The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s email problems just got off the scale worse

We are totally bored with the story of Hillary Clinton's email server and breaches of security protocol when she was Secretary of State, but we know our readers around the world are avid followers of our reports in the slow motion train wreck of Hillary's campaign (especially in Russia, wonder if that is anything to do with the alleged 20,000 hacked emails the Kremlin has and whether President Putin will release them just before the Democratic Party convention to plunge the American election process into chaos).

So are our final post for today (it's nine p.m. here even if it is only around noon in California) here's something from The Washington Post:

One of the two big dominoes in the Hillary Clinton email controversy toppled today: The State Department's inspector general released its report on the email practices of Clinton and a number of other past secretaries of state. (The other major domino is, of course, the FBI investigation into Clinton's decision to exclusively use a private email server while serving as the nation's top diplomat.)

The report, which you can read in its entirety here, badly complicates Clinton's past explanations about the server and whether she complied fully with the laws in place governing electronic communication. And it virtually ensures that Clinton's email practices will be front and center in Donald Trump's fusillade of attacks against her credibility and honesty between now and Nov. 8.

Here's the key passage from the Roz Helderman and Tom Hamburger's article on the report:

The inspector general, in a long awaited review obtained Wednesday by The Washington Post in advance of its publication, found that Clinton’s use of private email for public business was “not an appropriate method” of preserving documents and that her practices failed to comply with department policies meant to ensure that federal record laws are followed.

The report says Clinton, who is the Democratic presidential front-runner, should have printed and saved her emails during her four years in office or surrendered her work-related correspondence immediately upon stepping down in February 2013. Instead, Clinton provided those records in December 2014, nearly two years after leaving office.
Clinton used an inappropriate method of preserving her documents. Her approach would not have been approved if it had been requested by a more junior member of the State Department staff.  The report also suggests that despite a Clinton aide's insistence that the method of preserving her emails had been submitted to a legal review back in 2010, there is no evidence that such a review took place. And, here's the kicker: Clinton refused to sit for a formal interview.
Oomph. Double oomph. Heck, that might merit a triple oomph.

It's going to be an entertaining few weeks ahead for Clinton watchers, but will Bernie Sanders get the nomination or, as is widely rumoured, will Democratic Party managers kick democracy into touch and parachute in Joe Biden (possibly a worse candidate that Clinton in terms of electability)


State Dept. IG: Clinton violated rules with private server, did not cooperate with investigation

Prior to today the silence and secrecy around the FBI investigation of Clinton’s private server meant there was relatively little detailed information in the public domain. And that meant that Clinton and her team could say almost anything about the matter without fear of contradiction.

For instance, she could claim, as she did last March, “I fully complied with every rule that I was governed by.” She could claim (again from last March) that she set up the server because “I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.” She could claim, as she did two weeks ago, “I’m more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime.” And she could claim, as she did early on, that her private server was perfectly secure because it was guarded by the Secret Service. Well, Hillary can’t say any of those things after today.
Read More:
State Dept. IG: Clinton violated rules with private server, did not cooperate with investigation

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UK Conservative Politician Says Referendum Is An Establishment Stitch Up

The EU referendum campaign is really starting to warm up now as various polls show wildly different figures for the REMAIN and LEAVE campaigns. Nobody really knows why but telephone polls tend to show big leads for REMAIN while online polls are indicating narrow leads, with upward momentum for LEAVE. What this might suggest other than that REMAIN supporters are the kind of clowns who spend all their time dicking about on their smartphones and who will be unable to vote unless somebody sends them an app that will make up their minds for them is unclear.

While the REMAIN campaign is based totally on fearmongering (if we leave the EU nobody will want to be our friend), the LEAVE people are not short of that commodity either, but at least their claims have some basis in reality.

Britain will be unable to stop Turkey from becoming a member of the European Union (EU), the Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Penny Morduant, has said. Predicting that up to a million Turkish people could come to the UK unless Britain votes to leave the EU in June, declared that the EU referendum is an “establishment stitch-up”.

This may be a coincidence but earlier today we were reporting on another stitch up perpetrated by EU agencies and the political establishment of a member state, in this case Austria, where after holding a solid lead with only twelve per cent of the votes to be counted, the anti - immigration, anti - EU candidate was narrowly beaten amid evidence of voting irregularities (149% voter turnout in one area with a high immigrant population).

Speaking on BBC television, Ms. Mordaunt said it was very likely that a million Turkish migrants would come to the UK over the next eight years if the British public opt to stay within the EU, in part because of the "migrant crisis." Turkey has a population of around 80 million. Mordaunt pointed out that Home Secretary [Theresa May], a supporter of Remain, made a speech earlier in the campaign revealing EU plans to extend Europe's economic community way beyond the geographical borders of the continent and into eastern Asia and north Africa and questioning the merits of the EU having a land border with Syria, Iraq and Iran and visa free travel arrangements with Egypt, Lybia and Algeria.

