Dutch government plans, fully reported by this blog towards the end of 2022, which would force farmers to cut nitrogen emissions from activity on their land, have been bulldozed through one of the remaining obsdtacles to their implementation when the unelected bureaucrats that make up the European Commission, (European Union’s executive arm,) approved farm buyout schemes worth nearly 1.5 billion euros (£1.32bn).
The plans to reduce nitrogen emissions from agricultural activiy, mainly livestock farms, on EU-designated areas of vulnerable nature (which seem always to be the areas most productive in supplying us with food for our tables, have sparked heated debate and widespread protests by angry farmers in a nation that is a major producer and exporter of farm products.
Dutch agricultural exports were worth 122.3 billion euros (£107bn) last year, according to the national statistics office. The Dutch ruling coalition wants to cut emissions of pollutants, predominantly nitrogen oxide and ammonia, by 50% nationwide by 2030.
Nitrogen pollution makes climate change worse and can harm biodiversity, according to the UN Environment Programme, another supra - national agency staffed by corrupt scientists who will say anything they are paid to say and claim their diktat cannot be challenged because "we are scientists". Before we assign any credibility to these crooks and liars however, we should remind ourselves that nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere - the air that we breathe. It is everywhere, you just can't get away from the stuff. Science my arse.
A key part of the Dutch strategy, which has little to do with science or climate change and a lot to do with the ruling elites' desire to destroy western civilisation in order to grab more power and exercise greater control, involves buying up and halting work at farms allegedly responsible for large-scale emissions of nitrogen. However, that required confirmation from the European Commission that the buyouts do not amount to state aid that is banned under EU rules.
Margrethe Vestager, executive vice-president in charge of competition policy, said in a statement that the two schemes approved would clear the way for the “voluntary closure” of farms responsible for major nitrogen emissions.
“The schemes will improve the environment conditions in those areas and will promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production in the livestock sector, without unduly distorting competition,” she said.
Clearly the powers that be are simply playing with words here. Telling farmers, "You will sell to the government at a price the government dictates, or the government will simply confiscate and close your business and you will get nothing," is not by any stretch of the warped, bureaucratic thinking that governs so much of our lives now, "voluantary".
A pro-agriculture political party formed only three years ago won Dutch provincial elections in March, underscoring the depth of discontent among farmers and other sections of society that has been fuelled by the nitrogen reduction plans.
The neo - fascist Dutch central government has tasked provincial legislatures with formulating and implementing exact proposals to reduce nitrogen emissions, ignoring the will of the people in the best tradition of fascism.
Farmers have held several large demonstrations, blocking highways and supermarket warehouses last year to protest against the reforms that they cast as a threat to their way of life.The demonstrations have also spread to neighbouring Belgium, where hundreds of farmers drove their tractors into central Brussels last month to protest against plans to cut nitrogen pollution and there have also been protests in Poland, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.
On the upside there are signs this piece of eco-idiocy could be the torpedo that finally sinks the floundering EU.
More Globalist Psychopathy: How the Merging of Humans and Technology Will Define The Furure
A presentation at the World Government Summit (WGS) last week in Dubai, unveiled the conference organizers agenda for a Brave New World. Titled “Government in 2071 initiative" the plan was described as a roadmap for governments to interact with “citizens and stakeholders” in effecting dramatic changes in the way the world is governed and societies are organised. Drivers of these radical changes in the way we live will be Artificial Intelligence, robotics and climate change.
Is Switzerland About To Become First Country To Outlaw A Cashless Society?
As in neighboring Germany and Austria, cash is still king in Switzerland albeit a much diminished one. But the Swiss will soon have the chance to vote on whether to preserve notes and coins indefinitely.
World Eeconomic Forum Fuhrer Klaus Schwab Says Governments Must Harness A.I. And They Will Be ‘Masters of the World’, MWAH HA HA HARRR
Addressing the World Government Summit in Dubai,World Economic Forum Chairman and Scooby Doo Villain lookalike Klaus Schwab said that emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence which will usher in a 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' can become “masters of the world,”
Germany is Now A “Total Dictatorship” Says Dutch Journalist
A Dutch journalist has claimed that Germany is now a “total dictatorship”. This may seem like a case of the pot calling the kettle black given the Dutch government's plan to evict up to 3000 farmer from their land and return those acreages 'to nature' in a bid to lead the way among EU member states, to enforce total compliance with the latest loonytoons EU climate policy which requires EU members to reduce that dangerous pollutant nitrogen, which accounts for 78% of the air we breathe ...
Dutch farmers block roads with tractors in protest of government plan to seize thousands of farms over “climate change”
With the cost of energy and food prices already sky high and set to go higher, the , billionaire psychopaths have declared war on the food that sustains us. The European Union having failed to completely remove the gas essential to all lifeforms, Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, is now setting itself up to remove another esstential gas, nitrogen - which accounts for 70% of the air we breathe.
AI experts are increasingly afraid of what they’re creating
In 2018 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Google CEO Sundar Pichai had something to say: “AI is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. I think of it as something more profound than electricity or fire.” Pichai’s comment was met with a healthy dose of skepticism. But nearly five years later, it’s looking more and more prescient. College professors are tearing their hair out because AI text generators can now write essays as well as your typical undergraduate ...
Majority of the British people feel that migration is too high’
As the Conservative government come under fire for their failure to deliver on promises to control immigration and stay the flow of illegal immigrants from France in small, inflatable boats, the topic is once again at the forefront of political debate.
