The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Controlled Media Blacks out German Mass Opposition to Nonwhite Invasion

The corporate controlled mainstream media has very significantly blacked out the growing opposition in German society to the nonwhite invasion of Europe which has been encouraged by political and business elites. The latest outrageous example of this censorship being the huge anti - immigration rally that was held in Dresden on September 21, 2015.

anti - immigration protest in dresden, germany, september 2015

The protest, supported by thousands of working class Germans, men, women and children—accompanied by a smattering of other European nationalities, who all fear for their jobs and European culture and traditions, filled the city center, but news coverage of this possibly biggest ever public opposition to Angela Merkel’s treasonous policies was negligable outside Germany and reported in a very negative fashion by most of German media.

Germany's ruling political coalition has been severely weakened by the announcement from Christian Socialist Union (CSU) leader Horst Seehofer, who is first minister of the bravarian federal state, that he supports Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban whose government has closed Hungary's borders with non EU nations.

The CSU has been Angela Merkel’s main coalition partner for some time, and Seehofer’s split with her on such a contentious issue is a clear indicator of a potential crack in the German government's solidarity on the issue.

In an interview with the Ingolstadt Donaukurier, the CSU chief lambasted Merkel, saying “I would not have taken the decision to let the refugees from Hungary to enter Germany. That was a mistake that must not be repeated.”

"It is estimated that anywhere between five and ten thousand nonwhite invaders are arriving in Europe every day now, following Angela Merkel’s announcement." The number is calculated by adding those crossing from Turkey and those crossing over the Mediterranean. New Observer"


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Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel Confronts Facebook's Zuckerberg Over Policing Hate Posts
It has long been recognized that German chancellor Angela Merkel models her leadrship style on those og Hitler and Stalin. What is not so well know is that Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is collaborating with Merkel, Obama, Cameron and other leaders sympathetic to global fascism to introduce censorship of internet content. Avoid Facebook, Zuckerberg is a Jewish Nazi, how sick is that

Syrian Doctor Makes More Trafficking Migrants to Greece Than He Can Doctoring
A former doctor from Syria has described how he now makes £60,000 a month trafficking people from Turkey to Europe. He has warned European Union (EU) member states that the refugees will continue to come even if all the borders are shut, saying “They will dig tunnels if necessary.”

Hungary passes new laws allowing its army to use rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas on migrants, as EU holds emergency talks on Europe’s refugee crisis

‘Hungary has passed new drastic laws allowing its army use rubber bullets, stun grenades, tear gas and net guns on the thousands of desperate refugees hoping to pass through the country on their way to new lives in northern and western Europe.

Muslim Migrants Promised "Free Blonde Swedish Girls", Imam says Muslims Should Breed With Europeans to "Conquer Their Countries"

This content is so gobsmackingly evil, all we can say is if we hsad not spent hours authenticating it, we would not believe it. If after readin and watching this you still think uncomtrolled mass imigration from the Muslim nations of Africa and the middle east, you need to see a psychologist.

Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich

A story picked up by Pam Geller (always a reliable fact checker although some dislike her sensationist style of reporting) of Muslim migrats raping German women while migrant women are being forced into prostitution is not playing well with the femiists and left wing extremists who want us to believe the lie that these barbarians actually enrich our culture.

Germany shocked by scores of xenophobic attacks against migrants as citizens' anger boils over

NB: in parts of this article quoted from The Washington Post the spin is definitely pro-immigrant, anti-European. This does not reflect the attitude of The Daily Stirrer, while we oppose violence against migrants, we respect the fact that Germans (and Europeans in general have rights and just concerns too, and after years of seeing their own interests sidelined by a political elite that prioritizes the welfare of foreigners, the German people are getting mightily pissed off by leaders who think their country is best served by their kissing immigrants arses.

from: The Washington Post

By Anthony Faiola August 16

MEISSEN, Germany — In a gesture of German goodwill, the administration in this medieval city leased a newly renovated apartment building here to humanely — even comfortably — house dozens of desperate ­asylum-seekers. The newcomers from Syria and other war-
ravaged nations would enjoy freshly redone floors, cute balconies and shiny, modern appliances in a cheerful building near a timber-framed pub. Then Meissen’s goodwill went up in smoke.

On a cool night six weeks ago, suspected right-wing arsonists struck the building, scorching its interior and rendering it uninhabitable days before the ­asylum-seekers were to move in. The attack added Meissen, a gothic castle town of 30,000 on the Elbe River, to a string of German cities caught up in an escalating rash of violence against refugees.

The acts include an ugly spate of arson targeting refugee centers as well as physical attacks on refugees themselves, marking the return of what critics say is an unnerving brand of xenophobia to Western Europe’s most populous nation.

It is typical of the American media of course to support the destruction of Europe's history for the sake of sucking up to Africans, Muslims, and Romanians. Liberals in the USA have with their great experiment in multiculturalism, turned their society into a ghettoized third world cesspit, now the fuckwitted guilt addics want to drag the rest of the world down with them.

While the violence against migrants being seen all around Europe now should be deplored, those truly responsible are the political elite whose refusal to act to curb the epidemics of violence, crime and rape that inevitably accompany the arrival of an influx of uneducated rabble from parts of the world where women are chattels and vulnerable people are easy targets to places where women are free to walk around town unaccompanied and old peoples' rights to leave their homes are usually respected.

Why should we make allowances for black scum who can't control their urges when they see a woman who doesn't have a bag over her head. Go German citizens, show the elite they have shat on you once too often. Or better still you could try torching puiblic buildings and politicians offices and the premises of mainstream news organisations.

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