McGovern said that when President Obama wanted an investigation into the possible hacking, he was doing so at the behest of the director of the CIA, John Brennan. McGovern also said the email leak was probably done by a disgruntled DNC staffer who was upset by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ treatment by Democrats and President-Elect Trump should not focus on the intelligence briefings of the CIA since its director only wants to bring him down.
Hear McGovern talking to Fox News radio
Clinton Kill List To Determine Who Will Be US 2020 Presidential Candidate?
And then, in accordance with Murphy’s law, which states just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do, Hillary Clinton has emerged, having found what she obviously thinks is a sure – fire route to the presidency, to offer her services as vice presidential candidate to whoever wins the nomination. And just to show how far The Democrats are removed from reality, many leading figures in the party and the left leaning media think it’s a good idea.
FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!
American's are have the right of free speech, so long as they don't criticise Obama.
Clintons Threatened Attorney General's Life
The FBI's Decision Could Help Trump
Senator Admits The FBI Is "About To Ask Putin For His Copies Of Hillary's Emails"
US Media Bias Revealed As Political Fact Checkers Caught Covering Hillary Clinton Crimes
Sanders Supporters Vindicated: Proof DNC Used Media to Rig Election for Hillary
Assange Says Wikileaks will publish Ć¢€˜enough evidenceĆ¢€™ to indict Hillary Clinton.
FBI Begins Leaking Damaging Evidence Of Hillary's Treason As Obama and DoJ Block Indictment
Can this woman possibly be a fit and proper person to serve as President Of The USA
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