Not quite a Told You So for the Boggart team to brag about (you know how I hate saying "I told you so", but my friends at The Daily Stirrer did warn of what was coming in Ukraine and told you that the escalating conflict was being exacerbated by the meddling of foreign powers (namely the usual suspects, the FUKUS axis) in the domestic affairs of a nation so closely linked to Russia. Barack Hussein Obama might like to boast he is good at killing people but Vladimir Putin does not need to brag, he just quietly gets on with it.
While the lefties of the world are hugging themselves at the downfall of another democratically elected government, the situation in Ukraine is very dodgy. Once again the FUKUS axis have cobbled together a rabble of opposing factions from extremes of right and left who have little in common other than a hatred of Russia. If this coalition represented the majority in Ukraine the coalition just might work, but as roughly half the nation is pro Russia, what we have now is a recipe for the kind of bloodbath France, the UK and USA created in Syria by assuming anyone who opposed the dictator assad was a friend of liberal democracy and the left.
The human organ noshing antics of some Syrian rebels exploded that myth.
Read more on CIA - FUKUS axis Meddling in Ukraine Proved
The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The US Government's Dirty Little Secret: We Spent Your Gold
Some time ago we asked what the US Federal exchange had done with 300 tons of Germany's gold reserves that prevented it being returned to the Germans when they asked for it. Well we didn't stop at asking, we did some digging (not for gold but truth) and what we uncovered is worrying.
All central banks and big commercial banks keep reserves of gold in what they consider secure locations. Obviously they distribute their gold around different locations, the Federal Exchange (remember the Die Hard movie, I think it was 2 in the franchise, where some terrorists smash into the Fed and the good guys, Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson have to get the bullion back? Yeah.
Well it's nothing like that but there is a big, highly fortified and heavily guraded vault full of gold.
There's one at the bank of England too, Britain and the USA are considered safest from invasion.
So if The Fed is so safe, how come German's gold went walkabout?
Find out at
All central banks and big commercial banks keep reserves of gold in what they consider secure locations. Obviously they distribute their gold around different locations, the Federal Exchange (remember the Die Hard movie, I think it was 2 in the franchise, where some terrorists smash into the Fed and the good guys, Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson have to get the bullion back? Yeah.
Well it's nothing like that but there is a big, highly fortified and heavily guraded vault full of gold.
There's one at the bank of England too, Britain and the USA are considered safest from invasion.
So if The Fed is so safe, how come German's gold went walkabout?
Find out at
The US Government's Dirty Little Secret: We Spent Your Gold
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Don't Worry If You Are A Barm Pot, Insane Is The New Normal
Have you noticed more and more people seem to be mentally ill these days. It isn't that we are getting crazier (the world is going insane, we are no more mad than our ancestors were), but that the bar people must jump to be diagnosed bonkers is being set lower. Well of course it is, times are hard and the psychology business is feeling the pinch too. Ans shinks are used to living better than most of us.
A few months ago I reported how the new dignostic guide of the American Psychology Association contains so many new and marginal conditions that the slightest individualistic trait could lead to somebody being diagnosed as in need of help.
now I read that the shinkology industry have gone further, Insane is the new normal.
A few months ago I reported how the new dignostic guide of the American Psychology Association contains so many new and marginal conditions that the slightest individualistic trait could lead to somebody being diagnosed as in need of help.
now I read that the shinkology industry have gone further, Insane is the new normal.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Grand Theft Euro
When a report popped up on Reuters news feed about the banksters planning a heist that would relieve savers and depositors of their cash, market analysts at Zero Hedge thought the article, titled “EU executive sees personal savings used to plug long-term financing gap”, which leaked a proposal by the European Commission, was a hoax. As hours passed without a retraction appearing however, it became apparent that the story is true ...
My colleagues and I at the Daily stirrer have warned of such a scam since we started publishing in 2009. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the Krugmanomics exponent who was the architect of the financial cesspit the UK's Labour government left us when it was booted out of office, had paved the way by raiding our pension savings and the EU heist that relieved deposiors in cypris banks of a chunk of their money was a trial run for a Europe - wide smash and grab raid.
Read more on this at The Daily Stirrer
Grand Theft Euro
My colleagues and I at the Daily stirrer have warned of such a scam since we started publishing in 2009. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the Krugmanomics exponent who was the architect of the financial cesspit the UK's Labour government left us when it was booted out of office, had paved the way by raiding our pension savings and the EU heist that relieved deposiors in cypris banks of a chunk of their money was a trial run for a Europe - wide smash and grab raid.
Read more on this at The Daily Stirrer
Grand Theft Euro
Sunday, February 09, 2014
The Degree Factory: The Decline Of University Education
The decline of university education in parallel with dumbing down of the general population is contributing to the economic and social problems of the industriaised democracies. But why have standars been allowed to slip so far and can the trend in university education towards theraputic and politically correct courses be reversed?
The Daily Stirrer analyses trends in higher education from the politicisation of science to dumbing down the curriculum in state run schools. The dependence of Universities on government and corporate funding also stifles academic freedom so true original thinging is discouraged and unquestioning conformity rewarded.
All in all suffocating creativity under the twin shrouds of bureaucracy and politically correct thinking is a very unhealthy position for higher education to be in at a time when competitors in the developing world are forging ahead.
Read all
The Daily Stirrer analyses trends in higher education from the politicisation of science to dumbing down the curriculum in state run schools. The dependence of Universities on government and corporate funding also stifles academic freedom so true original thinging is discouraged and unquestioning conformity rewarded.
