The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

France: Women In Paris Suburb Protest Over Sexual Harassment

Women in an eastern Parisian district, angry at the failure of the city authorities to act on complaints of sexual harassment have staged demonstrations and launched an online petition (which gathered 7,000 signatures in 24 hours,) over what they call a “male den” in their neighborhood, where women are routinely subjected to physical harassment and sexist taunts.

The area where this happens is described as “a few hundred square meters” in the neighborhood of Chapelle-Pajol, where cafes, bars, and restaurants are effectively out of bounds for local women, Le Parisien reports. Residents say that over the past year, the area has changed completely, with groups of men of unidentified origin gathering in streets, catering establishments and public spaces, who have a cultural objection to mixing with women. Abuse and insults are also being dealt out by street vendors. Though, symptomatic of the sickness that is killing France, the racial or religious values these men share is not mentioned in reports, it will probably not be beyond the with of most of our readers to guess what religious and cultural values they have in common.

Locals staged a protest on Friday to draw attention to what is going on in the area.

They also started a petition titled “Women, an endangered species in the heart of Paris,” which states: “There are insults, in all languages: ‘Bi**h, dirty whore, I’ll f**k you...’”
They go on to describe how things currently are in their neighborhood, and the picture they paint is frightening.
“There are pickpockets, street drinking, spitting, rubbish everywhere, a strong smell of urine. Traffickers are settling down, traffickers of human beings, drugs, fake documents. The traffickers let us know every day that we are undesirable, us and our children.”

It is all very reminiscent of what is being seen in Sweden, Germany, Britain and elsewhere, when members of certain religious and ethic groups are allowed to segregate themselves and ghettoize certain areas.

As in Germany and Sweden, European women living in such migrant dominated areas are forced to stay at home, fearing to venture outside, the petition adds.

“This must stop!” the petition concludes, urging the local authorities to “finally comply with laws and regulations, particularly in the places where traffickers are stationed, to carry out investigations on the sectors, to increase the number… of police officers assigned to this area.”

Local women told French media about their plight, with young girls unable to go out alone or wear skirts or tight trousers.

“The atmosphere is agonizing, to the point of having to modify our itinerary, our clothes. Some even gave up going out,” 50-year-old Natalie, who has lived in the area for 30 years, told Le Parisien, adding that one 80-year-old woman had been sexually abused when going home once, and since then had not been out.

38-year-old Aurelie said that she does not recognize Chapelle-Pajol as the decent, respectable suburb she moved into fifteen years ago.

“The simple fact of going out has become a problem. The cafe downstairs, once a friendly bistro, has turned into an exclusively male den and is constantly crowded. I get my lot of remarks when I go there, especially since they drink so much. A while ago, I used the Boulevard de la Chapelle from Stalingrad [metro station], even late at night. It’s unthinkable today.

“A few days ago, the simple fact of putting myself at my window triggered a flood of insults, and I had to lock myself in my apartment.”

And Aurelie is not some parnoid loner, on social media and in comment threads on news sites the accounts of local women just go on and on.

“In recent weeks, I was caught in the middle of a brawl of vendors. I screamed, and two of them took out knives to threaten me. I thought my last hour had arrived. And it’s been months since my 12-year-old daughter no longer goes to [school] alone, nor anywhere in the neighborhood,” local resident Laure told Le Parisien.

Younger residents, like Julia, 20, also spoke out, telling L’Express: “When I walk around, I sometimes feel as if I was a piece of meat on display.”

Hayatte, 26, says, “I feel that near the metro, some men take a look at me and it deprives me of some of my freedoms. I stopped putting my lipstick on when I go out.”

There are those, however, who say that all the complaints are “a manipulation of truth.”

“The majority of people in the area behave well – this is a witch hunt on immigrants,” Alice, 40, told left wing, pro - globalisation online news site The Local, while Zeynab, a woman working in the area, said that she comes to the area daily, and “if I didn’t feel safe I wouldn’t do it. This is a lie made up by the press and right-wing politicians.”

Local authorities have responded to the complaints, with a meeting to discuss the problem set to take place in the neighborhood council on Monday.

Eric Lejoindre from the Mayor’s Office recognizes the complexity of the situation, saying: “Women have a feeling of vulnerability to this violence, often associated with alcoholism, but the public response is essentially police.”

Police special operations have been set in motion to investigate the growing problem of lawlessness among recently arrived migrants. In January, an operation called “Barbes [area near Montmartre] breathes” resulted in 110 raids, leading to over 19,000 evictions of street vendors. 884 people were arrested.
Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris gave a sign that the authorities are waking up to the problems mass immigration from backward areas is causing. Hidalgo made several  harsh comments in her evaluation of the situation, saying: “We will not tolerate an area being prey to acts of discrimination against women.”
“That does not correspond to the values of Paris nor of the Republic. I wish to inform local residents that we are entirely at their side and that our action will not falter until the situation returns to normal,” she added, pledging action on Twitter.

