The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

In A Sane World How Could A Senile Old Man Be Leader Of A Superpower?

There hass been a strong suspicion from the start of his presidency that Joe Biden has been the puppet of his coven of back room fixers led by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and perhaps, even further behind the scenes, Barack Obama. Biden has been an executive president in name only. 

It’s been like this throughout his presidency but it became an inescapable issue when special counsel Robert Hur declined to prosecute him for illegally retaining classified documents because he was ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ whom a jury would decline to convict. Hur is a Trump appointee but the killer phrase was left in his report by Biden’s own Department of Justice despite White House pleas for its removal.

Senility is irreversible and progressive whether it goes rapidly or slowly. Biden is not going to improve during the election campaign or in the next four years if he is returned to office. According to opinion polls, for what they are worth these days, a significant majotity Democrat voters doubt Biden’s fitness for power although many state this will not stop them voting for Biden in November. Controlling the White House, and through it the nations financial, foreign and defence policy is more important to them than the lack of accountability of appointed officials. 

The US has been in this situation before. In 1919 President Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive stroke that left him unable to function. His wife and doctor concealed the extent of his mental and physical impairment and in effect and though unelected and without any democratic or legal mandate to do so, ran the country for the remaining 18 months of his term. They weren’t alone in the concealment, to suggest a cabal of politicans and officials closed ranks to conceal the truth from the American public migh today be dismissed as a conspiracy theory, but like most modern 'conspiracy theories' was nothing of the kind. Fortunately in Winson's case  nobody suggested the stricken president might seek another four years in the highest office.

There is a vast a difference between an incompetent president (several names spring to mind,) and a mentally dysfunctional president. The former gets things wrong and the mistakes he makes can have vast and costly repercussions. However it is not possible to hold to account people voted for knowing that person was suffering from disqualifying issues such as advanced age and a mental incapacity?

So with the president rapidly closing on a permanent vegitative state, who is actually running the nation that still likes to think itself the most powerful on earth?

Names like National Security adviser Jack Sullivan,  Secretary of State Tony Blinken ad former president Barack Obama have been bandied about as alt_media speculate on who is actually the de facto president, the puppeteer pulling dummy president Biden's stings.  With such a weak and demented figurehead nominally in charge of what is still arguably the world's main superpower, there will be no end of rich, powerful, corrupt people with agenda, determined to have their way and to get their grubby hands on the levers of power in order to achieve it. The Billionaire psychopaths of Silicon Valley, the power addicted technocrats of the World Economic Forum and of course the globalist bankers will all have thrown their hats in the ring.

 It is very revealing to look at who puts big money into election campaigns, who pushes incessant lobbying, who gets big government contracts, to get an idea of who can influence the President, any president but especially a mentaly incapacitated one who relies on a team of advisers, handlers, gofors and even a presidential arse wipers (allegedly.) ... It's a long list. And does anyone seriously think that the world's multi-billionaires, who have enough money to buy whole countries and who have already signalled their intentions to be global leaders of a global technocratic government that will micromanage the lives of entire populations,  have no interest in influencing decisions made by the POTUS? (In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy - Klaus Schwab, Founder and President of The World Economic Forum.)

From as far back as the ancient empires of Egypt and Rome, history provides evidence that nobody held power without mastering the inevitable hotbed of intrigue, plotting, blackmail, bribery and corruption that was always bubbling just under the surface, with political assassinations the regular order of the day. In England Queen Elizabeth I survived through having the most efficient and ruthless network of spies and informers to weed out any threat to her power. We may like to think that we have progressed beyond such crude methods but have we really? The world is more complicated than ever before and politics have followed suit. We won't know and we won't ever be told who really makes the decisions that matter.

It's taken four years for the MSM to address Biden's obvious mental decrepitude. Why have they suddenly stated commenting on it at every opportunity now? Are there plans afoot to ditch Uncle Groper or are they so afraid of a Trump victory in November or they are panicking and hoping the Democrats will realise rigging the vote again to give the village idiot another four years in power is likely to trigger the disintegration of the United States?




Climate Scare Profiteer Bill Gates Makes Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative
Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist, and climate alarmist Bill Gates has backtracked on 'climate doom' prophecies. The writing is on the wall for the political and financial elites, who have long championed imminent climate doom, realizing that the public sees through the charades.

Dr Joseph Ladapo, the Florida Surgeon General this week released into the public domain a letter in which lambasted health officials, not just in his home state, or the USA but around the world over their promotion of the mRNA Covid vaccines. The government, he said, ‘has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American people with little or no concern for its possible adverse ramifications’.

De - Dollarisation: China, Brazil Make Deal To Ditch US Dollar For Bilateral Trades
China and Brazil this week concluded a deal to conduct trade between their nations in their own in their own currencies, ditching the established reserve currency for global trade, US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian announced said on Wednesday. This is Beijing’s latest strike against the almighty greenback in its currency war aimed at shifting the balance of geopolitical and economic power from west to east.

