Monday, April 30, 2018

Russia and China declare all out war on the Petrodolar

"WTF has China's new oil futures market to do with us Minds punters?" you might well ask.
It is in fact going to affect us all not just commodities traders, oil speculators and hedge fund managers. The thing is the Chinese (and their BFFs The Russians and Iranians did not just set up this venture because they fancied dabbling in the oil trade.

The launch of the gold backed Petroyouan on the Shanghai financial markets is the culmination of several years manoeuvreing by China and its allies to create a rival trading system to the Petrodollar which has dominated international trade for over forty years. I reported on the news HERE and in several other posts.

Few people are aware of how reliant the US economy has become on the position of the US$ as the global reserve currency. This is because mainstream media never reports on it and TV pundits dare not mention it for fear of losing their lucrative gigs as talking heads on TV. I have talked about it since the very beginning, when Saddam Hussein decided he didn't need the Petrodollar, modern technology could trade his oil for any currency he fancied. And we all know what happened to him.
Nothing will change overnight, or next month or for several months, but gradually we will see a further shift of economic power from west to east. And that will affect prices, jobs, our standards of living and much more


EU To Reduce Dependence On US Dollar As Sanctions Hit Trade With Iran
Plans to reduce European Union dependence on the US dollar have been rumoured for a while now, as China’s alternative to the Petrodollar continues to gain strength. The EU is not signing up to the move by Russia, China and the other BRICS bloc nations to replace the dollar but are thinking involvement will improve the 27 member Union’s ability to run an independent foreign policy ...

Currency Wars
De - dollarization Moves Ahead - Once Again We Told You So
G77 Nations vow to destroy petrodollar and America's New World Order
Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce 'Holy Grail' Gas Deal With China

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL

camp for refugees from civil war in Darfur

A refugee camp in Africa - Source CNN (screenshot)

A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment's standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Wheras the climate science lobby can only point to a chain of pailed predictions relating to the disappearance of polar ice caps, the end of winter smows in the northern nations and the extinction of polar bears, in 2018 polar bears are actually increasing in number, satellite data (as opposed to the mathematical models climate scientists rely on for information,) show ice coverage increasing slightly, and both Europe and north America have experienced record snowfalls in recent years.

The report published on Tuesday contained the findings of a research project that links mass population displacement in East Africa over the past half century to social and political factors rather than to climate change, which goes against the "scientific consensus" we have been told repeatedly over the past twenty years is irrefutable.

Published by Palgrave Communications, the report examines the causes of populations displaced within states and those forced to leave their countries of origin and found that rapid population growth and falling or stagnating economic growth in African states within the last decade overwhelmingly accounted for the dramatic increase in the number of refugees crossing the continent, including those seeking sanctuary in Europe.

The authors of the report found links between local or regional conflicts and an upsurge in displaced people arriving in Europe in eight out of ten armed conflicts in East Africa. Another trend linked refugee numbers to unconstrained the population growth which began three a decades ago. It also concluded that economic slowdowns were indicative of 70 percent of population displacements a decade later.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord

Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam

Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians

It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers

The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near

The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal - Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?

The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off

This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and …

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

Charlotte Church blames Syria’s brutal civil war on CLIMATE CHANGE (not ISIS, Assad or Obama)

Last Nights QT: Stephen Kinnock, Leanne Woor (obscured) Charles Moore, David Dimbleby (host) Charlotte, Stephen Crabbe (Image source) Classical singer turned left wing fuckwit showed exactly what is wrong with the left on Question Time last night Climate change played a role in Syria’s conflict, according to Charlotte Church. Speaking as part of the panel …

The Pain In Spain as Green Energy Policy Fails

You will not find anything in mainstream media, either print or broadcast, about the failure of the green energy initiatives that have left Spain in dire economic strais or Denmark in the dark. Bizarre, as other governments are pressing ahead with plans to make us reliant on these crackpot schemes and intellectual wanks of mad scientists ...

Climate Scientists versus Free Speech and Freedom Of Information

This week four groups, whose boards represent a distinctly liberal world view and who oppose scrutiny of taxpayer-funded science by academics, asked the University of Virginia to disregard its agreement before the court with American Tradition Institute to provide the records of former climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann, which belong to the public. The groups, led by the far-left Union of ....

