The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Will TTIP Make Europe A Colony Of The USA?

As well as writing most of my posts for the news site I'm on now in support of the Brexit campaign, I have also been actively opposing TTIP, the Trans Altantic Trade And Investment Partnership, a treaty negotiated in secret between EU and US bureaucrats, the drafts of which have not even been released to elected representatives of the people on either side of the Atlantic.
Fortunately, thanks to the diligence of the people at Wikileaks, we do know something of what TTIP contains, and far from being about free trade, it is in fact a big step towards a global version of what, in Benito Mussolini's definition, can only be called fascism (collaboration between political and financial elites to create an all powerful central authority).

So if you are a supporter of fascism, vote Remain. Also, dump the hypocrisy and start identifying yourselves as fascists. If on the other hand you love freedom, democracy, your country and its culture and traditions, and you are lucky enough to live in Britain and so have a vote, join the fight against global fascism by voting OUT in the EU referenfum in June.

This article via Information Clearing House will help a lot of waverers understand what the EU and TTIP are really all about.

Here's a taster

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would Abolish Europe’s Sovereignty.

Is Madame Merkel Betraying the EU – Endangering the Lives of Future European Generations with her Push for the Nefarious TTIP?

By Peter Koenig

April 26, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "Global Research"- This incisive article first published by Global Research in December 2014 is of utmost relevance to the ongoing process of US-EU negotiation of the TTIP
Author’s Introduction and Update 

President Obama will be visiting Germany and Mme. Merkel tomorrow (24 – 25 April) for the Hannover Industrial Messe, the world’s largest Industrial fair, lobbying, in a last ditch convincing effort, Madame Merkel, of the good of the TTIP – that must be signed as soon as possible – maybe even during his upcoming trip to Europe. Everything around the infamous and nefarious TTIP is possible, as it all happens in secret and behind closed doors. 
One of the most important items on Obama’s check list before he leaves office is obtaining the signatures of the ‘free trade agreements’ – the TPP – Transpacific Partnership with 11 Asian and Pacific countries, and the TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the 28 EU countries. The TPP is almost done. Completion of the two trade agreements – the economic enslavement of Asia (except for China and Russia who bluntly refused to join) and Europe, was one of the conditions for the top elite – call them ‘Illuminati’ – when they summoned him to a special Bilderberg meeting on 5-8 June 2008, in Chantilly Virginia (just outside Washington DC). They caught him in full campaign missing an important campaign event in Chicago. 
The purpose of the meeting was to figure out whether he is worth the money they were willing to pour into his election to make him President. He complied. His psychological profile having been profoundly analyzed before, they knew he would.
And indeed, the spineless Obama complied with all of the conditions. And they made him President at a cost of about US$ 740 million, about double of what Bush’s second term presidential campaign cost, and about half of the price of Obama’s second term presidency. 
Below  is my article published by Global Research in December 2014, on the nefarious consequences of the TTIP – to remind people what is laying ahead for Europe, if the EU and its members ratify the TTIP: Slavehood, sheer and unescapable corporate slavehood, enhanced and controlled by Goldman Sachs — and not to forget, the Rothschilds, who are the invisible hand behind the FED.  
Katherine Frisk sums up best what the TTIP would mean for Europe:
International “free trade” agreements such as the TTIP and the TPP which will override the National Sovereignty of any country who signs them, the Constitution of any country, their Constitutional law courts and any laws that any government may or may not make regarding health regulations, minimum wage regulations or environmental requirements. Far from being Capitalism with checks and balances restricting monopolies, it is a form of Corporate Fascist hegemonic colonialism and Corporate Empire building, eliminating all competition in the interests of monopolies.
Peter Koenig, April 24, 2016

Now read the rest >>>


Greece Could Scupper TTIP In Argument Over Cheese

The Greek government is ready to veto the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal unless its feta cheese industry receives special protections.
A document from the country’s Ministry of Economy, seen by, says Athens is not optimistic about the deal’s future due to America’s stance on so-called “geographical indicators”.

US Accused of Pressurizing EU to Drop Frankenstein Food Ban Ahead of TTIP


US Accused of Pressurizing EU to Drop Frankenstein Food Ban Ahead of TTIP

Opponents of the TTIP trade treaty and environmental campaigners have accused US politicians and bureaucrats of putting pressure on the EU to overrule a legal opinion compelling biotech corporations to submit new types of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to rigorous safety testing and rquiring that foods containing genetically modified produce be clearly and explicitly labelled, ahead of the finalization of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement.

