The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chinese 'Military Assets' En Route To Syria?

This could be a game changer ...

Image source: Zero Hedge

Earlier today Boggart Abroad reported that Vladimir Putin’s decision to go Russia's ally Syria with aircraft and ground troops in the fight against ISIS in Syria, in spite of US outrage at the move signals the beginning of the end of Washington’s regime change campaign to remove the Assad regime.

The Kremlin's announcement came alongside reports that Russia and Iran are united in their determination that Assad will not be replaced by a US puppet government in Damascus. Any Sunni extremists and CIA-trained “freedom fighters” intent on seizing control of Syria now have to face Russia and Iran as well as the Syrian army whose capabilities were completely underestimated by Washington.

The only thing that could make the bad situation the Obama administration has created in the middle east any worse would be for China to step up to the mark in solidarity with their allies Russia and Iran. Beijing has ben working hard this year to project the image of its growing power and influence in the world. That effort has included land reclamation in the South China Sea, a “rescue” operation in the Yemeni port of Aden, and a surprise appearance by the Chinese Navy off the coast of Alaska.

And now we learn from pro-Assad Al-Masdar news

The recent arrival of the Russian Marines and Air Force to the Syrian port-city of Tartous has generated a significant amount of interest around the world, as the possibility of Russia’s direct military intervention becomes the focal point of the war on ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham).

Should the Russians begin military operations in Syria, what role with the U.S. led “Anti-ISIS Coalition” play in combating the terrorist group? Will they coordinate with one another? Will they avoid one another?

Russia seems poised to take a similar approach to the U.S. led Coalition; however, they are not seeking the assistance of the neighboring Arab countries to combat the terrorist group.

Instead, the Russians appear to have a contingency that involves another world power that was absent from the U.S. led Anti-ISIS Coalition: China.

On Tuesday morning, a Chinese naval vessel reportedly traveled through Egypt’s Suez Canal to enter the Mediterranean Sea; its destination was not confirmed.

However, according to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) that is stationed inside the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, Chinese military personnel and aerial assets are scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks (6 weeks) to the port-city of Tartous – he could not provide anymore detail.

This development comes two years after China warned that regional war in Syria and Iraq could have negative implications for the global economy and 18 months after Beijing and Moscow, used their United Nations security council vetoes to block a resolution that would have permitted a US led coalition (the FUKUS axis again) to carry out a 'humanitarian bombing campaign in Syria.


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