The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Europes Immigration Crisis (July / August / September 2015)

The European Illegal Immigrant crisis rolls on with seemingly no solution in site as E U leaders


Click these titles to jump to the article: First link in RELATED POSTS table brings you back to here (visited pages show in black)
Four Converging Crises Could Destroy Europe

Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism? WTF Is Going On In Sweden?

Czech President Blasts Migrants: ‘Nobody Invited You Here’

Kent Council Turns Retirement Home Next Door to School into Asylum Centre

Calais Crisis: Just Part of an Invasion That Exposes Government And EU Impotence
Why Assad is Winning: Victory For Secular Ruler In Syria Will Transform the Middle East.
German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year
Rioting Asylum Shelter Inhabitants Scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ as They Attack Police
Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same
3,000 Migrants Rescued off Italy in Single Day, Tensions Rise
Critical Mass Of Illegal Immigrants In Europe Fast Approaching
German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers
20 Million Refugees waiting On Europe's Doorstep
If You Want To Help Refugees Stop Helping To Kill Them
Hungary Prepares Military Deployment to Counter Migrants
Hungary Seals Borders As Migrant Flow Increases
Germany and Hungary fall out as German Minister calls for better treatment of illegal immigrants

Four Converging Crises Could Destroy Europe

via Reuters ...

Four great crises around Europe’s fringes threaten to engulf the European Union, potentially setting the ambitious post-war unification project back by decades.

The EU’s unity, solidarity and international standing are at risk from Greece’s debt, Russia’s role in Ukraine, Britain’s attempt to change its relationship with the bloc, and Mediterranean migration.

Failure to cope adequately with any one of these would worsen the others, amplifying the perils confronting “Project Europe”…

…Rem Korteweg of the Centre for European Reform compares the interlocking crises to the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the New Testament Book of Revelation: harbingers of a “day of judgment” representing conquest, war, famine and death.

“The EU’s leaders will find it hard to tame these four horsemen,” the Dutch thinker wrote in an essay. “If a European answer cannot be found, the horsemen will continue to promote chaos, instability and mutual recrimination within the EU.”


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EU Greece sanctions
Eurogeddon: Eurozone debt crisis
Europe: Federalism versus Democracy
British Sovereignty versus the European Superstate
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Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism? WTF Is Going On In Sweden?

"Sweden, that's where they commit suicide and the king rides a bicycle," a character in an Alan Bennet play famously said back in the 1980s, a reference to Sweden's reputation as the most boring country in the world. That reputation has long gone, thanks to 'enlightened and progressive' immigration politicies, the elegantstreets of Sweden's gothic styled cities are now more like Chicago in the Al Capone era. Scandinavia's biggest nation state is in the grip of a terrifying crime wave instead, which even ‘new Swedes’ describe as like “being back in Syria”.

Grenade attacks have now become so commonplace in multicultural paradise Malmö the mainstream media around Europe does not even bother to report them in footnotes. Compounding the apparent disinterest in the descent of beautiful, historic Malmö into a third-world ghetto where native Swedes are rapidly becoming marginalised, is a striking dearth of facts about what is actually going on there.

We know the grenade attacks are a regular occurrence – there have been four this past week and at least ten since April, this is in addition to the regular shootings, stabbings, gang rapes and arson attacks that do not warrant news coverage. A recent assessment by Malmö police into the effectiveness of their initiative to control the immigrant gangs programme was that it had no effect, and that “the number of shootings and bombings in Malmö have not declined despite the measures”.

The police force today admitted it is severely under-staffed and unable to cope with the volume of investigations under-way. One third of all officers on the local force are now ‘on leave’, and no doubt the strain of the job in ‘Sweden’s Chicago’ is playing a part in that.

But little information is released by the Malmö police about who is deliberately targeting government buildings with hand grenades smuggled from the Balkans. The Swedish press reports no arrests although independent bloggers have no trouble identifying the source of the attacks as one of three migrant communities, Syrian, Afghan or Somali.

Benefiting from their youth – one was just 15 at the time of his arrest – three people arrested in connection with one bombing incident have not been named, denying the public another crucial piece of the puzzle. Yet speculating that Malmö’s new-found crime problem may have anything to do with the sudden rush of immigration is forbidden and will attract vicious attacks from the hate mobs of the left wing politically correct thought police.

Don’t be fooled, for all its friendly reputation for enlightened liberalism, Swedish society's dogmatic adherence to the neo - Nazi belief systems on which social democracy is founded has created one of the most suffocatingly illiberal societies in the world. Until very recently, even questioning the doctrine of mass immigration would lead to total social exclusion. The tide is turning however, slowly.