Father Of The EU Tells Why You Should Vote Out.
TTIP: Corporate sovereignty over national democracy
TTIP will make national sovereignty folklore
TTIP, the Transatlantic fascism conspiracy
The free trade to global government conspiracy
By support for TTIP, Labour sells out to corporate money
TTIP paves way for corporate owned NHS
EU Bureaucrats To Push TTIP Through Before Obama Leaves Office?
Controversial TTIP (Global Tyranny) Legislation Held in ‘Secure’ Room to Avoid Leaks
Leaked EU - TTIP document: Destruction of Democracy planned
The Death Of Democracy - Lobbying For TTIP
German Judges rule EU - US TTIP trade deal would undermine national courts
More truth about undemocratic TTIP
TISA - if you hated undemocratic TTIP, you will loathe this
TTIP threatens UK National Health Service
Corporate monopoly men want everything
The Euronazi TTIP will kill democracy
The EU anti integration movement
America going for global hegemony ahead of US$ collapse
The Free Trade conspiracy that spells the end of freedom
Global government? The Conspiracy Is Winning
Transatlantic fascism coming to an EU member near you
Is the Europe Canada Trade Deal Dead?

Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]

California Infant Dies after 8 Vaccines, Family Gets Him Back from Hospital Cremated.

On reading this headline the first reaction of any reasonable person should be, "Why."

If there was not some pressing reason to cremate this child why could the body not be handed back to the parents to be disposed of decently in accodrance with the family's wishes, thus allowing them to grieve for the lost of the child. The only reason we can think of is that there was a need to cover up the cause of death.

And then when we read further into the story we find that dead the child had been a victim of assault by vaccine:

from The Tap

Matthew Downing -Powers: Why was this happy, healthy baby given eight, yes EIGHT vaccines in one session? And why hasn't drt. Death who administered them been struck off and charged with unlawful killing.

Matthew Gage Downing-Powers passed away on October 9, 2013. He was 5 ½ months old and died less than 2 days after receiving 8 vaccines. After Matthew’s lifeless body was taken to the hospital, his parents were kept from seeing him, to say their good-byes. A month and a half later, he was returned cremated. Then Matthew’s parents were denied a copy of his autopsy report.

Matthew’s mother, Crystal Downing-Powers, found a vaccine injury attorney to help her file a vaccine injury claim. This vaccine injury attorney was handling this case for six months and then one day, he sent Crystal a letter in the mail saying he didn’t have enough evidence regarding the death of Matthew, so he was dropping them. That was it. There was no further correspondence from him.

With no progression on their case, Matthew’s parents were further shattered. They were unsure of what to do next, because the deadline to file a vaccine injury claim is two years after a parent loses their baby to vaccines. This left them with barely any time to find another vaccine injury attorney to help them.

Crystal was distraught and in tears, feeling more helpless than ever at this point. The VacTruth team immediately helped her find another vaccine injury attorney. It is very difficult for any vaccine injury attorney to win a vaccine injury case, involving a child who died after being vaccinated. Nearly seventy percent of vaccine injury claims get denied. It takes a lot of time to fight these cases and some attorneys just aren’t willing to put in the time or effort. Others just don’t have the experience.

Thankfully, this new attorney has been fully supportive and understanding of the situation and is willing to fight for Matthew’s family. Crystal was thankful that her new attorney filed their claim in September 2015, less than one month before the deadline. He also submitted a request to receive Matthew’s autopsy report, being denied to his parents. Weeks continued to pass after the request was put in.

In January 2016, Matthew’s autopsy report was finally provided in full to the lawyer, detailing the vaccines Matthew received prior to his death, the time he was vaccinated and the time he passed away.

Matthew’s death was ruled UNDETERMINED.

Crystal was thankful the autopsy report was finally available but had no words to describe the pain this has caused them and the frustration of having to wait more than two years and three months to get a copy of their son’s autopsy report.

Read more at the original source of this story,


As long as vaccine manufacturers avoid doing causation studies, as long as this data doesn’t exist, health officials and published vaccine-promoting, peer-reviewed articles in science literature can state there is no proof vaccines cause SIDS or other vaccine injuries.

How can a medical examiner be sure of which vaccine caused a person’s health to decline when multiple vaccines are given at a time? Overstimulating the immune system via vaccination can lead to a fatal outcome. Since it is proven difficult to narrow down which vaccine contributed to a child’s death after vaccination, giving numerous or combination vaccines should be a concern.


Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Vaccine News
The vaccine paradox
Vaccine propaganda
Food being contaminated to promote vaccines?
California: The Medical Police State
Zika Virus Outbreak Centred On Area Where GM Mosquitos Were Released In 2015 - Why Are We Not Surprised
Fear And Panic Takes Hold As Zika Virus spreads Like Wildfire
Swine Flu Scam Exposed: Useless Drugs And Vaccines - Lying Science Whores
Mosquitos, Mad Scientists and Ethics
Doctors, scientists greased by Big Pharma? Told you so.
Winter Deaths: Annual Fear And Panic campaign begins
Cheaper Drugs Now
GM insects for disease control should be trialled in the UK, says House of Lords Committee
World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’
Insane science: Babies to be manufactured from two same sex parents

We have said for a long time that science is out of control and scientists, particularly those in the field of biology, have abandoned any pretence of observing ethical contraints in their quest to play God and control nature itself. This articles shows just how far the sick creeps are prepared to go in dehumanising us.

Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]