The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Left Of Labour - The Real Threat To SStarmer's Government


Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined four other independents elected in July forming a new parliamentary bloc, The Independent Alliance, which is the fifth biggest block in parliament

Corbyn, who  lost the party whip remained a party member after allegations that he had failed to control anti semitism in the party in 2020 continued to sit inthe House of Commons but was clear he would never be permitted to stand as a Labour candidate again, sure of a devoted following among the Trotskyite faction of the party he decided to oppose the globalist, technocratic leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, and as Sunak stood in a rain lashed Downing Street and announced that he had asked King Charles to dissolve parliament, Corbyn made his move. A dew days later the populare MP for Islington announced he would run in his constituency as an independent. He aimed to embarrass the party he had been loyal to since first joining in 1965.

Mainsteam media had tried to spin the move to oust Corbyn after the 2019 election defeat as being driven by the desire to break with his socialist politics. Indeed, it was the first in a series of moves that the leadership undertook to neuter the party’s Left which dominated among constituency activists. 

Later came a batch of deselections of MPs who opposed SStarmer's authoritarian style of leadership. Faiza Shaheen, Lloyd Russell-Moyle and Sam Tarry lost consituency votes with the controversial “Anonyvoter” system being deployed, which led to allegations of voting 'irregularities; to replaced as candidates by SStarmer loyalists who had little personal connection with the seats they would represent.  And yet, in the election itself, confounding precedent, Corbyn and several others were elected  as independents, defeating the party they had previously represented. The battle for Labour, and the future of the British Left, had begun.

Now fully expelled for standing against their candidadte, Corbyn looks as if he will be more dangerous for Starmer that if he had been allowed to run as a Labour candidate and decome a disruptive influence inside it. He now sits under his own flag, alongside four more outsiders who refused to toe the party line, all of them returned to Parliament by their opposition to austerity and opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza. And while their election campaigns weren’t coordinated, these five independents are now getting organised, announcing a formal Independent Alliance earlier this month. Alongside the four Green members it is is the largest gathering of “Left of Labour” MPs in history. What was initially an inchoate rejection of Starmer across a few seats of seats is becoming a national movement.

Worse still for Labour, this all began during what was supposed to be the pinnacle of Starmer’s appeal. Yet within three months of forming a government, one recent poll has Labour as low as 29%. Six-in-ten voters now say the Prime Minister can’t be trusted. most remarkably of all, Starmer is less popular than Rishi Sunak.

Not that the Conservatives will benefit from Labour’s deepening woes. Despite his penchant for freebie designer glasses, the public still views Starmer more favourably than leader wannabes Kemi Badenoch, Robert Jenrick and James Cleverly. More broadly, the electorate remains more critical of the Tories than Labour. All those years of ineptitude haven’t been forgotten overnight.

In a two-party system,  with its dysfunctional First-Past_The-Post electoral system all that matters is being slightly less despised than the other guys. But Britain is no longer a two-party system, something Labour ignores at its peril. With the Lib Dems, the country now has its largest third party for a century — business has even started paying attention to them — and the SNP are looking to hit back under stable leadership. Elsewhere, the Greens and Reform are now truly national players. It wasn’t just Carla Denyer saying Labour should scrap the two-child benefit cap, but Nigel Farage too. Despite having more than 400 seats, the optics are that Labour is not only at odds with the country, but that electoral alternatives are increasingly conspicuous.

Yet the biggest problem for Starmer arguably remains his former comrade in Islington North, with Corbyn and his fellow independents a lightning rod for what was the Labour Left. The potential repercussions of The Prime Ministers' zero-tolerance approach on dissent can already be seen. Last month, Labour suspended seven MPs after they voted in favour of an SNP amendment to scrap the two-child benefit cap. A day later, Corbyn and his band of merry men signed a joint letter in support of those rebels, saying they looked forward to working together — and that they represented an alternative to the two establishment parties. The subtext was obvious: leave Labour and sit with us.

But as Starmer’s difficult inheritance becomes clearer, there will be increasing dissent within the party as to how he approaches various challenges. Those who disagree with the party line are already considering other options — including the Independent Alliance. In August, Labour announced its membership had fallen below 400,000 for the first time in a decade. For the party’s Right — anti-democratic fixers by disposition — that is considered a good thing.

A wider recognition of Starmer’s authoritarian style among Labour MPs will test his disciplinary approach.

Duffield, hardly on the party’s Left, has already said she owes more to her constituents than the PM. This is dangerous ground for Starmer, who needs his big majority if he wants to address difficult challenges like the housing crisis. Some will stand up to Starmer — playing a game of political chicken in the knowledge there is an alternative with Corbyn. Meanwhile other, less courageous MPs, will pretend that abstention is somehow an act of defiance (more than 50 Labour MPs abstained on the Winter Fuel Allowance Bill). But that will prove bad politics — with a poor voting record manna for independent challengers at the next general election. Had Jess Philips not defied the party whip on calling for a ceasefire, for instance, she would most probably have lost her seat.

My bet is that a new party won’t happen, even with Corbyn open to the possibility. The strength of the five independents is that they are masters of what they don’t say: their platform of opposition to war, support for public services and criticism of Israel is overwhelmingly popular with the median Labour voter. Having a more detailed programme, where they’re liable to disagree among themselves over things such as LTNs or biodiversity, comes with too many downsides.


You only have to look at what happened to Rosie Duffield, one of Labour’s own, to see how cruel the party can be to dissenters. It has been heartening to see her standing her ground and with the support of her constituency party and the citizens of Canterbury, making bully buy SStarmer and his sidekicks look foolish. One of the interesting things to note is that the majority left appear to be like sheep desperate not to stand out from the flock and won’t speak up against the technocratic bullies or far left fanatics in their ranks. It’s pathetic.

The asprct of leftist thinking I have always found ditateful is the way policy makers do not even try to hide  resentment of what they lack and spite towards those who have it. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Pol Pot, Mao, Khomeini , Sayyid Qutb and Abul Mawdudi were all lower middle class people with above average intelligence and education but felt they were entitled to more than they had. They all despised the genuine hard working and skilled working class, considered manual labour beneath them. These pseudo intellectuals hated the honest artisans and labourers Marx smeared with the appleation 'The Proleteriat,' an ineducable, unthinking mass of identical beings with low intelligence and low aspirations.

The expansion of commerce and industry since the Industrial Revolution has created a large group of lower middle class clerks/ journalists of above average intelligence and education but below average physical robustness and resilience because they do not undertake hard manual labour and physical sports. This group provides most of the revolutionaries from the French Revolution onwards
They were able to convince criminals from the proletariat, especially slum proletariat that they could indulge in their liking of killing, torturing and raping to serve a higher moral purpose. Namely overthrow of existing order and revolutionaries as new leaders. Orwell’s Animal Farm with pigs as new leaders and sheepdogs as guard dogs- SS, Gestapo, KGB, Statsi, Red Guard, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, ISIS , etc.

Birds of a feather flock together. Resentment and spite causes left wing intellectuals and political extremists to be naturally attracted to each other. But Jeremy Corbyn, whatevr his faults (and he has many) was always a democrat and has never sough the approval of either technocrats or thugs.







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[ Liberal bigots] ... [ liberal extremism ] ... [ Intolerance of the left ] ... [ authoritarianism of the left ] ... [ illiberal liberals ]