The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Mediterranean Boat People Crisis Is Starting To Dominate The UK Election.

No comment necessary (Image source)

It's getting crazy. We have the hand - wringing, breast beating, clothes rending, wailing gnashing teeth, do gooders of the guilt addicted left saying we must do more to help immigrants get across the Mediterranean to Europe.

We have clueless politicians dithering, and we have UKIP talking sense, Cameron talking bollocks, Miliband dancing to The Mad Wee Hag's tune already and Katie Hopkins grabbing more attention than she deserves thanks to mainstream media misreporting her comments and the idiotic left going into one of their now several times daily Two Minutes Hate sessions.

Today however, in a Daily Telegraph thread, i read a very pertinent comment that deserves wider circulation. I have no way of confirming that the author is genuine, or that the comment is factually accurate. It seems however to be borbe out by what I have seen on television and read in mainstream and alternative media relating to the current crisis.

Comment from:

Sguest, 22 April, 2015 in The Daily Telegraph.

I am a part owner of a business in Egypt that builds boats for use on the Red Sea for tourism.

In 2005 we employed a carpenter who said that he had been working in Libya building the flimsiest of wooden boats for use by people smugglers. He said that such boats were sailed to Italy where the boats and the people were abandoned. The smugglers escaped because they bribed the Italian coast guards to let them go free. (Our new employee didn't last long because, hardly surprisingly, the standard of his work left much to be desired).

This is something that has been going on long before Qaddafi was deposed but nowadays the scale is much larger because there is so much money to be made. I have heard that the migrants have to scrape together as much as £2,000 each, at least some of which seems to come from relatives already in Europe.

I actually met a Tunisian who paid a similar amount and turned up with many others to board a boat. The boat never turned up and they all lost their money.

The smugglers are not just the ones who put these people onto boats in Libya but also the ones who enable the migrants to leave their own countries and travel overland to the Libyan coast. Many of them have to cross other countries to get to Libya. For examples, Eritreans have to cross Sudan.

The smugglers are the worst of criminals - murderers and thieves, at least, and every effort should be made to capture and punish them ruthlessly.

Those comments just about sum it up, the wailing and gnashing of teeth about how we should let the migrants into Europe are only encouraging more to put their lives into the hands of the ruthless crimilals who deal in human contraband. The hand wringing lefties are not helping poor Africans and refugees, they are killing them. Well done guys, another own goal by the wailing, gnashing teeth side.

So maybe the left's favourite hate figure Katy Hopkins was onto something when she suggested sending gunboats, she did not actually say send gunboats to blow the little craft overloaded with migrants out of the water, that's just one possible interpretation of what she might have meant, so the screeching lefties have no more idea than you or I what was in her mind (I suspect £ signs were somehow involved).

To talk of "sending a gunboat" is however a reference to British Foreign Policy of the Pax Brittanica era prior to World War One, called by historians Gunboat Diplomacy. Back in the days of Britannia ruling the waves, whenever the natives got restless Britain would send a few Royal Navy gunboats to blockade their trading ports.

Similarly we could now blockade Libya, pending restoration of stable government there, but arresting crews and impounding boats whose business could not be proved legitimate and in the case of overloaded migrant boats, taking the passengers to safety. Simples, but as always with the left, they are too quick to hate, too slow to think so a solution would never occur to them, they just throw another hatefest.


The Mediterranean Boat People Crisis - How Does Europe Deal With The Mediterranean Migrant Crisis

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