Ever Changing Ocean

The scientists warn us climate change will cause massive extinctions, species will be destroyed, nations will die, the oceans will swamp huge areas of land as sea levels rise and lots of scaremongering stuff like that. But life in the seas has survived much worse catastrophes, much more violent changes than anything we puny humand can conjure up. It is a measure of the arrogance of humans in general and scientists in particular to imagine we puny humans could destroy the planet.also availabe HERE

Climate Change and the Population Explosion
In all the debates about climate change and the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment there is one issue that has a huge bearing on humanity's relationship with our planet that neither politicians nor scientists will discuss. Population growth. So a philosopher has to step up to the mark and ask why people are encouraged to have children when we face so many population related problems?

Here’s A Snippet From A Brilliant Article On Climate Change

Those building the biblical Tower of Babel, intending to reach heaven, did not know where heaven was and hence when the project would be finished, or at what cost. Those setting out to solve the climate change problem now are in the same position. If we were to spend 10 or even 100 trillion dollars …

The Great Wind Turbine Catastrophe

Because of failure to invest in new coal and nuclear powered generating plants to provide the electric energy we need Briain now faces a serious shortfall in electricity supply as old stations, already well past their planned lifespan are forced to close. Seduced by the voices of academics and the science lobby, the government seems foolishly determined to rely on wind turbines for future electricity needs.

Syria airstrike: Russia warns US, allies of ‘consequences’


(RAF jet takes of on raid over Syria (picture BBC)

Russia's Ambassador in Washington DC warned the USA and its allies there will be "consequences" in the wake of the US, UK and French (FUKUS axis) coordinated air strikes on Syria.

Russia feels threatened by the US decision to strike Syrian targets in retaliation for the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7, which Moscow believes was staged by western agents as justification for entry into Syria's civil war just as the Assad regime's forces, supported by troops from Iran were mopping up the last pockets of resistance from ISIS and Al Nusra front rebels.

"A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences," Anatoly Antonov said in a statement on Friday night. "All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris."

Despite that and previous unequivocal warnings, US President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Teresa May and France's President Macron ordered their nations' forces to strike military targets in Syria on Friday night. The Russian military operating in Syria was not notified in advance about the American targets, General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters after the attacks.

The US "specifically identified” targets to “mitigate the risk of Russian forces being involved," Dunford said. "We used the normal deconfliction channel to deconflict airspace. We did not coordinate targets.”

While Trump said that the purpose of the US actions is to "establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread, and use of chemical weapons,” Antonov reminded that "the US – the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons – has no moral right to blame other countries."'

Read more:

Russia's U.S. ambassador warns of consequences for Syria strikes - Reuters

Here’s The Real Reason Why The Deep State Is Pushing Trump To War In Syria

Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta

Pro-war trolls resort to smears as their ‘rebels' lose miserably in Syria

Syria was always a US Proxy war

Putin Lines Up The Big Guns As Obama 'Shoots Golf' And Kerry Vacillates

Things are getting serious (and very dangerous) in Syria. ISIS do not have warplanea and SAMs are not effective against ground troops so this latest Russian move can only be interpreted as a warning to the USA

Russia Takes Over The Mid-East: Moscow Gets Green Light For Strikes In Iraq, Sets Up Alliance With Jordan

Not long ago we were reporting on the way moves in the war against ISIS had shifted the global power balance from west to east, with Putin's decisive and efficiently executed moves to drive the Islamic State forces out of Syria and Obama's failure to repond in any intelligent way demonstrating to the world that the USA had surrendered its role as the dominant military power.

Regime Change As American As Thanksgiving

US President Barack Obama is someone to almost pity. For he has the unenviable task of standing before the nations of the world and blether the self — righteous lies of western propagandists, as he did again, during recent his address to the UN General Assembly.

