solve the migration problem with Merkel as Chancellor of Germany, but that the issue should be resolved as soon as possible.

Representatives of the Christian Social Union party and the Christian Democratic Union have also urged Merkel to establish refugee quotas in order to resolve the migration crisis. However, Merkel has repeatedly rejected the idea, the approval of which would mean the closure of her country's borders for new migrants.

According to the latest estimates by the EU border agency Frontex, around 1.2 million migrants arrived in EU countries in the first ten months of 2015. The European Commission said in turn that the current global migration crisis represents the worst such deadlock since the Second World War.

Merkel Should Braced For Disaster As Polls Conflict On Election Prospects
Regional elections in Germany are more unpredictable than ever before, and they could have a big impact on the fate of Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party, the Christian Democratic Union, Deutsche Welle reported, according to opinion polls ahead of Sunday's regional elections in the country.

Thousands Flood The Streets In Germany As Fury Over Refugee Sex Assaults Reaches Boiling Point
Thousands Flood The Streets In Germany As Fury Over Refugee Sex Assaults Reaches Boiling Point
Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)
German Anger Boils Over: Shots Fired At German Refugee Home; One Asylum Seeker Hit
Sharia Law in Germany: Christian activist Heidi Mund charged with “agitation against the people”
A Week Of 'Islamic Multiculturalism' In Sweden - Rapes, Acquittals, & Severed Heads
London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims
Germany's Immigration Problem
Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015 )
Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015 )
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