All in all suffocating creativity under the twin shrouds of bureaucracy and politically correct thinking is a very unhealthy position for higher education to be in at a time when competitors in the developing world are forging ahead.
Read all
The Degree Factory: The Decline Of University Education
Saturday, February 08, 2014
One Million Year Old Footprints Left By First Vacationers In Norfolk
Following the discovery of the first British holiday camp, a 700,000 year old campsite, a find which has rewritten history, last month we can now bring you news of an even more exciting discovery, the very first beach resort near Happisburgh in Norfolk.
Footprints in layers of sediment show where trippers wandered around aimlessly, looking for something to do. Nothing changes really.
Archaeologists studying the find say the adult prints were much deeper than they would expect from people of comparable size. This suggests the parents were well pissed off after a two week trek from Dagenham by Aurochs drawn sled with the kids whining "Are we nearly there yet" all the way.

Paleolithic footprints and a fossilised lens cap dropped by a primitive tourist. Source: Daily Telegraph
It is difficult to understand what drew the cave dwellers to Happisburg 900,000 years ago. There was no fish and chips, no bingo, pubs, candy floss, slot machine arcades, gift shops stocked with wall to wall tat or kiss me quick hats. Apparently the paleolithic humans would have found there was plenty of Rock to be had but not much else.
The discovery is likely to divide the world of paleo - archaeology. Already two camps are emerging, on one hand supporters of the "Weez aalz from Afreeekaaa" meme are claiming the find supports their theory that all modern humans are descended from one African woman, Mitochondrial Eve - the mother of mankind who lived between 200 and 700 thousand years ago (don't you love scientific precision) and is reputed to have had a womb like a Wizard's Sleeve.
The other group claims the find provides evidence for what they have suspected for some time, that modern human beings evolved from a family of Jeremy Kyle show guests who came from near Barnsley.
A third opinion, which is not at the moment being taken seriously has been put forward by a group of experts including Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Peaches Geldof, Kirstie Alley and John Travolta deny these are actually 900,000 year old footprints, rather stating that they were left a few days ago as part of a conspiracy to undermine the Church of Scientology.
BTW bearing in mind that John Travolta is actually allowed to fly a large plane when his mind is so warped will people stop suggesting whenever I say I no longer like flying that I could get my phobia cured with hypnotherapy. I do NOT have a phobia about flying, I have a phobia about some of the twats who are flying planes.
One science writer commented "The ancient footprints are believed to be around 900,000 years old and could transform scientists understanding of how early humans moved around the world."
Typical effing science head. If they left footprints then obviously they walked.
See more on this ...
Scientists Left Speechless As DNA Evidence Proves Existence Of The Nephilim (allegedly)
Transhumanism: Eugenics By Any Other Name Still Smells As Evil
Footprints in layers of sediment show where trippers wandered around aimlessly, looking for something to do. Nothing changes really.
Archaeologists studying the find say the adult prints were much deeper than they would expect from people of comparable size. This suggests the parents were well pissed off after a two week trek from Dagenham by Aurochs drawn sled with the kids whining "Are we nearly there yet" all the way.
Paleolithic footprints and a fossilised lens cap dropped by a primitive tourist. Source: Daily Telegraph
It is difficult to understand what drew the cave dwellers to Happisburg 900,000 years ago. There was no fish and chips, no bingo, pubs, candy floss, slot machine arcades, gift shops stocked with wall to wall tat or kiss me quick hats. Apparently the paleolithic humans would have found there was plenty of Rock to be had but not much else.
The discovery is likely to divide the world of paleo - archaeology. Already two camps are emerging, on one hand supporters of the "Weez aalz from Afreeekaaa" meme are claiming the find supports their theory that all modern humans are descended from one African woman, Mitochondrial Eve - the mother of mankind who lived between 200 and 700 thousand years ago (don't you love scientific precision) and is reputed to have had a womb like a Wizard's Sleeve.
The other group claims the find provides evidence for what they have suspected for some time, that modern human beings evolved from a family of Jeremy Kyle show guests who came from near Barnsley.
A third opinion, which is not at the moment being taken seriously has been put forward by a group of experts including Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Peaches Geldof, Kirstie Alley and John Travolta deny these are actually 900,000 year old footprints, rather stating that they were left a few days ago as part of a conspiracy to undermine the Church of Scientology.
BTW bearing in mind that John Travolta is actually allowed to fly a large plane when his mind is so warped will people stop suggesting whenever I say I no longer like flying that I could get my phobia cured with hypnotherapy. I do NOT have a phobia about flying, I have a phobia about some of the twats who are flying planes.
One science writer commented "The ancient footprints are believed to be around 900,000 years old and could transform scientists understanding of how early humans moved around the world."
Typical effing science head. If they left footprints then obviously they walked.
See more on this ...
Scientists Left Speechless As DNA Evidence Proves Existence Of The Nephilim (allegedly)
Transhumanism: Eugenics By Any Other Name Still Smells As Evil
Monday, February 03, 2014
The Floods, The Government, The Environment and The Bottomless Purse
The recent freak weather and floods caused by heavy rains have provoked a storm of criticism about the environment agency's inept response to the problems. More public spending called the left, but the proplem is too much public spending, science and too many experts. What needs to be done is simple and straightforwards, not scientific enough for the experts and not expensive enough for the contractors.
Learn how politics and academic pomposity get in the way of doing the things that need to be done to protect us from the freak weather. The power that be talk about spending $1 Trillion to save the planet from an imaginary threat (the climate has not warned significantly once the statistical frauds are eliminated) but will not spend £000s to strengthen the river banks.
Read all:
The Floods, The Government, The Environment and The Bottomless Purse
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