Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk
Boggart Blog
Swivel on this, says Donal Tusk as David Cameron presents his demands (Image source)
David Cameron’s hopes of winning serious concessions on sovereignty, border controls, contributions, trade agreements, human rights and labour laws so he could claim to have won a better deal for Britain by the time the in / out referendum starts next year European Union suffered an early blow when European Council President Donald Tusk warned that reaching a deal would be “very tough”.
The ~UK Prime Minister has set his sights on securing an agreement on EU reforms within the next few weeks, after the 'OUT' campaign established a clear lead in polls as Europe's immigrant crisis worsened and the financial chaos in Greece erupted into news headlines again. Avid European integrationist Cameron had hoped a parcel of largely cosmetic reforms designed to allay voters fears that the Conservative government would lead us towards becoming a province in a federal Europe, could be signed off by leaders at the next EU summit in Brussels, on 17-18 December. However, Mr Tusk, one of the EU's three presidents (you didn't think a bureaucratic dictatorship could get by with just one president did you?) chairs the summits, and immediately poured cold water on the idea. “I have to say that it will be really difficult to find an agreement,” Mr Tusk said, adding that the process of negotiating with London "is a very, very tough game,” and that there was “no guarantee" of a deal in December.
The news will boost those campaigning for the UK to leave the EU, although as more of the twenty eight member states defy Brussels diktat and reintroduce border controls to stem the tide of illegal immigrants swamping their countries, the future of the Union is looking less and less assured every day.
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The Social Explosion That EU Control Freakery Made Inevitable Begins In Greece
by Phil T. Looker, 12 November 2015

Anti Austerity protesters in greece today (Source:
Zero Hedge)
One thing was inevitable when left wing populist Alexis Tsipras sold out the Greek referendum "no" vote on accepting further austerity imposed by the EU by caving to EU threats back in the summer after, in his own words, "a weekend of mental waterboarding" in Brussels; the public’s perception of the once "revolutionary" leader would never be the same.
That is of course what Berlin, Brussels, the IMF wanted and the rest of the New World Order intended. By convincing the voters there is no other way than theirs, they impose the "pensée unique", the intellectual dogma of cultural Marxism.
By pressuring the Greek banking sector and bringing the country close to financial ruin, the troika (EU, ECB, IMF) showed it was prepared to "punish" recalcitrant politicians who refuse to conform to the Brussels diktat and instead pursue anti-austerity policies. On the one hand, countries have an obligation to pay back what they owe, but on the other, the damage done to more fragile economies by membership of the single currency system, The Euro, and subversion of the democratic process by using debt relief to effect regime change is a woorying phenomenon and we expect we’ll see it again with regard to the newly triumphant Socialists in Portugal, who having already been blocked from taking power after their election victory by a pro-Brussels President prepared to ignore consitutional limitations on his powers.
The socialist coalition quickly voted down the integrationist, conservative government the President appointed and are now trying again to form a government that will defy the Euronazis of Brussels.
After resigning and calling an election, then facing down a month of infighting within Syriza, Tsipras managed to pull the party together and win an election but he’s no longer the messiah (he's a very naughty boy) and is viewed with deep suspicion by voters.
Today (12 November, 2015), we get the first look at the social upheaval that has been threatening to erupt as the EU fails to deal with its twin crises, the collapse of the Euro and wave of illegal immigrants bouncing aound Europe as politically correct buy misguided politically correct, 'open doors' immigration policies have brought social breakdown to European cities. Greek voters who once hailed Tsipras and Syriza as their saviours against the bureaucratic tyranny of the EU are staging massive protests and walkouts. Bloomberg reports it thus:
As Greek workers took to the streets in protest on Thursday, Alexis Tsipras was for the first time on the other side of the divide. Unions -- a key support base for the prime minister’s Syriza party -- chanted in rallies held in Athens the same slogans Tsipras once used against opponents. Doctors and pharmacists joined port workers, civil servants and Athens metro staff in Greece’s first general strike since he took office in January, bringing the country to a standstill for 24 hours.