Russian Warships Launch Missile Attack On Syrian Targets, Clearing Way For Iran Ground Invasion

In was always going to happen once the Russian air force had softened up ISIS and Al Qaeda positions in Syria. With the opposition on the run (and unconfirmable reports suggesting thousands of ISIS irregulars are desterting) thanks to five days of air bombardment from some of the most advanced strike aircraft in the world, we predicted Iran would ...

Russia Is Conducting ‘Asymmetric Warfare’ In Syria Says UK Foreign Secretary

As Russian successes stack up in the middle east war against Islamic State guerillas in Syria, and the half hearted efforts of the FUKUS axis (France, UK, USA) look increasingly inept, we suggest that the western allies were never really interested in defeating ISIS, destabilisation of the entire region was their aim, so the thrust of their intervention was to overthow Assad rather than defeat the terrorists.

Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies

After an amazing outburst from the delusional Brack Obama left the United Nations General Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.

All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And Syria's Bombs

The U.S. government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the last dozen years – and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as “shock and awe” – but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian government’s supposed use of crude “barrel bombs.”

Russia's action against ISIS in Syria outwits Obama Again

Europe’s intensifying migrant crisis and Russia’s increased military support for President Assad’s regime in Syria, including the establishment of a Russian military Syrian headquarters at Latakia have focused the attention of world media and those of us who like to be aware what is going on to dangerous situation now emerging from Syria’s protracted civil war.

France ready to bomb Syria 'in self-defense' – foreign minister

France's Francois Hollande has been almost as desperate as Barack Obama for a war that will distract French voters from the economic disaster his socialist government has wrought. But if Russia continues to back Assad and there is no reason to think they will not, any allied effort to bring down assad is a non starter.

Assad Says Europe Is Responsible For Refugee Crisis: "If You're Worried About Them, Stop Supporting Terrorists"
As the tide of refugees fleeing Syria’s bloody civil war, swelled by African economic migrants masquerading as Syrians continues to tear the European Union (EU) apart, and as Brussels struggles to formulate a coherent policy for handling the crisis as member states go their own way with measures to close border crossing points, divert migrants to other member nations, or ...

Russia Warns Washington Of "Unintended Incidents" In Syria

Yesterday, Thursday evening our news feeds picked up the latest development in the soap opera that is the Obama administrations waggering effor to make Russia back down from is's stance of supporting Assad and let the rent - boy President satisfy his bloodlust in bringing Syria’s horrific civil war with bombs and drone strike on Syrian civilians

USA To Blame For Europe's Migrant Crisis Says Putin
Appearing at the inaugural Moscow-hosted Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, the Russian President has blamed the migrant crisis emanating from the Middle East on America. He also blamed European states for backing US efforts to spread democracy, which he said were responsible for the current exodus of people sweeping across the EU.

Is Russian Army Beginning to Engage in Syria
Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear (h/t some bloke called Jesus) have know of the involvement of US troops in Syria for a considerable time. Given that the American military are active in over a hundred nations around the world, Washington's meddling in the domestic politics of soveeign nations comes as no surprise. It is more disturbing to learn that Russian troops are getting involved in Syria, to support Assad in his struggle against American - backed revolutionaries ...

Syria opposition in Russia for talks on on Moscow - Damascus anti-IS coalitionSyria opposition in Russia for talks on on Moscow - Damascus anti-IS coalition

Syrian politicians opposed to the Assad regime, but against Islamic fundamentalist groups will be in Moscow this week to take part in talks on a Russian plan for a new anti-jihad coalition that would see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continue as leader of his country. Given the implacable hostility betwee Syrian opposition groups, don't expect any agreements

Friday, April 13, 2018

How Can US / NATO Claim Info From Syrian Rebels Is Reliable?

Canadian journo Eva Bartlett warned people in west not to believe war propaganda 
(Image: tapnewswire)

The problem with the latest attempt to create a justification for intervention by the USA and its main allies France and the UK (the FUKUS axis) has several things in common with all previous illegal weapons incidents in Syria for which no evidence of the involvement of Russia or President Assad's government was found, and one in particular in which the culprits were identified.