Read more on Sweden's Immigrant Crisis

Immigration Omnibus
Sweden's national suicide by immigration

Czech President Blasts Migrants: ‘Nobody Invited You Here’

The President of the Czech Republic told illegal immigrants (not refugees or asylum seekers) arriving in the country they must respect the country’s laws and customs or leave, telling them: “Nobody invited you here.”

In an interview with newspaper Blesk, President Milos Zeman said that the growing number of refugees in the Czech Republic must “respect our laws, just as we respect the law when we come to your country.”

He added: “If you do not like it, go away.”

The Czech Republic English Language news service, The Prague Daily Monitor said that his remarks were aimed primarily at the wave of Middle Eastern and African migrants entering the country, rather than Ukrainian migrants who have been fleeing conflict and social breakdown in their own country since the US / NATO engineered coup overthrew a democratically elected government and replaced it with neo - Nazi gangster thugs.

“Unlike the Islamic migrants, Ukrainians have a better ability to assimilate themselves,” he said.

Last Tuesday, the country’s Prime Minister, Bohuslav Sobotka, accused Zeman of appealing to people’s “basest instincts” and of spreading hatred against refugees. Zeman responded: “Some may consider it appealing to the basest instincts, but this is the same stance that Hungarians share when they build a fence against Serbia, and Americans who have built a fence on their border with Mexico.”

Zeman then went on to blame Western powers for the current refugee crisis:

“The current wave of migration is rooted in the crazy idea to invade Iraq, which allegedly had weapons of mass destruction, but nothing was found,” he said.

We think it is a bit more complicated than that, but he has a point. Most of the refugees are from nations where western meddling in domestic politics, particularly the meddling authorised by the Rent Boy President in Washington has reduced the nation to a failed state, started a civil war or led to the rise of an even more brutal tyranny that was removed.


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Immigration Omnibus

Immigration: the boat people

Immigration and benefits - the numbers

Immigration marginalising the white working class

Immigration: Europe is not the promised land

Kent Council Turns Retirement Home Next Door to School into Asylum Centre

In a move that echoes actions in Sweden and Germany which have displaced citizents from their homes to make way for 'asylum seekers' (foreign criminals), illegal immirants who make it through the tunnel or manage to stow away on ferries are to be housed in a former old peoples home which Kent county council originally closed because they said it would be too expensive to maintain.

Kent Council Turns Retirement Home Next Door to School into Asylum Centre

Calais Crisis: Just Part of an Invasion That Exposes Government And EU Impotence

Many commentators, from Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson to Andy Burnham and Owen Jones have warned the migrant crisis at Calais will spread, diversify and worsen (the solutions differ, from Farage's sensible proposal that we close the border to the prepubescent Trotskyite Jones' idiotic suggestion that we scrap all controls and let a hundred million or so economic migrants flood into the country ...

Calais Crisis: Just Part of an Invasion That Exposes Government And EU Impotence

Why Assad is Winning: Victory For Secular Ruler In Syria Will Transform the Middle East.

While mainstream media continue to spin the Washington lie that US sponsored rebels are about to topple the Assad regime in Syria (the story they have been telling us for three years, an examination of the news feeds that mainstream news publisher and broadcasters use, which are free from Washington's propaganda spin reveal a different story.

Why Assad is Winning: Victory For Secular Ruler In Syria Will Transform the Middle East.

German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean and making their way (illegally) through the Balkans to Germany has passed the government’s worst case estimates. The unprecedented influx has now forced Berlin to hastily revise the figure upwards. Although the German government had already acknowledged the need to revise estimates, the latest

number is beyond all expectations ...
German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year

Rioting Asylum Shelter Inhabitants Scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ as They Attack Police

Not long ago, with this page getting too long we had to make a separate page to cover how Sweden's loonytoons immigration policy is rapidly turning that once enlightened, liberal nation into a lawless, dystopian failed state. It seems we will soon have to do the same with Germany, where the anger German citizens at they way they are being marginalised as their government prioritizes the interests of migrants, many of whom are in the country illegally.

Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same

Germany has thrown open her doors to Syria, declaring it will welcome all that country’s asylum seekers. In doing so, it has overturned a EU convention which insists that asylum seekers must register in the first country they reach.

Germany will now cease handing out forms which ask new arrivals to declare where they landed in the EU.

Under the Dublin Convention of 1990, migrants seeking asylum within the EU must usually register with the country they first enter. The system was put in place to ensure that migrants didn’t submit multiple applications in a number of member states, and is binding under law.

However, according to the Independent, yesterday the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ratified an order suspending the protocol. “Germany will become the member state responsible for processing their claims,” a government statement said, adding that all current expulsion orders for Syrian asylum seekers would be revoked. In addition, new Syrian arrivals will no longer have to fill in forms informing the German authorities which EU member state they first entered.

