The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Trump Calls On VP Pence To Grow A Pair And Challenge The Election

US Vice President Mike Pence. Picture:

“Donald Trump has called on his vice-president Mike Pence to intervene to incorrectly hand him a second term.”
An article in today’s Daily Telegraph, ostensibly reporting the efforts of President Trump and his supporters in the Republican Party to challenge the result of November’s election in six states where statistical anomolies provide strong evidence that the vote was somehow interfered with is a triumph for the kind of bad jouralism that fills the pages of UK newspapers. I would not have thought it possible to condense so much misinformation into so few words. Take the statement quoted above.
Firstly any intervention from Mike Pence will not be incorrect, supervising the counting of the electoral college votes is the allotted task of the Vice President and if the VP believes there is a problem in any state he can refuse to count those votes.
Secondly Pence cannot “hand Trump a second term.”
Should Pence intervene (which is by no means certain,) it is not simply a case of his saying, “I’m the Vice President and I decided we won so you can all eff off,” it kicks off numerous processes, true audits of votes in suspect states, carried out by independent auditors rather that the same officials who supervised the original vote, and a proper examination of the evidence of alleged fraud. in courts of law. Don’t forget, none of the legal challenges brought by the Trump campaign have been heard, they have been thrown out on technicalities by corrupt judges, mostly on the grounds that the person bringing the case to court.did not have “standing.”
This is difficult for people living under rule of law in civilised countries to understand, we tend to work on the principle that it is every citizen’s duty to report crime and every reported crime must be investigated.
Aoparently it does not work like that in third world banana republics, how much justice you get depends on how much money you can afford to bung the judge.

The article also repeated the lie that there is no evidence to support the claims of Trump and his supporters that there was widespread fraud in the election which deprived the president of a second term in The White House. There is in fact a mountain of evidence of irregularities (when a district has 10,000 elegible voters and 13,000 of them vote, that is evidence of irregularity, whether it is fraud or not, an objective reporter cannot say until the evidence has been examined and corroborated witness testimony has been heard. So far no evidence has been examined because the election officials who supervised events in the six so called swing states that decided the election refused to allow investigators to examine the evidence and in some cases hurredly ordered evidential documents and data destroyed, thus lending credibility to allegations of corruption and malfeasance. Trump’s opponents also like to claim that all of the legal challenges lodged by the president’s team have failed which proves there was no fraud. The fact that none of those cases have progressed as far as examining evidence or hearing withness testimony, all the cases being rejected by bent judges on legal technicalities, further arouses suspicion and proves that not only the US politicaly esablishment, but also its judicial system are so corrupted they are rotten to the core.

However, we must now ask is there any substance to my statement above which suggests the USA, which according to the left wing elite who have allegedly conspired to overthrow Trump and inject the babbling, demented, “one horse pony” (sic) Joe Biden into the role of the most powerful man on earth, is the most advanced, progressive and enlightened nation on earth, is a third world banana republic? Well yes, there is actually:

Will the Daily Telegraph or any other maunstream news organisation report this tweet posted by Senator Josh Hawley, one of the leaders in the campaign by Republican Congress members in the USA to challenge the result of the November election?

Josh Hawley@HawleyMO · 8hTonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence

File that alongside the rioting and looting in many large US cities throughout the summer as Antifa and Black Lives matter tried ti intimidate American voters by threatening to unleash an even more destructive wave of violence if the Democrats did not win the election, file it alongside other instances of the wives and families of Trump’s political allies being threatened and in some cases physically attacked, file it alongside The US Supreme Court declining (on grounds of lack of standing,) to hear a case brought by the state of Texas regarding electoral fraud in Georgia and other states because the justices “feared the response of Black Lives Matter.”

Decent Americans must feel great knowing that for the next four years at least, unless Trump pulls something truly amazing out of the bag in the next to weeks, domestic policy will be dictated by the criminal thugs of Black Lives Matter and the violent lunatics of Antifa.

These are just a few of the reasons calling the USA a banana republic is justified. Plus of course the inability to run free, fair and transparent elections.

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Back to Contents table

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