The main common problem is that as the last western reporters on the ground in Syria, Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley (who have now both left for self preservation reasons) have pointed out, reports of these chemical weapon incidents, which took place in rebel held areas, have all come from sources within anti - Assad groups, hardly the most reliable source of information concerning the Assad regime. Also the reports have all come when loyalist forces and their allies had the US and Saudi Arabian backed rebels on the run.

The most recent attack, the one currently being used by FUKUS axis leaders Macron, May and Trump to whip up hysteria and thus gain public support for entering the war in Syria has one essential difference from the others however.

The rebel group which is in control of the Douma region in Syria, the site of an alleged chemical attack which has been blamed on the Assad regime, was itself accused of using forbidden weapons on Kurds in 2016.

Jaish al-Islam (ArThe problem with my of Islam) formerly known as Liwa al-Islam (Brigade of Islam) is a loose alliance of Salafist Islamic militant based in the Douma and Eastern Ghouta regions of Damascus.

Douma was the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack where up to 43 people were killed and it has been blamed on the Syrian regime although the US government was eventually forced to acknowledge there was no evidence of this.

It gets worse, according to reports from news outlet Kurdistan 24, the group admitted it used chemical weapons in a mainly Kurdish populated area in the city of Aleppo, northern Syria in April 2016.

In an official statement, reported by The Daily Express, Jaish al-Islam said: “One of the field commanders in Aleppo used weapons that he was not authorised to use in these kinds of confrontations." The group claimed the brigade commander was summoned to a military court, adding: “He has been referred to the Military Justice to receive the proper punishment."

Redur Khalil, a spokesman for the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syrian Kurdistan, said: “The group’s statement came after many conclusive evidences and reports of chemical gas being used in shelling Aleppo’s Sheikh Maqsoud district.”

He added that Jaysh al-Islam and al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra have used forbidden weapons on Kurds many times before.


OPCW Investigators - "No Evidence" Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US
The independent inspectors commissioned by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will probably take several months to publish their final report on the alleged gas attack in Douma (an attack for which journalists and other independent parties have failed to find evidence),

Here's The Real Reason Why The Deep State Is Pushing Trump To War In Syria
Reports Of USA Preparing Military Attack On Syria To Depose Assad
Pro-war trolls resort to smears as their ‘rebels' lose miserably in Syria
Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta
Pals (In memoriam) - war poem

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Here's The Real Reason Why The Deep State Is Pushing Trump To War In Syria

Prince Mohammed bin Salman (Mad Mo) looks mightily pleased with himself afer shafting young King Felipe of Spain up the arse on his whistle stop tour of Europe. (image source: Yahoo news)

Everyone in the world (well everyone with more tits or testicles than braun cells,) knows that Assad is not stupid (educated in Britain he is a doctor and ophthalmologist) so why would he decide to gas women and children and turn the entire world against him, when he has won the war against Islamic extremism and only has to mop up a few pockets of resistance. Launching a chemical weapons strike just for laughs, only days after Trump announced a US pullout from Syria is something Obama might have done after snorting a few lines of Pablo Escobar's Special, but to a sane person it would be unthinkable.

So, as we are all quite sure the attack, if there was actually an attack because they only reports we have come from organisations linked to ISIS / Al Nusra, was a false flag, why are the crazy neocons in Washington pushing Trump to war?

Might it be something to do with this?

A few days ago China lanuched a rival reserve currency to The Petrodollar

The gold backed Yuan, which they, and Russia, Iran, Turkey, India and many more South East Asian and Pacific nations, have vowed to use to sell/purchase oil (amongst other things).

The last two nations that tried to introduce a currency to compete against the petrodollar were Libya and Iraq. Unfortunately for supports of the U.S. global hegemony project, China and Russia are a different proposition than Libya and Iraq.

The US and its allies Saudi Arabia need a pipeline through Syria more than ever now, especially if they are to compete for European gas/oil markets (presently controlled by Russia and their pipeline) and the Chinese Yuan.

Significantly, Saudis crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (Mad Mo) just wrapped up a US PR tour and is now in France. Western leaders and mainstream media “liberals” are creaming in their pants over the Saudi leader, hailing him as a visionary, renaissance man, conveniently forgetting that Mad Mo has been the driving force behind Saudi Arabia's U.S. backed war on Yemen.

