The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

"The Truth Is Out There" Wikileaks Post Shows Clintons Knew Uranium One Was A Major Scandal in 2015

In an appearance on BBC TV's The Graham Norton Show on Friday 20 October, an interview which will have done Norton's reputation for asking embarrassing question no goo at all, he pussyfotted around Hillary Clinton as she laughed off the Uranium One scandal as a ‘debunked’ right-wing conspiracy. Internal emains from The Clinton Foundation and The State Deparetment however show the Clinton camp was panicking as alt_media revealed the dirty details of her pay-to-play approach to public office, including the now notorious Uranium One deal which resulted in $billions worth of US owned uranium assets being transferred into Russian hands in return for some worthless shares in a mining company for US taxpayers and an estimated $150million in cash donations and 'fees' for The Clinton Foundation.

Wikileaks posted a John Podesta email dated 4/29/2015 with the subject line "It’s out there". (screenshot) The original email from Tony Carrk (Clinton campaign research director) to Jennifer Palmieri (Clinton campaign director of communications) and Brian Fallon (CNN hack and Hillary’s press secretary) linked to a Daily Caller article titled, “Firm Co-Founded By Hillary’s Campaign Chair Lobbies For Russia’s Uranium One”.

The Daily Caller article was then forwarded to then-campaign chairman John Podesta with an “FYI”.

Senate records show that The Podesta Group has lobbied the State Department on behalf of Uranium One — once in 2012, when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, and once in 2015.

Uranium One paid The Podesta Group $40,000 to lobby the State Department, the Senate, the National Park Service and the National Security Council for “international mining projects,” according to a July 20, 2012 filing.

As we have previously reported elsewhere, prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill.

Hillary Clinton was in the middle of this corruption. All Russian roads lead to Hillary, Podesta and Obama.


The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
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Russian Involvement In Corrupt Deals With Obama And Clinton
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Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud

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FBI Secret Deal With Hillary Clinton Leaked
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No surprise then that a whistleblower has exposed Hillary's charity, 'The Clinton Foundation as a fraud.

Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
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'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
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Panama Papers: British Elite Linked to Corruption, yet Media Only Focuses on Putin
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Trump Links To Russia Were Just Attempts By Friends Of hillary Clinton To Discredit Him
Obama Trumped As He Tries To Persuade Germans He’s Still PresidentAs the political system in Britain seems to be falling apart ahead of the election, the mess in America seems to get worse and worse because delusional Democrats just can’t accept that they lost the election last November Just as was predicted, based on the …

Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment
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Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
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Servergate: Hillary Clinton arrogant, ignorant or both

Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
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Clinton E-mails Show When Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Allowed George Soros To Dictate Foreign Policy
The pool of corruption and scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton keeps spreading. The latest leaked documents reveal her links with George Soros. A set of e-mail messages included in the latest batch of Hillary Clinton documents released by Wikileaks (the September 2015 State Department dump) show that while Secretary of State of the United States, Mrs. …

New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in Libya
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Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublic Challengers
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Hillary Clinton’s Latest Attack on Freedom of Speech
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