Among the people raising the topic on media platforms this week is Professor Matthew Goodwin. A Politics academic at The University of Kent, Prof Goodwin declared today that a majority of people in Britain think imigration levels are too high.
The Great Genocide: Dutch Govt Plans to Shut Down Up To 3,000 Farms To Comply With Euronazi Union Green Law
As we reported earlier in the year, in order to comply with new, economically suicidal European Union environmental laws the Dutch government’s plans to force the closure of thousands of dairy and livestock farms in order to comply with the latest and most insane to date batch of EU environment laws which aim to limit notrogen as well as Carbon Dioxide emissions. The European Union green agenda directive has been branded as the “Great Reset turned up to eleven”.
Study: Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Causes “Turbo Cancer” in Humans
According to a disturbing new study, Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it. Gates and other globalist elites at the World Economic Forum say that lab grown cultures of fake meat and eating bugs are the solution to so-called climate change. However, this fake food has now been shown to cause “turbo cancer” via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.
World Eeconomic Forum Fuhrer Klaus Schwab Says Governments Must Harness A.I. And They Will Be ‘Masters of the World’, MWAH HA HA HARRR
Addressing the World Government Summit in Dubai,World Economic Forum Chairman and Scooby Doo Villain lookalike Klaus Schwab said that emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence which will usher in a 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' can become “masters of the world,”
Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.
Forget The Hysteria, The Real COVID Infection Fatality Rate
For three years screaming headlines in mainstream media have whipped up fear of the mild effects of the SARS - COV2 virus which causes a didseas known as COVID19. Doctors employed by the government repeatedly warned that unless we accepted an untested, experimental medication marketed as a vaccine (though it was anything but,) this disease would surely either kill us or leave us severely delibitated.
Phew! I'm Glad That's Over - For Another Year At Least
January however, can be quite depressing after all the Christmas hype and festivities. Back on the treadmill, another year of unfulfilled expectations beckons, and all the usual miserableists emerge from their hiding places to tell us how important it is we do 'dry January', adopt a vegan lifestyle, swear a vow of celibacy, and give up happiness …
Germany Forcing Farmers To Use LESS Fertilizer To Satisfy EU’s Green Agenda
The German government, already reeling from the public backlash against rising fuel prices, the shortage of gas since supplies from Russia were cut off, and the biggest economic crisis in the EU, has now jumped on another 'woke' bandwagon. The socialist led ruling coalition has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing land in compliance with the latest lunacy of the EU's green agenda ...
UK Labour Party Chief Clown SStarmer Says UK Needs New Laws To Protect Trans Rights
Not content with being destined to go down in history as the man who enabled the grooming and rape gangs in British towns and cities, Sir Keir SStarmer, leader of The British National Socialist Workers' Party (formerly known as Labour,) has pledged that under his leadership a socialist governmenr will clear the way for teachers and transgender activists to go into schools and without parental consent coerce children into changing their sex ...
Britain Must Stop |Vilifying Asylum Seekers And Let Them Work Say Conservative Rebels
A growing backlash by members on the Conservative benches of the House of Commmons over the Government’s restrictions which bar asylum seekers from working while they await the outcome of their applications, is the latest embarrassment for Rishi Sunak's Conservative In Name Only government. The rebels demand that Britain must stop vilifying asylum seekers, dump its “mad” work ban on asylum seekers who could plug labour shortages, says a former minister in the immigration department.
Germany haemorrhaging cash to keep country running on as ‘net zero’ becomes zeroeconomic activity
Germany was so desperate to achieve 'net zero' CO2 emissions that for years the country's government closed its fossil fuel-fired and nuclear power plants,replacing those plants with wind and solar power — as well as impoorting huge volumes of natural gas and oil from Russia.
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, when NATO (aka the U.S.A.) mandated that the West impose retaliatory sanctions on Russia, including a ban on importation of Russian gas and oil, Germany found itself in a hole:
Germany is Now A “Total Dictatorship” Says Dutch Journalist
A Dutch journalist has claimed that Germany is now a “total dictatorship”. This may seem like a case of the pot calling the kettle black given the Dutch government's plan to evict up to 3000 farmer from their land and return those acreages 'to nature' in a bid to lead the way among EU member states, to enforce total compliance with the latest loonytoons EU climate policy which requires EU members to reduce that dangerous pollutant nitrogen, which accounts for 78% of the air we breathe ...
Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking "Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy."
Yet when politicians are asked directly: "How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?
Europe's Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.
In the wake of attacks on the on the Stream pipelines, that effectively halted the flow of natural gas which German industry, commerce, agriculture and society relies on, and the terrorist attack on the Kerch Bridge, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gloated that the attacks were a “tremendous opportunity” to weaken Moscow [...] And shortly after news of the Nord Stream sabotage broke on mainstream media, gas supply companies in the USA were offering to supply Europe with shipments of Liquid Natural Gas carried by supertanker to be sold to European nations at vastly inflated prices.
Dutch farmers block roads with tractors in protest of government plan to seize thousands of farms over “climate change”
With the cost of energy and food prices already sky high and set to go higher, the , billionaire psychopaths have declared war on the food that sustains us. The European Union having failed to completely remove the gas essential to all lifeforms, Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, is now setting itself up to remove another esstential gas, nitrogen - which accounts for 70% of the air we breathe.
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