They have, since Obama stated that the U.S. prority in Syria was not to defeat the ISIS terror army but to remove 'the brutal dictator' Assad (and put a far more brutal theocracy in his place) failed to report fully or accurately on how the Saudi war machine has been slaughtering Yemeni citizens by the thousands, or how his Saudi dictatorship is one of the most repressive regimes in the world.

Also forgotten is that Saudi Arabia supported Al Qaeda during the 9/11 terrorist attack, and have admitted funding and training al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists in Syria, terrorists that make their way to Europe, and eventually run over innocent people with cars and trucks.

No matter, Mad Mo (and his billions in cash) has the ear of Trump and Frances Grandmotherfucker Macron, now both the US and France are giddy about attacking Syria. Forget the moralising, as always it's really about money and power.

Brussels Foreign Affairs Chief Mogherini Still Wants Turkey to Join EU

EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said in Malta on Friday that accession talks with Turkey have not been halted, following a Turkish referendum that gave President Erdogan dictatorial powers. Despite this rejection of the democratic principle all EU members are in theory expected to uphold, Mogherini still wants the predominently Islamic middle easter nation, to join.

Turkey, EU Exploit Syrian Refugee Crisis: Create New ‘Slave Trade’

So how is that deal between the EU and Turkey to control the flow of illegal immigrants into europe playing out. Well as expected Tutkeys gangster president is doing little to slow the tide, but like all blackmailers is making more demands. And the EU look like giving in; well what do the bureaucrats care, it's only taxpayers money.

Iran's Ayatollahs save SyriaPutin and
Now That Russia's Putin and Iran's Ayatollahs Have Neutralised ISIS in Syria the focus of terror shifts to Turkey, the NATO members that, with the fuill knowledge of the USA ans European powers has been helping ISIS in its bid to overthrow the Assad regime.

USA, EU and Turkey are not going to like this Greece /Russia deal

“We indeed need access to the Mediterranean Sea bypassing Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, [the narrow straits that separate mainland Turkey from the Turkish enclave in Europe in which Istanbul is situated.] There is another alternative – a channel through Iran. This project, first conceived approximately a century ago, is now also on the agenda,”

Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.

EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case

The unelected leaders of the EU in Brussels are smothering discussion of new pan – European laws that would impact the United Kingdom and all other member states, increasing the amount of money they have to contribute to the EU budget and transferring yet more sovereignty to Brussels ...

EU Bosses Fear Brexit Domino Effect

European leaders met for the first time today to discuss the deal reached over changes to the conditions of Britain’s membership of the European Union. Public opinion in member states has led to fears that an out vote may prompt other EU member states to follow Britain’s lead.

War Is Good, The Obama Worshipping Guardian Says

Alas that all went down the pan in 2008 when the USA elected its first (and probably last) black president. Like American liberals, the hacks at The Guardian could not see past the colour of Obama’s skin and before Obama had even been sworn into office they were declaring him not just the greatest president ever but the greatest human being ever

Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive

The geopolitical world was rocked yesterday when Turkey began shelling Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by the forces of President Assad’s government and the Iranian Republican Guard supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.

Why Are Governments Scared Of Truth? France Begins Crackdown on Conspiracy Theories

We reported several weeks ago that the French government was planning a clampdown on conspiray theories by shutting down certain dissident websites. Since then we have learned the French government have shown they are prepared to go even further in attacking citizens right of free speech

US Military Contractors Happy With Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East

My friends and I have been telling you since the US led coalition invaded Afghanistan in 2001 that the USA's perpetual war on terror was not about making the public safe and secure but instead about corporate profits and political power.

Crazy Obama Administration Claims It Brought Peace And Security To Syria In 2015
As fighting intensifies between ISIS, The Assad regime and its Russian, Iranian and Chinese allies and the FUKUS axis (France, UK, US) with support from Turkey as that rogue state wages a genocial campaign against the Kurds, the increasingly insane warmongers of the Obama administration is telling US voters they have brought peace and security to Syria Fortunately for Americans with enough nous to question the official narrative, new media is getting the truth out to ever increasing audiences.