U S Regional Bank First Republic Crashes As America's Banking 'Crisis In Confidence' Becomes Contagious
Shares in America's First Republic Bank's crashed when the New York stock market opened for trading this morning. The crash was triggered by a statement issued on Sunday night that sought to ease investor worries about the bank's liquidity situation in the wake of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. Shares in the San Francisco based regional bank are down 60% on last week's close.

New WHO Charter Could Create A Global Authoritarian Regime In The Name Of Health
Since 2005 however, the WHO has, through the implementation of International Health Regulations (IHR) as the main compliance tool to ensure that public health emergencies would be handled swiftly, established itself as a supra - national political entity. The COVID pandemic perfectly illustrates how powerful the WHO already is in geopolitics. And it is set to become even more powerful.

Study: Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Causes “Turbo Cancer” in Humans
According to a disturbing new study, Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it. Gates and other globalist elites at the World Economic Forum say that lab grown cultures of fake meat and eating bugs are the solution to so-called climate change. However, this fake food has now been shown to cause “turbo cancer” via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.

The most important question about the 2020 election

Since the day after the 2020 presidential election, I have said I am agnostic with regard to whether the election was honestly or dishonestly decided. The primary reasons for my agnosticism are the usual ones: The anomalies:
In 132 years, no president has received more votes in his run for reelection and lost. Yet Donald Trump received 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016 – and lost. Trump won 18 of the 19 counties both Democrats and Republicans regard as the "bellwether" counties that virtually always go with the outcome of presidential elections. Yet he lost. He won four bellwether states – Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina. Yet he lost.

Time To Rename Democrat Party The Hypocrite Party
As I read the news this morning I wanted to puke every time I encountered a (false) assertion that there is no substance to the claims of massive and organised fraud in the US presidential election made by Donald Trump and his supporters. As there is considerable substance to these claims, evidenced by the refusal of the General Services Administration, tasked with managing the transfer of power after election, to sanction funds for Joe Biden and the Democrats on the basis that several states are still counting votes,

Were US 2020 Elections Rigged By Dominion Voting Systems
A so-called computer “glitch” in the voting machines flipping votes during the 2020 US Elections has caused a major controversy. The source and ownership of the voting machines used in the elections has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. However, GreatGameIndia has found that the vendors and not hackers maybe behind the rigging.

US News Sites Claimed UK Nov 5th Fireworks Were To Celebrate Biden Presidency
Many of us in Britain and other developed nations spent most of last week looking on gobsmacked at the fiasco that was playing out across the pond as a nation whose inhabitants tell us if we are not doing things “The American Way” we are doing them wrongly, completely failed to back up their claims when they showed themselves to be completely incapable of running a fair and orderly democratic election.

The American Election Is Going To Be Fun.
With the national polls showing Sniffer Biden has a double figure lead byt state – by – state polling showing the race neck and neck, the scandal involving Biden’s son Hunter and dodgy deals in China and Ukraine now embracing Pappy Joe’s activities as Obama’s Vice President, the Democrats claiming Trump will not accept defeat …

Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline
With President Trump unfortunately sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days, do you think the media will now be able to devote more attention to examining the incoherent babbling of Dementia Joe Biden?
Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.

Is America Heading For Civil War?
Authored by Brandon Smith via In last week’s article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape …

Over half of Americans support using Army to aid police deal with George Floyd protests
Over 50 percent of Americans would like to see the army deployed to the streets of US cities to help police tackle the riots raging across the country following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. The US has been gripped by a massive wave of protests for over a month …

Biden the Democrats least hopeless hopeful? Or is he?
A senior U.S. Republican reportedly said recently that the most difficult ticket Donald Trump could face in the next election would be Joe Biden partnered by Elizabeth Warren. This was not, needless to say, because Biden was a brilliant debater or a lethal political adversary. “If he was any stupider, my you’d have to water him”, the anonymous Republican quipped.See also >>>

American Stupid: Hillary Clinton Says Male Leaders Scared of Greta Thunberg
It's coming up to election time again in the USA and sure enought some idiot over the pond has allowed a drop of blood to fall on the desiccated lips of Hillary Clinton and the leader of the Democratic Party undead faction has reanimated to ensure the debate, on the Democrat side at least, never risis above the level of stupid set in 2016 when Hillary famously lost to Donad Trump.

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Pentagon Struggles to Defend America’s Secret War in Niger
The government and military authorities of the USA must be suckers for punishment, already struggling to manage international opposition to their ongoing efforts to effect regime change in Syria and with the bitter taste of failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya still strong in their mouths, they are still escalating US involvement in foreign wars.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

Oprah Winfrey, Praised As A Feminist Icon, Exposed As A Fraud Within Twenty Four Hours

Tanya Gold, writing about The Golden Globes awards, praised the acceptance speech given by Oprah Winfrey who was given a lifetime achievement award presumably for fronting a television freak show, and commented on the ridiculous calls from other 'liberals' in hollywood and Washington for Oprah to run against Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.

