The fence built along Hungary's southern border to stop illegal immigrants entering the country en route from Greece and Turkey top Germany. It is worth noting that international law provides for refugees t seek refuge in the closest safe nation to the one they are fleeing. The moment they start trying to choose a destination they become economic migrants (Image Source)
Europe's problematic 'borderless' Schengen Area looks to be on the brink of total collapse because a furious government in Hungary has launched a rebellion against open borders. The country's prime minister Viktor Orban has totally rejected the mandatory migrant quotas the European Union bureaucracy in Brussels wants to impose on all member states.
Orban is currently touring Europe’s capital cities, rallying support for a new plan for passport free travel with greater protection for individual states, dubbed "Schengen 2.0." It is thought the plan will involve reverting to the original borderless travel plan which enabled citizens of EU nations to move freely between member states but required non EU trsvellers to show passports and where appropriate, visas.
Currently, EU countries are forced to comply with orders from Brussels to offer no obstruction to any cross border by movement within the EU even it is involves travellers who have arrived illegally in EU nations, and to accept and settle a specified number of economic migrants whom the bureaucrats insists are refugees even though they are obviously not fleeing from combat zones. Orban has described these quotas as "wrong-headed" and is now leading a group of other countries determined to re-take control of their borders.
He said during a speech in the Lisbon leg of his trip: "We must protect the borders.The EU cannot create a system in which it lets in migrants and then prescribes mandatory resettlement quotas for every member state."
Orban also promised a referendum in Hungary on whether the country should accept these orders, warning that some of the settled migrants were unlikely to integrate, leading to social friction. He said: "If we do not stop Brussels with a referendum, they will indeed impose on us masses of people, with whom we do not wish to live together."
Other countries may follow suit in opposing these plans and hold their own referendums, taking the power from Brussels and putting it back in the hands of their residents. Only two weks ago in a plebiscite in The Netherlands, Dutch voters threw out a proposal to fast track the accession of Ukraine to full EU mermbership. War torn Ukraine does not mmet any of the democratic, economic or social citeria for EU membership so the attempt by Brussels to recruit the country to the community can only be a calculated provocation to Russia.
Slovakia and the Czech Republic have both threatened to take legal action against the EU’s orders to take in migrants. Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said on Sunday: “I expect the line of opposition will be wider. Let us talk about legal action against the proposal when it is necessary.”
The action plan, which will be shared with the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland as well as the prime ministers of several other unspecified countries, is just the latest nail in the Schengen coffin. Other countries may follow suit in opposing these plans and hold their own referendums, taking the power from Brussels and putting it back in the hands of their residents.
Slovakia and the Czech Republic have both threatened to take legal action against the EU’s orders to take in migrants. Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said on Sunday: "I expect the line of opposition will be wider. Let us talk about legal action against the proposal when it is necessary."
The stubborn, arrogant stupidity of the unelected bureucrats who run the EU is being very clearly illustrated here. They are trying to usurp the sovereign powers of democratically elected governments on an issue which has caused a massive surge of anti EU sentiment in public opinion thrughout the Union. Their dictatorial attitude can only serve to harden anti EU feelings and swell support for anti EU parties such as France's Front National, UKIP in britain and Germany's Alternatif Fur Deutschland.
Help! Immigrants have taken over our town, pleads German Mayor
The mayor of ski resort Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in Bravaria, has sent a plea for help to the regional government begging for help in tackling the problem of crime among refugees. Police officers say "blacks are in charge of the town." The letter, intended to serve as a warning to authorities in Germany's immigrant hot spots, has been sent by Mayor Sigrid Meierhofer on Sunday, according to Merkur newspaper
European Parliament President Says ‘Vast Majority Of Europeans Do Not Want Borders’
The Europhile German Social Democratic Party (SPD) politician stated that if the populist, anti-mass migration Norbert Hofer becomes president "this will change Europe’s character". Last month Hofer came top in the first round of the Austrian elections, and in two weeks voters will go to the polls for the second round, to choose between the right wing FPO figure and his Green rival Alexander Van der Bellen as the nation’s next head of state.
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