Is The World Turning Against The New World Order Elitists
2015 looked like being a good year for the 'New World Order', the year the banksters and international psychopaths succeeded in provoking a global conflict as the final step to the establishment of a global government. Thanks largely to Vladimir Putin, and in a small part to the incessant questioning by new media we know know which NATO country has been acting as middle man for the powers that sponsor regime change, where the money that keeps the ISIS show on the road is coming from, and who our real enemies are ...

All Gone" - The Gold Scandal That Goes To The Very Top

Best known known for luxury shopping, over-the-top architecture including the world's tallest building, a lively social scene, and a facade of secular open - mundedness, Dubai ought to be even better known for the underbelly of corruption and unrestricted criminality among the billionaires and oligarchs who quietly dominate dominate the global power and financial structure and have set up bases there because the Dubai has very few laws covering offshore activities of financial traders.

Russian Navy Destroyer "Fires Warning Shots" To Avoid Collision With Turkish Ship

A statement from Russia's Defense Ministry read that "the crew of the Russian patrol ship Smetlivy which was located 22 kilometres from the Greek island of Lemnos in the northern part of the Aegean Sea avoided collision with a Turkish purse- seine fishing boat.

Iran-backed Shi'ite militias threaten Turkey over incursion into Iraq

We reported last week, during our series of posts exposing the involvement of Turkish President Recep Erdogan and other members of his family in illegal oil trades with terror group ISIS and of facilitating the supply of arms and ammunition from the USA, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to ISIS guerilla forces using Turkey as a conduit, that Turkish troops had invaded northern Iraq.

ISIS Oil expopse "Raqqa's Rockefellers", Bilal Erdogan, KRG Crude, And The Israel Connection

More on how the USA and its allies Israel and Turkey have been central to the criminal business of stealing oilf from wells rightflly owned by Iraq and the autonomous Kurdish region and laundering it through Turkey into western markets and how the Turkish crook President Recep Edrogan is making hundreds of millions of dollars from the trade.

Turkish Convoy Allegedly Carrying Weapons To ISIS Bombed In Syria

Yesterday we brought you the news that Bilal Edrogan, the son of Turkey's President Recep Edrogan was the war criminal 'entrepreneur' behind the tanker convoys that have been transporting oil from well in areas controlled by Islamic State, to Turkey and moving millions of US dollars in the other direction to fund the terrorist group's war against civilized values.

The War On Terror

The war in Iraq and Syria

Bombing is not the way to age war on ISIS

The French coalition may make ISIS retreat but cannot beat them

Washington admits ISIS is a US creation

Syria: Obama's proxy war against Russia

US and UK hypocrisy on Syria

Syria is now the biggest US foreign policy blunder ever

Middle east index

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Petro-yuan: China To Launch Renminbi As Reserve Currency & Take Down Petro-dollar

China's launch of a Yuan-backed oil futures market could shatter the US dollar dominance of the crude oil market, a goal China and Russia, with support from, Iran, have been working towards for at least five years. The US dollar will not give up the top spot easily however so we can expect interesting times ahead for business and trade.

The long awaited yuan-backed crude oil futures market was launched at the end of last month in Shanghai. China is the world’s biggest oil consumer, with eyes on rival benchmarks Brent and WTI as well as the US currency. Beijing sees the US dollar dominated oil market as standing in the way of it's becoming the world's largest economy.

Trading of the new oil futures contracts for September settlement started on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange at 440.20 yuan ($69.70) per barrel, reports Chinese daily the South China Morning Post. Some 18,540 lots have reportedly been sold and purchased so far.

“The question number one is whether China will be able to make the oil market its demand market, and not the oil supply market traded in dollars, which it is now,” Vladimir Rozhankovsky, Global FX Investment analyst comented, according to China has recently overtaken the US as the world's number one oil buyer.

If the world trade enters into a death spiral of reciprocal economic sanctions, keeping oil trade in dollars will be a matter of strategic importance, or a matter of survival for the US,” the analyst added, referring to the recent spate of tit for tat export tariffs imposed by China and the USA.