A clash of cultures? Arab - American psychologist Wafa Sutan explains why immigrants from backward cultures cannot accept western social values such as women's equality (YouTube video in French with English subtitles.)

That ought to provide food for thought for those brainwashed lefties who keep insisting against a mountain of evidence
and all that is sane and rational, that these stories are all made up by right wing extremist groups.

Index of posts on France


Holocaust Comments Made by Her Deputy Dent Marine Le Pen's French Election Campaign Progress

Marine Le Pen's bid to emulate the Brexit and Trump shocks and in the face of adverse polling figures win election a risked a setbacks President of France received a potentially damaging blow on Friday (April 28) when her deputy, who is currently leading the Front National (FN) party leaving Le Pen to focus on her campaign was forced to step down in order to defend himself against charges that he shares the views of Holocaust deniers.

Treasure "Trove" Of ISIS Documents Detail Secret Oil Trade With Turkey
We detail the route by which ISIS transports illegal, undocumented crude to Turkey via Zakho-based smugglers and how that crude ends up at Ceyhan where tanker rates seem to mysteriously spike around ISIS-related oil events. All of this, we suggested, was done with the help of the Turkish government up to and including Erdogan's son Bilal who owns a shipping company

Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group

A spate of warning on the imminent threat of more and increasingly bloody attacks on Britain and Europe by Muslim terror group Islamic State have been issued by British government security agencies in the past few days. As well as one from the Police covert anti terror unit, reported here, another, Muslim Brotherhood Review has been featured in the Washington Times

Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism

Europe's new wave anti - semitism. Jewish people are fleeing france but not because of Front National or nationalism. The stupid, self righteous left alone must take credit for this outbreak of Jew hating.

German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years
... a leading German feminist, Alice Schwarzer, has said the politically correct “bubble has burst” and Germans should speak out against Islamic extremism and refusal to respect German and European traditions. She claimed German police have been covering up the rape culture of Muslim males for 20 years, and said that sexual violence was now being used as a weapon of war in Germany.

Indonesia Tells Aussie Loudmouth Tony Abbott, STF UP Over ‘Reform Islam’ Call

The solidly Muslim government of Indonesia has attacked former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott after he said that Islam needs to be reformed. Sources in Indonesian capital Jakarta dismissed Abbott's comments as “unhelpful” and “divisive”. Ambassador to Austrialia responded to Mr Abbott’s critique by adding that violent extremism is “common in all faiths.”

France is trying to create a coalition to destroy Isil, but President Obama isn't interested

With France leading Europe into a coalition with Russia against Islamic State, and Chia also giving its support to the struggle against Islamic extremism, why is Barack Hussein Obama still pussyfooting around and talking about the need to support moderate anti - Assad groups? Could it be his Saudi puppet masters agenda of overthrowing Assad is more important to him.

Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
As the lawless criminal scum imported by Merkel in her efforts to suck up to Obama threaten to turn Germany into a third world human cespit, it seems public opinion in European is waking up.

Refugeee Host School In Germany Bans Short Skirts As They Wind Up Muslim Boys

We have asked before and no doubt will again, when the citizens of a nation are constantly asked to give up their freedoms and change their behaviour in order to avoid offending new arrivals from medievalist cultures, whose effing country is it anyway.

Have US tactics only helped to make ISIS more powerful

We have questioned the US led efforts to defeat ISIS in the middle east many times, pointing out that every time the western alliance steps up opposition to the establishment of a news Islamic Caliphate, Islamic State seem to get stronger. 'Conspiracy Theorists', our critics yell. So let's look at opinion from around the world that concurs with ours.

Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad

From the first sudden, and quite dramatic, appearance of the Islamic group known as ISIS on the world's stage and which promptly replaced the worn out and tired al Qaeda as the world's terrorist bogeyman, we suggested that the "straight to beheading YouTube clip" purpose behind the Saudi Arabia-funded Islamic State was a simple one: use the Jihadists as the vehicle of choice to achieve a political goal:

Je Suis Saussice (in defence of your right to eat pork sausages)
Just as we showed solidarity with the publishers of Charlie Hebdo magazine after twelve staff were murdered by religious extremists and defended the right of citizens in democratic nations to criticize religion by saying "Je Suis Charlie" so we are now making a stand in support of the freedom to eat sausages (which is an abomination to Allah apparently,) by saying "Je Suis Saussice".

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