The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

MK Ultra Mind Control Program Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien: Interview

In a fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt talks to Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien, an alleged victim of the notorious but well documented MK Ultra experiments in mind control carried out by the CIA for the US government and author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy’s groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.

Cathy’s fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford.

Through systematic torture and well documented trauma-based mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do shocking acts as a sex slave and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. During this period she interfaced with high-level political figures including Hillary and Bill Clinton, former President George Bush Sr. and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Breaking free of her mind control programming and Dissociative Identity Disorder with the help of intelligence insider Mark Phillips over the course of a decade, Cathy exposed the insidious world of criminal covert operations happening inside Black Budget operations connected with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, including human trafficking and extensive drug running programs.

Deep State efforts to suppress her testimony culminated in the National Security Act being invoked to silence her and continue right up to the present. Nonetheless Cathy’s latest venture was to create a new workbook, PTSD: Time to Heal

Watch the video below:

As with all such revelatory writing / journalism we should approach the content with a degree of scepticism, while what went on in the MK Ultra program and other shameful episodes such as The Milgram Experiments are very believable given what we know of how governments and powerful organisations around the world have operated in the decades since World War 2, and of how quickly and easily 'scientists' will abandon all pretence of ethics and morality when thold that whatever horrors they are involved in are being committed in the cause of 'advancing science', there is never likely to be any collaborative evidence for individual accounts of what happened.

Read, listen, investigate further and remember, it is everybody's task to hold authority to account. THEY CAN'T PUT US ALL IN PRISON.

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