As a result of these, Washington can deliberately undermine the image of the petro-yuan by attacking Chinese stock, which could result in the devaluation of the yuan, making Chinese oil futures less attractive, Rozhankovsky said. However, the US has some major disadvantages on which the petro-yuan can capitalize. First, the US dollar is still overvalued in currency markets, making domestic oil production very expensive. Second, while Russia and Iran have overland pipelines, the United States does not have transatlantic pipelines to its major markeys in Europe, and tankers are costly and highly risky, the analyst added.

“The trade war between the US and China has already begun. China has plans to promote the renminbi as a reserve currency and there is no better move than to purchase raw materials in its national currency. It can save money on the currency conversion and become less dependent on the US dollar,” Stanislav Werner, head of the analytical department of Dominion, commented in

Werner notes that the oil market is worth $14 trillion at the moment, and is bigger than the Chinese economy. "The first trading sessions were volatile, but this is a typical story for new financial instruments. The US has a serious reason to get nervous, because in many ways the hegemony of the US dollar came from oil trading in dollars," he said.

Mainstream Media Reports Truth: West No Match For Russian Military Hardware

Merkel Declares War On “Fake News” EU Brands Russia Today, Sputnik “Dangerous Propaganda”

China launches global yuan payment system
China’s Central Bank has started a global payment system which provides cross-border transactions in yuan. The China International Payment System (CIPS) intends to internationalize the yuan and challenge the US dollar's dominance.

Washington is pushing Kiev to military solution of Donbass conflict
The US is inciting Kiev to end the crisis in eastern Ukraine by force, said the Russian foreign minister citing US support of the recent Ukrainian law on the special self-governing status of Donbass, which Moscow says undermines the Minsk-2 deal.

The Imperatives Behind The New cold War

The ‘new Cold War,’ against Russia, is something of a misnomer, because it differs from the original version, against the U.S.S.R., in that it’s already a hot war, which started in Ukraine as being the key proxy-state for the American Government’s chief foreign-policy aim, of defeating Russia.

The world is dumping the American dollar

Fears for the future of the US dollar

Iran, oil and the US dollar

Obama and Kerry warmongering is about saving the dollar

Collapse of the petrodollar imminent

Obama goes head to head with Russia over the Petrodollar

India and Turkey latest sign - ups to dump the dollar club

Russia, Ukraine and the Petrodollar

American dollar dumped?

America's global hegemony broken?

America's true debt disaster

Is the USA leading the collapse of the global economy

How the Wall Street Bankers have rigged markets

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Friday, April 06, 2018

Google Employees Rebel Against Company's Links With Pentagon, CIA

google earth military applications
Google earth is already helping military operations target air strikes (Image source:

In an amazing show of dissent at the company's increasingly close links with the US government and security agencies thousands of Google employees have signed an open letter asking the troubled search giant to drop its involvement with a development project for the US military.

Project Maven involves using artificial intelligence to improve the precision of military drone strikes. This suggests that in spite of President Trump's current efforts to scale down US involvement in overseas conflicts, the military / industrial complex has plans to escalate the campaign of regime change against nations that do not comply with US governments interests.

Employees fear Google's involvement will "irreparably damage" its brand, which is rather naive as the brand is already associated with corporate fascism and abuse of users privacy.

"We believe that Google should not be in the business of war," says the letter, which is addressed to Google chief executive Sundar Pichai.

"Therefore we ask that Project Maven be cancelled, and that Google draft, publicise and enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology."

The letter, signed by 3,100 employees including "dozens of senior engineers" (well who didn't know silicon valley was full of snowflakes,) says that staff have already raised concerns with senior management internally. Google has more than 88,000 employees worldwide according to a report in The New York Times.

In response to concerns raised, the head of Google's cloud business, Diane Greene, assured employees that the technology would not be used to launch weapons, nor would it be used to operate or fly drones. Those weasel words typically sum up Google's corporate attitude to ethics since the company launched. "Don't be evil" their slogan said though we at the Daily Stirrer have always suggested that was only half the real slogan which was Don't be evil, that's our job, because Google's founders always planned to take over the world.