In the first six months of 2015, Germany received 44,417 applications, the vast majority of which have yet to be processed. But even before yesterday’s declaration, it was expected that most of the Syrian applicants would be granted asylum.

Read all >>>


Immigration omnibus

Immigration marginalises white working class

Immigration: Boat people crisis

Immigration and benefits - how migrants cripple the economy

Immigration: Europe does not offer a promised land

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3,000 Migrants Rescued off Italy in Single Day, Tensions Rise

Italy’s coastguard on Saturday led an operation to rescue around 3000 migrants from the waters of the Mediterranean after distress calls were picked up from more than 20 overcrowded vessels drifting in waters off Libya. In the biggest single-day rescue operation to date there were no reports of casualties. Reports have been coming in however of hundreds of life jackets and other items being washed up along a stretch of coastline, which suggests the naval rescue flotilla may not have reached all the stricken boats in time.

Critical Mass Of Illegal Immigrants In Europe Fast Approaching

If anything has demonstrated how totaly out of touch with their citizens (and reality) the ruling elites of Europe and the European Bureaucrats truly are, it is the immigration issue. As the thousands of undocumented and illegal immigrants arriving each week overwhelm Europe's southers states and also the infrastructure of more prosperous nations like Britain and Germany, EU officials and political leaders keep giving out the message that more are wanted.

But with Germany, France, Austria and Italy all experiencing civil unrest, it seems something id about to break, releasing a torrent of anti - immigrant, anti - Europe and anti - government feeling. As usual these days while mainstream media pumps out pure propaganda, Russia Today seems to be on the case with real news and views.

Remember, Russia is not your enemy, China is not your enemy, Islam is not your enemy, the biggest threat to your security and prosperity comes from your own government and the corporae pirates that have bought control of the media, judiciary, police and public services.


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German Government Evict Poor Germans From Their Homes For Migrant Asylum Seekers

This is a digitally captured video of a news report on Federal German government plans to evict low income and unemployed German citizens from their homes and replace them with Middle Eastern 'asylum seekers' (handout seekers). This news story was first broadcast on a German Left-leaning TV station on August 28, 2015. It's original title: The most poor of the poor have to vacate their homes for asylum seekers.

We have previously reported on pensioners and disabled people in Sweden being evicted from secure housing units that had been reallocated as accommodation for refugees.

How long will it be before the decent people of Europes nations rise up against the treasonous elites who evety day betray the people in whose interests they should govern, evict the ruling class from their luxurious homes paid for by our tax money and exile the croooked fuckers to some third world cesspit where the locals will greet them with open knives, saute the whole sack of rogues and eat them for lunch.

Remember as you watch, this item on problems caused by immigrants was broadcast by a left wing TV news channel and is heavily spun towards sympathy for people who enter Europe illegally and shows little support for the human righhts of German citizens.


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Immigration Composite

Sweden's Immigration Obsession Drags It Towards Dystopia

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20 Million Refugees waiting On Europe's Doorstep

With the Hungarian capital under seige as thousands of illegal migrants arrive at railways stations hoping to get on trains to Germany, having made their way through the Balkans, clashes broke out in Budapest as a crowd of football fans marched by a camp of refugees in the heart of the city. Meanwhile, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have unanimously rejected a quota system for sharing migrants.

In spite of the chaos these illegal and undocumented travellers are causing being obvious to even an idiot, European leaders like Lardarse Merkel, Spineless Cameron, Le Petit Crapaud Hollande and EU President Jean Claude Drunkard continue to insist the arrivals are refugees rather than economic migrants. We must hope Eastern European EU members can save our nations and cultures from being swamped at the whim of the Euronazis in Brussels.

Here's Russia Today's take on the crisis.


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Mediterranean Boat People crisis

Human Rights Omnibus

UKIP alone in talking sense on immigration

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If You Want To Help Refugees Stop Helping To Kill Them

As The Daily Stirrer predicted, the tide of illegal entrants streaming through Europe's porous southern and eastern borders is increasing. Italy, Greece and Hungary now have major problems and even non EU states in the Balkans are affected. This crisis will not be resolved until the EU leaders politically correct OCD is replaced and we resolve the Merkels, Camerons and Hollandes with people of resolve who will stand up to American bullying and say, we owe you nothing Sidi Obama, we owe Africa nothing, we did not meddle in the affairs of the states from which migrants are now flowing.

we did not start wars that are displacing millions.

