The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Far Right Are On The March - Should We Be Afraid?


According to many talking heads on TV and internet video blogs the 'far right' are currently posing threats to democracy and the rule of law throughout Europe as well as in the UK. But who are these terrifying monsters and what do they stand for?

The rise of new, populist parties can be attributed largely to mass immigration. Over the past 25 years millions of poorly educated, unskilled migrants have entered European nations and caused havoc by their inability and unwilligness to integrate with local society and custioms. This blog has written many thousands of words on the topic. It now seems, however, that the normally placid and tolerant British have had enough. A very ugly mood has developed among the white working class since the Labour government assumed power in July 2024.

Between the riots of last summer and record migration rates of 900,000 in 2023, a less aggressive feeling of discontent has been superseded by anger due largely to the renewed controversy over Asian rape gangs and in particular, the apparent failures and cover-ups by establishment politicians. 

Farage’s softer nationalism, as well as his online spat with Elon Musk over support for the activist Tommy Robinson, has presented fringe groups to the right of Reform UK with an opportunity. Reflecting a resurgent brand of impassioned ethnonationalism, it is understandable that they feel like their moment has come.

At heart, the ethnonationalist believes that nationhood,  and the resultant social and political benefits,  can only truly be shared by those with a common race. Their movement is fuelled by the sense of a coming threat, the idea that a racial identity dating back over a thousand years could be wiped out. The flood of immigration in recent years and the ensuing change to Britain’s ethnic make-up has given succour to ethnonationalist arguments, and these are growing louder on the political fringes.

The far-Right in the UK was once dominated by the British National Party, led in its heyday by Nick Griffin. The BNP reached its peak in 2009 when it secured two MEPs and a little under a million votes in European Parliament elections — spurred on by migration figures that had reached around 200,000 after which, under constant attack from left wing media and intense scrutiny from the 'Thought Police' it faded rapidly.

The ethno-nationalists that are now being referred to as 'far right' to are depressing but can a better case be made for the ethnic state, a British Britain? After all Japan has remained Japanese and is anyone calling her racist? Then there is a much wider, more respectable and accepted desire to reduce the amount and speed of immigration, as suggested by Reform; which is actually driven by a desire to preserve the white British. 

Then again, in the 19th c. ethnic citizen states like Italy or Greece were liberal causes, in opposition to reactionary dynastic Empires like Hapsburg Austria or Ottoman Turkey.

 Further consider Britain in 1945. It was essentially a white British country with a common history, common culture and common ‘race’ – yes, there tiny exceptions. But wasn’t there a far greater sense of a national community and sense of social solidarity, and a far greater trust in our government and media? There were acute social divisions but these were family arguments which could be forthrightly addressed and we had the Attlee Labour government reforms – there was some real levelling up.

Compare that with today where England has become Multiracial-land. A sense of ‘us’and ‘our country’ has gone as population growth is now due entirely to immigration, we’ve become consumers not citizens and we distrust and even loathe our politicians and MSM, mainstream media – now the guard dogs of the establishment rather than watchdogs of the people – and even free speech is under threat as 'far left' Prime Minister Kweir Smarmer promises to jail anybody who challenges the government on any controversial issue.

So though we are richer, or some of us are, things are worse and isn’t that largely due to mass immigration, a policy  which, incidentally, has never ben put to the electorate and so has never enjoyed a democratic mandate no democratic mandate?

Shouldn’t we have seen that diversity, a key cause of civil conflict worldwide, is foolish to import?

Doesn’t basic evolutionary theory suggest in an imperfect world that having people like you as fellow citizens is wise – follow the science? In our affirmation of multiculturalism we affirm the ethnicity of the minorities so why not our own? Kaufmann in his White Shift predicts with continuing immigration there will be no white British at a point in the next century. Are we sure that’s a social good?

If we insist that it is, that we must all be racially beige, are we telling the rest of the world that , and that they must follow us, and what will they say? Yes, there is the USA, but how is it doing for social cohesion of a multi ethnic, multi cultural population?

Now we do know about the hideousness of uber nationalism, the one thing schools tell you about, but isn’t a moderate ethnic nationalism a real good, an essential social glue? We respect it in Ukraine after all. Think about it. If we are white, aren’t we a bit neurotic about race? It is actually part of who we are and it is actually OK. IT DOESN’T MAKE US BETTER OR WORSE, we are all part of a common humanity, but just a little different – if we looked in the mirror one morning and saw a change it would be a shock.

All this applies to any race, of course and we just need mutual respect, but for us whites too, and for our countries and our cultures as well. And for the people Lownie refers to, the British ethno-nationalists, Goodhart’s Somewhere People and often left behind too, who in their frustration and anger get it so wrong, and so conveniently can be ignored, might not a firm and fair commitment to the historic population, properly led by the educated, be what we all need?


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