CIA Spearheads US Bid To Control Cyberspace, We Can All Help The Resistance
For several years Western media sources have been terying to top each other's efforts to publish the most ludicrously hyperbolic articles about so-called Russian hackers while complaining about the alleged damage these hackers, of whose alleged activities no evidence is offered, have inflicted upon the American democracy The Washington Post would feature a propaganda article about Russia’s push towards the control of cyberspace. The New York Times would try to top it, while the LA Times would try to outdo both. What else should one expect from media sources owned by media corporations controlled by Wall Street hedge funds and enjoying a far too cosy relationship with US Government security agencies, if various reports across the net are to be trusted ... READ MORE ON THIS >>>

Why Is The Scandal Of The Awan Brothers Being Ignored?
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.

Has Google Become A Major Threat To Democracy In America?
About 10 years ago, Tim Wu, the Columbia Law professor who coined the term network neutrality, made this prescient comment: "To love Google, you have to be a little bit of a monarchist, you have to have faith in the way people traditionally felt about the king." Wu was right. And now, Google has established a pattern of lobbying and threatening to acquire power. It has reached a dangerous point common to many monarchs: The moment where it no longer wants to allow dissent.

America Takes A Step Closer To Becoming A Cashless Society
If you order a beer at a Flatstick pub in Seattle, Washington, don’t try to pay with $10 bill — you’ll walk away thirsty. It’s not that the US state of Washington has started charging Scandinavian prices for booze, but that Flatstick, a hot new mini-chain in the Pacific Northwest, does not … Continue reading

G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order
By leading the G7, G8 and G20 economic groups for the past few decades the US government has managed to exploit its status as holder of the global reserve currency until it appeared on the brink og global economic hegemony. The Americans overplayed their hand however, became too blatant in their bullying of smaller nations and helping corporate interests override national laws. Now the world is closing ranks against the USA. Can't say we're sorry.

Why Is The Scandal Of The Awan Brothers Being Ignored?
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.

"Watershed Moment" In US - EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack, he has done it again ...

US-led strike against Syrian government forces ‘unlawful’ says Russia
When news came that the Syrians were advancing towards American bases things looked serious. And then a US-led coalition strike on a pro-government convoy in Syria, branded by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as illegitimate and representing yet another violation of Syria’s sovereignty, appears to have dashed any hopes of a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

Cutting Food Stamps for Over 45 Million Americans: The Ruthlessness of the American Ruling Class
The USA's Obama Administration (remember him, Mr. Hope'n'change) has cut the food stamps allocation that supports many millions of America's poorest people. In five years of a disastrously failed Pesidency Obama has alread engineered America's fall from Superpower status. Now the seems to be set on turning it into Ethiopia.

Outbreak Of Democracy In The US Senate
I usually write my own stuff, either off the top of my head or by putting my own perspective to a topical news story. For once however I think it is appropriate to bring you this, seen on Pakalert. It...

Obama Will Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty After It Was Rejected by Senate
Once again The Emperor Obama has ignored Amerca's democratically elected congress and done what he wanted to in spite of the measure having been voted down.

Obama Stabs Britain In The Back Again
Barack Hussein Obama does not even try to hide his hatred of the british or his contempt for democracy. The latest stab in the back from Obama comes in his support for Agentina's claim to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. We hoipe our leaders will remember Obama's disloyalty when he comes looking for support for his latest war

When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.

So Why Is Nobody Happy
Americans love to tell us they are the greatest country on the planet, American exceptionalism places them above other nations, theirs is the most powerful economy, the mightiest military (yet in ten years they cannot defeat a bunch of beared ragheads with AK47s and IEDs), they have the most advanced technology and the highest living standards. So why

Americans Know Nothing Of Obama's Latest Vacation.
Some say Barack Obama has more vactions that the Catholic Church has saints. His latest, a mini vaction fort the President's Day weekend was a golfing trip to Florida tp play around (sorrym pla a round) with Tiger Woods. Wonder hom much appearance money Woods received for that?

American Sociologists Mystified By Drop In Crime Rate.
American sociologists might be mystified by a drop in the crime rate but The Daily Stirrer knows exactly what is going on.

Barack Hussein Obama's Cairo Promise To Islamic Jihadists
So whose side is allegedly Muslim Barack Obama on in the cultural conflict between Islam and secular Christianity? Not yours unless you pray to Mecca.

Obama's Democrats: The Creatures That Feed From The Bottom Feeders Bottoms
Another shining example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of the Obama administration in the USA and left wing elitists everywhere. It's OK for them to dodge their taxes but not for anybody else.

The Second Coming Of Barack Obama, The Obamessiah.
As The Obamessiah, Barack Hussein Obama, is inaugurated as President of the USA and those Americans who have accorded the first African American President semi - divine status prepare to go crazy, The Daily Stirrer takes a sceptical look at Obama's achievements, failures, ambitions and delusions.

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