Morduant shot down the notion that the British people had a veto on whether Turkey joins, saying "We are not going to be able to have a say." What she means is we will not get to vote on it. Although the British government does have a veto on Turkey joining the EU, Mordaunt made it clear that Gayid Cameron has expressed his enthusiasm for getting Tukey into the EU, shortly after Cameron's bum chum Obama had said Turkey belogs in Europe (this showing that history and geography are not among his adademic strengths either)thus the British people would not be consulted on the matter. She added: "This is a matter for the British people I think to decide and the only shot that they will get at expressing a view on this is in this referendum."

As the Prime Minister David Cameron has made it clear that he welcomes Turkey joining the EU, Ms Mordaunt’s suggestion is that the veto would go unused, against the will of the British people. She agreed with Andrew Marr’s suggestion that the EU referendum is turning out to be “an establishment stitch up.”

Her comments directly contradict those of David Cameron, who has insisted that Turkey will not be joining the EU any time soon. Slapping down Ms Mordaunt yesterday, he joked that it will be the year 3,000 before Turkey is able to join.

"It is not remotely on the cards that Turkey is going to join the EU any time soon,” he told ITV’s Robert Peston shortly after Mordaunt’s interview.

"They applied in 1987. At the current rate of progress they will probably get round to joining in about the year 3000 according to the latest forecasts."

The traitor and war criminal Cameron is a two faced shit however. Officially, the government supports Turkish accession, a position which a Downing Street spokesman confirmed this morning has not changed. The spokesman added: “The Prime Minister has made it clear that he would veto any new country joining the EU if it wasn’t in Britain’s interests” – a statement which suggests the Prime Minister is attempting to spin his way out of the hole his love of the EU and glonalism has dug for him.

Leave campaigners have asked why, if the government is likely to veto Turkey joining the EU, we are contributing to Brussels spending £2 billion on helping Ankara to prepare their application. "If it isn’t on the cards why are taxpayers footing the bill for it already?” a spokesman for the official Leave campaign said. "As with so much in the referendum the remain campaign are saying one thing now before the vote but are planning for the exact opposite after 23 June."

Commenting on Cameron's double talk, former Foreign Secretary Lord Owen added: "Only 9 weeks ago David Cameron committed the country at the European Council to re-energise the accession process of Turkey into the EU. The EU is continuing the preparatory work for Turkey at an accelerating pace with all of this going forward in parallel."

EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power
Brexit: Another Honest Opinion Of The EU
The Stuff Gayvid Cameroink Will Not Tell You About Remaining In The EU
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Turkey Threatens To Unleash Migrant Wave On Europe
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EU / Tukey Migrant Crisis Deal One Veto Away From Being Wrecked
Russia Revealed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade
E U offers Turkey Cash And Membership In Return For Cooperation On Migrant Crisis
Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS

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As This Blog Predicted, Austrian Election Result Was An EUronazi Stitch Up

Early on Monday as results showed conservative candidate whom mainstream media insisted on calling extreme right wing although he is actually moderate) holding a 4% lead over an independent backed by the Green Party with 12% of the votes still to be counted, I predicted a late surge and a narrow victory for the independent Alexander van der Bellen, a former leader of the Austrian Green Party (who is an extremist and would open the floodgates to hostile immigrants, abolish free speech and criminalise dissent). The result played out as I predicted, the EU were never going to let the will of the voters triumph. And also as I predicted, some extremely dodgy statistics are emerging as. the linked story reveals.

AUSTRIA - Suspicious Numerical Evidence of FRAUD in the Vote Count - Was the Presidential Election Rigged and Stolen?

While looking at the EU debate here on FB yesterday I saw some daft tart commenting that she was voting REMAIN because she's scared of what would happen if BoJo becomes Prime Minister. To her and all others who think we should stay in because ALL-JOIN-HANDS-AND-SING-KUMBAYA I say,"Believe me sweetiepops, if we stay in, what the authoritarian, elitist EU Commissioners have planned is far worse than anything BoJo, Georgie Osborne, Jezza Corbyn or even Nick Griffin could possibly do to this country.

And life in the EUronazi superstate, with democracy and national sovereignty relegated to the realm of folklore, dissent criminalised, total surveillance in operation, and a European Police Force (Europol) with more far reaching powers that the Nazi's Gestapo or Soviet Russia's KGB enjoyed, able to kick your door in, beat you to a pulp, throw you in a cell and hold you indefinitely without charging you, presenting any evidence or granting a court hearing, on the basis of 'Artificial Intelligence' deciding you indulge in 'behaviour likely to lead to criminal acts', a government run by any other British politician, even Nick Griffin of the right wing BNP, looks quite an attractive prospect in comparison to a future in the dystopian, fascist, Federal European superstate.

As Conservative Candidate Moves ahead In Austria, Left Wing Lie Machine Goes Into Overdrive
EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power
France Says No to Ukraine-EU Visa-Free Travel
The Stuff Gayvid Cameroink Will Not Tell You About Remaining In The EU
EU Politicians Slam New Tax Deal That Lets Big Business Avoid Probes

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