The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Drug Gang Leader Avoids Deportation To Nigeria On Human Rights Claim

The leader of a county lines gang who has dealt drugs since he was a teenager avoided deportation to Nigeria when his lawyers claimed it would breach his rights to a family life under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Having been previously jailed for eight years (out in four?) for supplying drugs, the defendant also successfully argued that he could not be returned to the West African country because it did not have adequate psychiatric care to treat his mental health problems.

The 29-year-old, who has been granted anonymity by the courts, claimed it would be a breach of his Article 3 rights under the ECHR because deportation would be inhuman and degrading by denying him the medical treatment he needed. His claim against deportation was initially rejected by an immigration tribunal amid allegations that some of his claims about his family were “a work of fiction”, but the removal order was overturned on appeal.

The tribunal was told he came to Britain from Nigeria at the age of 10, and remained in the country illegally after overstaying his visa. He was dealing drugs by the age of 15 and was convicted six years later in 2016 of possession with intent to supply both cocaine and heroin.

Despite being handed a suspended jail sentence for that offence, he continued to run an “efficient” drugs line in Farnborough, using “people he could trust, including a young man who was only 17”, according to the court documents.

He and his girlfriend were making up to £5,000 a week from their drugs network, which he “masterminded”, advertising for clients on social media. A police investigation resulted in his conviction and sentencing to eight years in jail in July 2018.

The Home Office sought to deport him on his release on the basis that he was a danger to the public with a “significant number” of criminal convictions and having spent periods in and out of jail. It rejected his claims that his removal to Nigeria would breach his right to a family life and damage his mental health.

The right to family life under the European Human Rights act has been responsible for so much suffering. It was only a few years ago that we learnt it was the main reason for Paistani men raping English girls is because if the girls are repeatedly raped until they become pregnant, the father gets to live in the UK because of his right to family life.

Surely the whole issue is about responsibility and that once these people break the law they should be deported, it being their responsibility for breaking the law. As for the reasons they come up with, anyone with a shred of common sense can see these people are playing the system. As someone said earlier, why should the other people in the country have to suffer from their criminal activities while they evade justice because of their human rights. We must take to the streets and force the givernment to leave the EHCR or accept ht as Britain is a sovereign nation, British law supersedes anything the virtue signlling ouanquers in Brussels try to impoe on us.

Once again we have been shown that in the yes of the ruling elite a criminal's rights trump those of the general public. This guy will be back on the streets in 4 years trading drugs. Next he'll kill someone and we'll go through the same 'human rights' pantomine again.   



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