Greece’s biggest unions, ADEDY and GSEE, are holding marches accusing Tsipras of bowing to creditors and imposing measures that “perpetuate the dark ages for workers,” as the country’s statistical agency released data showing that 1.18 million Greeks, or 24.6 percent of the workforce, remained unemployed in August.
The former firebrand opponent of bailouts was catapulted to power this year on a promise to end austerity, only to capitulate to creditors’ demands after the freezing of aid from the euro area brought the country’s financial system to the brink of collapse, forcing Tsipras to impose capital controls.
Even more belt-tightening will be required before Europe’s most indebted state gains access to additional emergency loans to cover its budget needs next year, and creditors agree to ease its debt burden. The GSEE union of private sector workers says those measures will bring “punitive austerity, poverty and impoverishment,” to a country where a quarter of the workforce is already without a job.
"There’s a risk of social explosion, as pension cuts and tax hikes loom,” said Sotiria Theodoropoulou, a senior researcher at the European Trade Union Institute in Brussels. “Last summer’s shock took a toll on many sectors, and it’s difficult to see where growth will come from."
Amusingly, Syriza supports the strikes against its own policies as
The Daily Telegraph reports):
Schools, hospitals, banks, museums, archaeological sites, pharmacies and public services will all be hit by the 24-hour walkout. Flights will also be disrupted, ferries stuck in ports and news broadcasts stopped as staff walk off the job.
"We are expecting a huge turnout,” Petros Constantinou, a prominent member of the anti-capitalist left group Antarsya told the Guardian. “This is a government under dual pressure from creditors above and the people below and our rage will be relentless. It will know no bounds."
"Syriza may now be trying to save its soul but it has gone back on all its promises,” said Kalomoiris, a life-long leftist who joined a rebel group, Popular Unity, formed by Syriza dissidents when Tsipras signed up to the bailout in July.
"In this country a graduate starts off in the public sector with a salary of €775 a month, or €9,300 a year, and we are being told that wages will be frozen for the next decade and that every tax imaginable will be increased. How will people make ends meet? It has got to the point where a social explosion is inevitable and it will come sooner rather than later."
If this turns out to be more than a spontaneous expression of frustration there follows a rash of massive protests that causes public (and private) services to go dark for days at a time (a situation that has become familar in recent years, the daughter of a contact, who lives in Greece tells us, something will have to change politically and that, in turn, sets the stage for yet another showdown with the troika, with the extreme right wing Golden Dawn party being the main beneficiaries of the protest vote next time.
We assume the lesson here for the troika is that you may be able to subvert the will of the people some of the time by bullying democratically elected officials to choose between their election mandate and the financial destruction of a small nation that will inevitably lead to a humanitarian crisis, but you can't kick the voters in the teeth while telling them you are acting in their best interests all the time.
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Europe Should Expect 10 MILLION Migrants By 2020, Warn Merkel Allies
via Breitbart London, 12 November, 2015
Germany’s finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble, usually a close ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel, and a committed supporter of European Union bureaucratic dictatorship, has become the latest senior German politician to break ranks on the immigrant crisis that is driving the country towards civil unrest. Schauble warned today that an ‘avalanche’ of migrants has been triggered by the politically correct
'open doors' immigration policy adopted by Merkel, just as it was revealed by a government statistician that Germany should expect up to 10 million migrants by 2020.
According to the calculations of another member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ‘grand coalition’ of parties, the continent can expect nearly 10 times as many migrants as has been projected for this year alone over the next five years.The new forecast is quite conservative and expected”, said Heinz Buschkowsky, a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP), on whose calculations the prediction is based and who has written extensively on mass migration. Herr Buschkowsky predicts the number reaching Germany by 2020 including family reunifications will be between five and 10 million.
Germany had expected up to 1.5 million new arrivals this year alone. Numbers began rising sharply after Hausfrau - Volksfuhere Merkel promised to suspend the Dublin agreement in August, and “welcome” any migrant who could make it across the German borders.
“Avalanches can be triggered when some slightly careless skier goes to the slope and moves a little bit of snow,” warned Schäuble, one of the most experienced members of Chancellor Merkel’s government who has perviously supported the mass migration,
T-online reports.
This revelation followed news that the German government
has no idea how many migrants it has already taken in and begun to process.
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