The employees who supported this protest feel that the internet giant is putting users' trust (what trust?) at risk, as well ignoring its "moral and ethical responsibility".

"We cannot outsource the moral responsibility of our technologies to third parties," the letter says.

"Google's stated values make this clear: every one of our users is trusting us. Never jeopardise that. Ever.

"Building this technology to assist the US government in military surveillance - and potentially lethal outcomes - is not acceptable."

Good luck to the protestors, we hear there are still plenty of firms in Silicon Valley that are in recruiting mode.

Punish Google Tax Dodging And Sink The Corporate Pirates

With tax avoidance once more in the news but vying for top spot with stories of western industrial decline and Islamic penetration of civilised socities in Europe we hardly know where to start

Servergate: Clinton Emails reveal how Google tried to help Obama Administration defeat Syria’s Assad

The unhealthily close relationship beteen Google and the US government has been known for a while, but despite having been caught in their incesteous coupling, the parent and child relationship seems to be getting more intense. The latest revelation from the Hillary Clinton emails shows how Google was involved in the bid to overthrow Assad in Syria

Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.

Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.

What The controllers have In Store For Your Future

If you thought the book Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell was something else—even possibly off the wall when written—wait until you learn what’s planned for us by the year 2025! George Orwell, in retrospect, seems to have been able to tap into some sort of future-time-machine or a “worm hole” in physics—what’s known as an “Einstein-Rosen bridge,” because much of what he wrote about has come to realization.

Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?)

They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.

How Google Destroyed the Internet

The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas.

How Google Destroyed the Internet

The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.

Google a step closer to developing machines with human-like intelligence

Computers will have developed “common sense” within a decade and we could be counting them among our friends not long afterwards, one of the world’s leading AI scientists has predicted. Professor Geoff Hinton, who was hired by Google two years ago to help develop intelligent operating systems, said that the company is on the brink of developing algorithms with the capacity for logic, natural conversation and even flirtation.

I've been trying to warn you for years but would you tech heads and science heads listen?

A facebook friend, Mary Bladley McCaulay writes: Now I know for sure Google earth is following me. Went to the Dentist in Mufreesboro this AM. When I got back to my sons house and got online with my Kindle, first thing I saw was a Dental ad.

Who Runs America? US Federal Trade Commission Takes Orders From Google

Barak Obama runs America surely, you might well be thinking. We would argue that no US President since Eisenhower has truly run the USA. But the latest revelation of how cosy the Obama Administration has become with corporate business, to the extent that government departments are taking instruction from Google will shock even the most cynical Americans

Google Meets White House Officials Every Week, Why?

We have been very suspicious for ten years of the way Google with such apparent ease achieved a dominant position in web search. How did it happen, did Google do something evil, did they invoke the powers of darkness in their meteoric rise. Or were there even darker forces at work, powering Google to a position in which their internet technologies could dominate global information flows? Here's something cynics should read.

Cashless Society - The Resistance Begins Here

A seaside market town in Norfolk may be less than 100 miles from the world's financial capital, London, , it may be the commercial centre of West Norfolk’ as the town website boasts, it may be home to 45,000 people — but there, unlike in London, cash is king.

EU taking on Google - Well One German Publisher Is

Those New World Order fanatics at The Guardian, bless them, seldom miss a trick when it comes to promoting the single European Superstate and the globalist agenda. Their latest misrepresentation is to try and make us feel the European Union is somehow protecting our freedoms even as the bureau rats of Brussels are taking them away.

Has Zuckerbugger Been Messing With Your Mind?

It has been revealed that Facebook has been collaborating with the US government and creepier fringes of the academic community in carrying out experiments to manipulate users emotions. "Facebook users have reacted angrily to a "creepy" experiment carried out by the social network and two American universities to manipulate their emotions."

Pissed Off With Government/Microsoft/Google Online Spying? Be Completely Anonymous Online
Not so long ago our biggest worry online was malware, virus software, trojans and worms plagued the internet cost many people a lot of time and worry. Since about a year ago everything has changed, protecting our digital privacy is the issue and the enemy is no longer spotty little nerds hunched over computers in dimly lit basements, but governments and major technology corporations.