(OK, I know some idiot is going to remind me of colonialism - but Libya, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and the rest did not exist as nation states in the pre - colonial era. That is not to say colonialism was unequivocally good, simply that having demanded an end to colonial rule, the former colonies cannot now hack it as modern democratic nations.

Hungary Prepares Military Deployment to Counter Migrants

< /a>

The determination of EU leaders led by Angela Merkel and Francoise Holland who, apparently oblivious to the chaose their determination to rewrite European law and abolosh all restrictions on illegal migrants from non - EU countries entering the EU without proper travel documents (passposts, visas etc.) in order, we can only assume, to create the pool of cheap labour that would destroy the living standards of european citizens but would suit the politicians' corporate overlords very well, was bound to end in chaos and violence.

We reported the chaos going on in Hungary as swarms of illegals cross the southern border, having tavelled through the balkans, and demand food, shelter and transport to Germany.

Now the Hungarian response to German, French and EU inaction is getting quite serious.

from Breitbart London

Hungary is preparing legislation that will enable it to deploy its army and para-military police on the country’s southern border with Serbia.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban made the announcement today as he detailed a package of measures he said protected both his nation and Europe’s collective Christian culture from being threatened “perhaps not by war, but by being overwhelmed”.

Mr Orban, speaking to a gathering of Hungarian diplomats in the capital Budapest, said he hoped this controversial move would succeed in “hermetically sealing” the border, with people crossing at official points only. He also questioned whether the flood of people now seeking sanctuary in Europe should be seen as immigrants, not as refugees, because they are seeking a “German life” and refuse asylum in the first EU country they reach.

“If they want to continue on from Hungary, it’s not because they are in danger, it’s because they want something else,” the prime minister said, adding that the migrants’ target was Germany and “a German life”, not physical safety.

Only last week Hungarian leader Viktor Orban warned that if nothing was done to close EU borders to outsiders, as many as twenty million economic migrants (not refugees from war or poverty) were waiting to invade Europe.

At the same time as supporting Orban's stand however, we must not let him go it alone against the mighty Brussels EUnazi Wehrmacht. We must all raise our voices in protest at the way nothing is being done to stem the flow of illegals as source by going after the criminal gangs in Africa and the Middle East who are making millions from the people trafficking racket.

Hungary Seals Borders As Migrant Flow Increases

The illegal immigrant crisis seems to be coming to a head; in Germany there is civil urest in areas where Volksfuhrer Haulsfrau Merkel has shoehorned large numbers of hostile Muslims into areas with high unemployment. In Britain Prime Minister Cameron faces a rebellion from members of his own party. In France, Sweden and Italy anti - immigration parties are ahead in opinion polls, but it is Hungary and Slovakia that lead the resistance to the EUronazis genocide of white Europeans project.

Hungary’s prime minister yesterday (12 September, 2015) accused illegal migrants of "rebelling" against the rule of law in Hungary as security forces across Europe struggled to control record flows of refugees demanding what they had been promised by the crooks who sold them a 'migration package' or read of in adverts placed by extremist left wing organisations intent on destroying European civilization.

The United Nations called for the creation of large-scale refugee camps in frontline states such as Hungary and Greece, and one U.N. agency warned that millions more refugees could arrive in Europe if Syria’s civil war continues to rage. The problem is less well off counties neither want nor have the resources to cope with an influx of professional beggars, thieves, terrorists, murderers and rapists (just look at how the crime statistics for Sweden have made a vertical take off since their open doors immigration policy was adopted.)

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said his country, which expects to take in 800,000 asylum seekers this year alone, had finite resources and urged other European countries to share the burden. He said Germany expected another 40,000 migrants this weekend. Politicians from the left and right are now accusing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government of losing control of the refugee situation.

Citing security concerns, Austria had to restrict traffic on a highway linking Vienna and Hungary on Friday. Some 8,000 people had crossed the border on Thursday and a further 4,500 arrived overnight, Austrian police said. The rail link to Hungary also remains shut due to “massive overburdening” by the migrants.

Hungary is racing to construct a fence along its border with Serbia by early October to help stem the tide. It also plans to implement much tougher immigration rules from next week.

Hungary Seals Borders As Migrant Flow Increases

Hungarian Government Minister Slams Down German Call To Show 'Humanity' To Illegals

A senior member of the Hungarian government accused a German Foreign Affairs minister of having lost his grip on reality after the German insisted that in order to stop further atrocities like the one in Paris, more open borders and less restrictions on movement were needed.German Federal Foreign Office minister of state Michael Roth yesterday insisted the Paris attacks showed Europe should move to integrate more fully ...
Hungarian Government Minister Slams Down German Call To Show 'Humanity' To Illegals

Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015)">MORE IMMIGRATION CRISIS OMNIBUS POSTS

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