The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Liberté, égalité, fraternité, inshallah?

If, as now looks certain, 'the empty suit' Emmanel Macron, the candidate with no partyu, no philosophy and no policies becomes President of France when the official announcement of the result is made, what will become of those French people who do not want Islamification to continue.

Apart from being a globalist, pro European integration, mass immigration supporting apparatchik of the banking cartel, who know what kind of France Marcon's government will deliver. Macron doesn't, that's for sure. That's if he is able to govern effectively at all.

French investor and political pundit Charles Gave, commented when asked what Macron's agenda would look like, said:
"Well, first, nobody knows. Because during the whole campaign, all these talks were on one hand, on the other. I'm in favor of apple pie, and motherhood, you see. Basically he has, to my knowledge, very little program. So he's running. That is what Hollande said. That he was going to make some fundamental changes without hurting people. And so Macron is a big, empty suit. That's what he is. You did the right curriculum vitae, he went to the right schools. And you have the feeling that the guy never had an original idea in his life. He was always a good student."

In other circles there is a strong feeling that Macron is a kind of golem created by Hollande, a globalist, federalist mini - me forged in the hope that at least a couple of socialist finfers would remain on the helm of the French state. They knew they were going to lose the election, and that a socialist candidate would suffer a heavy defeat so they created a sort of hologram candidate (we must not forget that before quitting to form his new centre left popular movement, Macron had a senior position in the socialist government under Hollande.

The idea, according to cynics - and there are a lot of cynics in France, was Macron would run for them and prevent the pro - EU, pro - Federalism party from losing power. It appears then that, the French political system has been taken over by the the Technocratic / Managerialist class. And this Technocratic class is presenting Macron as something new but in reality he represents business as usual except that the seat of power will be even more remote and detached from the working and middle classes. The pro - EU elite have been in power for 50 years, they have not survived that long without learning a thing or to about using propaganda to manipulate public opinion.

The biggest problem, barring terrorist outrages, that Macron will facecking in the French national assembly to enable him to get laws through. As stated above, he has no party, no base of support, and in the assembly elections, due in a few weeks, the socialist party where he might have expected to find most support, is likely to suffer heavy losses. The conservatives will not support him unless they dictate policy. In a sense Le Pen has really won the day because the worst case scenario for her, that she will have to tun again in the 2022 elections, is still achievable. As for the parliamentary elections, Le Pen could reasonably expect to have anywhere between 40 to 100 MP's if the results bear out polls as accurately as in the presidential vote, and thus could effectively ally with the conservatives to block most of Macron's likely measures.... which would be a total disaster for the ruling class."

In other words, assuming Macron triumphs os president elect tomorrow, the National Front isn't going anywhere. And its rising star Le Pen's niece Marion, has a distinct advantage over her astringent aunt:

Marion, is very young, 28; probably too young to be a candidate in 2022. She is already an MP in the French Parliament. She's extremely pretty, which will win the votes of French males, and she represents the family oriented values of the French Catholic Right, which is where most Republican and Socialist votes come from. 2022 is going to be interesting.

So London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Loves Integration And Tolerance Does He?
London Mayors links to terrorism and Islamic extremism exposed. When The Labour Party put up Sadiq Khan as their candidate for Mayor of London it was seen as a cynical ploy, it is well known that Labour voters will vote for a dog turd if it has a red rosette stuck on it, so obviously feeling confident enough to take around 40% of the vote for granted it was a politically smart move to pitch for the votes of London's large and growing Muslim population ...

France: Women In Paris Suburb Protest Over Sexual Harassment

Women in an eastern Parisian district, angry at the failure of the city authorities to act on complaints of sexual harassment have staged demonstrations and launched an online petition (which gathered 7,000 signatures in 24 hours,) over what they call a “male den” in their neighborhood, where women are routinely subjected to physical harassment and sexist taunts.

Support For EU / US Sanctions On Russia Declining In Central Europe

This is the kind of stuff we and sites like ours have to bring you because you will never see it in mainstream media or on broadcast news. Voices in the EU calling for lifting the anti-Russian sanctions are getting increasingly loud as the sanctions imposed by Brussels and the USA, continue to hurt the nations that imposed them more than they hurt Russia.

European sovereign debt crisis could cause Eurozone implosion – ex-BoE chief

Are government economists and mainstream media finally catching up with what The Daily Stirrer and Boggart Blog’s finance expert Phil T Looker has said since we started publishing? Former Bank of England chief Mervyn King has written an article warning that Eurozone debt problems pose a bigger threat to the EU than a British OUT vote in the referendum

Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism

Europe's new wave anti - semitism. Jewish people are fleeing france but not because of Front National or nationalism. The stupid, self righteous left alone must take credit for this outbreak of Jew hating.

Hungary speeds up fence building as criticisms of its 'no more migrants' policy mount

With the criticisms from Austrian and German leaders still echoing through the strets of Prague, likening their treatment of undocumented travellers who are trying to enter the country illegally to Nazi holocaust deportations, the Hungarians have been rushing to finish their razor-wire fence along ...

The Immigration Problem - and why the political elite don't want to talk about it

Muslim Hate Mob Attacks Danes For Eating Pizza With Ham

As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into hell

Landmark Report Explodes The Myth Of Economic Benefits From Mass Immigration

Numbers Of Illegal Migrants Arrested In Germany Continues To Grow

Mass Immigration Means Failing Hospitals, Schools And Overcrowded Cities

Europe's Open Door Policy Condemning Poor Africans To Death

Italy’s Northern League To Launch EU Referendum Campaign Next

European Genocide Through Mass Migration - A Long Term Agenda

Quitaly Begins: Italy referendum: ‘People don’t trust establishment, want big changes’

E U Exploits Human Misery To Advance Political Agenda

Immigration: The boat people

The immigrant and refugee tide

Immigration omnibus

Europe is not a promised land for immigrants from third world

Immigration crisis a Soros scam?
Index of posts on France

Hungarian Leader Says Soros-Funded Groups Are Making Money From The Immigration Crisis

While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations.

Mass Immigration Marginalises White Working Class Says Soros Think Tank

Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty

Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values

Euronazi superstate

EU President Schulz Shows contempt For Democracy

EU Faceless Dictators

Sacrificing The Future To Save The Euro

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